461 research outputs found

    Testing the Disk Regulation Paradigm with Spitzer Observations. II. A Clear Signature of Star-Disk Interaction in NGC 2264 and the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    Observations of PMS star rotation periods reveal slow rotators in young clusters of various ages, indicating that angular momentum is somehow removed from these rotating masses. The mechanism by which spin-up is regulated as young stars contract has been one of the longest-standing problems in star formation. Attempts to observationally confirm the prevailing theory that magnetic interaction between the star and its circumstellar disk regulates these rotation periods have produced mixed results. In this paper, we use the unprecedented disk identification capability of the Spitzer Space Telescope to test the star-disk interaction paradigm in two young clusters, NGC 2264 and the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). We show that once mass effects and sensitivity biases are removed, a clear increase in the disk fraction with period can be observed in both clusters across the entire period range populated by cluster members. We also show that the long-period peak (P \sim8 days) of the bimodal distribution observed for high-mass stars in the ONC is dominated by a population of stars possessing a disk, while the short-period peak (P \sim2 days) is dominated by a population of stars without a disk. Our results represent the strongest evidence to date that star-disk interaction regulates the angular momentum of these young stars. This study will make possible quantitative comparisons between the observed period distributions of stars with and without a disk and numerical models of the angular momentum evolution of young stars.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Pair of Heavy-Exotic-Quarks at LHC

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    We study the production and signatures of heavy exotic quarks pairs at LHC in the framework of the vector singlet model (VSM), vector doublet model (VDM) and fermion-mirror-fermion (FMF) model. The pair production cross sections for the electroweak and strong sector are computed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. accept at Int. Jour. of Mod. Phy

    The Masses of Transition Circumstellar Disks: Observational Support for Photoevaporation Models

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    We report deep Sub-Millimeter Array observations of 26 pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars with evolved inner disks. These observations measure the mass of the outer disk (r ~20-100 AU) across every stage of the dissipation of the inner disk (r < 10 AU) as determined by the IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs). We find that only targets with high mid-IR excesses are detected and have disk masses in the 1-5 M_Jup range, while most of our objects remain undetected to sensitivity levels of M_DISK ~0.2-1.5 M_Jup. To put these results in a more general context, we collected publicly available data to construct the optical to millimeter wavelength SEDs of over 120 additional PMS stars. We find that the near-IR and mid-IR emission remain optically thick in objects whose disk masses span 2 orders of magnitude (~0.5-50 M_Jup). Taken together, these results imply that, in general, inner disks start to dissipate only after the outer disk has been significantly depleted of mass. This provides strong support for photoevaporation being one of the dominant processes driving disk evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJL, 4 pages and 3 figure

    The ALMA Early Science View of FUor/EXor objects. III. The Slow and Wide Outflow of V883 Ori

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/ sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) observations of V883 Ori, an FU Ori object. We describe the molecular outflow and envelope of the system based on the 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO emissions, which together trace a bipolar molecular outflow. The C18^{18}O emission traces the rotational motion of the circumstellar disk. From the 12^{12}CO blue-shifted emission, we estimate a wide opening angle of \sim 150^{^{\circ}} for the outflow cavities. Also, we find that the outflow is very slow (characteristic velocity of only 0.65 km~s1^{-1}), which is unique for an FU Ori object. We calculate the kinematic properties of the outflow in the standard manner using the 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO emissions. In addition, we present a P Cygni profile observed in the high-resolution optical spectrum, evidence of a wind driven by the accretion and being the cause for the particular morphology of the outflows. We discuss the implications of our findings and the rise of these slow outflows during and/or after the formation of a rotationally supported disk.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepte

    Submillimeter Array Observations of the RX J1633.9-2442 Transition Disk: Evidence for Multiple Planets in the Making

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    We present continuum high resolution Submillimeter Array (SMA) observations of the transition disk object RX J1633.9-2442, which is located in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud and has recently been identified as a likely site of ongoing giant planet formation. The observations were taken at 340 GHz (880 micron) with the SMA in its most extended configuration, resulting in an angular resolution of 0.3" (35 AU at the distance of the target). We find that the disk is highly inclined (i ~50 deg) and has an inner cavity ~25 AU in radius, which is clearly resolved by our observations. We simultaneously model the entire optical to millimeter wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) and SMA visibilities of RX J1633.9-2442 in order to constrain the structure of its disk. We find that an empty cavity ~25 AU in radius is inconsistent with the excess emission observed at 12, 22, and 24 micron. Instead, the mid-IR excess can be modeled by either a narrow, optically thick ring at ~10 AU or an optically thin region extending from ~7 AU to ~25 AU. The inner disk (r < 5 AU) is mostly depleted of small dust grains as attested by the lack of detectable near-IR excess. We also present deep Keck aperture masking observations in the near-IR, which rule out the presence of a companion up to 500 times fainter than the primary star (in K-band) for projected separations in the 5-20 AU range. We argue that the complex structure of the RX J1633.9-2442 disk is best explained by multiple planets embedded within the disk. We also suggest that the properties and incidence of objects such as RX J1633.9-2442, T Cha, and LkCa 15 (and those of the companions recently identified to these two latter objects) are most consistent with the runaway gas accretion phase of the core accretion model, when giant planets gain their envelopes and suddenly become massive enough to open wide gaps in the disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    t-channel production of heavy charged leptons

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    We study the pair production of heavy charged exotic leptons at e+ e- colliders in the SU(2)_L x SU(2)_I x U(1)_Y model. This gauge group is a subgroup of the grand unification group E6; SU(2)_I commutes with the electric charge operator, and the three corresponding gauge bosons are electrically neutral. In addition to the standard photon and Z boson contributions, we also include the contributions from extra neutral gauge bosons. A t-channel contribution due to W_I-boson exchange, which is unsuppressed by mixing angles, is quite important. We calculate the left-right and forward-backward asymmetries, and discuss how to differentiate different models.Comment: Increased discussion of experimental signatures. Version accepted by PR