779 research outputs found

    The solvation and dissociation of 4-benzylaniline hydrochloride in chlorobenzene

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    A reaction scheme is proposed to account for the liberation of 4-benzylaniline from 4-benzylaniline hydrochloride, using chlorobenzene as a solvent at a temperature of 373 K. Two operational regimes are explored: “closed” reaction conditions correspond to the retention of evolved hydrogen chloride gas within the reaction medium, whereas an “open” system permits gaseous hydrogen chloride to be released from the reaction medium. The solution phase chemistry is analyzed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Complete liberation of solvated 4-benzylaniline from solid 4-benzylaniline hydrochloride is possible under “open” conditions, with the entropically favored conversion of solvated hydrogen chloride to the gaseous phase thought to be the thermodynamic driver that effectively controls a series of interconnecting equilibria. A kinetic model is proposed to account for the observations of the open system

    Single-neutron transfer from 11Be gs via the (p,d) reaction with a radioactive beam

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    The 11Be(p,d)10Be reaction has been performed in inverse kinematics with a radioactive 11Be beam of E/A = 35.3 MeV. Angular distributions for the 0+ ground state, the 2+, 3.37 MeV state and the multiplet of states around 6 MeV in 10Be were measured at angles up to 16 deg CM by detecting the 10Be in a dispersion-matched spectrometer and the coincident deuterons in a silicon array. Distorted wave and coupled-channels calculations have been performed to investigate the amount of 2+ core excitation in 11Be gs. The use of "realistic" 11Be wave functions is emphasised and bound state form factors have been obtained by solving the particle-vibration coupling equations. This calculation gives a dominant 2s component in the 11Be gs wave function with a 16% [2+ x 1d] core excitation admixture. Cross sections calculated with these form factors are in good agreement with the present data. The Separation Energy prescription for the bound state wave function also gives satisfactory fits to the data, but leads to a significantly larger [2 x 1d] component in 11Be gs.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics A. Added minor corrections made in proof to pages 26 and 3

    Electromagnetic processes in strong crystalline fields

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    As an addendum to the NA63 proposal cite{Ande05}, we propose to measure 1) the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect in low-ZZ targets, 2) Magnetic suppression of incoherent bremsstrahlung resulting from exposure to an external field during the emission event, and 3) the bremsstrahlung emission from relativistic (gamma=170gamma=170), fully stripped Pb nuclei penetrating various amorphous targets. Concerning the LPM effect, both the 'traditional' Migdal approach and the modern treatment by Baier and Katkov display inaccuracies, i.e. a possible lack of applicability in low-ZZ targets. Moreover, the LPM effect has been shown to have a significant impact on giant air showers for energies in the EeV range - evidently processes in a low-ZZ material. A measurement of magnetic suppression is demanding in terms of necessary accuracy (an expected lesssimlesssim15% effect), but would prove the existence of a basic interplay between coherent and incoherent processes, also believed to be significant in beamstrahlung emission. For bremsstrahlung from Pb82+^{82+}: In contrast to earlier expectations, recent investigations have shown that the bremsstrahlung emission from heavy, relativistic particles does not appear with constant power for all photon energies up to the end-point given by the energy of the incident ion, but instead the spectrum has a peaked shape, due to the finite size of the nucleus. Beyond an energy of about 2gammahbaromega12gammahbaromega_1, wher e hbaromega1hbaromega_1 corresponds to the energy transfer above which the ZZ protons in the nucleus can be considered quasi-free, the power-spectrum falls off quite steeply, eventually leaving pair production as the dominant energy loss mechanism for sufficiently high values of the Lorentz-factor

    Search for {\eta}'(958)-nucleus bound states by (p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR

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    The mass of the {\eta}' meson is theoretically expected to be reduced at finite density, which indicates the existence of {\eta}'-nucleus bound states. To investigate these states, we perform missing-mass spectroscopy for the (p, d) reaction near the {\eta}' production threshold. The overview of the experimental situation is given and the current status is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; talk at II Symposium on applied nuclear physics and innovative technologies, September 24th - 27th, 2014, Jagiellonian University, Krak\'ow Poland; to appear in Acta Physica Polonica

    Core excitation in Coulomb breakup reactions

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    Within the pure Coulomb breakup mechanism, we investigate the one-neutron removal reaction of the type A(a,bÎł\gamma)X with 11^{11}Be and 19^{19}C projectiles on a heavy target nucleus 208^{208}Pb at the beam energy of 60 MeV/nucleon. Our intention is to examine the prospective of using these reactions to study the structure of neutron rich nuclei. Integrated partial cross sections and momentum distributions for the ground as well as excited bound states of core nuclei are calculated within the finite range distorted wave Born approximation as well as within the adiabatic model of the Coulomb breakup. Our results are compared with those obtained in the studies of the reactions on a light target where the breakup proceeds via the pure nuclear mechanism. We find that the transitions to excited states of the core are quite weak in the Coulomb dominated process as compared to the pure nuclear breakup.Comment: Revtex format, five postscript figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spectroscopy of ηâ€Č\eta'-nucleus bound states at GSI and FAIR --- very preliminary results and future prospects ---

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    The possible existence of \eta'-nucleus bound states has been put forward through theoretical and experimental studies. It is strongly related to the \eta' mass at finite density, which is expected to be reduced because of the interplay between the UA(1)U_A(1) anomaly and partial restoration of chiral symmetry. The investigation of the C(p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR, as well as an overview of the experimental program at GSI and future plans at FAIR are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; talk at the International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2014), Vienna, Austria, 15-19 September 2014. in Hyperfine Interactions (2015

    \b{eta}-delayed three-proton decay of 31Ar

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    The beta decay of 31Ar, produced by fragmentation of a 36Ar beam at 880 MeV/nucleon, was investigated. Identified ions of 31Ar were stopped in a gaseous time projection chamber with optical readout allowing to record decay events with emission of protons. In addition to \b{eta}-delayed emission of one and two protons we have clearly observed the beta-delayed three-proton branch. The branching ratio for this channel in 31Ar is found to be 0.07(2)%.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Rev.

    One-neutron removal reactions on light neutron-rich nuclei

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    A study of high energy (43--68 MeV/nucleon) one-neutron removal reactions on a range of neutron-rich psd-shell nuclei (Z = 5--9, A = 12--25) has been undertaken. The inclusive longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions for the core fragments, together with the cross sections have been measured for breakup on a carbon target. Momentum distributions for reactions on tantalum were also measured for a subset of nuclei. An extended version of the Glauber model incorporating second order noneikonal corrections to the JLM parametrisation of the optical potential has been used to describe the nuclear breakup, whilst the Coulomb dissociation is treated within first order perturbation theory. The projectile structure has been taken into account via shell model calculations employing the psd-interaction of Warburton and Brown. Both the longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions, together with the integrated cross sections were well reproduced by these calculations and spin-parity assignments are thus proposed for 15^{15}B, 17^{17}C, 19−21^{19-21}N, 21,23^{21,23}O, 23−25^{23-25}F. In addition to the large spectroscopic amplitudes for the Îœ2\nu2s1/2_{1/2} intruder configuration in the N=9 isotones,14^{14}B and 15^{15}C, significant Îœ2\nu2s1/22_{1/2}^2 admixtures appear to occur in the ground state of the neighbouring N=10 nuclei 15^{15}B and 16^{16}C. Similarly, crossing the N=14 subshell, the occupation of the Îœ2\nu2s1/2_{1/2} orbital is observed for 23^{23}O, 24,25^{24,25}F. Analysis of the longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions reveals that both carry spectroscopic information, often of a complementary nature. The general utility of high energy nucleon removal reactions as a spectroscopic tool is also examined.Comment: 50 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Coulomb breakup of neutron-rich 29,30^{29,30}Na isotopes near the island of inversion

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    First results are reported on the ground state configurations of the neutron-rich 29,30^{29,30}Na isotopes, obtained via Coulomb dissociation (CD) measurements as a method of the direct probe. The invariant mass spectra of those nuclei have been obtained through measurement of the four-momentum of all decay products after Coulomb excitation on a 208Pb^{208}Pb target at energies of 400-430 MeV/nucleon using FRS-ALADIN-LAND setup at GSI, Darmstadt. Integrated Coulomb-dissociation cross-sections (CD) of 89 (7)(7) mb and 167 (13)(13) mb up to excitation energy of 10 MeV for one neutron removal from 29^{29}Na and 30^{30}Na respectively, have been extracted. The major part of one neutron removal, CD cross-sections of those nuclei populate core, in its' ground state. A comparison with the direct breakup model, suggests the predominant occupation of the valence neutron in the ground state of 29^{29}Na(3/2+){(3/2^+)} and 30^{30}Na(2+){(2^+)} is the dd orbital with small contribution in the ss-orbital which are coupled with ground state of the core. The ground state configurations of these nuclei are as 28^{28}Na_{gs (1^+)\otimes\nu_{s,d} and 29^{29}Nags(3/2+)⊗Μs,d_{gs}(3/2^+)\otimes\nu_{ s,d}, respectively. The ground state spin and parity of these nuclei, obtained from this experiment are in agreement with earlier reported values. The spectroscopic factors for the valence neutron occupying the ss and dd orbitals for these nuclei in the ground state have been extracted and reported for the first time. A comparison of the experimental findings with the shell model calculation using MCSM suggests a lower limit of around 4.3 MeV of the sd-pf shell gap in 30^{30}Na.Comment: Modified version of the manuscript is accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G, Jan., 201

    Crossing the Dripline to 11N Using Elastic Resonance Scattering

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    The level structure of the unbound nucleus 11N has been studied by 10C+p elastic resonance scattering in inverse geometry with the LISE3 spectrometer at GANIL, using a 10C beam with an energy of 9.0 MeV/u. An additional measurement was done at the A1200 spectrometer at MSU. The excitation function above the 10C+p threshold has been determined up to 5 MeV. A potential-model analysis revealed three resonance states at energies 1.27 (+0.18-0.05) MeV (Gamma=1.44 +-0.2 MeV), 2.01(+0.15-0.05) MeV, (Gamma=0.84 +-$0.2 MeV) and 3.75(+-0.05) MeV, (Gamma=0.60 +-0.05 MeV) with the spin-parity assignments I(pi) =1/2+, 1/2- and 5/2+, respectively. Hence, 11N is shown to have a ground state parity inversion completely analogous to its mirror partner, 11Be. A narrow resonance in the excitation function at 4.33 (+-0.05) MeV was also observed and assigned spin-parity 3/2-.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, twocolumn Accepted for publication in PR
