188 research outputs found

    Maternal care styles in primates: considering a New World species

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    When aiming understand the human behavior, comparisons with nonhuman primates are especially relevant to identify homoplasies (similar characteristics that evolve independently in different species). In this paper, we present a two-year longitudinal study on the maternal behavior of capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) under naturalistic conditions. Our results revel distinct maternal care styles within a continuum ranging from permissiveness (laissez-faire) to protectiveness. The observed development of mothers and infants bond suggests that the dependence period of capuchin monkeys infants involves, in addition to physical maturation processes, the establishment and development of psychological processes associated with the attachment system. It is possible that the variability of maternal styles – resulting from the combination of mothers’ and infants’ characteristics, as well as socioecological contexts, along with the extension of the attachment bond – are responsible for paving the way for different developmental trajectories. This may be one of the mechanisms underlying interindividual differences arise in adult populations, as seen in humans.Quando buscamos entender o comportamento humano, comparações com primatas não humanos são especialmente relevantes para identificar homoplasias (características semelhantes que evoluem independentemente em diferentes espécies). Neste artigo, apresentamos um estudo longitudinal de dois anos sobre o comportamento materno de macacos-prego (Sapajus spp.) em condições naturalísticas. Nossos resultados permitiram identificar estilos de cuidado distintos dentro de um contínuo de permissividade a proteção. O desenvolvimento observado do vínculo entre mães e filhotes sugere que o período de dependência de filhotes de macaco-prego envolve, além de processos de maturação física, o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento de processos psicológicos associados ao sistema de apego. É possível que a variabilidade de estilos maternos resultante da combinação de características de mães, filhotes e contextos socioecológicos, aliada ao prolongamento do vínculo de apego, pavimente caminhos para diferentes trajetórias de desenvolvimento. Como em humanos, esse pode ser um dos mecanismos pelos quais surgem e se consolidam as diferenças interindividuais nas populações adultas.Lorsque nous cherchons à comprendre le comportement humain, les comparaisons avec les primates non humains sont particulièrement pertinentes pour identifier les homoplasies (caractéristiques similaires qui évoluent indépendamment dans différentes espèces). Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats d’une étude longitudinale de deux ans sur le comportement maternel du Sapajou capucin (Sapajus spp.) dans des conditions naturelles. Nos résultats nous ont permis d’identifier différents styles de soins maternels dans un continuum de permissivité à la protection. Nous avons observé que le modèle de lien d’attachement entre la mère et la progéniture suggère que la période de dépendance des bébés singes implique, en plus des processus de maturation physique, l’établissement et le développement de processus psychologiques associés au système d’attachement. Il est possible que la variabilité des styles maternels résultant de la combinaison des caractéristiques de la mère, de la progéniture et du contexte socioécologique, ainsi que l’extension du lien d’attachement, ouvrent la voie à différentes trajectoires de développement. Comme les humains, il peut être un des mécanismes par lequel les différences interindividuelles apparaissent et se consolident au sein des populations adultes.Cuando buscamos entender el comportamiento humano, comparaciones con primates no humanos son especialmente relevantes para identificar homoplasias (características similares que evolucionan independientemente en diferentes especies). En este artículo, presentamos los resultados de un estudio longitudinal de dos años sobre el comportamiento materno de monos capuchinos (Sapajus spp.) en condiciones naturales. Los resultados permitieron identificar estilos de cuidado materno distintos dentro de un continuo de permisividad a la protección. Se observó que el patrón de desarrollo del vínculo de apego entre madre y cría sugiere que el período de dependencia de la cría de monos capuchinos involucra, además de procesos de maduración física, el establecimiento y desarrollo de procesos psicológicos asociados al sistema de apego. Es posible que la variabilidad de estilos maternos resultante de la combinación de características de madres, crías y contextos socioecológicos, aliada a la prolongación del vínculo de apego, establezca caminos para diferentes trayectorias de desarrollo. Tal como en humanos, este puede ser uno de los mecanismos por los que surgen y se consolidan las diferencias interindividuales en las poblaciones adultas

    A cross-cultural comparison of the link between modernization, anthropomorphism and attitude to wildlife

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    Anthropogenic pressure has significantly increased in the last decades, often enhancing conflicts at the humanndash;wildlife interface. Therefore, understanding peoplesrsquo; value orientations, attitudes and behavioural intentions towards wildlife is a crucial endeavour to reduce the occurrence of conflicts between humans and wildlife. Previous research in the USA has shown a consistent link between modernization and increased anthropomorphism (i.e., the tendency to attribute human mental or physical characteristics to other entities), leading to positive changes in value orientations, attitudes, and behavioural intentions towards wildlife. In this paper, we aimed to address whether this link is also present in other cultures, by testing participants (N = 741) in five different countries (Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, and Spain). Our study shows that while the positive link between anthropomorphism, positive attitudes and behavioural intentions towards wildlife is universal, the link between modernization and anthropomorphism is culturally mediated. In some countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Spain), modernization increased anthropomorphism, while in others modernization predicted no differences (Brazil) or even a decrease in anthropomorphism (Mexico), ultimately deteriorating individualsrsquo; attitude and behavioural intentions towards wildlife. These results call for caution when generalizing findings from western industrialized countries to inform conservation policies worldwide

    Female emancipation in a male dominant, sexually dimorphic primate under natural conditions

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    In most group-living animals, a dominance hierarchy reduces the costs of competition for limited resources. Dominance ranks may reflect prior attributes, such as body size, related to fighting ability or reflect the history of self-reinforcing effects of winning and losing a conflict (the winner-loser effect), or both. As to prior attributes, in sexually dimorphic species, where males are larger than females, males are assumed to be dominant over females. As to the winner-loser effect, the computational model DomWorld has shown that despite the female’s lower initial fighting ability, females achieve some degree of dominance of females over males. In the model, this degree of female dominance increases with the proportion of males in a group. This increase was supposed to emerge from the higher fraction of fights of males among themselves. These correlations were confirmed in despotic macaques, vervet monkeys, and in humans. Here, we first investigate this hypothesis in DomWorld and next in long-term data of 9,300 observation hours on six wild groups of robust capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus; S. nigritus, and S. xanthosternos) in three Brazilian sites. We test whether both the proportion of males and degree of female dominance over males are indeed associated with a higher relative frequency of aggression among males and a higher relative frequency of aggression of females to males. We confirm these correlations in DomWorld. Next, we confirm in empirical data of capuchin monkeys that with the proportion of males in the group there is indeed an increase in female dominance over males, and in the relative frequency of both male-male aggression and aggression of females to males and that the female dominance index is significantly positively associated with male male aggression. Our results reveal that adult sex ratio influences the power relation between the sexes beyond predictions from socioecological models.</p

    Feeding postural behaviors and food geometric and material properties in bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus)

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    Foods that are geometrically and mechanically challenging to eat have been associated with specializations in feeding behavior and craniodental morphology across primates, and many of these foods are embedded, requiring a variety of positional behaviors during feeding. However, variation in positional behaviors in response to food properties is not well understood. Here, we examine differences in feeding postural behaviors across feeding events in relation to substrate and food geometric and material properties in a species of extractive foragers, bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus).Methods and materialsWe coded over 1400 co-occurring postural and feeding behaviors, their durations, and relative sizes of substrate and food from videos recorded at Fazenda Boa Vista in Gilbués, Piauí, Brazil. Food material properties were measured from foods collected at the time of the video recordings.ResultsOur results suggest that bearded capuchin feeding postures significantly differ across the feeding sequence, with substrate size, and between foods of high and low toughness and elastic modulus. Feeding postures were less variable for highly mechanically challenging foods. Food size also had a significant effect on postural behaviors. Large foods were more likely to be associated with suspended postures and small foods with sitting and squatting. Feeding postural behaviors were best explained by a combination of substrate and food variables.ConclusionsOur results indicate that food geometric and mechanical properties have a significant influence on feeding postural behaviors in bearded capuchins. We posit that feeding postural behaviors reflect a combination of substrate variables and food properties, and large, mechanically challenging foods have a limiting effect on postural variation.<br

    Effects of ezetimibe on markers of synthesis and absorption of cholesterol in high-risk patients with elevated C-reactive protein

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    AbstractAimsHigh-risk subjects with elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) are at high risk for cardiovascular events and frequently require potent statins or combined lipid-lowering therapy to achieve lipid targets and decrease inflammation. Our study aimed at evaluating the effects of three lipid-modifying therapies on LDL-cholesterol, CRP levels and markers of cholesterol absorption and synthesis.Main methodsA prospective intervention study was performed in high cardiovascular risk individuals receiving atorvastatin 10mg daily for four weeks. Those with CRP≥2.0mg/L were randomized to another four-week treatment period with atorvastatin 40mg, ezetimibe 10mg or the combination of atorvastatin 40mg / ezetimibe 10mg. Lipids, markers of cholesterol absorption (campesterol and β-sitosterol), and synthesis (desmosterol), as well as CRP were quantified at baseline and end of study.Key findingsOne hundred and twenty two individuals were included. Atorvastatin alone or combined with ezetimibe reduced both LDL-cholesterol and CRP (P<0.002 vs. baseline; Wilcoxon); ezetimibe did not modify CRP. Ezetimibe-based therapies reduced absorption markers and their ratios to cholesterol (P<0.0001 vs. baseline, for all; Wilcoxon), whereas atorvastatin alone increased campesterol/cholesterol and β-sitosterol/cholesterol ratios (P<0.05 vs. baseline; Wilcoxon). In addition, ezetimibe also increased desmosterol and desmosterol/cholesterol ratio (P<0.0001 vs. baseline; Wilcoxon).SignificanceThese results contribute to understanding the link between cellular cholesterol homeostasis, inflammation and lipid-modifying therapies. Our findings highlight the broader benefit of combined therapy with a potent statin and ezetimibe decreasing inflammation, and preventing increase in cholesterol biosynthesis, an effect not observed with ezetimibe alone

    Electrocardiogram sensitivity in left ventricular hypertrophy according to gender and cardiac mass

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    BACKGROUND: Several factors are known to interfere with electrocardiogram (ECG) sensitivity when diagnosing Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH), with gender and cardiac mass being two of the most important ones OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of gender on the sensitivity of some of the criteria used to detect LVH, according to the progression of ventricular hypertrophy degree. METHODS: According to gender and the degree of LVH at the echocardiogram, the patients were divided in three groups: mild, moderate and severe LVH. ECG sensitivity to detect LVH was assessed between men and women, according to the LVH degree. RESULTS: Of the 874 patients, 265 were males (30.3%) and 609, females (69.7%). The [(S + R) X QRS], Sokolow-Lyon, Romhilt-Estes, Perugia and strain criteria showed high discriminatory power in the diagnosis of LVH between men and women in the three groups with LVH, with a superior performance in the male population and highlighting the importance of the [(S + R) X QRS] and Perugia scores. Conclusion: The diagnostic sensitivity of the ECG increases with the cardiac mass. The examination is more sensitive in men, highlighting the importance of the [(S + R) X QRS] and Perugia scores. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic sensitivity of the ECG increases with the cardiac mass. The examination is more sensitive in men, highlighting the importance of the [(S + R) X QRS] and Perugia scores.FUNDAMENTO: Sabe-se que vários fatores interferem na sensibilidade do Eletrocardiograma (ECG) no diagnóstico da Hipertrofia Ventricular Esquerda (HVE), sendo o gênero e a massa cardíaca alguns dos principais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do sexo na sensibilidade de alguns dos critérios utilizados para a detecção de HVE, de acordo com a progressão do grau de hipertrofia ventricular. MÉTODOS: De acordo com o gênero e com o grau de HVE ao ecocardiograma, os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: HVE leve, moderada e severa. Avaliou-se a sensibilidade do ECG para detectar HVE entre homens e mulheres, conforme o grau de HVE. RESULTADOS: Dos 874 pacientes, 265 eram homens (30,3%) e 609, mulheres (69,7%). Os critérios [(S + R) X QRS], Sokolow-Lyon, Romhilt-Estes, Perúgia e padrão strain mostraram alto poder discriminatório no diagnóstico de HVE entre homens e mulheres nos três grupos de HVE, com desempenho superior na população masculina e destaque para os escores [(S + R) X QRS] e Perúgia. CONCLUSÃO: A sensibilidade diagnóstica do ECG é maior com o aumento da massa cardíaca. O exame é mais sensível entre homens, destacando-se os escores [(S + R) X QRS] e Perúgia.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Comparison of Devices Used for Stent-Assisted Coiling of Intracranial Aneurysms

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    INTRODUCTION: Two self-expandable stents, the Neuroform and the Enterprise stent, are widely used for stent-assisted coiling (SAC) of complex shaped intracranial aneurysms. However, comparative knowledge about technical feasibility, peri- and post-procedural morbidity and mortality, packing densities as well as follow-up data is limited. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study to investigate differences in aneurysms stented with the Enterprise or Neuroform stents. Angiographic follow-up (mean 19.42 months) was available in 72.6% (61/84) of aneurysms treated with stent-assisted coiling. We further sought to compare stent-assisted coiling to a matched patient population with aneurysms treated by conventional coil embolization. RESULTS: The stenting success rate of the Enterprise was higher compared to the Neuroform stent (46/48 and 42/51, respectively). In 5 of 9 cases in which the Neuroform stent was not navigable to the landing zone, we successfully deployed an Enterprise stent instead. Eventually, 42 aneurysms were coiled after stenting in each group. We observed no significant differences in peri-procedural complication rate, post-procedural hospital stay, packing density, recurrence rate or number of in-stent stenosis. Strikingly, 36.1% of followed aneurysms in the SAC group showed progressive occlusion on angiographic follow-up imaging. The packing density was significantly higher in aneurysms treated by SAC as compared to conventionally coiled aneurysms, while recanalization rate was significantly lower in the SAC group. CONCLUSION: The procedural success rate is higher using the Enterprise, but otherwise both stents exhibited similar characteristics. Lower recurrence frequency and complication rates comparable to conventional coil embolization emphasize the importance of stent-assisted coiling in the treatment of complex aneurysms. Progressive occlusion on angiographic follow-up was a distinct and frequent observation in the SAC group and may in part be due to flow diversion

    Single-cell RNA-seq supports a developmental hierarchy in human oligodendroglioma

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    Although human tumours are shaped by the genetic evolution of cancer cells, evidence also suggests that they display hierarchies related to developmental pathways and epigenetic programs in which cancer stem cells (CSCs) can drive tumour growth and give rise to differentiated progeny. Yet, unbiased evidence for CSCs in solid human malignancies remains elusive. Here we profile 4,347 single cells from six IDH1 or IDH2 mutant human oligodendrogliomas by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and reconstruct their developmental programs from genome-wide expression signatures. We infer that most cancer cells are differentiated along two specialized glial programs, whereas a rare subpopulation of cells is undifferentiated and associated with a neural stem cell expression program. Cells with expression signatures for proliferation are highly enriched in this rare subpopulation, consistent with a model in which CSCs are primarily responsible for fuelling the growth of oligodendroglioma in humans. Analysis of copy number variation (CNV) shows that distinct CNV sub-clones within tumours display similar cellular hierarchies, suggesting that the architecture of oligodendroglioma is primarily dictated by developmental programs. Subclonal point mutation analysis supports a similar model, although a full phylogenetic tree would be required to definitively determine the effect of genetic evolution on the inferred hierarchies. Our single-cell analyses provide insight into the cellular architecture of oligodendrogliomas at single-cell resolution and support the cancer stem cell model, with substantial implications for disease management

    Thyroid function, autoimmunity and nodules in hematological malignancies

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    Objective Hematological malignancies encompass a large spectrum of disease entities whose treatment by chemo/radiotherapy could lead to thyroid complications. To the best of our knowledge, no study has simultaneously addressed thyroid function, autoimmunity and nodularity. Therefore, we decided to conduct one.Materials and methods We evaluated 82 Caucasian patients (36 women and 46 men), who were treated at our Oncology division for hematological malignancies (multiple myeloma, chronic myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphatic leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and polycythemia vera) and compared them with a control group of 104 patients. Patients who had received or were receiving external head/neck radiotherapy were excluded. All oncological patients and control individuals underwent thyroid ultrasonography and thyroid function and autoimmunity tests.Results A lower prevalence of enlarged thyroid and nodules were found in patients with respect to controls. The rate of thyroid nodules was the highest in multiple myeloma and polycythemia vera, and the lowest in chronic lymphatic leukemia. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients had the smallest thyroid nodules while men with multiple myeloma the biggest ones. No patient had hypothyroidism, while 5.6% of patients had subclinical hyperthyroidism. In contrast, within the control group the rates of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, overt and subclinical, were 3.8%, 20.2%, 0% and 0% respectively. Moreover, the overall rate of thyroid autoantibody positiveness in patients was significantly lower than controls.Conclusion In our experience, we found a significantly lower prevalence of thyroid abnormalities in hematologic patients who underwent chemotherapy, but not radiotherapy, with respect to controls. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2015;59(3):236-4