64 research outputs found

    Fossil group origins XIII. A paradigm shift: fossil groups as isolated structures rather than relics of the ancient Universe

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    In this work we study the large-scale structure around a sample of non-fossil systems and compare the results with earlier findings for a sample of genuine fossil systems selected using their magnitude gap. We compute the distance from each system to the closest filament and intersection as obtained from a catalogue of galaxies in the redshift range 0.05z0.70.05 \le z \le 0.7. We then estimate the average distances and distributions of cumulative distances to filaments and intersections for different bins of magnitude gap. We find that the average distance to filaments is (3.0±0.8)(3.0\pm 0.8) R200R_{200} for fossil systems, whereas it is (1.1±0.1)R200(1.1\pm 0.1)\,R_{200} for non-fossil systems. Similarly, the average distance to intersections is larger in fossil than in non-fossil systems, with values of (16.3±3.2)(16.3\pm 3.2) and (8.9±1.1)R200(8.9\pm 1.1) \,R_{200}, respectively. Moreover, the cumulative distributions of distances to intersections are statistically different between fossil and non-fossil systems. Fossil systems selected using the magnitude gap appear to be, on average, more isolated from the cosmic web than non-fossil systems. No dependence is found on the magnitude gap (i.e. non-fossil systems behave in a similar manner independently of their magnitude gap and only fossils are found at larger average distances from the cosmic web). This result supports a formation scenario for fossil systems in which the lack of infalling galaxies from the cosmic web, due to their peculiar position, favours the building of the magnitude gap via the merging of all the massive satellites with the central galaxy. Comparison with numerical simulations suggests that fossil systems selected using the magnitude gap are not old fossils of the ancient Universe, but systems located in regions of the cosmic web not influenced by the presence of intersections.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure, accepted for publication in A&

    A newly identified galaxy group thanks to tidal streams of intragroup light

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    In the accretion-driven growth scenario, part of the intracluster light is formed in the group environment. We report the serendipitous discovery of a group of galaxies with signs of diffuse light in the foreground of the known galaxy cluster MACS J0329-0211 at z=0.45. Our investigation began with the detection of diffuse light streams around a pair of bright galaxies in the southeastern region of a Suprime-Cam image of the galaxy cluster MACS J0329-0211. Our analysis is based on the extended CLASH-VLT redshift catalog and on new spectroscopic data obtained ad hoc with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. We use the density reconstruction method to analyze the redshift distribution of the galaxies in the region around the galaxy pair. We also use available photometric and X-ray data to better characterize the properties of the group. Thanks to the large amount of redshift data collected in this region, we have been able to discover the existence of a group of galaxies, here called GrG J0330-0218, which is associated with the pair of galaxies. These are the two brightest group galaxies (BGG1 and BGG2). We extracted 41 group members from the redshift catalog and estimate a mean redshift z=0.1537 and a line-of-sight velocity dispersion sigmav=370 km/s. In the phase-space diagram, the distribution of the galaxies of GrG J0330-0218 follows the characteristic trumpet-shaped pattern, which is related to the escape velocity of galaxy clusters, suggesting that the group is a virialized structure. Under this assumption, the mass of the group is M200 about 6E13 Msun. We also measured a mass-to-light ratio of 130 Msun/Lsun and a luminosity fraction of diffuse light of about 20% within 0.5 R200. We conjecture that galaxy pairs that are surrounded by diffuse light, probably due to tidal interactions, can serve as signposts for groups.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics accepted, 13 pages, 10 figure

    The combined cartilage growth – calcification patterns in the wing-fins of Rajidae (Chondrichthyes): A divergent model from endochondral ossification of tetrapods

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    The relationship between cartilage growth – mineralization patterns were studied in adult Rajidae with X-ray morphology/morphometry, undecalcified resin-embedded, heat-deproteinated histology and scanning electron microscopy. Morphometry of the wing-fins, nine central rays of the youngest and oldest specimens documented a significant decrement of radials mean length between inner, middle and outer zones, but without a regular progression along the ray. This suggests that single radial length growth is regulated in such a way to align inter-radial joints parallel to the wing metapterygia curvature. Trans-illumination and heat-deproteination techniques showed polygonal and cylindrical morphotypes of tesserae, whose aligned pattern ranged from mono-columnar, bi-columnar, and multi-columnar up to the crustal-like layout. Histology of tessellated cartilage allowed to identify of zones of the incoming mineral deposition characterized by enhanced duplication rate of chondrocytes with the formation of isogenic groups, whose morphology and topography suggested a relationship with the impending formation of the radials calcified column. The morphotype and layout of radial tesserae were related to mechanical demands (stiffening) and the size/mass of the radial cartilage body. The cartilage calcification pattern of the batoids model shares several morphological features with tetrapods' endochondral ossification, that is, (chondrocytes' high duplication rate, alignment in rows, increased volume of chondrocyte lacunae), but without the typical geometry of the metaphyseal growth plates

    Synthesis of 2D anatase TiO<sub>2</sub> with highly reactive facets by fluorine-free topochemical conversion of 1T-TiS<sub>2</sub> nanosheets

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    Two-dimensional (2D) anatase titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) is expected to exhibit different properties as compared to anatase nanocrystallites, due to its highly reactive exposed facets. However, access to 2D anatase TiO(2) is limited by the non-layered nature of the bulk crystal, which does not allow use of top-down chemical exfoliation. Large efforts have been dedicated to the growth of 2D anatase TiO(2) with high reactive facets by bottom-up approaches, which relies on the use of harmful chemical reagents. Here, we demonstrate a novel fluorine-free strategy based on topochemical conversion of 2D 1T-TiS(2) for the production of single crystalline 2D anatase TiO(2), exposing the {001} facet on the top and bottom and {100} at the sides of the nanosheet. The exposure of these faces, with no additional defects or doping, gives rise to a significant activity enhancement in the hydrogen evolution reaction, as compared to commercially available Degussa P25 TiO(2) nanoparticles. Because of the strong potential of TiO(2) in many energy-based applications, our topochemical approach offers a low cost, green and mass scalable route for production of highly crystalline anatase TiO(2) with well controlled and highly reactive exposed facets

    The dynamical state of bars in cluster dwarf galaxies: The cases of NGC 4483 and NGC 4516

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    Dwarf barred galaxies are the perfect candidates for hosting slowly-rotating bars. They are common in dense environments and they have a relatively shallow potential well, making them prone to heating by interactions. When an interaction induces bar formation, the bar should rotate slowly. They reside in massive and centrally-concentrated dark matter halos, which slow down the bar rotation through dynamical friction. While predictions suggest that slow bars should be common, measurements of bar pattern speed, using the Tremaine-Weinberg method, show that bars are mostly fast in the local Universe. We present a photometric and kinematic characterisation of bars hosted by two dwarf galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, NGC 4483 and NGC 4516. We derive the bar length and strength using the Next Generation Virgo Survey imaging and the circular velocity, bar pattern speed, and rotation rate using spectroscopy from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer. Including the previously studied galaxy IC 3167, we compare the bar properties of the three dwarf galaxies with those of their massive counterparts from literature. Bars in the dwarf galaxies are shorter and weaker, and rotate slightly slower with respect to those in massive galaxies. This could be due to a different bar formation mechanism and/or to a large dark matter fraction in the centre of dwarf galaxies. We show that it is possible to push the application of the Tremaine-Weinberg method to the galaxy low mass regime

    Applications of yeast flocculation in biotechnological processes

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    A review on the main aspects associated with yeast flocculation and its application in biotechnological processes is presented. This subject is addressed following three main aspects – the basics of yeast flocculation, the development of “new” flocculating yeast strains and bioreactor development. In what concerns the basics of yeast flocculation, the state of the art on the most relevant aspects of mechanism, physiology and genetics of yeast flocculation is reported. The construction of flocculating yeast strains includes not only the recombinant constitutive flocculent brewer’s yeast, but also recombinant flocculent yeast for lactose metabolisation and ethanol production. Furthermore, recent work on the heterologous β-galactosidase production using a recombinant flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae is considered. As bioreactors using flocculating yeast cells have particular properties, mainly associated with a high solid phase hold-up, a section dedicated to its operation is presented. Aspects such as bioreactor productivity and culture stability as well as bioreactor hydrodynamics and mass transfer properties of flocculating cell cultures are considered. Finally, the paper concludes describing some of the applications of high cell density flocculation bioreactors and discussing potential new uses of these systems.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – PRAXIS XXI - BD11306/97

    New challenges in anostracan research: old issues, new perspectives and hot topics

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    We present a summary of responses to our call among scientists working on Anostraca to commemorate the late Professor Graziella Mura, a pioneer of modern studies on this group of animals. Colleagues from all over the world promptly answered and contributed their works among which we selected the fourteen papers published in the Hydrobiologia Special Volume \ue2\u80\u9cNew Challenges in anostracan research: a tribute to Graziella Mura\ue2\u80\u9d. Although Anostraca are widespread globally, they are among the least known taxonomic groups. Although some biogeographical data are available for some species and higher taxa, we are still far from a clear understanding of the phylogeny, ecology and biogeography of the order. The papers collected in this Special Volume are therefore intended to represent a step ahead to solve phylogenetic and ecological issues relative to this charming group of crustaceans

    Photometric redshifts for the Pan-STARRS1 survey

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    We present a robust approach to estimating the redshift of galaxies using Pan-STARRS1 photometric data. Our approach is an application of the algorithm proposed for the SDSS Data Release 12. It uses a training set of 2 313 724 galaxies for which the spectroscopic redshift is obtained from SDSS, and magnitudes and colours are obtained from the Pan-STARRS1 Data Release 2 survey. The photometric redshift of a galaxy is then estimated by means of a local linear regression in a 5D magnitude and colour space. Our approach achieves an average bias of Δznorm=1.92×104 \overline{\Delta z_{\mathrm{norm}}}=-1.92 \times 10^{-4} , a standard deviation of σ(Δznorm) = 0.0299, and an outlier rate of Po = 4.30% when cross-validating the training set. Even though the relation between each of the Pan-STARRS1 colours and the spectroscopic redshifts is noisier than for SDSS colours, the results obtained by our approach are very close to those yielded by SDSS data. The proposed approach has the additional advantage of allowing the estimation of photometric redshifts on a larger portion of the sky (∼3/4 vs ∼1/3). The training set and the code implementing this approach are publicly available at the project website