90 research outputs found

    Role of catalytic function in the antiplatelet activity of phospholipase A(2) cobra (Naja naja naja) venom

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    Three acidic phospholipases A(2) from Indian cobra (Naja naja naja) venom inhibited platelet aggregation in platelet rich plasma induced separately by ADP, collagen and epinephrine with different potencies. The order of inhibition was epinephrine > collagen > ADP. They did not inhibit platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid (10 muM). The inhibition was dependent on concentration of the protein and the time of incubation of the phospholipases A(2) with platelet rich plasma. Parabromophenacyl bromide modified PLA(2) enzymes lost their enzymatic activity as well as platelet aggregation inhibition activity suggesting the involvement of catalytic function in platelet aggregation inhibitory activity

    Veto Players in Post-Conflict DDR Programs: Evidence from Nepal and the DRC

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    Under what conditions are Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programs successfully implemented following intrastate conflict? Previous research is dominated by under-theorized case studies that lack the ability to detect the precise factors and mechanisms that lead to successful DDR. In this article, we draw on game theory and ask how the number of veto players, their policy distance, and their internal cohesion impact DDR implementation. Using empirical evidence from Nepal and the Democratic Republic of Congo, we show that the number of veto players, rather than their distance and cohesion, explains the (lack of) implementation of DDR

    A three-dimensional coupled model of the western Black Sea plankton dynamics: Seasonal variability and comparison to SeaWiFS data

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    The main physical and biological processes that control the seasonal cycle of the plankton dynamics over the Western Black Sea were explored by means of a three‐dimensional, 7‐compartment, on‐line coupled biophysical model that was developed for this study. Adopting high frequency forcing in terms of air‐sea interaction and Danube river inputs, we performed a simulation of the coupled model during the 2002–2003 period. A series of 8‐day Chl‐a SeaWiFS images provided a validation tool that guided us, along with available in situ measurements, to the improvement of model parameterizations and the calibration of the biological parameters. The simulation of the seasonal phytoplankton variability over the entire Western Black Sea, extending from the highly eutrophic river influenced area to the open sea area, was a major challenge that made necessary the representation of both the spatial and time variability of several processes. Despite the model simplicity, the simulated Chl‐a patterns presented a good agreement as compared to the SeaWiFS and in situ data. During winter, phytoplankton in coastal areas was shown to be limited by light availability, primarily due to the increased particulate matter concentrations, as a result of resuspension from the sediment and the increased river loads. During summer, the primary production was mostly sustained by riverine nutrients and regeneration processes and thus was strongly linked to the evolution of the Danube plume. The limiting nutrients showed deviations from the observed concentrations, indicating the necessity for a more realistic phytoplankton growth model

    Impact of eigenvalues on the electron-phonon coupling strength of aluminium and its binary alloys

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    Aluminium is a third group element according to the periodic table. Chemically it is a reactive metal often forming complexes within its binary alloys. In the present work we have dealt with the impact of eigenvalues on the superconducting state parameter viz. the electron-phonon coupling strength of this metal. We have also dealt with the same for two binary alloys of it viz. aluminium-magnesium and aluminium-zinc. For this purpose we have computed the non-local screened form factor for each of them. Initially the orthogonalised plane wave parameter has been taken as unity. Thereafter Vashishta-Singwi form of exchange and correlation is employed. The core energy eigenvalues of Herman-Skillman have been used. Our results are quite satisfactory for the metal as well as its present alloys. Our computation reveals that the superconducting state parameter can be reasonably reproduced by Harrison’s first principle pseudopotential technique along with McMillan’s formalism provided a proper choice of the core energy eigenvalues is made. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/bibechana.v12i0.11699 BIBECHANA 12 (2015) 35-3