10,120 research outputs found

    Conformal Magnetic Composite RFID for Wearable RF and Bio-Monitoring Applications

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.10.1109/TMTT.2008.2006810This paper introduces for the first time a novel flexible magnetic composite material for RF identification (RFID) and wearable RF antennas. First, one conformal RFID tag working at 480 MHz is designed and fabricated as a benchmarking prototype and the miniaturization concept is verified. Then, the impact of the material is thoroughly investigated using a hybrid method involving electromagnetic and statistical tools. Two separate statistical experiments are performed, one for the analysis of the impact of the relative permittivity and permeability of the proposed material and the other for the evaluation of the impact of the dielectric and magnetic loss on the antenna performance. Finally, the effect of the bending of the antenna is investigated, both on the S-parameters and on the radiation pattern. The successful implementation of the flexible magnetic composite material enables the significant miniaturization of RF passives and antennas in UHF frequency bands, especially when conformal modules that can be easily fine-tuned are required in critical biomedical and pharmaceutical applications

    A Contracting, Turbulent, Starless Core in the Serpens Cluster

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    We present combined single-dish and interferometric CS(2--1) and N2H+(1--0) observations of a compact core in the NW region of the Serpens molecular cloud. The core is starless according to observations from optical to millimeter wavelengths and its lines have turbulent widths and ``infall asymmetry''. Line profile modeling indicates supersonic inward motions v_in>0.34 km/s over an extended region L>12000AU. The high infall speed and large extent exceeds the predictions of most thermal ambipolar diffusion models and points to a more dynamical process for core formation. A short (dynamic) timescale, ~1e5 yr=L/v_in, is also suggested by the low N2H+ abundance ~1e-10.Comment: 11 pages including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The role of stellar radial motions in shaping galaxy surface brightness profiles

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    Aims. The physics driving features such as breaks observed in galaxy surface brightness (SB) profiles remains contentious. Here, we assess the importance of stellar radial motions in shaping their characteristics. Methods. We use the simulated Milky Way-mass cosmological discs from the Ramses Disc Environment Study (RaDES) to characterise the radial redistribution of stars in galaxies displaying type-I (pure exponentials), II (downbending), and III (upbending) SB profiles. We compare radial profiles of the mass fractions and the velocity dispersions of different sub-populations of stars according to their birth and current location. Results. Radial redistribution of stars is important in all galaxies regardless of their light profiles. Type-II breaks seem to be a consequence of the combined effects of outward-moving and accreted stars. The former produce shallower inner profiles (lack of stars in the inner disc) and accumulate material around the break radius and beyond, strengthening the break; the latter can weaken or even convert the break into a pure exponential. Further accretion from satellites can concentrate material in the outermost parts, leading to type-III breaks that can coexist with type-II breaks, but situated further out. Type-III galaxies would be the result of an important radial redistribution of material throughout the entire disc, as well as a concentration of accreted material in the outskirts. In addition, type-III galaxies display the most efficient radial redistribution and the largest number of accreted stars, followed by type-I and II systems, suggesting that type-I galaxies may be an intermediate case between types-II and III. In general, the velocity dispersion profiles of all galaxies tend to flatten or even increase around the locations where the breaks are found. The age and metallicity profiles are also affected, exhibiting different inner gradients depending on their SB profile, being steeper in the case of type-II systems (as found observationally). The steep type-II profiles might be inherent to their formation rather than acquired via radial redistribution

    Numerical simulation of a Controlled-Controlled-Not (CCN) quantum gate in a chain of three interacting nuclear spins system

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    We present the study of a quantum Controlled-Controlled-Not gate, implemented in a chain of three nuclear spins weakly Ising interacting between all of them, that is, taking into account first and second neighbor spin interactions. This implementation is done using a single resonant π\pi-pulse on the initial state of the system (digital and superposition). The fidelity parameter is used to determine the behavior of the CCN quantum gate as a function of the ratio of the second neighbor interaction coupling constant to the first neighbor interaction coupling constant (J′/JJ'/J). We found that for J′/J≥0.02J'/J\ge 0.02 we can have a well defined CCN quantum gate.Comment: 9 pages, 5 fugure


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    The wide range of physical phenomena of industrial interest which can be properly represented by advection-diffusion transport models motivates a constant effort in the development of new numerical methods capable of dealing with strong advective effects such as compressibility ones. The recent direct interpolation technique (DIBEM) proved to be an accurate and reliable tool for the representation of problems with constant velocity field and initial tests were also performed for problems with variable velocity field, where the results are reasonably satisfactory, but not so robust, since the integral relative to the velocity divergence, in general, seems to disturb the performance of the formulation. The current article presents a new formulation of the direct interpolation technique for solving variable velocity problems with non-zero velocity divergence. The accuracy of the new proposal is measured against a known analytical solution and, also, contrasted with the classical formulation of DIBEM and dual reciprocity technique (DRBEM) for the same case. Preliminary results show that the alternative DIBEM formulation proposed promotes a consistent improvement in precision, outperforming the two techniques in cross-comparison

    Design of an In-Situ Sensor Package to Track CubeSat Deployments

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    Currently, radar measurements of low-earth-orbit CubeSats are only possible during a small portion of a CubeSat’s orbit – typically long after the CubeSat’s deployment – making near real-time space situational awareness (SSA) difficult. The CU Boulder Smead Aerospace Engineering Department has developed a concept to monitor CubeSat deployments from the deployer itself and provide relative position and velocity measurements of deployed payloads to provide faster orbital parameter estimation. Teaming with NanoRacks LLC, the VANTAGE team (Visual Approximation of Nanosat Trajectories to Augment Ground-based Estimation) has developed an innovative sensor package prototype consisting of an Infra-red (IR) Time of Flight (ToF) camera for close-range CubeSat position measurements and a monochrome optical camera for continued detection and in-plane position refinement, as well as a set of algorithms to process and fuse these CubeSat position measurements. These sensors and their avionics are incorporated into a prototype integrated system designed to fit within a single 6U CubeSat Deployment silo on the NanoRacks ISS deployer, enabling the detection, identification, and tracking of up to 6 CubeSats out to 100m with a maximum positional error of 10m within 15 minutes of deployment

    Spontaneous circadian rhythms in a cold-Adapted natural isolate of Aureobasidium pullulans

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    Indexación: Scopus.Circadian systems enable organisms to synchronize their physiology to daily and seasonal environmental changes relying on endogenous pacemakers that oscillate with a period close to 24 h even in the absence of external timing cues. The oscillations are achieved by intracellular transcriptional/translational feedback loops thoroughly characterized for many organisms, but still little is known about the presence and characteristics of circadian clocks in fungi other than Neurospora crassa. We sought to characterize the circadian system of a natural isolate of Aureobasidium pullulans, a cold-Adapted yeast bearing great biotechnological potential. A. pullulans formed daily concentric rings that were synchronized by light/dark cycles and were also formed in constant darkness with a period of 24.5 h. Moreover, these rhythms were temperature compensated, as evidenced by experiments conducted at temperatures as low as 10 °C. Finally, the expression of clock-essential genes, frequency, white collar-1, white collar-2 and vivid was confirmed. In summary, our results indicate the existence of a functional circadian clock in A. pullulans, capable of sustaining rhythms at very low temperatures and, based on the presence of conserved clock-gene homologues, suggest a molecular and functional relationship to well-described circadian systems.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-14085-
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