20 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Karakteristik Pekerja dan Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Pernapasan (Masker) dengan Kapasitas Fungsi Paru pada Pekerja Wanita Bagian Pengampelasan di Industri Mebel X Wonogiri

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    Dampak dari pencemaran industri mebel dapat mengganggu kesehatan pekerja dan pencemaran udara. Bahan pencemar tersebut berasal dari debu yang dihasilkan dari proses pengampelasan kayu. Debu dapat menimbulkan efek berupa gangguan fungsi paru apabila melebihi kadar ambang batas dan paparan yang cukup lama. Kapasitas fungsi paru dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu umur, masa kerja, kebiasaan olahraga, status gizi dan pemakaian masker . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa hubungan antara karakteristik pekerja (umur, masa kerja, kebiasaan olahraga, status gizi) dan pemakaian masker dengan kapasitas fungsi paru pada pekerja wanita bagian pengampelasan di industri mebel x Wonogiri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square dan Fisher Exact. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 18 orang dengan jenis kelamin perempuan. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner keluhan subyektif, spirometer, microtoise, timbangan berat badan dan HVS (High Volume Sampler). Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji Fisher Exact diperoleh nilai p=0,019. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pemakaian masker dengan kapasitas fungsi paru. Dari uji statistic menggunakan Chi Square dengan tingkat kesalahan 5% (0,05) dengan nilai p < 0,05 dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara umur dengan kapasitas fungsi paru, tidak ada hubungan antara masa kerja dengan kapasitas fungsi paru, tidak ada hubungan antara kebiasaan olahraga dengan kapasitas fungsi paru, tidak ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan kapasitas fungsi paru, ada hubungan antara pemakaian masker dengan kapasitas fungsi paru. Di sarankan kepada pemilik Perusahaan agar mengharuskan pekerja untuk memakai masker pada saat bekerja

    Developmental inventories using illiterate parents as informants:Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) adaptation for two Kenyan languages

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    Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs, parent-completed language development checklists) are a helpful tool to assess language in children who are unused to interaction with unfamiliar adults. Generally, CDIs are completed in written form, but in developing country settings parents may have insufficient literacy to complete them alone. We designed CDIs to assess language development in children aged 0;8 to 2;4 in two languages used in Coastal communities in Kenya. Measures of vocabulary, gestures, and grammatical constructions were developed using both interviews with parents from varying backgrounds, and vocabulary as well as grammatical constructions from recordings of children's spontaneous speech. The CDIs were then administered in interview format to over 300 families. Reliability and validity ranged from acceptable to excellent, supporting the use of CDIs when direct language testing is impractical, even when children have multiple caregivers and where respondents have low literacy levels

    Blockchain research, practice and policy: Applications, benefits, limitations, emerging research themes and research agenda

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    YesThe blockchain has received significant attention from technology focussed researchers, highlighting its perceived impact and emerging disruption potential, but has been slow to engender any significant momentum within the Information Systems (IS) and Information Management (IM) literature. This study approaches the subject through an IS/IM lens developing the key themes from the blockchain based research via a comprehensive review. This analysis of the body of literature highlights that although few commercial grade blockchain applications currently exist, the technology demonstrates significant potential to benefit a number of industry wide use cases. This study expands on this point articulating through each of the key themes to develop a detailed narrative on the numerous potential blockchain applications and future direction of the technology, whilst discussing the many barriers to adoption. The study asserts that blockchain technology has the potential to contribute to a number of the UN Sustainability Development Goals and engender widespread change within a number of established industries and practices

    Empirically Analyzing Ethereum's Gas Mechanism

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    Ethereum's Gas mechanism attempts to set transaction fees in accordance with the computational cost of transaction execution: a cost borne by default by every node on the network to ensure correct smart contract execution. Gas encourages users to author transactions that are efficient to execute and in so doing encourages node diversity, allowing modestly resourced nodes to join and contribute to the security of the network. However, the effectiveness of this scheme relies on Gas costs being correctly aligned with observed computational costs in reality. In this work, we performed the first large scale empirical study to understand to what degree this alignment exists in practice, by collecting and analyzing Tera-bytes worth of nanosecond-precision transaction execution traces. Besides confirming potential denial-of-service vectors, our results also shed light on the role of I/O in transaction costs which remains poorly captured by the current Gas cost model. Finally, our results suggest that under the current Gas cost model, nodes with modest computational resources are disadvantaged compared to their better resourced peers, which we identify as an ongoing threat to node diversity and network decentralization


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    A large-scale earthquake and tsunami affect thousands of people and cause serious damages worldwide every year. Quick observation of the disaster damage is extremely important for planning effective rescue operations. In the past, acquiring damage information was limited to only field surveys or using aerial photographs. In the last decade, space-borne images were used in many disaster researches, such as tsunami damage detection. In this study, SAR data of ALOS/PALSAR satellite images were used to estimate tsunami damage in the form of inundation areas in Talcahuano, the area near the epicentre of the 2010 Chile earthquake. The image processing consisted of three stages, i.e. pre-processing, analysis processing, and post-processing. It was conducted using multi-temporal images before and after the disaster. In the analysis processing, inundation areas were extracted through the masking processing. It consisted of water masking using a high-resolution optical image of ALOS/AVNIR-2 and elevation masking which built upon the inundation height using DEM image of ASTER-GDEM. The area result was 8.77 Km2. It showed a good result and corresponded to the inundation map of Talcahuano. Future study in another area is needed in order to strengthen the estimation processing method

    RELENG '15: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Release Engineering

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    At the RELENG 2014 Q&A, the question wasasked, “What is your greatest concern?” and the response was“someone subverting our deployment pipeline”. That is themotivation for this paper. We explore what it means to subverta pipeline and provide several different scenarios ofsubversion. We then focus on the issue of securing a pipeline.As a result, we provide an engineering process that is based onhaving trustworthy components mediate access to sensitiveportions of the pipeline from other components, which canremain untrustworthy. Applying our process to a pipelineinvolving Chef, Jenkins, Docker, Github, and AWS, we findthat some aspects of our process result in easy to make changesto the pipeline, whereas others are more difficult.Consequently, we have developed a design that hardens thepipeline, although it does not yet completely secure it

    Developmental inventories using illiterate parents as informants: Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) adaptation for two Kenyan languages.

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    Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs, parent-completed language development checklists) are a helpful tool to assess language in children who are unused to interaction with unfamiliar adults. Generally, CDIs are completed in written form, but in developing country settings parents may have insufficient literacy to complete them alone. We designed CDIs to assess language development in children aged 0;8 to 2;4 in two languages used in Coastal communities in Kenya. Measures of vocabulary, gestures, and grammatical constructions were developed using both interviews with parents from varying backgrounds, and vocabulary as well as grammatical constructions from recordings of children's spontaneous speech. The CDIs were then administered in interview format to over 300 families. Reliability and validity ranged from acceptable to excellent, supporting the use of CDIs when direct language testing is impractical, even when children have multiple caregivers and where respondents have low literacy levels

    Developmental inventories using illiterate parents as informants: Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) adaptation for two Kenyan languages

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    Abstract: Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs, parent-completed language development checklists) are a helpful tool to assess language in children who are unused to interaction with unfamiliar adults. Generally, CDIs are completed in written form, but in developing country settings parents may have insufficient literacy to complete them alone. We designed CDIs to assess language development in children aged 0;8 to 2;4 in two languages used in Coastal communities in Kenya. Measures of vocabulary, gestures, and grammatical constructions were developed using both interviews with parents from varying backgrounds, and vocabulary as well as grammatical constructions from recordings of children’s spontaneous speech. The CDIs were then administered in interview format to over 300 families. Reliability and validity ranged from acceptable to excellent, supporting the use of CDIs when direct language testing is impractical, even when children have multiple caregivers and where respondents have low literacy levels

    Perspectives of key stakeholders on educational experiences of children with autism spectrum disorders at the Kenyan Coast

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    Background: Little is known about the educational experiences of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in the Kenyan Coastal context. Objectives: We examined the diagnostic and placement procedures used in education on the Kenyan coastal region. In addition, we investigated the education-related challenges faced by children with ASD. Methods: We conducted focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with 21 participants, including teachers, clinicians and educational administrators. Data were analysed using an inductive thematic framework on qualitative data analysis software, NVIVO 10. Results: The findings from this study indicate that there were no systematic approaches to diagnosing children as having ASD. Teachers reported experiencing many challenges, including a lack of specialised training, inadequate resources and difficulty in managing children with different functional abilities in one class. Conclusion: There is an urgent need for contextually relevant evidence-based identification, placement and management services to be put in place to meet the educational needs of children with ASD