797 research outputs found

    Maximum size of reverse-free sets of permutations

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    Two words have a reverse if they have the same pair of distinct letters on the same pair of positions, but in reversed order. A set of words no two of which have a reverse is said to be reverse-free. Let F(n,k) be the maximum size of a reverse-free set of words from [n]^k where no letter repeats within a word. We show the following lower and upper bounds in the case n >= k: F(n,k) \in n^k k^{-k/2 + O(k/log k)}. As a consequence of the lower bound, a set of n-permutations each two having a reverse has size at most n^{n/2 + O(n/log n)}.Comment: 10 page

    Infrared spectra of some sulfides and their analogs of binary composition in the long-wave region

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    The far infrared spectra (500-60/cm) of some simple sulfides and their analogs were studied. In all, 22 minerals with different structure types were investigated, out of which 14 are sulfides (galena, alabandite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, wurtzite, cinnabar, realgar, orpiment, getchelite antimonite, molybdenite, pyrite, marcasite and heazlewoodite) 6 arsenides (niccolite, domeykite, arsenopyrite, lollingite, rammelsbergite and skutterudite), one telluride (tetradymite) and native arsenic. The main bands of infrared absorption spectra of the minerals are compared with the relative strength of the interatomic bonds and their interpretation is given

    The comparative categorial analysis of "rhetoric", "sophistry", "neorhetoric", "general rhetoric", "black rhetoric"

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    Софистика возникла как ложное направление в красноречии. Риторика приобрела статус науки. Развитие риторики протекало сложно. В конце XX в. риторику стали называть то неориторика, то «общая». Название «риторика» закономерно. Современная «черная» риторика — это всего лишь ее антипод и адепт.Sophistry arose as a false direction in eloquence. The rhetoric has acquired the status of a science. The development of rhetoric has been a challenge. At the end of the twentieth century, the rhetoric became known as the neo-rhetoric, then "General". The name "rhetoric" is logical. Modern "black" rhetoric is just its antipode and adept

    TikTok and active audiences in processes for political and structural change. An exploratory study based on the Scottish referendum

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    Plebiscites, secession consultations, and referendums are electoral processes that are different from conventional voting. Conversations before these types of elections tend to focus on very different aspects than those generated during the election of an authority or public office, with a focus on the future impacts that each decision may have on a country, generally taking one side or the other. In the current media ecosystem, this conversation takes place largely on social platforms and networks, where users consume content and interact with it, becoming active prosumer audiences. The aim of this research is to determine what elements determine this type of discourse on TikTok –as a social network that is trending among digital communities–, what type of profiles promote them, and what narrative code is used. To this end, based on the case of the referendum planned in Scotland for 2023, an exploratory quantitative and qualitative study is proposed based on the publications discriminated by hashtags related to the topic through an analysis carried out in an application called PyCharm (Python) TikTok Research. The results suggest that on TikTok this type of content has a large reach, but it is not possible to determine precisely whether it has a specific effect or impact. However, the rate of user engagement and interaction with this content opens the possibility of eventually greater influence than on other platforms

    Evidence of orbital reconstruction at interfaces in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films

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    Electronic properties of transition metal oxides at interfaces are influenced by strain, electric polarization and oxygen diffusion. Linear dichroism (LD) x-ray absorption, diffraction, transport and magnetization on thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films, allow identification of a peculiar universal interface effect. We report the LD signature of preferential 3d-eg(3z2-r2) occupation at the interface, suppressing the double exchange mechanism. This surface orbital reconstruction is opposite of that favored by residual strain and independent of dipolar fields, chemical nature of the substrate and capping.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Transformation of law in the context of digitalization: defining the correct priorities

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    The subject under analysis is the peculiarities around the legal regulation of digital technologies and products arising from digital technologies. The choice of this topic was predetermined by the active development of digital services and digital financial assets, and the necessity to adapt modern legislation to the needs of the digital economy. Despite the fact that several strategies for the development of digital law are being worked out at the level of international organizations, neither in theory nor in practice is there a single understanding of the legal nature of digital technologies and the foundations of their legal regulation.From this perspective, the purpose of this article is to understand the system and the main categories of the digital economy through the prism of fundamental legal institutions, based both on the traditional principles of scientific analysis and on the results steaming from applied data processing methods.Using methods of theoretical modeling, idealization, and theoretical experiments, the authors consider the categories of legal personality, security, and tort of digital technologies and products, compare them with similar legal institutions, and determine possible options for integrating new legal categories into traditional rule of law on contracts, liability, and the protection of intellectual rights.As a result of the study, the authors have assembled their vision of those benchmarks, on which international strategies for regulating the digital economy should be built. The authors proceed from the fact that the adaptive capabilities of traditional law are very limited in relation to digital technologies; furthermore, in relation to many of them, qualitatively new legal models should be developed. The article presents the results of a review of the main legal parameters of digital technologies. Formulations of legal personality and protection are proposed, definitions of digital technology products in civil and copyright law are formulated.The conclusion reached concerns the inconsistency of approaches to assessing the legal nature of digital objects, and the insufficient consideration of the technical aspects of digital technologies, as well as the need to develop — at the international level — a unified legal strategy for civil and intellectual law regarding digital technologies. This study underlines, among the priority tasks and directions, the issues of legal personality of digital technologies, and the essential mechanisms for the protection of products using digital technologies. The conclusions formulated in the article have important practical and methodological significance, and can be taken into account when reforming the current legislation

    Location of the Energy Levels of the Rare-Earth Ion in BaF2 and CdF2

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    The location of the energy levels of rare-earth (RE) elements in the energy band diagram of BaF2 and CdF2 crystals is determined. The role of RE3+ and RE2+ ions in the capture of charge carriers, luminescence, and the formation of radiation defects is evaluated. It is shown that the substantial difference in the luminescence properties of BaF2:RE and CdF2:RE is associated with the location of the excited energy levels in the band diagram of the crystals

    Lamina-associated polypeptide 2 alpha is required for intranuclear MRTF-A activity

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    Myocardin-related transcription factor A (MRTF-A), a coactivator of serum response factor (SRF), regulates the expression of many cytoskeletal genes in response to cytoplasmic and nuclear actin dynamics. Here we describe a novel mechanism to regulate MRTF-A activity within the nucleus by showing that lamina-associated polypeptide 2 alpha (Lap2 alpha), the nucleoplasmic isoform of Lap2, is a direct binding partner of MRTF-A, and required for the efficient expression of MRTF-A/SRF target genes. Mechanistically, Lap2 alpha is not required for MRTF-A nuclear localization, unlike most other MRTF-A regulators, but is required for efficient recruitment of MRTF-A to its target genes. This regulatory step takes place prior to MRTF-A chromatin binding, because Lap2 alpha neither interacts with, nor specifically influences active histone marks on MRTF-A/SRF target genes. Phenotypically, Lap2 alpha is required for serum-induced cell migration, and deregulated MRTF-A activity may also contribute to muscle and proliferation phenotypes associated with loss of Lap2 alpha. Our studies therefore add another regulatory layer to the control of MRTF-A-SRF-mediated gene expression, and broaden the role of Lap2 alpha in transcriptional regulation.Peer reviewe

    Оптимизация жесткосных характеристик крыла летательного аппарата

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    Ставиться задача щодо розробки методики оптимізації характеристик напружено-деформованого стану крила, що знаходиться під дією довільних зовнішніх та внутрішніх навантажень. Запропоновано жорсткість конструкції трактувати як змінну величину, що безпосередньо залежить від конфігурації силових елементів, варіюючи розміщенням яких можна досягти максимізації жорсткості. Розкриті основні завдання, які були виконані в процесі розробки методики оптимізації характеристик напружено-деформованого стану крила. Результати роботи можуть бути в подальшому використані при проектуванні перспективних літаків.The problem of the article is the optimizing of the internal structure of the wing with the purpose to improve its stiffness characteristics at a constant weight of the structure. This task is put on the development of the methods to optimize the stress-strain state wing aircraft under the influence of arbitrary external and internal pressures. The paper proposes rigidity interpreted as a variable that depends on the configuration of power elements, varying the location of which can be achieved by maximizing stiffness. We defined the mathematical function of mass and stiffness depending on the internal configuration of power elements (plating, stringers, longerons). The wing has the power elements, the placement of which may be various: power paneling, two longerons and stringers, four on the bottom and top panels. As a result, on the basis of the spatial theory of elasticity were obtained equations describing the bending, torsional and longitudinal vibrations of the wings, and the proposed mathematical model of the optimal hardness wing by varying the functional dependence for placing power elements and varying the parameters of this function. The results made it possible to optimize the internal structure in terms of minimum deformation at constant values of the mass of the investigated structures such as wings to reduce bending, twist angles and tensile strength elements.Ставится задача относительно разработки методики оптимизации характеристик напряженно деформированного состоянию крыла, которое находится под действием произвольных внешних и внутренних нагрузок. В статье предложено жесткость конструкции трактовать как переменную величину, которая непосредственно зависит от конфигурации силовых элементов, варьируя размещением которых можно достичь максимизации жесткости. Раскрыты основные задания, которые были выполнены в процессе разработки методики оптимизации характеристик напряженно деформированного состоянию крыла. Результаты работы могут быть в дальнейшем использованы при проектировании перспективных самолетов

    Lack of recognition by global-genome nucleotide excision repair accounts for the high mutagenicity and persistence of aristolactam-DNA adducts

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    Exposure to aristolochic acid (AA), a component of Aristolochia plants used in herbal remedies, is associated with chronic kidney disease and urothelial carcinomas of the upper urinary tract. Following metabolic activation, AA reacts with dA and dG residues in DNA to form aristolactam (AL)-DNA adducts. These mutagenic lesions generate a unique TP53 mutation spectrum, dominated by A : T to T : A transversions with mutations at dA residues located almost exclusively on the non-transcribed strand. We determined the level of AL-dA adducts in human fibroblasts treated with AA to determine if this marked strand bias could be accounted for by selective resistance to global-genome nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER). AL-dA adduct levels were elevated in cells deficient in GG-NER and transcription-coupled NER, but not in XPC cell lines lacking GG-NER only. In vitro, plasmids containing a single AL-dA adduct were resistant to the early recognition and incision steps of NER. Additionally, the NER damage sensor, XPC-RAD23B, failed to specifically bind to AL-DNA adducts. However, placing AL-dA in mismatched sequences promotes XPC-RAD23B binding and renders this adduct susceptible to NER, suggesting that specific structural features of this adduct prevent processing by NER. We conclude that AL-dA adducts are not recognized by GG-NER, explaining their high mutagenicity and persistence in target tissues