4,143 research outputs found

    Software-defined networking: guidelines for experimentation and validation in large-scale real world scenarios

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    Part 1: IIVC WorkshopInternational audienceThis article thoroughly details large-scale real world experiments using Software-Defined Networking in the testbed setup. More precisely, it provides a description of the foundation technology behind these experiments, which in turn is focused around OpenFlow and on the OFELIA testbed. In this testbed preliminary experiments were performed in order to tune up settings and procedures, analysing the encountered problems and their respective solutions. A methodology consisting of five large-scale experiments is proposed in order to properly validate and improve the evaluation techniques used in OpenFlow scenarios

    The QueuePusher: enabling queue management in OpenFlow

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    Detecting Apoptosis as a Clinical Endpoint for Proof of a Clinical Principle

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    The transparent eye media represent a window through which to observe changes occurring in the retina during pathological processes. In contrast to visualising the extent of neurodegenerative damage that has already occurred, imaging an active process such as apoptosis has the potential to report on disease progression and therefore the threat of irreversible functional loss in various eye and brain diseases. Early diagnosis in these conditions is an important unmet clinical need to avoid or delay irreversible sight loss. In this setting, apoptosis detection is a promising strategy with which to diagnose, provide prognosis and monitor therapeutic response. Additionally, monitoring apoptosis in vitro and in vivo has been shown to be valuable for drug development in order to assess the efficacy of novel therapeutic strategies both in the pre-clinical and clinical setting. Detection of Apoptosing Retinal Cells (DARC) technology is to date the only tool of its kind to have been tested in clinical trials, with other new imaging techniques under investigation in the fields of neuroscience, ophthalmology and drug development. We summarise the transitioning of techniques detecting apoptosis from bench to bedside, along with the future possibilities they encase

    A Multiplicidade da Psicologia Social Brasileira

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    A Psicologia Social brasileira apresenta inúmeras definições, abordagens teóricas e objetos de estudo. Neste trabalho, embasadas em pesquisas da Teoria Ator-Rede, argumentamos que esses não são diferentes aspectos ou atributos de um mesmo objeto, mas elementos que ajudam a performar diferentes versões desse objeto. São, portanto, elementos que fazem Psicologias Sociais diferentes, embora relacionadas entre si. Que fazem uma Psicologia Social múltipla, ou seja, que é mais do que uma ao mesmo tempo em que é menos do que muitas. Buscamos, com isso, chamar a atenção para a possibilidade de ordenar e de coordenar a realidade de diferentes modos. De reconhecer que em uma disciplina cabem múltiplos e diversos actantes. De fazer uma Psicologia Social que busca conexões complexas que articulam humanos a não humanos e que performam múltiplas realidades.Brazilian Social Psychology has many definitions, theories and objects of study. In this essay, based on Actor-Network Theory, we argue that these are not different aspects or attributes of a single object, but elements that help to perform different versions of this object. They are, therefore, elements that make Social Psychologies different, although related to each other. They produce a multiple Social Psychology, which is more than one and, at the same time, less than many. In doing so, we strived to call attention to the possibility of ordinating and coordinating reality in different ways, of recognizing that there are multiple and diverse actants in a discipline and of making a Social Psychology that searches for complex connections that articulate humans and non-humans and perform multiple realities

    From the web of bibliographic data to the web of bibliographic meaning: structuring, interlinking and validating ontologies on the semantic web

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    Bibliographic data sets have revealed good levels of technical interoperability observing the principles and good practices of linked data. However, they have a low level of quality from the semantic point of view, due to many factors: lack of a common conceptual framework for a diversity of standards often used together, reduced number of links between the ontologies underlying data sets, proliferation of heterogeneous vocabularies, underuse of semantic mechanisms in data structures, "ontology hijacking" (Feeney et al., 2018), point-to-point mappings, as well as limitations of semantic web languages for the requirements of bibliographic data interoperability. After reviewing such issues, a research direction is proposed to overcome the misalignments found by means of a reference model and a superontology, using Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) to solve current limitations of RDF languages.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    O sofrimento no doente crónico

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    Cada vez mais a doença crónica é uma realidade revelando uma importância acrescida em termos de saúde pública pois, devido à sua irreversibilidade, tem repercussões na vida da pessoa: pessoais, socioeconómicas, psicológicas e espirituais, o que implica sem dúvida grande sofrimento. Valores humanistas altruístas devem ser a base dos profissionais que cuidam. Ajudar os profissionais de saúde à reflexão sobre o sofrimento do doente crónico, nomeadamente: ilustrar as fontes e as formas de sofrimento na doença crónica; e esclarecer quais as principais intervenções junto à pessoa em sofrimento. Revisão da literatura, tendo por finalidade identificar o estado da arte sobre a temática. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica existente desde 2010, online, baseada em livros, Dissertações de Licenciatura, de Mestrado, de Doutoramento e artigos disponíveis, tendo utilizado as palavras-chave: doença crónica, cuidados continuados e paliativos, sofrimento na doença. Resultados: Seleção de 11 referências bibliográficas que contextualizam diretamente a temática a estudar. Segundo os vários autores, doença crónica “é uma doença de duração prolongada e progressão lenta e descreve quadros crónicos como sendo problemas de saúde que exigem tratamento continuado ao longo de um período de anos ou décadas”. Sofrimento é um “estado de desconforto severo associado a uma ameaça à integridade da sua pessoa como ser biopsicossocial, envolvendo a construção de significados profundamente pessoais, acompanhados de uma forte carga afetiva e que são passíveis de modificar esse sofrimento”. Dor e sofrimento não são a mesma coisa, podendo existir sofrimento sem dor e vice-versa. Gera reações variadas dependendo do significado atribuído à “ameaça” e do contexto em que a pessoa se encontra inserida. As Fontes de Sofrimento encontradas foram: Perda da autonomia e dependência de terceiros; Sintomas mal controlados; Alterações da imagem corporal; Perda de sentido da vida; Perda da dignidade; Perda de papéis sociais e de estatuto; Perda de regalias económicas; Alterações nas relações interpessoais; Modificação de expectativas e planos futuros e Abandono. As Formas de Sofrimento foram: Sofrimento Espiritual; Sofrimento Psicológico (Emocional ou Mental); Sofrimento Relacional (Social ou Familiar); Sofrimento Físico. As Intervenções Junto à Pessoa em Sofrimento devem incidir sobre os seguintes aspetos: Controlo dos sintomas- devendo recorrer-se tanto a medidas farmacológicas como não farmacológicas; Comunicação adequada- Escutar sem julgar e avaliar a linguagem não-verbal bem como as reações emocionais; Apoio à família- Avaliar as suas necessidades, realizando conferências familiares. É importante a sua validação dos cuidados prestados. Importa não esquecer eventuais conflitos passados e não resolvidos, não julgando estas relações; Trabalho em equipa- Intervir na dignidade e no sentido da vida

    Situação da Sigatoka-Negra da bananeira no Brasil.

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    A bananicultura é uma das atividades de grande importância no agronegócio brasileiro, embora o País não seja um grande exportador de banana. A produção é da ordem de sete milhões de toneladas anuais, com vendas externas em torno de 2% da produção, ou seja, o mercado interno é o mais importante para a comercialização da fruta, que, em grande parte vem da agricultura familiar

    Fibroblast migration and collagen deposition during dermal wound healing: mathematical modelling and clinical implications,

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    The extent to which collagen alignment occurs during dermal wound healing determines the severity of scar tissue formation. We have modelled this using a multiscale approach, in which extracellular materials, for example collagen and fibrin, are modelled as continua, while fibroblasts are considered as discrete units. Within this model framework, we have explored the effects that different parameters have on the alignment process, and we have used the model to investigate how manipulation of transforming growth factor-β levels can reduce scar tissue formation. We briefly review this body of work, then extend the modelling framework to investigate the role played by leucocyte signalling in wound repair. To this end, fibroblast migration and collagen deposition within both the wound region and healthy peripheral tissue are considered. Trajectories of individual fibroblasts are determined as they migrate towards the wound region under the combined influence of collagen/fibrin alignment and gradients in a paracrine chemoattractant produced by leucocytes. The effects of a number of different physiological and cellular parameters upon the collagen alignment and repair integrity are assessed. These parameters include fibroblast concentration, cellular speed, fibroblast sensitivity to chemoattractant concentration and chemoattractant diffusion coefficient. Our results show that chemoattractant gradients lead to increased collagen alignment at the interface between the wound and the healthy tissue. Results show that there is a trade-off between wound integrity and the degree of scarring. The former is found to be optimized under conditions of a large chemoattractant diffusion coefficient, while the latter can be minimized when repair takes place in the presence of a competitive inhibitor to chemoattractants

    The Weibull-Geometric distribution

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    In this paper we introduce, for the first time, the Weibull-Geometric distribution which generalizes the exponential-geometric distribution proposed by Adamidis and Loukas (1998). The hazard function of the last distribution is monotone decreasing but the hazard function of the new distribution can take more general forms. Unlike the Weibull distribution, the proposed distribution is useful for modeling unimodal failure rates. We derive the cumulative distribution and hazard functions, the density of the order statistics and calculate expressions for its moments and for the moments of the order statistics. We give expressions for the R\'enyi and Shannon entropies. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure is discussed and an algorithm EM (Dempster et al., 1977; McLachlan and Krishnan, 1997) is provided for estimating the parameters. We obtain the information matrix and discuss inference. Applications to real data sets are given to show the flexibility and potentiality of the proposed distribution