30 research outputs found

    High-Intensity Functional Training Induces Superior Training Adaptations Compared With Traditional Military Physical Training

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    This study examined the effectiveness of concurrent strength and endurance training with an emphasis on high-intensity functional training (HIFT) during military service. Voluntary male conscripts (aged 18-28 years) were placed in either an experimental (EXP: n = 50-66) or a control (CON: n = 50-67) group. The training for the EXP group included HIFT using body mass, sandbags, and kettlebells. The CON group trained according to the current practice. Physical performance and body composition were assessed at baseline (PRE), at week 10 (MID), and after (POST) the 19-week training period. Significance was set at p < 0.05. The total distance covered in a 12-minute running test increased in both groups, but the change in EXP was superior to the change in CON (11.6%, ES: 0.79 vs. 5.7%, ES: 0.33; p = 0.027). Maximal strength and power characteristics increased in EXP (3.1-5.0%), whereas no improvements were observed in CON. Conscripts with the highest initial fitness showed no improvements in physical performance in either group. Body mass and waist circumference decreased in EXP, whereas CON showed an increase in muscle mass. These findings suggest that HIFT is an effective and time-efficient approach to improve soldiers' aerobic fitness during military service. For the optimal development of strength, the training equipment used may not have provided sufficient and progressive loading to yield considerable strength adaptations. More focus should be placed on sufficient intensity and volume in both strength and endurance training, especially for the most fit soldiers

    Is the incidence of meningiomas underestimated? A regional survey

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    We assessed the undercount of meningiomas in a population-based cancer registry. A comprehensive material was formed by compiling hospital sources with the Finnish Cancer Registry database. The completeness of each source ranged 62–69%. The corrected age-standardised meningioma incidence was 2.9/100 000 for men and 13.0/100 000 for women, a third higher than the cancer registry figures

    Assessment of Uncertainties in Scenario Simulations of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Baltic Sea

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    Following earlier regional assessment studies, such as the Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin and the North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment, knowledge acquired from available literature about future scenario simulations of biogeochemical cycles in the Baltic Sea and their uncertainties is assessed. The identification and reduction of uncertainties of scenario simulations are issues for marine management. For instance, it is important to know whether nutrient load abatement will meet its objectives of restored water quality status in future climate or whether additional measures are required. However, uncertainties are large and their sources need to be understood to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of measures. The assessment of sources of uncertainties in projections of biogeochemical cycles based on authors' own expert judgment suggests that the biggest uncertainties are caused by (1) unknown current and future bioavailable nutrient loads from land and atmosphere, (2) the experimental setup (including the spin up strategy), (3) differences between the projections of global and regional climate models, in particular, with respect to the global mean sea level rise and regional water cycle, (4) differing model-specific responses of the simulated biogeochemical cycles to long-term changes in external nutrient loads and climate of the Baltic Sea region, and (5) unknown future greenhouse gas emissions. Regular assessments of the models' skill (or quality compared to observations) for the Baltic Sea region and the spread in scenario simulations (differences among projected changes) as well as improvement of dynamical downscaling methods are recommended.Peer reviewe

    Preparation, properties and applications of wheat gluten edible films

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    Edible films from wheat gluten were prepared with various amounts of glycerol as a plasticizer. Water vapor permeability, oxygen permeability, tensile strength and percentage elongation at break at different water activities ( aw ) were measured. Films with low amounts of glycerol had lower water vapor and oxygen permeabilities, higher tensile strength and lower elongation at break. Wheat gluten coatings reduced weight loss during two weeks of storage for cherry tomatoes and sharon fruits compared to uncoated controls. A bilayer film of wheat gluten and beeswax significantly lowered weight loss from coated cheese cubes compared to single layer coating of wheat gluten.;Elintarvikkeiden pakkaamiseen soveltuvien syötÀvien kalvojen kehittÀminen on ollut viime vuosina voimakkaan mielenkiinnon kohteena. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa valmistettiin kalvoja vehnÀgluteenista kÀyttÀen pehmittimenÀ eri mÀÀriÀ glyserolia. Kalvojen lÀpÀisevyysominaisuuksia tutkittiin mÀÀrittÀmÀllÀ niiden vesihöyryn- ja hapenlÀpÀisevyydet. Glyserolipitoisuutta lisÀttÀessÀ kalvojen kaasunsuojaominaisuudet heikkenivÀt. Kalvojen lujuusominaisuuksia tutkittiin mittaamalla niiden vetolujuudet ja murtovenymÀt erilaisissa vedenaktiivisuuksissa. Glyserolipitoisuuden kasvaessa kalvojen vetolujuus heikkeni ja prosentuaalinen murtovenymÀ suureni. TÀmÀ vaikutus oli selvempi pienissÀ vedenaktiivisuuksissa. Kalvojen soveltuvuutta elintarvikepakkaamiseen tutkittiin pÀÀllystÀmÀllÀ niillÀ kirsikkatomaatteja, sharon-hedelmiÀ ja kolmenlaisia juustopaloja. GluteenipÀÀllysteet hidastivat selvÀstikirsikkatomaattien ja sharon-hedelmien painon alenemista kahden viikon sÀilytyksen aikana verrattuna pÀÀllystÀmÀttömiin nÀytteisiin. Juustopalojen yhteydessÀ havaittiin mehilÀisvahan kÀyttÀmisen toisena kalvokerroksena gluteenin pÀÀllÀ pienentÀvÀn merkittÀvÀsti syötÀvÀllÀ kalvolla pÀÀllystetyn juuston painotappiota kahden viikon sÀilytyksen aikana

    Structure of Aqueous Trehalose Solution by Neutron Diffraction and Structural Modeling

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    The molecular structure of an aqueous solution of the disaccharide trehalose (C12H22O11) has been studied by neutron diffraction and empirical potential structure refinement modeling. Six different isotope compositions with 33 wt % trehalose (corresponding to 38 water molecules per trehalose molecule) were measured to ensure that water water, trehalose water, and trehalose trehalose correlations were accurately determined. In fact, this is the first neutron diffraction study of an aqueous trehalose solution in which also the nonexchangeable hydrogen atoms in trehalose are deuterated. With this approach, it was possible to determine that (1) there is a substantial hydrogen bonding between trehalose and water (similar to 11 hydrogen bonds per trehalose molecule), which is in contrast to previous neutron diffraction studies, and (2) there is no tendency of clustering of trehalose, in contrast to what is generally observed by molecular dynamics simulations and experimentally found for other disaccharides. Thus, the results give the structural picture that trehalose prefers to interact with water and participate in a hydrogen-bonded network. This strong network character of the solution might be one of the key reasons for its extraordinary stabilization effect on biological materials

    High-Intensity Functional Training Induces Superior Training Adaptations Compared With Traditional Military Physical Training

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    HelĂ©n, J, KyrölĂ€inen, H, Ojanen, T, Pihlainen, K, Santtila, M, Heikkinen, R, and Vaara, JP. High-intensity functional training induces superior training adaptations compared with traditional military physical training. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2023—This study examined the effectiveness of concurrent strength and endurance training with an emphasis on high-intensity functional training (HIFT) during military service. Voluntary male conscripts (aged 18–28 years) were placed in either an experimental (EXP: n = 50–66) or a control (CON: n = 50–67) group. The training for the EXP group included HIFT using body mass, sandbags, and kettlebells. The CON group trained according to the current practice. Physical performance and body composition were assessed at baseline (PRE), at week 10 (MID), and after (POST) the 19-week training period. Significance was set at p < 0.05. The total distance covered in a 12-minute running test increased in both groups, but the change in EXP was superior to the change in CON (11.6%, ES: 0.79 vs. 5.7%, ES: 0.33; p = 0.027). Maximal strength and power characteristics increased in EXP (3.1–5.0%), whereas no improvements were observed in CON. Conscripts with the highest initial fitness showed no improvements in physical performance in either group. Body mass and waist circumference decreased in EXP, whereas CON showed an increase in muscle mass. These findings suggest that HIFT is an effective and time-efficient approach to improve soldiers' aerobic fitness during military service. For the optimal development of strength, the training equipment used may not have provided sufficient and progressive loading to yield considerable strength adaptations. More focus should be placed on sufficient intensity and volume in both strength and endurance training, especially for the most fit soldiers.peerReviewe

    Low-dose exposure to bisphenol A in combination with fructose increases expression of genes regulating angiogenesis and vascular tone in juvenile Fischer 344 rat cardiac tissue

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    Objectives: Epidemiological studies report associations between exposure to the high-volume chemical and endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) and cardiovascular disorders, but there is a lack of experimental studies addressing the mechanisms of action of BPA on the cardiovascular system. In the present study, effects on markers for cardiovascular function of exposure to BPA and fructose in vivo in rat cardiac tissues, and of BPA exposure in human cardiomyocytes in vitro, were investigated. Materials: Juvenile female Fischer 344 rats were exposed to 5, 50, and 500 Όg BPA/kg bodyweight/day in their drinking water from 5 to 15 weeks of age, in combination with 5% fructose. Further, cultured human cardiomyocytes were exposed to 10 nM BPA to 1 × 104 nM BPA for six hours. Expression of markers for cardiovascular function and BPA target receptors was investigated using qRT-PCR. Results: Exposure to 5 Όg BPA/kg bodyweight/day plus fructose increased mRNA expression of Vegf, Vegfr2, eNos, and Ace1 in rat heart. Exposure of human cardiomyocytes to 1 × 104 nM BPA increased mRNA expression of eNOS and ACE1, as well as IL-8 and NFÎșÎČ known to regulate inflammatory response. Conclusions:. Low-dose exposure of juvenile rats to BPA and fructose induced up-regulation of expression of genes controlling angiogenesis and vascular tone in cardiac tissues. The observed effects of BPA in rat heart were in line with our present and previous studies of BPA in human endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes. These findings may aid in understanding the mechanisms of the association between BPA exposure and cardiovascular disorders reported in epidemiological studies

    Training-Induced Acute Neuromuscular Responses to Military Specific Test during a Six-Month Military Operation

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    Limited data are available regarding strength and endurance training adaptations to occupational physical performance during deployment. This study assessed acute training-induced changes in neuromuscular (electromyography; EMG) and metabolic (blood lactate, BLa) responses during a high-intensity military simulation test (MST), performed in the beginning (PRE) and at the end (POST) of a six-month crisis-management operation. MST time shortened (145 ± 21 vs. 129 ± 16 s, −10 ± 7%, p < 0.001) during the operation. Normalized muscle activity increased from PRE to POST in the hamstring muscles by 87 ± 146% (116 ± 52 vs. 195 ± 139%EMGMVC, p < 0.001) and in the quadriceps by 54 ± 81% (26 ± 8 vs. 40 ± 20%EMGMVC, p < 0.001). In addition, higher acute BLa values were measured after MST during POST. Changes in BLa and EMG suggested an increased neural input and metabolic rate during POST MST, likely leading to faster performance times at the end of the operation. High EMG values throughout the different phases of MST suggested that despite the anaerobic nature of the test, the soldiers were able to maintain their voluntary muscle activation level until the end of the test. This indicates only limited neural fatigue during the two-minute high-intensity military specific performance. While learning effect may explain some part of the improvement in the MST performance times, combined strength and endurance training three times per week may improve neuromuscular performance in occupationally relevant tasks.peerReviewe