1,696 research outputs found

    Generation and reduction of the data for the Ulysses gravitational wave experiment

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    A procedure for the generation and reduction of the radiometric data known as REGRES is described. The software is implemented on a HP-1000F computer and was tested on REGRES data relative to the Voyager I spacecraft. The REGRES data are a current output of NASA's Orbit Determination Program. The software package was developed in view of the data analysis of the gravitational wave experiment planned for the European spacecraft Ulysses

    Mineral Recognition and Liberation Degree Measurements in Industrial Ore Processing

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    This study aims at identifying calculation procedures and representation methods for identifying the mineral species present in a rock. The goal of the study is to identify: the characteristic spectrum for each mineral species identified in the ore; the main shape of the individual species; the preferential arrangement of the individual mineral species; the grain-size distribution of the individual mineral species and of the grains resulting from comminution processes; the degree of liberation for each mineral; and the degree of liberation of the comminution products obtained from the ores

    Characterization of Oxidized Zinc (Calamine) Ores by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Microprobe Analysis

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    Textural and structural features of Sardinian oxidized zinc (calamine) ores have been established by scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis, the elements analyzed being Zn, Pb, Ca and Fe. The surface composition of grains produced by comminution has also been determined, especially with reference to the presence of smithsonite and cerussite. The methodological approach adopted has revealed intimate intergrowth of the mineral species present and contamination of the main mineral by inclusions of other species, which explains why it is so difficult to obtain good recoveries and high-quality concentrates by beneficiation processes

    First test of a BAE transducing scheme on a Resonant Gravitational-Wave Antenna

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    We present the results obtained with a resonant capacitive transducer, suitable for Back Action Evasion (BAE) measurements, coupled for the first time to a gravitational-wave antenna. This scheme was developed in collaboration with the Group of the University of Rome La Sapienza. The antenna is a 270 kg aluminum 5056 alloy cylinder, with a resonant frequency of 1805 Hz, operating at 4.2K in the ALTAIR cryostat, located in Frascati (Italy) at the IFSI-CNR laboratory. The apparatus was able to work continuously for periods as long as days, both in up-conversion and BAE configurations, with good stability. The behaviour of the system is in reasonable Agreement with a proposed model of a double harmonic oscillator in a BAE readout scheme. The limits on the sensitivity of this set-up are discussed as well as the possible future improvements

    Enhanced pre-frontal functional-structural networks to support postural control deficits after traumatic brain injury in a pediatric population

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects the structural connectivity, triggering the re-organization of structural-functional circuits in a manner that remains poorly understood. We focus here on brain networks re-organization in relation to postural control deficits after TBI. We enrolled young participants who had suffered moderate to severeTBI, comparing them to young typically developing control participants. In comparison to control participants, TBI patients (but not controls) recruited prefrontal regions to interact with two separated networks: 1) a subcortical network including part of the motor network, basal ganglia, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, posterior cingulum and precuneus; and 2) a task-positive network, involving regions of the dorsal attention system together with the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal regions

    Minimally invasive rehabilitation of a severely atrophic and fully edentulous maxilla using 4-mm-ultrashort implants: A case report with 1-year follow-up

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    This case report describes an alternative minimally invasive treatment option using 4-mm-long ultrashort implants placed to rehabilitate a severely atrophic edentulous maxilla. The patient, coming from a full removable denture, asked for an implant prosthesis avoiding reconstructive surgeries and expensive procedures. Considering that the mean available bone was about 4.8 mm in height on Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans, 6 implants were placed where bone volumes were sufficient to receive 4-mm-ultrashort implants. Six months after implant placement an implant-supported bar-retained overdenture prosthesis was delivered. The healing process was uneventful and 1 year after loading the result appears clinically and radiographically stable and the patient is fully satisfied. The described approach, despite some prosthetic compromises, within all the limitations of this case report, might be applied in selected cases, reducing rehabilitative times, possible complications and costs. However, longer follow-ups on large number of patients coming from Randomised Controlled clinical Trials (RCTs) are necessary before making more reliable recommendations

    Successful private–public funding of paediatric medicines research: lessons from the EU programme to fund research into off-patent medicines

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    The European Paediatric Regulation mandated the European Commission to fund research on off-patent medicines with demonstrated therapeutic interest for children. Responding to this mandate, five FP7 project calls were launched and 20 projects were granted. This paper aims to detail the funded projects and their preliminary results. Publicly available sources have been consulted and a descriptive analysis has been performed. Twenty Research Consortia including 246 partners in 29 European and non-European countries were created (involving 129 universities or public funded research organisations, 51 private companies with 40 SMEs, 7 patient associations). The funded projects investigate 24 medicines, covering 10 therapeutic areas in all paediatric age groups. In response to the Paediatric Regulation and to apply for a Paediatric Use Marketing Authorisation, 15 Paediatric Investigation Plans have been granted by the EMAPaediatric Committee, including 71 studies of whom 29 paediatric clinical trials, leading to a total of 7,300 children to be recruited in more than 380 investigational centres. Conclusion: Notwithstanding the EU contribution for each study is lower than similar publicly funded projects, and also considering the complexity of paediatric research, these projects are performing high-quality research and are progressing towards the increase of new paediatric medicines on the market. Private–public partnerships have been effectively implemented, providing a good example for future collaborative actions. Since these projects cover a limited number of offpatent drugs and many unmet therapeutic needs in paediatrics remain, it is crucial foreseeing new similar initiatives in forthcoming European funding programmes

    Individual and sex-related differences in pain and relief responsiveness are associated with differences in resting-state functional networks in healthy volunteers

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    Pain processing is associated with neural activity in a number of widespread brain regions. Here, we investigated whether functional connectivity at rest between these brain regions is associated with individual and sex-related differences in thermal pain and relief responsiveness. Twenty healthy volunteers (ten females) were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging in resting conditions. Half an hour after scanning, we administered thermal pain on the back of their right hand and collected pain and relief ratings in two separate runs of twelve stimuli each. Across the whole group, mean pain ratings were associated with decreased connectivity at rest between brain regions belonging to the default mode and the visual resting-state network. In men, pain measures correlated with increased connectivity within the visual resting-state network. In women, in contrast, decreased connectivity between this network and parietal and prefrontal brain regions implicated in affective cognitive control were associated with both pain and relief ratings. Our findings indicate that the well documented individual variability and sex differences in pain sensitivity may be explained, at least in part, by network dynamics at rest in these brain regions
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