119 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Performance of ACR TI-RADS Also Considering Those Nodules with No Indication of FNAC: A Single-Center Experience

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    Background: Several US risk stratification score systems (RSSs) have been developed to standardize a thyroid nodule risk of malignancy. It is still a matter of debate which RSS is the most reliable. The purpose of this study is to evaluate: (1) the concordance between the American College of Radiology TI-RADS (ACR TI-RADS) and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), (2) the cancer rate in the ACR TI-RADS categories, (3) the characteristics of nodules evaluated by FNAC even if not formally indicated according to ACR TI-RADS ('not indicated FNACs"). Methods: From January 2021 to September 2022, patients attending the Endocrinology Unit of the CTO Hospital of Rome for evaluation of thyroid nodules were included. Results: 830 nodules had negative cytology, belonging to TIR2 and TIR1C. One hundred and thirteen nodules were determined to be suspicious for or consistent with malignancy belonging to TIR3B/TIR4/TIR5. Of this last group, 94% were classified as TR4/TR5 nodules. In total, 87/113 underwent surgery. Among these, 73 had histologically proven cancer, 14 turned out to be benign. "Not indicated FNACs" was 623. Among these, 42 cancers were present. Conclusions: This study confirmed the diagnostic power of ACR TI-RADS. In addition, these data suggest revising the ACR TI-RADS indication to FNAC, especially for TR4

    Allergy in adolescent population (14-18 years) living in campania region (southern Italy). a multicenter study

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    Adolescents (Ad) constitute a difficult to manage population among individuals suffering from asthma. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence, clinical characteristics and age of onset of allergic sensitization and clinical symptoms in a sample of atopic Ad living in the Campania region (Southern Italy). Sixteen Allergy units or Centers belonging to the Italian Association of Hospital and Territorial Allergologists (AAIITO, Campania region) participated in this cross-sectional study. A case report form (CRF) was specifically designed for this study and commercial allergen extracts used for screening SPTs were provided by ALK-Abelló Group (Milan, Italy). A total of 443 patients were examined (females, f 220, 49.6 %; males, m 223, 50.3%). Dust mites represent the most common sensitizing agents in allergic Ad living in Campania region (Dermatoph. pteronyssinus 67.4% and Dermatoph. farinae 66.5%), followed by Parietaria (58.9%), grasses (45.8%), Artemisia vulgaris (16.7%), Olea Europaea (32.2%), dog dander (17.1%), cat dander (20.0%), Alternaria alternata (8.1%), Cupressus sempervirens (4.9%), Betula pendula (4.7%), other allergens (19.4%). An interesting comparison has been made between clinical data of our Ad with data of elderly patients (E). The role of allergic sensitization is significantly higher in Ad compared to E. Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus is the first sensitizing allergen in Ad and the last in E. Parietaria constitutes the first sensitizing pollen both in Ad and E, the percentage of sensitization is higher in Ad. Another important difference is the higher prevalence of As, as only symptom, in E compared to Ad (19.7% versus 7.6%). In conclusion, our findings confirm the high prevalence and clinical significance of airway allergic sensitization in the adolescents living in Campania region

    Phase II study of sequential hormonal therapy with anastrozole/exemestane in advanced and metastatic breast cancer

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    Hormonal therapy is the preferred systemic treatment for recurrent or metastatic, post-menopausal hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. Previous studies have shown that there is no cross-resistance between exemestane and reversible aromatase inhibitors. Exposure to hormonal therapy does not hamper later response to chemotherapy. Patients with locally advanced or metastatic, hormonal receptor positive or unknown, breast cancer were treated with oral anastrozole, until disease progression, followed by oral exemestane until new evidence of disease progression. The primary end point of the study was clinical benefit, defined as the sum of complete responses (CR), partial responses (PR) and > 24 weeks stable disease (SD). In all, 100 patients were enrolled in the study. Anastrozole produced eight CR and 19 PR for an overall response rate of 27% (95% CI: 18.6-36.8%). An additional 46 patients had long-term (> 24 weeks) SD for an overall clinical benefit of 73% (95% CI: 63.2-81.4). Median time to progression (TTP) was 11 months (95% CI: 10-12). A total of 50 patients were evaluated for the second-line treatment: exemestane produced one CR and three PR; 25 patients had SD which lasted ≥ 6 months in 18 patients. Median TTP was 5 months. Toxicity of treatment was low. Our study confirms that treatment with sequential hormonal agents can extend the period of time during which endocrine therapy can be used, thereby deferring the decision to use chemotherapy. © 2005 Cancer Research UK

    Modelling the correlation between EGFr expression and tumour cell radiosensitivity, and combined treatments of radiation and monoclonal antibody EGFr inhibitors

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    Purpose To estimate the effects of heterogeneity on tumour cell sensitivity to radiotherapy combined with radiosensitizing agents attributable to differences in expression levels of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFr). Materials and methods Differences in radiosensitivity are not limited to cells of different cancer histotypes but also occur within the same cancer, or appear during radiotherapy if radiosensitizing drugs are combined with ionizing radiation. A modified biologically effective dose (MBED), has been introduced to account for changes in radiosensitivity parameters (alpha and alpha/beta) rather than changes in dose/fraction or total dose as normally done with standard biologically effective dose (BED). The MBED approach was applied to cases of EGFr over-expression and cases where EGFr inhibitors were combined with radiation. Representative examples in clinical practice were considered. RESULTS: Assuming membrane EGFr over-expression corresponds to reduced radiosensitivity (alphaH = 0.15 Gy-1 and alphaH/betaH = 7.5 Gy) relative to normal radiosensitivity (alpha = 0.2 Gy-1 and alpha/beta = 10 Gy), an increased dose per fraction of 2.42 Gy was obtained through the application of MBED, which is equivalent to the effect of a reference schedule with 30 fractions of 2 Gy. An equivalent hypo-fractionated regime with a dose per fraction of 2.80 Gy is obtained if 25 fractions are set. Dose fractionations modulated according to drug pharmacokinetics are estimated for combined treatments with biological drugs. Soft and strong modulated equivalent hypo-fractionations result from subtraction of 5 or 10 fractions, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: During this computational study, a new radiobiological tool has been introduced. The MBED allows the required dose per fraction to be estimated when tumour radiosensitivity is reduced because EGFr is over-expressed. If radiotherapy treatment is combined with EGFr inhibitors, MBED suggests new treatment strategies, with schedules modulated according to drug pharmacokinetics

    Allergic sensitization to common pets (cats/dogs) according to different possible modalities of exposure: an Italian Multicenter Study

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    Background: The query "are there animals at home?" is usually administered for collecting information on anamnesis. This modality to consider exposure to pet allergens constitutes a potential bias in epidemiological studies and in clinical practice. The aim of our study was to evaluate/quantify different modalities of exposure to cat/dog in inducing allergic sensitization. Methods: Thirty Italian Allergy units participated in this study. Each centre was required to collect the data of at least 20 consecutive outpatients sensitized to cat/dog allergens. A standardized form reported all demographic data and a particular attention was paid in relieving possible modalities of exposure to cat/dog. Results: A total 723 patients sensitized to cat/dog were recorded, 359 (49.65%) reported direct pet contact, 213 patients (29.46%) were pet owners, and 146 subjects (20.19%) were exposed to pets in other settings. Other patients were sensitized by previous pet ownership (150-20.75%) or indirect contact (103-14.25%), in 111 subjects (15.35%) any contact was reported. Conclusions: Only 213 patients (29.46%) would be classified as "exposed to animals" and 510 (70.54%) as "not exposed" according to usual query. Our classification has shown that many "not-exposed" subjects (399-55.19%) were "really exposed". The magnitude of exposure to pet allergens at home is not related exclusively to pet ownership. These considerations should be taken into account during the planning of epidemiological studies and in clinical practice for the management of pet allergic individuals

    MOONS: a Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the VLT

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    MOONS is a new conceptual design for a Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the Very Large Telescope (VLT), selected by ESO for a Phase A study. The baseline design consists of 1000 fibers deployable over a field of view of 500 square arcmin, the largest patrol field offered by the Nasmyth focus at the VLT. The total wavelength coverage is 0.8um-1.8um and two resolution modes: medium resolution and high resolution. In the medium resolution mode (R=4,000-6,000) the entire wavelength range 0.8um-1.8um is observed simultaneously, while the high resolution mode covers simultaneously three selected spectral regions: one around the CaII triplet (at R=8,000) to measure radial velocities, and two regions at R=20,000 one in the J-band and one in the H-band, for detailed measurements of chemical abundances. The grasp of the 8.2m Very Large Telescope (VLT) combined with the large multiplex and wavelength coverage of MOONS - extending into the near-IR - will provide the observational power necessary to study galaxy formation and evolution over the entire history of the Universe, from our Milky Way, through the redshift desert and up to the epoch of re-ionization at z>8-9. At the same time, the high spectral resolution mode will allow astronomers to study chemical abundances of stars in our Galaxy, in particular in the highly obscured regions of the Bulge, and provide the necessary follow-up of the Gaia mission. Such characteristics and versatility make MOONS the long-awaited workhorse near-IR MOS for the VLT, which will perfectly complement optical spectroscopy performed by FLAMES and VIMOS.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation + Telescopes conference, Amsterdam, 201

    First observation of rotational structures in Re 168

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    The first rotational sequences have been assigned to the odd-odd nucleus Re168. Coincidence relationships of these structures with rhenium x rays confirm the isotopic assignment, while arguments based on the γ-ray multiplicity (K-fold) distributions observed with the new bands lead to the mass assignment. Configurations for the two bands were determined through analysis of the rotational alignments of the structures and a comparison of the experimental B(M1)/B(E2) ratios with theory. Tentative spin assignments are proposed for the πh11/2νi13/2 band, based on energy level systematics for other known sequences in neighboring odd-odd rhenium nuclei, as well as on systematics seen for the signature inversion feature that is well known in this region. The spin assignment for the πh11/2ν(h9/2/f7/2) structure provides additional validation of the proposed spins and configurations for isomers in the Au176 → Ir172→Re168 α-decay chain

    Multiple band structures in 169,170Re: Search for the wobbling mode in 169Re, and residual-interaction analysis of structures in 170Re

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    Although the observation of wobbling was once thought to be possibly confined to lutetium isotopes in N≈94 nuclei, the identification of this exotic collective mode in 167Ta has raised the question of the role of the proton Fermi surface with regard to this phenomenon. To investigate this issue, an experiment was performed to populate high-spin states in the N=94 nucleus 169Re. The heavy-ion reaction 55Mn+118Sn was used in conjunction with Gammasphere to detect the emitted γ rays. More than 130 new transitions were added to the 169Re level scheme, including the first identification of the πi13/2 rotational sequence in this nucleus. This configuration is the structure on which all known wobbling sequences are based, but no wobbling band was observed, likely owing to the fact that the πi13/2 sequence is located at a relatively high energy in comparison with the other structures found in 169Re. Nine decay sequences are now established in this nucleus and are described within the context of the cranked shell model. In addition, significant extension of the level scheme of the odd-odd 170Re nucleus was possible and a discussion of the residual interactions for the πh 9/2νi13/2 and πi13/2νi13/2 configurations in this region is given as well
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