598 research outputs found

    Knime4Bio: a set of custom nodes for the interpretation of next-generation sequencing data with KNIME†

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    Summary: Analysing large amounts of data generated by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies is difficult for researchers or clinicians without computational skills. They are often compelled to delegate this task to computer biologists working with command line utilities. The availability of easy-to-use tools will become essential with the generalization of NGS in research and diagnosis. It will enable investigators to handle much more of the analysis. Here, we describe Knime4Bio, a set of custom nodes for the KNIME (The Konstanz Information Miner) interactive graphical workbench, for the interpretation of large biological datasets. We demonstrate that this tool can be utilized to quickly retrieve previously published scientific findings

    Receptor Density-Dependent Motility of Influenza Virus Particles on Surface Gradients

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    Influenza viruses can move across the surface of host cells while interacting with their glycocalyx. This motility may assist in finding or forming locations for cell entry and thereby promote cellular uptake. Because the binding to and cleavage of cell surface receptors forms the driving force for the process, the surface-bound motility of influenza is expected to be dependent on the receptor density. Surface gradients with gradually varying receptor densities are thus a valuable tool to study binding and motility processes of influenza and can function as a mimic for local receptor density variations at the glycocalyx that may steer the directionality of a virus particle in finding the proper site of uptake. We have tracked individual influenza virus particles moving over surfaces with receptor density gradients. We analyzed the extracted virus tracks first at a general level to verify neuraminidase activity and subsequently with increasing detail to quantify the receptor density-dependent behavior on the level of individual virus particles. While a directional bias was not observed, most likely due to limitations of the steepness of the surface gradient, the surface mobility and the probability of sticking were found to be significantly dependent on receptor density. A combination of high surface mobility and high dissociation probability of influenza was observed at low receptor densities, while the opposite occurred at higher receptor densities. These properties result in an effective mechanism for finding high-receptor density patches, which are believed to be a key feature of potential locations for cell entry

    Serum HMGB1 levels are independently associated with glucose clamp-derived measures of insulin resistance in women with PCOS

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    Purpose: PCOS is associated with low grade inflammation which could play a role in insulin resistance and ovarian dysfunction. Preliminary findings suggested that serum levels of HMGB1, a cytokine involved in inflammation, might be altered in women with PCOS. Primary aim of this study was to assess whether HMGB1 serum concentrations are associated with PCOS and with the state of insulin resistance of these women. Methods: Sixty women with PCOS, selected to have a similar proportion of subjects with altered or normal insulin sensitivity, and 29 healthy controls were studied. Serum HMGB1 levels were compared in subgroups of PCOS women and controls. In PCOS women, insulin sensitivity was assessed by the glucose clamp technique and HMGB1 was measured at baseline and after acute hyperinsulinemia. Results: HMGB1 levels were similar in women with PCOS and controls and no elements used for diagnosing PCOS were associated with serum HMGB1. However, HMGB1 concentrations were higher in insulin-resistant vs insulin-sensitive PCOS women (p = 0.017), and inversely associated with insulin-induced total and non-oxidative glucose metabolism. In both subgroups of PCOS women, serum HMBG1 levels significantly increased after acute hyperinsulinemia. Conclusions: These data suggest that HMGB1 levels are not associated with PCOS per se, but with insulin resistance. Further research should establish the underlying nature of this relationship, and whether this protein might play a role in the metabolic complications of PCOS

    Structure and expression of GSL1 and GSL2 genes encoding gibberellin stimulated-like proteins in diploid and highly heterozygous tetraploid potato reveals their highly conserved and essential status

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    Background: GSL1 and GSL2, Gibberellin Stimulated-Like proteins (also known as Snakin-1 and Snakin-2), are cysteine-rich peptides from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with antimicrobial properties. Similar peptides in other species have been implicated in diverse biological processes and are hypothesised to play a role in several aspects of plant development, plant responses to biotic or abiotic stress through their participation in hormone crosstalk, and redox homeostasis. To help resolve the biological roles of GSL1 and GSL2 peptides we have undertaken an in depth analysis of the structure and expression of these genes in potato. Results: We have characterised the full length genes for both GSL1 (chromosome 4) and GSL2 (chromosome 1) from diploid and tetraploid potato using the reference genome sequence of potato, coupled with further next generation sequencing of four highly heterozygous tetraploid cultivars. The frequency of SNPs in GSL1 and GSL2 were very low with only one SNP every 67 and 53 nucleotides in exon regions of GSL1 and GSL2, respectively. Analysis of comprehensive RNA-seq data substantiated the role of specific promoter motifs in transcriptional control of gene expression. Expression analysis based on the frequency of next generation sequence reads established that GSL2 was expressed at a higher level than GSL1 in 30 out of 32 tissue and treatment libraries. Furthermore, both the GSL1 and GSL2 genes exhibited constitutive expression that was not up regulated in response to biotic or abiotic stresses, hormone treatments or wounding. Potato transformation with antisense knock-down expression cassettes failed to recover viable plants. Conclusions: The potato GSL1 and GSL2 genes are very highly conserved suggesting they contribute to an important biological function. The known antimicrobial activity of the GSL proteins, coupled with the FPKM analysis from RNA-seq data, implies that both genes contribute to the constitutive defence barriers in potatoes. The lethality of antisense knock-down expression of GSL1 and GSL2, coupled with the rare incidence of SNPs in these genes, suggests an essential role for this gene family. These features are consistent with the GSL protein family playing a role in several aspects of plant development in addition to plant defence against biotic stresses. © 2014 Meiyalaghan et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Sex steroids in relation to sexual and skeletal maturation in obese male adolescents

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    Background: Childhood obesity is associated with an accelerated skeletal maturation. However, data concerning pubertal development and sex steroid levels in obese adolescents are scarce and contrasting. Objectives: To study sex steroids in relation to sexual and skeletal maturation and to serum prostate specific antigen (PSA), as a marker of androgen activity, in obese boys from early to late adolescence. Methods: Ninety obese boys (aged 10-19 y) at the start of a residential obesity treatment program and 90 age-matched controls were studied cross-sectionally. Pubertal status was assessed according to the Tanner method. Skeletal age was determined by an x-ray of the left hand. Morning concentrations of total testosterone (TT) and estradiol (E2) were measured by liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry, free T (FT) was measured by equilibrium dialysis, and LH, FSH, SHBG, and PSA were measured by immunoassays. Results: Genital staging was comparable between the obese and nonobese groups, whereas skeletal bone advancement (mean, 1 y) was present in early and midadolescence in the obese males. Although both median SHBG and TT concentrations were significantly (P < .001) lower in obese subjects during mid and late puberty, median FT, LH, FSH, and PSA levels were comparable to those of controls. In contrast, serum E2 concentrations were significantly (P < .001) higher in the obese group at all pubertal stages. Conclusion: Obese boys have lower circulating SHBG and TT, but similar FT concentrations during mid and late puberty in parallel with a normal pubertal progression and serum PSA levels. Our data indicate that in obese boys, serum FT concentration is a better marker of androgen activity than TT. On the other hand, skeletal maturation and E2 were increased from the beginning of puberty, suggesting a significant contribution of hyperestrogenemia in the advancement of skeletal maturation in obese boys

    Receptor Density-Dependent Motility of Influenza Virus Particles on Surface Gradients

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    Influenza viruses can move across the surface of host cells while interacting with their glycocalyx. This motility may assist in finding or forming locations for cell entry and thereby promote cellular uptake. Because the binding to and cleavage of cell surface receptors forms the driving force for the process, the surface-bound motility of influenza is expected to be dependent on the receptor density. Surface gradients with gradually varying receptor densities are thus a valuable tool to study binding and motility processes of influenza and can function as a mimic for local receptor density variations at the glycocalyx that may steer the directionality of a virus particle in finding the proper site of uptake. We have tracked individual influenza virus particles moving over surfaces with receptor density gradients. We analyzed the extracted virus tracks first at a general level to verify neuraminidase activity and subsequently with increasing detail to quantify the receptor density-dependent behavior on the level of individual virus particles. While a directional bias was not observed, most likely due to limitations of the steepness of the surface gradient, the surface mobility and the probability of sticking were found to be significantly dependent on receptor density. A combination of high surface mobility and high dissociation probability of influenza was observed at low receptor densities, while the opposite occurred at higher receptor densities. These properties result in an effective mechanism for finding high-receptor density patches, which are believed to be a key feature of potential locations for cell entry.</p

    Genomic analysis of the kiwifruit pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. actnidiae provides insight into the origins of an emergent plant disease

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    The origins of crop diseases are linked to domestication of plants. Most crops were domesticated centuries – even millennia – ago, thus limiting opportunity to understand the concomitant emergence of disease. Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) is an exception: domestication began in the 1930s with outbreaks of canker disease caused by P. syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) first recorded in the 1980s. Based on SNP analyses of two circularized and 34 draft genomes, we show that Psa is comprised of distinct clades exhibiting negligible within-clade diversity, consistent with disease arising by independent samplings from a source population. Three clades correspond to their geographical source of isolation; a fourth, encompassing the Psa-V lineage responsible for the 2008 outbreak, is now globally distributed. Psa has an overall clonal population structure, however, genomes carry a marked signature of within-pathovar recombination. SNP analysis of Psa-V reveals hundreds of polymorphisms; however, most reside within PPHGI-1-like conjugative elements whose evolution is unlinked to the core genome. Removal of SNPs due to recombination yields an uninformative (star-like) phylogeny consistent with diversification of Psa-V from a single clone within the last ten years. Growth assays provide evidence of cultivar specificity, with rapid systemic movement of Psa-V in Actinidia chinensis. Genomic comparisons show a dynamic genome with evidence of positive selection on type III effectors and other candidate virulence genes. Each clade has highly varied complements of accessory genes encoding effectors and toxins with evidence of gain and loss via multiple genetic routes. Genes with orthologs in vascular pathogens were found exclusively within Psa-V. Our analyses capture a pathogen in the early stages of emergence from a predicted source population associated with wild Actinidia species. In addition to candidate genes as targets for resistance breeding programs, our findings highlight the importance of the source population as a reservoir of new disease