11 research outputs found

    A micro-device integrating vertical and bottom electrodes for 3D cell rotation

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    We report a Lab-on-chip micro device for rotating a spherical object such as bovine cell in three dimensional (3D) spaces. Micro device consists of two pairs of orthogonal vertical wall electrode along with bottom transparent indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes. Photolithography technique is employed to fabricate bottom part of the micro device. On the other hand micro milling is applied to fabricate the top electrodes of 500 μm height. The entire device is only 75X25 mm in length and width upon which particle rotation is achieved. Micro device works entirely on this dielectrophoresis (DEP) phenomenon to rotate the cell in 3D spaces. Rotating fields are optimized through simulation and results are presented along with analysis. The experiments are carried out to determine the cell rotation rate. Rotation of cell in 3D spaces has its unique advantages in automation of high throughput mammalian cloning procedures. Cloning procedures such as enucleation requires a cell to be rotated in 3D spaces for genetic material extraction. Enucleation also requires the cell to be precisely rotated and controlled. This precise rotation control is achieved by electrorotation through DEP

    Simulation study of rotational electric field on spherical partical for electrorotation studies

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    “© 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”We report three dimensional (3D) rotational (ROT) electric field simulation generated by a biochip to levitate and rotate micron sized bovine cell or a neutrally charged spherical particle. Main goal of this research is to obtain controlled object rotation in yaw, pitch and roll axes for the purpose of automation of enucleation process during bovine cloning. Finite element analysis (FEA) results of rotating electric fields are analyzed for the determination of DEP torque on the cell. This also serves as a necessary tool to determine the dielectric spectrum properties of cells for biologists

    Dielectrophoresis Based 3D Cell Rotation through Integration Of Bottom And Vertical Electrodes

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    Dielectrophoresis rotation of particles in 3D has important applications in biological cell manipulation, sorting and characterization. This paper reports the rotation of spherical bovine oocytes in yaw and pitch axes and their angular velocity spectrum by generating dielectric torque on the oocytes inside the chamber of a fabricated biochip. We predict by numerical computation and confirm experimentally that bovine oocytes are permanently polarizable with no Maxwell Wagner interfacial relaxation at critical frequency. The capability of rotating particles in 3D opens new research opportunities in cell manipulation and analysi