32 research outputs found

    Kulttuurikasvatus ja lastenkulttuuri oppilaan minuuden rakentajina

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    Tiivistelmä. Tarkastelen tässä tutkielmassa kulttuurikasvatuksen ja lastenkulttuurin asemaa ja merkityksiä lapsen identiteetille, kasvulle ja kehitykselle tuoden esille niiden ilmenemistä ja toteutusta koulukasvatuksessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on perustella kulttuurikasvatuksen ja lastenkulttuurin tärkeyttä aiemman tutkimuksen ja teorian avulla. Perehdyn kulttuurin ja kasvatuksen väliseen yhteyteen ja niiden vaikutuksiin lapsen elämässä. Tarkoituksenani on eritellä ja analysoida kulttuurikasvatuksen ja lastenkulttuurin toteutusta käytännössä tuoden esiin niiden hyötyjä ja mahdollisuuksia koulukasvatuksessa. Huomioin tarkastelussa sekä varhaiskasvatuksen että peruskoulun kontekstin. Kulttuurilla on suuri rooli siinä, millaiseksi yksilöksi lapsi kasvaa, ja miten hän tulkitsee ympäröivää maailmaa. Kulttuurilla ja taiteella on myös useita kasvun ja kehityksen kannalta merkittäviä vaikutuksia, ja niiden huomioiminen opetuksessa on tärkeää. Kulttuurikasvatuksen ja lastenkulttuurin hyödyntämisen avulla voidaan edesauttaa lapsen kasvua kokonaisvaltaiseksi yhteiskunnan jäseneksi. Kulttuurikasvatus ja lastenkulttuuri on monipuolisesti esillä niin varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmassa, kuin perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmankin perusteissa. Tutkimus on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistonkeruussa hyödynsin Oulun yliopiston kirjastoa ja sen tietokantoja, kotimaisia ja kansainvälisiä tietokantoja sekä aiheeseen liittyviä materiaalipankkeja. Analysoin varhaiskasvatuksen ja perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmia, ja tutustuin kuntien kulttuurikasvatussuunnitelmiin. Kasvatustyössä on tärkeää sekä itsensä, että koko kouluinstituution jatkuva kehittäminen. Tekemällä tuoreen katsauksen kulttuurikasvatuksen ja lastenkulttuurin monipuolisiin merkityksiin, rooleihin ja ilmenemiseen luon pohjaa aiheen tulevalle tutkimukselle

    Porosity measurements of interstellar ice mixtures using optical laser interference and extended effective medium approximations

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    Aims. This article aims to provide an alternative method of measuring the porosity of multi-phase composite ices from their refractive indices and of characterising how the abundance of a premixed contaminant (e.g., CO2) affects the porosity of water-rich ice mixtures during omni-directional deposition. Methods. We combine optical laser interference and extended effective medium approximations (EMAs) to measure the porosity of three astrophysically relevant ice mixtures: H2O:CO2=10:1, 4:1, and 2:1. Infrared spectroscopy is used as a benchmarking test of this new laboratory-based method. Results. By independently monitoring the O-H dangling modes of the different water-rich ice mixtures, we confirm the porosities predicted by the extended EMAs. We also demonstrate that CO2 premixed with water in the gas phase does not significantly affect the ice morphology during omni-directional deposition, as long as the physical conditions favourable to segregation are not reached. We propose a mechanism in which CO2 molecules diffuse on the surface of the growing ice sample prior to being incorporated into the bulk and then fill the pores partly or completely, depending on the relative abundance and the growth temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&

    An error tolerant memory aid for reduced cognitive load in number copying tasks

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    Number copying tasks are still common despite increased digitalization of services. Number copying tasks are cognitively and visually demanding, errors are easily introduced and the process is often perceived as laborious. This study proposes an alternative scheme based on dictionary coding that reduces the cognitive load on the user by a factor of five. The strategy has several levels of error detection and error correction characteristics and is easy to implemen

    Laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry of ultraviolet photo-processed ices

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    A new ultra-high vacuum experiment is described that allows studying photo-induced chemical processes in interstellar ice analogues. MATRI2CES - a Mass Analytical Tool to study Reactions in Interstellar ICES applies a new concept by combining laser desorption and time-of-flight mass spectrometry with the ultimate goal to characterize in situ and in real time the solid state evolution of organic compounds upon UV photolysis for astronomically relevant ice mixtures and temperatures. The performance of the experimental setup is demonstrated by the kinetic analysis of the different photoproducts of pure methane (CH4) ice at 20 K. A quantitative approach provides formation yields of several new species with up to four carbon atoms. Convincing evidence is found for the formation of even larger species. Typical mass resolutions obtained range from M/M ∼320 to ∼400 for CH4 and argon, respectively. Additional tests show that the typical detection limit (in monolayers) is ≤0.02 ML, substantially more sensitive than the regular techniques used to investigate chemical processes in interstellar ices.Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)Laboratory astrophysics and astrochemistr

    Grain Surface Models and Data for Astrochemistry

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    AbstractThe cross-disciplinary field of astrochemistry exists to understand the formation, destruction, and survival of molecules in astrophysical environments. Molecules in space are synthesized via a large variety of gas-phase reactions, and reactions on dust-grain surfaces, where the surface acts as a catalyst. A broad consensus has been reached in the astrochemistry community on how to suitably treat gas-phase processes in models, and also on how to present the necessary reaction data in databases; however, no such consensus has yet been reached for grain-surface processes. A team of ∼25 experts covering observational, laboratory and theoretical (astro)chemistry met in summer of 2014 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden with the aim to provide solutions for this problem and to review the current state-of-the-art of grain surface models, both in terms of technical implementation into models as well as the most up-to-date information available from experiments and chemical computations. This review builds on the results of this workshop and gives an outlook for future directions


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    Gestures and widgets: performance in text editing on multi-touch capable mobile devices

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    International audienceWe describe the design and evaluation of a gestural text editing technique for touchscreen devices. The gestures are drawn on top of the soft keyboard and interpreted as commands for moving the caret, performing selections, and controlling the clipboard. Our implementation is an Android service that can be used in any text editing task on Android-based devices. We conducted an experiment to compare the gestural editing technique against the widget-based technique available on a smartphone (Samsung Galaxy II with Android 2.3.5). The results show a performance benefit of 13-24% for the gestural technique depending on the font size. Subjective feedback from the participants was also positive. Because the two editing techniques use different input areas, they can co-exist on a device. This means that the gestural editing can be added on any soft keyboard without interfering with user experience for those users that choose not to use it

    Hands reaching out of dreamland : a haptic peripheral alarm clock

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    Checking your pocket for your mobile phone is still there, tying your shoelaces, moving a cup to your mouth to drink, are examples of peripheral activities, which can be performed without focused attention – something humans are perfectly capable of. However during the rapid development of technology these human skills are often not addressed in the designs that surround us. Products are simply designed for full attention without taking peripheral attention into account as an equally important mode of interaction. This paper explores the notion of peripheral interactivity using touch as a new mode of expression and experience by means of making time tangible. The haptic, peripheral alarm clock as presented in this paper turns the activity of checking the time while sleeping into a truly peripheral activity

    The precision of 'haptic' rod length perception is reduced by lack of visual precision

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    In studies on haptic rod length perception, participants conventionally report their length estimates by placing a visual landmark at a position equal to the rod’s perceived endpoint. We hypothesized that this visual aspect substantially increases the variability of the recorded length judgments. To examine this, we developed a virtual reality length judgment apparatus that provides better visual information. Participants performed a rod length perception task in both the conventional apparatus and the virtual reality apparatus. The variability of the length judgments was found to be higher in the conventional apparatus. We determined that between half and two-thirds of the variance in the conventional apparatus is haptic variance. Thus, vision accounts for between one-third and half of the variance that was previously thought to be haptic variance. Our finding implies that the virtual reality apparatus may be more suitable for studying subtle effects in haptic rod length perception

    Virtual Stick in Caret Positioning on Touch Screens

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    International audienceWe present our design exploration in the area of virtual stick controllers and a preliminary evaluation in an editing task. Virtual stick controllers are one solution to the problem of precise pointing on touch screens. They operate by using an area of the touch screen as a rate control device that moves a pointer. We implemented and evaluated this technique in a text editing context where unaided precise placement of the caret is difficult. The results showed that with large fonts and long pointing distance positioning the caret with the virtual stick is significantly slower than with conventional finger touching. On the contrary, with small fonts and short pointing distance, we noted no difference