55 research outputs found

    The orbital elements and physical properties of the eclipsing binary BD+36 3317, a probable member of δ\delta Lyr cluster

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    Context. The fact that eclipsing binaries belong to a stellar group is useful, because the former can be used to estimate distance and additional properties of the latter, and vice versa. Aims. Our goal is to analyse new spectroscopic observations of BD+363317+36^\circ3317 along with the photometric observations from the literature and, for the first time, to derive all basic physical properties of this binary. We aim to find out whether the binary is indeed a member of the δ\delta Lyr open cluster. Methods. The spectra were reduced using the IRAF program and the radial velocities were measured with the program SPEFO. The line spectra of both components were disentangled with the program KOREL and compared to a grid of synthetic spectra. The final combined radial-velocity and photometric solution was obtained with the program PHOEBE. Results. We obtained the following physical elements of BD+363317+36^\circ3317: M1=2.24±0.07MM_1 = 2.24\pm0.07 M_{\odot}, M2=1.52±0.03MM_2 = 1.52\pm0.03 M_{\odot}, R1=1.76±0.01RR_1 = 1.76\pm0.01 R_{\odot}, R2=1.46±0.01RR_2 = 1.46\pm0.01 R_{\odot}, logL1=1.52±0.08Llog L_1 = 1.52\pm0.08 L_{\odot}, logL2=0.81±0.07Llog L_2 = 0.81\pm0.07 L_{\odot}. We derived the effective temperatures Teff,1=10450±420T_{eff,1} = 10450 \pm 420 K, Teff,2=7623±328T_{eff,2} = 7623 \pm 328 K. Both components are located close to ZAMS in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram and their masses and radii are consistent with the predictions of stellar evolutionary models. Our results imply the average distance to the system d = 330±29330\pm29 pc. We re-investigated the membership of BD+363317+36^\circ3317 in the δ\delta Lyr cluster and confirmed it. The distance to BD+363317+36^\circ3317, given above, therefore represents an accurate estimate of the true distance for δ\delta Lyr cluster. Conclusions. The reality of the δ\delta Lyr cluster and the cluster membership of BD+363317+36^\circ3317 have been reinforced.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Properties and nature of Be stars: 29. Orbital and long-term spectral variations of \gamma\ Cassiopei\ae

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    A detailed analysis of more than 800 electronic high-resolution spectra of gamma Cas, which were obtained during a time interval of over 6000 days (16.84 yrs) at several observatories, documents the smooth variations in the density and/or extend of its circumstellar envelope. We found a clear anticorrelation between the peak intensity and FWHM of the H alpha emission, which seems to agree with recent models of such emission lines. The main result of this study is a confirmation of the binary nature of the object, determination of a reliable linear ephemeris T_{min.RV} = HJD (2452081.9±\pm0.6) + (203.52±\pm0.08)*E, and a rather definitive set of orbital elements. We clearly demonstrated that the orbit is circular within the limits of accuracy of our measurements and has a semi-amplitude of radial-velocity curve of 4.30±\pm0.09 (km/s). No trace of the low-mass secondary was found. The time distribution of our spectra does not allow a reliable investigation of rapid spectral variations, which are undoubtedly present in the spectra. We postpone this investigation for a future study, based on series of dedicated whole-night spectral observations

    Properties and nature of Be stars 30. Reliable physical properties of a semi-detached B9.5e+G8III binary BR CMi = HD 61273 compared to those of other well studied semi-detached emission-line binaries

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    Reliable determination of the basic physical properties of hot emission-line binaries with Roche-lobe filling secondaries is important for developing the theory of mass exchange in binaries. It is a very hard task, however, which is complicated by the presence of circumstellar matter in these systems. So far, only a small number of systems with accurate values of component masses, radii, and other properties are known. Here, we report the first detailed study of a new representative of this class of binaries, BR CMi, based on the analysis of radial velocities and multichannel photometry from several observatories, and compare its physical properties with those for other well-studied systems. BR CMi is an ellipsoidal variable seen under an intermediate orbital inclination of ~51 degrees, and it has an orbital period of 12.919059(15) d and a circular orbit. We used the disentangled component spectra to estimate the effective temperatures 9500(200) K and 4655(50) K by comparing them with model spectra. They correspond to spectral types B9.5e and G8III. We also used the disentangled spectra of both binary components as templates for the 2-D cross-correlation to obtain accurate RVs and a reliable orbital solution. Some evidence of a secular period increase at a rate of 1.1+/-0.5 s per year was found. This, together with a very low mass ratio of 0.06 and a normal mass and radius of the mass gaining component, indicates that BR CMi is in a slow phase of the mass exchange after the mass-ratio reversal. It thus belongs to a still poorly populated subgroup of Be stars for which the origin of Balmer emission lines is safely explained as a consequence of mass transfer between the binary components.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. appears in Astronomy and Astrophysics 201

    Properties and nature of Be stars: 27. Orbital and recent long-term variations of the Pleiades Be star Pleione = BU Tauri

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    Radial-velocity variations of the H-alpha emission measured on the steep wings of the H-alpha line, prewhitened for the long-time changes, vary periodically with a period of (218.025 +/- 0.022)d, confirming the suspected binary nature of the bright Be star Pleione, a member of the Pleiades cluster. The orbit seems to have a high eccentricity over 0.7, but we also briefly discuss the possibility that the true orbit is circular and that the eccentricity is spurious owing to the phase-dependent effects of the circumstellar matter. The projected angular separation of the spectroscopic orbit is large enough to allow the detection of the binary with large optical interferometers, provided the magnitude difference primary - secondary is not too large. Since our data cover the onset of a new shell phase up to development of a metallic shell spectrum, we also briefly discuss the recent long-term changes. We confirm the formation of a new envelope, coexisting with the previous one, at the onset of the new shell phase. We find that the full width at half maximum of the H-alpha profile has been decreasing with time for both envelopes. In this connection, we briefly discuss Hirata's hypothesis of precessing gaseous disk and possible alternative scenarios of the observed long-term changes

    A new study of the spectroscopic binary 7 Vul with a Be star primary

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    We confirmed the binary nature of the Be star 7~Vul, derived a~more accurate spectroscopic orbit with an orbital period of (69.4212+/-0.0034) d, and improved the knowledge of the basic physical elements of the system. Analyzing available photometry and the strength of the \ha emission, we also document the long-term spectral variations of the Be primary. In addition, we confirmed rapid light changes with a~period of 0.5592 d, which is comparable to the expected rotational period of the Be primary, but note that its amplitude and possibly its period vary with time. We were able to disentangle only the He I 6678 A line of the secondary, which could support our tentative conclusion that the secondary appears to be a hot subdwarf. A search for this object in high-dispersion far-UV spectra could provide confirmation. Probable masses of the binary components are (6±16\pm1)~Mnom \ and (0.6±0.10.6\pm0.1)~Mnom. If the presence of a hot subdwarf is firmly confirmed, 7 Vul might be identified as a rare object with a B4-B5 primary; all Be + hot subdwarf systems found so far contain B0-B3 primaries.Comment: 17 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Properties and nature of Be stars 31. The binary nature, light variability, physical elements, and emission-line changes of HD~81357

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    Reliable determination of the basic physical properties of hot emission-line binaries with Roche-lobe filling secondaries is important for developing the theory of mass exchange in binaries. It is not easy, however, due to the presence of circumstellar matter. Here, we report the first detailed investigation of a new representative of this class of binaries, HD~81357, based on the analysis of spectra and photometry from several observatories. HD~81357 was found to be a double-lined spectroscopic binary and an ellipsoidal variable seen under an intermediate orbital inclination of (63±5)\sim(63\pm5)^\circ, having an orbital period of 33\fd77445(41) and a~circular orbit. From an automated comparison of the observed and synthetic spectra, we estimate the component's effective temperatures to be 12930(540)~K and 4260(24)~K. The combined light-curve and orbital solutions, also constrained by a very accurate Gaia Data Release 2 parallax, give the following values of the basic physical properties: masses 3.36±0.153.36\pm0.15 and 0.34±0.040.34\pm0.04~\Mnom, radii 3.9±0.23.9\pm0.2 and 13.97\pm0.05~\Rnom, and a~mass ratio 10.0\pm0.5$. Evolutionary modelling of the system including the phase of mass transfer between the components indicated that HD~81357 is a~system observed in the final slow phase of the mass exchange after the mass-ratio reversal. Contrary to what has been seen for similar binaries like AU~Mon, no cyclic light variations were found on a~time scale an~order of magnitude longer than the orbital period. 243,1 15%Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Ultraviolet Spectrum and Physical Properties of the Mass Donor Star in HD 226868 = Cygnus X-1

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    We present an examination of high resolution, ultraviolet spectroscopy from Hubble Space Telescope of the photospheric spectrum of the O-supergiant in the massive X-ray binary HD 226868 = Cyg X-1. We analyzed this and ground-based optical spectra to determine the effective temperature and gravity of the O9.7 Iab supergiant. Using non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE), line blanketed, plane parallel models from the TLUSTY grid, we obtain T_eff = 28.0 +/- 2.5kK and log g > 3.00 +/- 0.25, both lower than in previous studies. The optical spectrum is best fit with models that have enriched He and N abundances. We fit the model spectral energy distribution for this temperature and gravity to the UV, optical, and IR fluxes to determine the angular size of and extinction towards the binary. The angular size then yields relations for the stellar radius and luminosity as a function of distance. By assuming that the supergiant rotates synchronously with the orbit, we can use the radius - distance relation to find mass estimates for both the supergiant and black hole as a function of the distance and the ratio of stellar to Roche radius. Fits of the orbital light curve yield an additional constraint that limits the solutions in the mass plane. Our results indicate masses of 23^{+8}_{-6} M_sun for the supergiant and 11^{+5}_{-3} M_sun for the black hole.Comment: ApJ in pres

    On the nature of the Be star HR 7409 (7 Vul)

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    HR 7409 (7 Vul) is a newly identified Be star possibly part of the Gould Belt and is the massive component of a 69-day spectroscopic binary. The binary parameters and properties of the Be star measured using high-dispersion spectra obtained at Ondrejov Observatory and at Rozhen Observatory imply the presence of a low mass companion (~ 0.5-0.8 M_sun). If the pair is relatively young (<50-80 Myr), then the companion is a K V star, but, following another, older evolutionary scenario, the companion is a horizontal-branch star or possibly a white dwarf star. In the latter scenario, a past episode of mass transfer from an evolved star onto a less massive dwarf star would be responsible for the peculiar nature of the present-day, fast-rotating Be star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Observations of H-alpha, iron, and oxygen lines in B, Be, and shell stars

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    We have carried out a spectroscopic survey of several B, Be, and shell stars in optical and near-infrared regions. Line profiles of the H-alpha line and of selected Fe II and O I lines are presented.Comment: 23 pages, 45 figures; accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Stellar Wind Variations During the X-ray High and Low States of Cygnus X-1

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    We present results from Hubble Space Telescope UV spectroscopy of the massive X-ray binary system, HD226868 = Cyg X-1. The spectra were obtained at both orbital conjunction phases in two separate runs in 2002 and 2003 when the system was in the X-ray high/soft state. The stellar wind lines suffer large reductions in strength when the black hole is in the foreground due to the X-ray ionization of the wind ions. A comparison of HST and archival IUE spectra shows that similar photoionization effects occur in both the X-ray states. We constructed model UV wind line profiles assuming that X-ray ionization occurs everywhere in the wind except the zone where the supergiant blocks the X-ray flux. The good match between the observed and model profiles indicates that the wind ionization extends to near to the hemisphere of the supergiant facing the X-ray source. The H-alpha emission strength is generally lower in the high/soft state compared to the low/hard state, but the He II 4686 emission is relatively constant between states. The results suggest that mass transfer in Cyg X-1 is dominated by a focused wind flow that peaks along the axis joining the stars and that the stellar wind contribution is shut down by X-ray photoionization effects. The strong stellar wind from the shadowed side of the supergiant will stall when Coriolis deflection brings the gas into the region of X-ray illumination. This stalled gas component may be overtaken by the orbital motion of the black hole and act to inhibit accretion from the focused wind. The variations in the strength of the shadow wind component may then lead to accretion rate changes that ultimately determine the X-ray state.Comment: ApJ, in press, 41 pages, 15 figure