12 research outputs found

    Reduced Wolf-Rayet Line Luminosities at Low Metallicity

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    New NTT/EMMI spectrophotometry of single WN2-5 stars in the Magellanic Clouds are presented, from which HeII 4686 line luminosities have been derived, and compared with observations of other Magellanic Cloud WR stars. SMC WN3-4 stars possess line luminosities which are a factor of 4 times lower than LMC counterparts, incorporating several binary SMC WN3-4 stars. Similar results are found for WN5-6 stars, despite reduced statistics, incorporating observations of single LMC WN5-9 stars. CIV 5808 line luminosities of carbon sequence WR stars in the SMC and IC1613 (both WO subtypes) are a factor of 3 lower than LMC WC stars from Mt Stromlo/DBS spectrophotometry, although similar results are also obtained for the sole LMC WO star. We demonstrate how reduced line luminosities at low metallicity follow naturally if WR winds are Z-dependent, as recent results suggest. We apply mass loss-Z scalings to atmospheric non-LTE models of Milky Way and LMC WR stars to predict the wind signatures of WR stars in the metal-poor star forming WR galaxy IZw18. WN HeII 4686 line luminosities are 7-20 times lower than in Z-rich counterparts of identical bolometric luminosity, whilst WC CIV 5808 line luminosities are 3-6 times lower. Significant He^+ Lyman continuum fluxes are predicted for Z-poor early-type WR stars. Consequently, our results suggest the need for larger population of WR stars in IZw18 than is presently assumed, particularly for WN stars, potentially posing a severe challenge to evolutionary models at very low Z. Finally, reduced wind strengths from WR stars at low Z impacts upon the immediate circumstellar environment of long duration GRB afterglows, particularly since the host galaxies of high-redshift GRBs tend to be Z-poor.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for A&A, revision fixes error with Eqn

    Magellanic Cloud WC/WO Wolf-Rayet stars : II. Colliding winds in binaries

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    A search for evidence of colliding winds is undertaken among the four certain Magellanic Cloud WC/WO spectroscopic binaries found in the companion Paper I, as well as among two Galactic WC/WO binaries of very similar subtype. Two methods of analysis, which allow the determination of orbital inclination and parameters relating to the shock cone from spectroscopic studies of colliding winds, are attempted. In the first method, Lührs’ spectroscopic model is fitted to the moderately strong C iii 5696-Å excess line emission arising in the shock cone for the stars Br22 and WR 9. The four other systems show only very weak C iii 5696-Å emission. Lührs’ model follows well the mean displacement of the line in velocity space, but is unable to reproduce details in the line profile and fails to give a reliable estimate of the orbital inclination. In the second method, an alternative attempt is also made to fit the variation of more global quantities, full width at half-maximum and radial velocity of the excess emission, with phase. This method also gives satisfactory results in a qualitative way, but shows numerical degeneracy with orbital inclination. Colliding wind effects on the very strong C iv 5808-Å Wolf–Rayet emission line, present in all six binaries, are also found to behave qualitatively as expected. After allowing for line enhancement in colliding wind binaries, it now appears that all Magellanic Cloud WC/WO stars occupy a very narrow range in spectral subclass: WC4/WO3.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Magellanic Cloud WC/WO Wolf-Rayet stars : I. Binary frequency and Roche lobe overflow formation

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    A nearly complete sample of 24 Magellanic Cloud WC/WO subclass Wolf–Rayet stars is studied spectroscopically and photometrically to determine its binary frequency. Theory predicts the Roche lobe overflow produced Wolf–Rayet binary frequency to be 52±14 per cent in the Large Magellanic Cloud and 100 per cent in the Small Magellanic Cloud, not counting non-Roche lobe overflow Wolf–Rayet binaries. Lower ambient metallicity (Z) leads to lower opacity, preventing all but the most massive (hence luminous) single stars from reaching the Wolf–Rayet stage. However, theory predicts that Roche lobe overflow even in binaries of modest mass will lead to Wolf–Rayet stars in binaries with periods below approximately 200 d, for initial periods below approximately 1000 d, independent of Z. By examining their absolute continuum magnitudes, radial velocity variations, emission-line equivalent widths and full widths at half-maximum, a WC/WO binary frequency of only 13 per cent, significantly lower than the prediction, is found in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In the unlikely event that all of the cases with a less certain binary status actually turn out to be binary, current theory and observation would agree. (The Small Magellanic Cloud contains only one WC/WO star, which happens to be a binary.) The three WC+O binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud all have periods well below 1000 d. The large majority of WC/WO stars in such environments apparently can form without the aid of a binary companion. Current evolutionary scenarios appear to have difficulty explaining either the relatively large number of Wolf–Rayet stars in the Magellanic Clouds, or the formation of Wolf–Rayet stars in general.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Magellanic Cloud WC/WO Wolf-Rayet stars : II. Colliding winds in binaries

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    A search for evidence of colliding winds is undertaken among the four certain Magellanic Cloud WC/WO spectroscopic binaries found in the companion Paper I, as well as among two Galactic WC/WO binaries of very similar subtype. Two methods of analysis, which allow the determination of orbital inclination and parameters relating to the shock cone from spectroscopic studies of colliding winds, are attempted. In the first method, Lührs’ spectroscopic model is fitted to the moderately strong C iii 5696-Å excess line emission arising in the shock cone for the stars Br22 and WR 9. The four other systems show only very weak C iii 5696-Å emission. Lührs’ model follows well the mean displacement of the line in velocity space, but is unable to reproduce details in the line profile and fails to give a reliable estimate of the orbital inclination. In the second method, an alternative attempt is also made to fit the variation of more global quantities, full width at half-maximum and radial velocity of the excess emission, with phase. This method also gives satisfactory results in a qualitative way, but shows numerical degeneracy with orbital inclination. Colliding wind effects on the very strong C iv 5808-Å Wolf–Rayet emission line, present in all six binaries, are also found to behave qualitatively as expected. After allowing for line enhancement in colliding wind binaries, it now appears that all Magellanic Cloud WC/WO stars occupy a very narrow range in spectral subclass: WC4/WO3.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Magellanic Cloud WC/WO Wolf-Rayet stars : I. Binary frequency and Roche lobe overflow formation

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    A nearly complete sample of 24 Magellanic Cloud WC/WO subclass Wolf–Rayet stars is studied spectroscopically and photometrically to determine its binary frequency. Theory predicts the Roche lobe overflow produced Wolf–Rayet binary frequency to be 52±14 per cent in the Large Magellanic Cloud and 100 per cent in the Small Magellanic Cloud, not counting non-Roche lobe overflow Wolf–Rayet binaries. Lower ambient metallicity (Z) leads to lower opacity, preventing all but the most massive (hence luminous) single stars from reaching the Wolf–Rayet stage. However, theory predicts that Roche lobe overflow even in binaries of modest mass will lead to Wolf–Rayet stars in binaries with periods below approximately 200 d, for initial periods below approximately 1000 d, independent of Z. By examining their absolute continuum magnitudes, radial velocity variations, emission-line equivalent widths and full widths at half-maximum, a WC/WO binary frequency of only 13 per cent, significantly lower than the prediction, is found in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In the unlikely event that all of the cases with a less certain binary status actually turn out to be binary, current theory and observation would agree. (The Small Magellanic Cloud contains only one WC/WO star, which happens to be a binary.) The three WC+O binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud all have periods well below 1000 d. The large majority of WC/WO stars in such environments apparently can form without the aid of a binary companion. Current evolutionary scenarios appear to have difficulty explaining either the relatively large number of Wolf–Rayet stars in the Magellanic Clouds, or the formation of Wolf–Rayet stars in general.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Magellanic Cloud WC/WO Wolf-Rayet stars : I. Binary frequency and Roche lobe overflow formation

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    A nearly complete sample of 24 Magellanic Cloud WC/WO subclass Wolf–Rayet stars is studied spectroscopically and photometrically to determine its binary frequency. Theory predicts the Roche lobe overflow produced Wolf–Rayet binary frequency to be 52±14 per cent in the Large Magellanic Cloud and 100 per cent in the Small Magellanic Cloud, not counting non-Roche lobe overflow Wolf–Rayet binaries. Lower ambient metallicity (Z) leads to lower opacity, preventing all but the most massive (hence luminous) single stars from reaching the Wolf–Rayet stage. However, theory predicts that Roche lobe overflow even in binaries of modest mass will lead to Wolf–Rayet stars in binaries with periods below approximately 200 d, for initial periods below approximately 1000 d, independent of Z. By examining their absolute continuum magnitudes, radial velocity variations, emission-line equivalent widths and full widths at half-maximum, a WC/WO binary frequency of only 13 per cent, significantly lower than the prediction, is found in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In the unlikely event that all of the cases with a less certain binary status actually turn out to be binary, current theory and observation would agree. (The Small Magellanic Cloud contains only one WC/WO star, which happens to be a binary.) The three WC+O binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud all have periods well below 1000 d. The large majority of WC/WO stars in such environments apparently can form without the aid of a binary companion. Current evolutionary scenarios appear to have difficulty explaining either the relatively large number of Wolf–Rayet stars in the Magellanic Clouds, or the formation of Wolf–Rayet stars in general.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Spectroscopy of the archetype colliding-wind binary WR 140 during the 2009 January periastron passage

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    peer reviewedWe present the results from the spectroscopic monitoring of WR 140 (WC7pd + O5.5fc) during its latest periastron passage in 2009 January. The observational campaign consisted of a constructive collaboration between amateur and professional astronomers. It took place at six locations, including Teide Observatory, Observatoire de Haute Provence, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory and Observatoire du Mont MĂ©gantic. WR 140 is known as the archetype of colliding-wind binaries and it has a relatively long period (?8 yr) and high eccentricity (?0.9). We provide updated values for the orbital parameters, new estimates for the WR and O star masses and new constraints on the mass-loss rates and colliding-wind geometry