451 research outputs found

    IDeS Method Applied to an Innovative Motorbike—Applying Topology Optimization and Augmented Reality

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    This study is on the conception of the DS700 HYBRID project by the application of the Industrial Design Structure method (IDeS), which applies different tools sourced from engineering and style departments, including QFD and SDE, used to create the concept of a hybrid motorbike that could reach the market in the near future. SDE is an engineering approach for the design and development of industrial design projects, and it finds important applications in the automotive sector. In addition, analysis tools such as QFD, comprising benchmarking and top-flop analysis are carried out to maximize the creative process. The key characteristics of the bike and the degree of innovation are identified and outlined, the market segment is identified, and the stylistic trends that are most suitable for a naked motorbike of the future are analyzed. In the second part the styling of each superstructure and of all the components of the vehicle is carried out. Afterwards the aesthetics and engineering perspectives are accounted for to complete the project. This is achieved with modelling and computing tools such as 3D CAD, visual renderings, and FEM simulations, and virtual prototyping thanks to augmented reality (AR), and finally physical prototyping with the use of additive manufacturing (AM). The result is a product conception able to compete in the present challenging market, with a design that is technically feasible and also reaches new lightness targets for efficiency

    The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey: III. The Sample

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    The ESO Slice Project (ESP) is a galaxy redshift survey extending over about 23 square degrees, in a region near the South Galactic Pole. The survey is ~85% complete to the limiting magnitude b_J=19.4 and consists of 3342 galaxies with redshift determination. The ESP survey is intermediate between shallow, wide angle samples and very deep, one-dimensional pencil beams; the spanned volume is ~ 5 x 10^4 Mpc^3 at the sensitivity peak (z ~ 0.1). In this paper we present the description of the observations and of the data reduction, the ESP redshift catalogue and the analysis of the quality of the velocity determinations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 encapsulated figures, uses A&A LATEX; A&A Supplements in press (June 1998 issue

    Modulation of the Akt/Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway by A3 adenosine receptor

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    Downstream A3 receptor signalling plays an important role in the regulation of cell death and proliferation. Therefore, it is important to determine the molecular pathways involved through A3 receptor stimulation. The phosphatidylinositide-3-OH kinase (PI3K)/Akt and the Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK) kinase (MEK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways have central roles in the regulation of cell survival and proliferation. The crosstalk between these two pathways has also been investigated. The focus of this review centres on downstream mediators of A3 adenosine receptor signalling

    The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey - The evolution of galaxy clustering per spectral type to z~1.5

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    We measure the evolution of clustering for galaxies with different spectral types from 6495 galaxies with 17.5<=I_AB<=24 and measured spectroscopic redshift in the first epoch VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey. We classify our sample into 4 classes, based on the fit of well-defined galaxy spectral energy distributions on observed multi-color data. We measure the projected function wp(rp) and estimate the best-fit parameters for a power-law real-space correlation function. We find the clustering of early-spectral-type galaxies to be markedly stronger than that of late-type galaxies at all redshifts up to z<=1.2. At z~0.8, early-type galaxies display a correlation length r_0=4.8+/-0.9h^{-1}Mpc, while late types have r_0=2.5+/-0.4h^{-1}Mpc. The clustering of these objects increases up to r_0=3.42+/-0.7h^{-1}Mpc for z~1.4. The relative bias between early- and late-type galaxies within our magnitude-limited survey remains approximately constant with b~1.7-1.8 from z~=0.2 up to z~=1, with indications for a decrease at z>1.2, due to the growth in clustering of the star-forming population. We find similar results when splitting the sample into `red' and `blue' galaxies using the observed color bi-modality. When compared to the expected linear growth of mass fluctuations, a natural interpretation of these observations is that: (a) the assembly of massive early type galaxies is already mostly complete in the densest dark matter halos at z~=1; (b) luminous late-type galaxies are located in higher-density, more clustered regions of the Universe at z~=1.5 than at present, indicating that star formation activity is progressively increasing, going back in time, in the higher-density peaks that today are mostly dominated by old galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted on 11-Feb-06 for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The VIMOS Integral Field Unit: data reduction methods and quality assessment

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    With new generation spectrographs integral field spectroscopy is becoming a widely used observational technique. The Integral Field Unit of the VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph on the ESO-VLT allows to sample a field as large as 54" x 54" covered by 6400 fibers coupled with micro-lenses. We are presenting here the methods of the data processing software developed to extract the astrophysical signal of faint sources from the VIMOS IFU observations. We focus on the treatment of the fiber-to-fiber relative transmission and the sky subtraction, and the dedicated tasks we have built to address the peculiarities and unprecedented complexity of the dataset. We review the automated process we have developed under the VIPGI data organization and reduction environment (Scodeggio et al. 2005), along with the quality control performed to validate the process. The VIPGI-IFU data processing environment is available to the scientific community to process VIMOS-IFU data since November 2003.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in PAS

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey :Evolution of the major merger rate since z~1 from spectroscopicaly confirmed galaxy pairs

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    From the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey we use a sample of 6447 galaxies with I_{AB} < 24 to identify 251 pairs of galaxies, each member with a secure spectroscopic redshift, which are close in both projected separation and in velocity. We find that at z ~ 0.9, 10.9 +/- 3.2 % of galaxies with M_B(z) < -18-Qz are in pairs with separations dr < 20 kpc/h, dv < 500 km/s, and with dM_B < 1.5, significantly larger than 3.76 +/- 1.71 % at z ~ 0.5; we find that the pair fraction evolves as (1+z)^m with m = 2.49 +/- 0.56. For brighter galaxies with M_B(z=0) < -18.77, the pair fraction is higher and its evolution with redshift is somewhat flatter with m=1.88 \pm 0.40, a property also observed for galaxies with increasing stellar masses. Early type, dry mergers, pairs increase their relative fraction from 3 % at z ~ 0.9 to 12 % at z ~ 0.5. We find that the merger rate evolves as N_{mg}=(9.05 +/- 3.76) * 10^{-4}) * (1+z)^{2.43 +/- 0.76}. We find that the merger rate of galaxies with M_B(z) < -18-Qz has significantly evolved since z ~ 1. The merger rate is increasing more rapidly with redshift for galaxies with decreasing luminosities, indicating that the flat evolution found for bright samples is not universal. The merger rate is also strongly dependent on the spectral type of galaxies involved, late type mergers being more frequent in the past, while early type mergers are more frequent today, contributing to the rise in the local density of early type galaxies. About 20 % of the stellar mass in present day galaxies with log(M/M_{sun}) > 9.5 has been accreted through major merging events since z ~ 1, indicating that major mergers have contributed significantly to the growth in stellar mass density of bright galaxies over the last half of the life of the Universe.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, accepted in A&

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey final data release: a spectroscopic sample of 35016 galaxies and AGN out to z~6.7 selected with 17.5<=i_{AB}<=24.7

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    We describe the completed VIMOS VLT Deep Survey, and the final data release of 35016 galaxies and type-I AGN with measured spectroscopic redshifts up to redshift z~6.7, in areas 0.142 to 8.7 square degrees, and volumes from 0.5x10^6 to 2x10^7h^-3Mpc^3. We have selected samples of galaxies based solely on their i-band magnitude reaching i_{AB}=24.75. Spectra have been obtained with VIMOS on the ESO-VLT, integrating 0.75h, 4.5h and 18h for the Wide, Deep, and Ultra-Deep nested surveys. A total of 1263 galaxies have been re-observed independently within the VVDS, and from the VIPERS and MASSIV surveys. They are used to establish the redshift measurements reliability, to assess completeness, and to provide a weighting scheme taking into account the survey selection function. We describe the main properties of the VVDS samples, and the VVDS is compared to other spectroscopic surveys. In total we have obtained spectroscopic redshifts for 34594 galaxies, 422 type-I AGN, and 12430 Galactic stars. The survey has enabled to identify galaxies up to very high redshifts with 4669 redshifts in 1<=z_{spec}<=2, 561 in 2<=z_{spec}<=3 and 468 with z_{spec}>3, and specific populations like LAE have been identified out to z=6.62. We show that the VVDS occupies a unique place in the parameter space defined by area, depth, redshift coverage, and number of spectra. The VVDS provides a comprehensive survey of the distant universe, covering all epochs since z, or more than 12 Gyr of cosmic time, with a uniform selection, the largest such sample to date. A wealth of science results derived from the VVDS have shed new light on the evolution of galaxies and AGN, and their distribution in space, over this large cosmic time. A final public release of the complete VVDS spectroscopic redshift sample is available at http://cesam.lam.fr/vvds.Comment: Submitted 30 June 2013, Accepted 22 August 2013. Updated with published versio

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey - First epoch VVDS-Deep survey: 11564 spectra with 17.5<=IAB<=24, and the redshift distribution over 0< z <=5

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    This paper presents the ``First Epoch'' sample from the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). The VVDS goals, observations, data reduction with VIPGI, and redshift measurement with KBRED are discussed. Data have been obtained with the VIsible Multi Object Spectrograph (VIMOS) on the ESO-VLT UT3, allowing to observe ~600 slits simultaneously at R~230. A total of 11564 objects have been observed in the VVDS-02h and VVDS-CDFS Deep fields over a total area of 0.61deg^2, selected solely on the basis of apparent magnitude 17.5 <=I_{AB} <=24. The VVDS covers the redshift range 0 < z <= 5. It is successfully going through the ``redshift desert'' 1.5<z<2.2, while the range 2.2<z<2.7 remains of difficult access because of the VVDS wavelength coverage.A total of 9677 galaxies have a redshift measurement, 836 are stars, 90 are AGNs, and a redshift could not be measured for 961 objects. There are 1065 galaxies with a measured redshift z>1.4. The survey reaches a redshift measurement completeness of 78% overall (93% including less reliable objects), with a spatial sampling of the population of galaxies of 25% and ~30% in the VVDS-02h and VVDS-CDFS. The redshift accuracy measured from repeated observations with VIMOS and comparison to other surveys is ~276km/s. From this sample we present for the first time the redshift distribution of a magnitude limited spectroscopic sample down to IAB=24. The redshift distribution has a median of z=0.62, z=0.65, z=0.70, and z=0.76, for magnitude limited samples with IAB<=22.5, 23, 23.5, and 24. A high redshift tail above redshift 2 and up to redshift 5 becomes readily apparent for IAB>23.5, probing the bright star forming population of galaxies. This sample provides an unprecedented dataset to study galaxy evolution over 90% of the life of the universeComment: 30 pages, accepted 22-Feb-05 in A&

    The VVDS data reduction pipeline: introducing VIPGI, the VIMOS Interactive Pipeline and Graphical Interface

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    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS), designed to measure 150,000 galaxy redshifts, requires a dedicated data reduction and analysis pipeline to process in a timely fashion the large amount of spectroscopic data being produced. This requirement has lead to the development of the VIMOS Interactive Pipeline and Graphical Interface (VIPGI), a new software package designed to simplify to a very high degree the task of reducing astronomical data obtained with VIMOS, the imaging spectrograph built by the VIRMOS Consortium for the European Southern Observatory, and mounted on Unit 3 (Melipal) of the Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal Observatory (Chile). VIPGI provides the astronomer with specially designed VIMOS data reduction functions, a VIMOS-centric data organizer, and dedicated data browsing and plotting tools, that can be used to verify the quality and accuracy of the various stages of the data reduction process. The quality and accuracy of the data reduction pipeline are comparable to those obtained using well known IRAF tasks, but the speed of the data reduction process is significantly increased, thanks to the large set of dedicated features. In this paper we discuss the details of the MOS data reduction pipeline implemented in VIPGI, as applied to the reduction of some 20,000 VVDS spectra, assessing quantitatively the accuracy of the various reduction steps. We also provide a more general overview of VIPGI capabilities, a tool that can be used for the reduction of any kind of VIMOS data.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic
