689 research outputs found

    New EUV Fe IX emission line identifications from Hinode/EIS

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    Four Fe IX transitions in the wavelength range 188--198 A are identified for the first time in spectra from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board the Hinode satellite. In particular the emission line at 197.86 A is unblended and close to the peak of the EIS sensitivity curve, making it a valuable diagnostic of plasma at around 800,000 K - a critical temperature for studying the interface between the corona and transition region. Theoretical ratios amongst the four lines predicted from the CHIANTI database reveal weak sensitivity to density and temperature with observed values consistent with theory. The ratio of 197.86 relative to the 171.07 resonance line of Fe IX is found to be an excellent temperature diagnostic, independent of density, and the derived temperature in the analysed data set is log T=5.95, close to the predicted temperature of maximum ionization of Fe IX.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Resumption of mass accretion in RS Oph

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    The latest outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph occurred in 2006 February. Photometric data presented here show evidence of the resumption of optical flickering, indicating re-establishment of accretion by day 241 of the outburst. Magnitude variations of up to 0.32 mag in V band and 0.14 mag in B band on time-scales of 600–7000 s are detected. Over the two-week observational period, we also detect a 0.5 mag decline in the mean brightness, from V≈ 11.4 to 11.9, and record B≈ 12.9 mag. Limits on the mass accretion rate of [inline image] are calculated, which span the range of accretion rates modelled for direct wind accretion and Roche lobe overflow mechanisms. The current accretion rates make it difficult for thermonuclear runaway models to explain the observed recurrence interval, and this implies average accretion rates are typically higher than seen immediately post-outburst

    Probing the BLR in AGNs using time variability of associated absorption line

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    It is know that most of the clouds producing associated absorption in the spectra of AGNs and quasars do not completely cover the background source (continuum + broad emission line region, BLR). We note that the covering factor derived for the absorption is the fraction of photons occulted by the absorbing clouds, and is not necessarily the same as the fractional area covered. We show that the variability in absorption lines can be produced by the changes in the covering factor caused by the variation in the continuum and the finite light travel time across the BLR. We discuss how such a variability can be distinguished from the variability caused by other effects and how one can use the variability in the covering factor to probe the BLR.Comment: 12 pages, latex(aaspp4.sty), 2 figures, (To appear in ApJ

    Experiment K-6-01. Distribution and biochemistry of mineral and matrix in the femurs of rats

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    Previous analyses of the composition of mineral and matrix in the bone of young rats following space flight has revealed deficits in calcium, phosphorus, and osteocalcin, a non-collagenous protein, without an associated decrease in collagen. To characterize the location and nature of this mineralization defect in a weight bearing long bone, the femur, researchers attempted to relate the spatial distribution of mineral in situ in the proximal, central and distal thirds of the femoral diaphysis to the biochemical composition of bone from the same area. Biochemical analyses revealed lower concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and osteocalcin but not collagen only in the central third of the diaphysis of the flight animals (F) compared to synchronous controls (S). Collagen concentration was reduced only in the proximal third of the diaphysis, where all 3 crosslinks, expressed as nM/mol collagen were higher in F than S. A new technique, x ray microtomography, with a resolution of 26 microns, was used to obtain semi-quantitative data on mineral distribution in reconstructed sections of wet whole bone. To improve the resolution of the mineral density distribution, images of the surfaces of cut sections were analyzed by backscattered electrons in a scanning electron microscope (BSE). There was good agreement between the results of the two stereochemical techniques which revealed distinct patterns of mineralization in transverse and longitudinal directions of the diaphysis. The novel methodology developed for this flight experiment shows considerable promise in elucidating the biochemical nature of what appear to be regional alterations in the mineralization of long bones of animals exposed to spaceflight

    Suppression of mitochondrial respiration through recruitment of p160 myb binding protein to PGC-1α : modulation by p38 MAPK

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    The transcriptional coactivator PPAR gamma coactivator 1 α (PGC-1α) is a key regulator of metabolic processes such as mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration in muscle and gluconeogenesis in liver. Reduced levels of PGC-1α in humans have been associated with type II diabetes. PGC-1α contains a negative regulatory domain that attenuates its transcriptional activity. This negative regulation is removed by phosphorylation of PGC-1α by p38 MAPK, an important kinase downstream of cytokine signaling in muscle and β-adrenergic signaling in brown fat. We describe here the identification of p160 myb binding protein (p160MBP) as a repressor of PGC-1α. The binding and repression of PGC-1α by p160MBP is disrupted by p38 MAPK phosphorylation of PGC-1α. Adenoviral expression of p160MBP in myoblasts strongly reduces PGC-1α's ability to stimulate mitochondrial respiration and the expression of the genes of the electron transport system. This repression does not require removal of PGC-1α from chromatin, suggesting that p160MBP is or recruits a direct transcriptional suppressor. Overall, these data indicate that p160MBP is a powerful negative regulator of PGC-1α function and provide a molecular mechanism for the activation of PGC-1α by p38 MAPK. The discovery of p160MBP as a PGC-1α regulator has important implications for the understanding of energy balance and diabetes

    On the Unusual Depletions toward Sk 155, or What Are the Small Magellanic Cloud Dust Grains Made of?

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    The dust in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), an ideal analog of primordial galaxies at high redshifts, differs markedly from that in the Milky Way by exhibiting a steeply rising far-ultraviolet extinction curve, an absence of the 2175 Angstrom extinction feature, and a local minimum at ~12 micron in its infrared emission spectrum, suggesting the lack of ultrasmall carbonaceous grains (i.e. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules) which are ubiquitously seen in the Milky Way. While current models for the SMC dust all rely heavily on silicates, recent observations of the SMC sightline toward Sk 155 indicated that Si and Mg are essentially undepleted and the depletions of Fe range from mild to severe, suggesting that metallic grains and/or iron oxides, instead of silicates, may dominate the SMC dust. However, in this Letter we apply the Kramers-Kronig relation to demonstrate that neither metallic grains nor iron oxides are capable of accounting for the observed extinction; silicates remain as an important contributor to the extinction, consistent with current models for the SMC dust.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; The Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    Plasmablast and plasma cell production and distribution in trout immune tissues

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    These studies describe the in vitro and ex vivo generation of plasmablasts and plasma cells in trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) peripheral blood and splenic and anterior kidney tissues. Cells were derived either from naive trout and cultured with the polyclonal activator, Escherichia coli LPS, or from trout that had been immunized with trinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Hydroxyurea was used to resolve populations of replicating (plasmablast) and nonreplicating (plasma cell) Ab-secreting cells (ASC). Complete inhibition of Ig secretion was only observed within the PBL. Both anterior kidney and splenic lymphocytes possessed a subset of ASCs that were hydroxyurea resistant. Thus, in vitro production of plasma cells appears to be restricted to the latter two tissues, whereas peripheral blood is exclusively restricted to the production of plasmablasts. After immunization with trinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin, specific ASC could be isolated from all immune organs; however, the anterior kidney contained 98% of all ASC. Late in the response (\u3e 10 wk), anterior kidney ASC secreted specific Ab for at least 15 days in culture, indicating that they were long-lived plasma cells. Cells from spleen and peripheral blood lost all capacity to secrete specific Ab in the absence of Ag. Late in the Ab response, high serum titer levels are solely the result of Ig secretion from anterior kidney plasma cells

    CHIANTI - An atomic database for emission lines. XI. EUV emission lines of Fe VII, Fe VIII and Fe IX observed by Hinode/EIS

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    A detailed study of emission lines from Fe VII, Fe VIII and Fe IX observed by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board the Hinode satellite is presented. Spectra in the ranges 170-212 A and 246-292 A show strongly enhanced lines from the upper solar transition region (temperatures 5.4 <= log T <= 5.9) allowing a number of new line identifications to be made. Comparisons of Fe VII lines with predictions from a new atomic model reveal new plasma diagnostics, however there are a number of disagreements between theory and observation for emission line ratios insensitive to density and temperature, suggesting improved atomic data are required. Line ratios for Fe VIII also show discrepancies with theory, with the strong 185.21 and 186.60 lines under-estimated by 60-80 % compared to lines between 192 and 198 A. A newly-identified multiplet between 253.9 and 255.8 A offers excellent temperature diagnostic opportunities relative to the lines between 185-198 A, however the atomic model under-estimates the strength of these lines by factors 3-6. Two new line identifications are made for Fe IX at wavelengths 176.959 A and 177.594 A, while seven other lines between 186 and 200 A are suggested to be due to Fe IX but for which transition identifications can not be made. The new atomic data for Fe VII and Fe IX are demonstrated to significantly modify models for the response function of the TRACE 195 A imaging channel, affecting temperature determinations from this channel. The data will also affect the response functions for other solar EUV imaging instruments such as SOHO/EIT, STEREO/EUVI and the upcoming AIA instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory.Comment: 51 pages, submitted to Ap
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