190 research outputs found

    Negative symptoms and cognitive impairment are associated with distinct motivational deficits in treatment resistant schizophrenia

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    Background: Motivational deficits are a central feature of the negative syndrome in schizophrenia. They have consistently been associated with reduced willingness to expend physical effort in return for monetary rewards on effort based decision making (EBDM) paradigms. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying such altered performance are not well characterised, and it remains unclear if they are driven purely by negative symptoms, or also in part by cognitive impairment, antipsychotic treatment or even positive symptoms. Here we investigated the impact of all these factors using a paradigm that has not previously been used to measure EBDM in schizophrenia. Methods: Forty treatment resistant schizophrenia (TRS) patients on clozapine and matched controls (N = 80) completed a well validated EBDM task which offers monetary rewards in return for physical effort. Choice and reaction time data was analysed using logistic regressions, as well as Bayesian hierarchical drift diffusion modelling (HDDM). Behavioural parameters were compared between groups and their association with negative symptoms, cognitive function and serum clozapine levels were assessed. Results: Overall, TRS patients accepted significantly less offers than controls during effort-based decision making, suggesting they were less motivated. They demonstrated reduced sensitivity to increasing rewards, but surprisingly were also less averse to increasing effort. Despite a positive correlation between negative symptoms and cognitive function in TRS, reward sensitivity was associated only with cognitive performance. In contrast, reduced effort aversion correlated with negative symptom severity. Clozapine levels and positive symptoms were not associated with either behavioural parameter. Conclusion: Motivational deficits in TRS are characterised by both diminished reward sensitivity and reduced effort aversion during EBDM. Cognitive dysfunction and negative symptom severity account for distinct aspects of these behavioural changes, despite positive associations between themselves. Overall, these findings demonstrate that negative symptoms and cognitive impairment have significant independent contributions to EBDM in TRS, thereby opening the possibility of individualised treatment targeting these mechanisms to improve motivation

    Developing a sense of place toolkit: Identifying destination uniqueness

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    It has long been recognised that the tangible and intangible characteristics that make a location distinctive and memorable, contribute significantly to destination image. How this destination feel is communicated, has largely been the domain of place branding and destination marketing, which have the potential to miss stakeholder voices. Recently though, practitioners are starting to carefully consider ā€˜sense of placeā€™; that is an emotional attachment to place, which is defined more carefully in the literature review of this article, and which corresponds with long-running academic discussions. This paper attempts to identify some of these and bridge the gap between academic theory on sense of place and practice. In the UK, many rural areas are now seeking to operationalise sense of place through toolkit documents that might inform landscape interpretation and destination branding. A scenario echoed internationally, where local distinctiveness features in both rural and urban planning. However, sense of place in a tourism context, and more specifically the development of these toolkits, has received limited academic attention. Hence, this paper presents the case of Morecambe Bay, and the development of a dedicated sense of place toolkit. The subsequent case emerges from a collaboration between academics and practitioners and draws on participant observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Specifically, the paper outlines a series of workshop activities developed with destination stakeholders and identifies how these inform subsequent toolkit design. It offers a critical analysis of the benefits and potential pitfalls of employing this approach. This case is of value to academics and destination stakeholders interested in identifying and communicating the uniqueness and emotional tone of the destination. Key lessons and recommendations are identified for those engaging in similar toolkit development initiatives

    Externalising tacit overview knowledge: A model-based approach to supporting design teams

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    Successful realization of large-scale product development programs is challenging because of complex product and process dependencies and complicated team interactions. Proficient teamwork is underpinned by knowledge of the manner in which tasks performed by different design participants fit together to create an effective whole. Based on an extensive industrial case study with a diesel engine company, this paper first argues that the overview and experience of senior designers play an important part in supporting teamwork by coordinating activities and facilitating proactive communication across large project teams. As experts move on and novices or contractors are hired, problems are likely to occur as tacit overview knowledge is lost. If informal, overview-driven processes break down, the risk of costly oversights will increase, and greater management overhead will be required to realize successful product designs. Existing process models provide a means to express the connectivity between tasks and components thus to compensate partially for the loss of tacit overview. This paper proposes the use of design confidence, a metric that reflects the designer's belief in the maturity of a particular design parameter at a given point in the process, to address the limitations of existing models. The applicability of confidence-based design models in providing overview, as well as their shortcomings, will be demonstrated through the example of a diesel engine design process. Confidence can be used to make overview knowledge explicit and convey additional information about the design artifact, thereby informing communication and negotiation between team

    Supporting change processes in design: Complexity, prediction and reliability

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    Change to existing products is fundamental to design processes. New products are often designed through change or modification to existing products. Specific parts or subsystems are changed to similar ones whilst others are directly reused. Design by modification applies particularly to safety critical products where the reuse of existing working parts and subsystems can reduce cost and risk. However change is rarely a matter of just reusing or modifying parts. Changing one part can propagate through the entire design leading to costly rework or jeopardising the integrity of the whole product. This paper characterises product change based on studies in the aerospace and automotive industry and introduces tools to aid designers in understanding the potential effects of change. Two ways of supporting designers are described: probabilistic prediction of the effects of change and visualisation of change propagation through product connectivities. Change propagation has uncertainties which are amplified by the choices designers make in practice as they implement change. Change prediction and visualisation is discussed with reference to complexity in three areas of product development: the structural backcloth of connectivities in the existing product (and its processes), the descriptions of the product used in design and the actions taken to carry out changes

    Distinct alterations in probabilistic reversal learning across at-risk mental state, first episode psychosis and persistent schizophrenia

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    We used a probabilistic reversal learning task to examine prediction error-driven belief updating in three clinical groups with psychosis or psychosis-like symptoms. Study 1 compared people with at-risk mental state and first episode psychosis (FEP) to matched controls. Study 2 compared people diagnosed with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) to matched controls. The design replicated our previous work showing ketamine-related perturbations in how meta-level confidence maintained behavioural policy. We applied the same computational modelling analysis here, in order to compare the pharmacological model to three groups at different stages of psychosis. Accuracy was reduced in FEP, reflecting increased tendencies to shift strategy following probabilistic errors. The TRS group also showed a greater tendency to shift choice strategies though accuracy levels were not significantly reduced. Applying the previously-used computational modelling approach, we observed that only the TRS group showed altered confidence-based modulation of responding, previously observed under ketamine administration. Overall, our behavioural findings demonstrated resemblance between clinical groups (FEP and TRS) and ketamine in terms of a reduction in stabilisation of responding in a noisy environment. The computational analysis suggested that TRS, but not FEP, replicates ketamine effects but we consider the computational findings preliminary given limitations in performance of the model

    Exploring attitudes and beliefs towards implementing cattle disease prevention and control measures: a qualitative study with dairy farmers in Great Britain

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    Disease prevention and control practices are frequently highlighted as important to ensure the health and welfare of farmed animals, although little is known as to why not many practices are carried out. The aim of this study was to identify the motivators and barriers of dairy cattle farmers towards the use of biosecurity measures on dairy farms using a health psychology approach. Twenty-five farmers on 24 farms in Great Britain (GB) were interviewed using the Theory of Planned Behaviour framework. Results indicated that farmers perceived they had the ability to control what happened on their farms in terms of preventing and controlling disease, and described benefits from being proactive and vigilant. However, barriers were cited in relation to testing inaccuracies, effectiveness and time-efficiency of practices, and disease transmission route (e.g., airborne transmission). Farmers reported they were positively influenced by veterinarians and negatively influenced by the government (Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)) and the general public. Decisions to implement practices were influenced by the perceived severity of the disease in question, if disease was diagnosed on the farm already, or was occurring on other farms. Farmers described undertaking a form of personal risk assessment when deciding if practices were worth doing, which did not always involve building in disease specific factors or opinions from veterinarians or other advisors. These results indicate that further guidance about the intricacies of control and prevention principles in relation to specific animal diseases may be required, with an obvious role for veterinarians. There appears to be an opportunity for farm advisors and herd health professionals to further understand farmer beliefs behind certain attitudes and target communication and advice accordingly to further enhance dairy cattle health and welfare

    From social rights to the market: neo-liberalism and the knowledge economy

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    Public higher education has a long history, with its growth associated with mass higher education and the extension of a social right to education from secondary schooling to university education. Following the rise in student numbers since the 1970s, the aspiration to higher education has been universalized, although opportunities remain structured by social background. This paper looks at changing policies for higher education in the UK and the emergence of a neoliberal knowledge regime. This subordinates higher education to the market and shifts the burden of paying for degree courses onto students. It seeks to stratify institutions and extend the role of for-profit providers. From a role in the amelioration of social inequality, universities are now asked to participate actively in the widening inequalities associated with a neoliberal global market order

    Management and leadership in UK universities: exploring the possibilities of change

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    This paper considers the case for reform of management struc- tures in UK universities and oļ¬€ers proposals for change. The model of top-down, performance-led management that characterises many institutions is both outmoded and ill-suited to the chal- lenges of an increasingly turbulent higher education sector. Drawing on the experiences of a university that introduced a new scheme of performance management, I explore alternative approaches to leadership and management, collaborative or part- nership working designed to improve employee voice and the need to re-evaluate approaches to Human Resource Management. I conclude with a ļ¬ve-point model for change
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