1,355 research outputs found

    Partial discharges in ellipsoidal and spheroidal voids

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    Data-constrained assessment of ocean circulation changes since the middle Miocene in an Earth system model

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    Since the middle Miocene (15 Ma, million years ago), the Earth's climate has undergone a long-term cooling trend, characterised by a reduction in ocean temperatures of up to 7–8 ∘C. The causes of this cooling are primarily thought to be due to tectonic plate movements driving changes in large-scale ocean circulation patterns, and hence heat redistribution, in conjunction with a drop in atmospheric greenhouse gas forcing (and attendant ice-sheet growth and feedback). In this study, we assess the potential to constrain the evolving patterns of global ocean circulation and cooling over the last 15 Ma by assimilating a variety of marine sediment proxy data in an Earth system model. We do this by first compiling surface and benthic ocean temperature and benthic carbon-13 (ή13C) data in a series of seven time slices spaced at approximately 2.5 Myr intervals. We then pair this with a corresponding series of tectonic and climate boundary condition reconstructions in the cGENIE (“muffin” release) Earth system model, including alternative possibilities for an open vs. closed Central American Seaway (CAS) from 10 Ma onwards. In the cGENIE model, we explore uncertainty in greenhouse gas forcing and the magnitude of North Pacific to North Atlantic salinity flux adjustment required in the model to create an Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) of a specific strength, via a series of 12 (one for each tectonic reconstruction) 2D parameter ensembles. Each ensemble member is then tested against the observed global temperature and benthic ή13C patterns. We identify that a relatively high CO2 equivalent forcing of 1120 ppm is required at 15 Ma in cGENIE to reproduce proxy temperature estimates in the model, noting that this CO2 forcing is dependent on the cGENIE model's climate sensitivity and that it incorporates the effects of all greenhouse gases. We find that reproducing the observed long-term cooling trend requires a progressively declining greenhouse gas forcing in the model. In parallel to this, the strength of the AMOC increases with time despite a reduction in the salinity of the surface North Atlantic over the cooling period, attributable to falling intensity of the hydrological cycle and to lowering polar temperatures, both caused by CO2-driven global cooling. We also find that a closed CAS from 10 Ma to present shows better agreement between benthic ή13C patterns and our particular series of model configurations and data. A final outcome of our analysis is a pronounced ca. 1.5 ‰ decline occurring in atmospheric (and ca. 1 ‰ ocean surface) ή13C that could be used to inform future ή13C-based proxy reconstructions.</p

    Range Expansion by Moose into Coastal Temperate Rainforests of British Columbia, Canada

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    Ranges of species are dynamic and respond to long-term climate change and contemporary effects such as habitat modification. We report here that moose (Alces alces) have recently colonized coastal temperate rainforests of British Columbia, Canada. Contrary to recent publications, field observations of moose and their sign, combined with their occurrence in wolf (Canis lupus) faeces, suggest that moose are now widespread on the coastal mainland and occur on least three islands. Traditional ecological knowledge (information accumulated by aboriginal peoples about their environment) suggests that colonization occurred during the mid 1900s, concomitant with logging of major watersheds that bisect the Coast Mountain Range. Range expansion by moose may have ecological consequences such as alteration of predator– prey dynamics and transmission of disease to native deer (Odocoileus hemionus)

    Relation of habitual chocolate consumption to arterial stiffness in a community-based sample: Preliminary findings

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    BACKGROUND: The consumption of chocolate and cocoa has established cardiovascular benefits. Less is known about the effects of chocolate on arterial stiffness, a marker of subclinical cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to investigate whether chocolate intakes are independently associated with pulse wave velocity (PWV), after adjustment for cardiovascular, lifestyle and dietary factors. METHODS: Prospective analyses were undertaken on 508 community-dwelling participants (mean age 61 years, 60% women) from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study (MSLS). Habitual chocolate intakes, measured using a food frequency questionnaire, were related to PWV, measured approximately 5 years later. RESULTS: Chocolate intake was significantly associated with PWV in a non-linear fashion with the highest levels of PWV in those who never or rarely ate chocolate and lowest levels in those who consumed chocolate once a week. This pattern of results remained and was not attenuated after multivariate adjustment for diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors and dietary variables (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Weekly chocolate intake may be of benefit to arterial stiffness. Further studies are needed to explore the underlying mechanisms that may mediate the observed effects of habitual chocolate consumption on arterial stiffness

    Stress Balance in Synthetic Serpentinized Peridotites Deformed at Subduction Zone Pressures

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    Weak serpentine minerals affect the mechanical behavior of serpentinized peridotites at depth, and may play a significant role in deformation localization within subduction zones, at local or regional scale. Mixtures of olivine with 5, 10, 20 and 50 vol. % fraction of antigorite, proxies for serpentinized peridotites, were deformed in axial shortening geometry under high pressures (ca. 2–5 GPa) and moderate temperatures (ca. 350°C), with in situ stress and strain measurements using synchrotron X-rays. We evaluate the average partitioning of stresses at the grains scale within each phase (mineral) of the aggregate and compare with pure olivine aggregates in the same conditions. The in situ stress balance is different between low antigorite contents up to 10 vol. %, and higher contents above 20 vol. %. Microstructure and stress levels suggest the deformation mechanisms under these experimental conditions are akin to (semi)brittle and frictional processes. Unlike when close to dehydration temperatures, hardening of the aggregate is observed at low serpentine fractions, due to an increase in local stress concentrations. Below and above the 10–20 vol. % threshold, the stress state in the aggregate corresponds to friction laws already measured for pure olivine aggregates and pure antigorite aggregates respectively. As expected, the behavior of the two-phase aggregate does not evolve as calculated from simple iso-stress or iso-strain bounds, and calls for more advanced physical models of two-phase mixtures

    Effect of high pressure on multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We report experimental evidence for pressure instabilities in the model multiferroic BiFeO3 and namely reveal two structural phase transitions around 3 GPa and 10 GPa by using diffraction and far-infrared spectroscopy at a synchrotron source. The intermediate phase from 3 to 9 GPa crystallizes in a monoclinic space group, with octahedra tilts and small cation displacements. When the pressure is further increased the cation displacements (and thus the polar character) of BiFeO3 is suppressed above 10 GPa. The above 10 GPa observed non-polar orthorhombic Pnma structure is in agreement with recent theoretical ab-initio prediction, while the intermediate monoclinic phase was not predicted theoretically.Comment: new version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Relations between dairy food intake and arterial stiffness: Pulse wave velocity and pulse pressure

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    Modifiable risk factors, such as diet, are becomingly increasingly important in the management of cardiovascular disease, one of the greatest major causes of death and disease burden. Few studies have examined the role of diet as a possible means of reducing arterial stiffness, as measured by pulse wave velocity, an independent predictor of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. The aim of this study was to investigate whether dairy food intake is associated with measures of arterial stiffness including carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity and pulse pressure. A cross-sectional analysis of a subset of the Maine Syracuse Longitudinal Study sample was performed. A linear decrease in pulse wave velocity was observed across increasing intakes of dairy food consumption (ranging from never/rarely to daily dairy food intake). The negative linear relationship between pulse wave velocity and intake of dairy food was independent of demographic variables, other cardiovascular disease risk factors and nutrition variables. The pattern of results was very similar for pulse pressure, while no association between dairy food intake and lipid levels was found. Further intervention studies are needed to ascertain whether dairy food intake may be an appropriate dietary intervention for the attenuation of age-related arterial stiffening and reduction of cardiovascular disease risk
