320 research outputs found


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    The cumulative metabolic disorders are the foundation for the formation of metabolic syndrome components in obese children. That fact is at the centre of the understanding of the critical role of child obesity in the development of pronounced clinical manifestations of metabolic syndrome in adults, although early signs can be detected and corrected in children. The aim of the study – to determine disorders of carbohydrate metabolism before the onset of clinical signs and components of metabolic syndrome in children at different stages of obesity. Materials and Methods. We’ve examined 37 children with a constitutional-exogenous obesity and metabolic syndrome. Laboratory tests of lipid metabolism, transaminases, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) have been conducted. Results. According to the study in children in the early stages of obesity, there have already been significant changes in lipid metabolism, leading to the development of metabolic syndrome. А qualitative assessment of insulin resistance in children with obesity of the first and second degrees, the most pronounced changes were recorded. Statistically significant was the increase in ALT and AST at the first degree of obesity (p <0.05), which causes the strain on the heart and liver at early obesity, thus increasing the risk of pathologies leading to metabolic syndrome. In the group of persons with moderate impairment of carbohydrate metabolism, a decrease in the rate of hepatic glucose production was observed compared with the group of patients with obesity and normal carbohydrate metabolism. The decrease in the rate of elimination of glucose in the blood in the group with moderate impairment of carbohydrate metabolism was more pronounced and statistically significant compared with patients with obesity, but without these disorders (p <0.05) and the control group (p <0.05). Conclusions. Patients showed high frequency of all components of metabolic syndrome. We found a high level of glycemia at the 20 minute of the test (degrees 3 and 4 of obesity), a decrease in the rate of decline in glucose level and a high postprandial blood glucose concentration in case of initial carbohydrate metabolic disturbances according to the IVGTT.Сукупність обмінних порушень, виявлених при ожирінні у дітей, є фундаментом формування компонентів метаболічного синдрому (МС). Цей факт лежить в основі розуміння критичної ролі дитячого ожиріння в розвитку виражених клінічних проявів МС у дорослих, хоча предикторні ознаки можуть бути виявлені й скориговані ще в дитячому віці. Мета дослідження – визначити порушення вуглеводного обміну до появи клінічних ознак та наявність компонентів МС у дітей на різних стадіях ожиріння. Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 37 дітей з конституційно-екзогенним типом ожиріння і МС. Проведено лабораторне дослідження ліпідного обміну, транс­аміназ, пероральний глюкозотолерантний тест (ПГГТ) та внутрішньовенний тест на толерантність до глюкози (ВГТТ). Результати. Згідно з дослідженнями вже при ранніх стадіях у дітей відбувалися значні зміни в ліпідному обміні, що вели до розвитку МС. За результатами кількісних оцінок інсулінорезистентності у дітей із ожирінням I і II ступенів реєструвались найбільш виражені зміни. Відзначено статистично достовірне зростання АЛТ і АСТ вже при I ступені ожиріння (p<0,05), що зумовлює навантаження на серце та печінку при ранньому ожирінні, чим збільшує ризик виникнення патологій, що ведуть до розвитку МС. У групі осіб із помірним порушенням вуглеводного обміну спостерігалося зниження коефіцієнта швидкості продукції глюкози печінкою, порівняно з групою пацієнтів з ожирінням, але без порушень вуглеводного обміну. Більш вираженим і статистично значущим було зниження коефіцієнта швидкості елімінації глюкози в крові у групі з помірними порушеннями вуглеводного обміну, порівняно з пацієнтами з ожирінням, але без даних порушень (p<0,05) і групою контролю (p<0,05). Висновки. Виявлено високу частоту всіх компонентів МС. Маркерами початкових порушень вуглеводного обміну за даними ВГТТ були: високий рівень глікемії на 20 хв тесту (ІІІ і ІV ступені ожиріння), зменшення швидкості зниження рівня глюкози і високий постпрандіальний рівень глікемії

    Extreme managers, extreme workplaces: capitalism, organizations and corporate psychopaths

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    This paper reports on in-depth, qualitative research carried out in England in 2013 among five organizational directors and two senior managers who had worked with other senior directors or managers who were Corporate Psychopaths, as measured by a management psychopathy measure. The Corporate Psychopaths reported on in this research displayed remarkable consistency in their approach to management to the extent that they could be called “text book examples” of managerial psychopathy. They were seen as being organizational stars and as deserving of performance awards by those above them, while the Corporate Psychopaths simultaneously subjected those below them to extreme forms of behavior, including bullying, intimidation and coercion and also engaged in extreme forms of mismanagement; such as very poor levels of personnel management, directionless leadership, miss-management of resources and outright fraud

    Criminal and Noncriminal Psychopathy: The Devil is in the Detail

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    Brooks, NS ORCiD: 0000-0003-1784-099XPsychopathy is prevalent and problematic in criminal populations, but is also found to be present in noncriminal populations. In 1992, Robert Hare declared that psychopaths may also “be found in the boardroom”, which has since been followed by an interest in the issue of noncriminal, or even successful, psychopathy. In this chapter, the paradox of criminal and noncriminal psychopathy is discussed with specific attention given to the similarities and differences that account for psychopathic personality across contexts. That psychopathy is a condition typified by a constellation of traits and behaviours requires wider research across diverse populations, and thus the streams of research related to criminal and noncriminal psychopathy are presented and the implications of these contrasting streams are explored

    The influence of organizational social responsibility on involvement behavior in community sport membership associations

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    Membership‐based associations are critical to their local communities and the overall social impact of the nonprofit sector. This study examines how organizational social responsibility within nonprofit membership associations influences positive member involvement behaviors, including volunteering, speaking positively about the club, and member loyalty. Self‐administered online questionnaires were completed by 735 members within seven grassroots membership associations in Ontario, Canada offering community‐based sport programs. Results show that members are somewhat aware of and felt positively about their organization’s socially responsible efforts. Awareness of these efforts had a positive direct effect on the involvement behaviors of members, including intention to stay involved with their club and speaking positively about their club to others (i.e., word of mouth). Members’ level of social consciousness was found to have a positive direct effect on word of mouth. Furthermore, members’ positive evaluation of sport clubs’ socially responsible initiatives was found to partially mediate the positive relationship between social consciousness and involvement behavior, as well as partially mediate the positive relationship between awareness of those efforts and involvement behavior. Results of this research provide grassroots membership associations with an in‐depth understanding of how their organization’s efforts toward social responsibility influence member perceptions and behaviors, which may help them focus their efforts and more effectively manage their social change agenda moving forward.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155505/1/nml21406_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155505/2/nml21406.pd

    Explainable Reactive Synthesis

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    Reactive synthesis transforms a specification of a reactive system, given in a temporal logic, into an implementation. The main advantage of synthesis is that it is automatic. The main disadvantage is that the implementation is usually very difficult to understand. In this paper, we present a new synthesis process that explains the synthesized implementation to the user. The process starts with a simple version of the specification and a corresponding simple implementation. Then, desired properties are added one by one, and the corresponding transformations, repairing the implementation, are explained in terms of counterexample traces. We present SAT-based algorithms for the synthesis of repairs and explanations. The algorithms are evaluated on a range of examples including benchmarks taken from the SYNTCOMP competition

    Psychopathic leadership a case study of a corporate psychopath CEO

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    This longitudinal case study reports on a charity in the UK which gained a new CEO who was reported by two middle managers who worked in the charity, to embody (respectively) all or most of the ten characteristics within a measure of corporate psychopathy. The leadership of this CEO with a high corporate psychopathy score was reported to be so poor that the organisation was described as being one without leadership and as a lost organisation with no direction. This paper outlines the resultant characteristics of the ensuing aimlessness and lack of drive of the organisation involved. Comparisons are made to a previous CEO in the same organisation, who was reportedly an authentic, effective and transformational leader. Outcomes under the CEO with a high corporate psychopathy score were related to bullying, staff withdrawal and turnover as effective employees stayed away from and/or left the organisation. Outcomes also included a marked organisational decline in terms of revenue, employee commitment, creativity and organisational innovativeness. The paper makes a contribution to both leadership and to corporate psychopathy research as it appears to be the first reported study of a CEO with a high corporate psychopathy score

    Passion in the Workplace: Empirical Insights from Team Sport Organisations

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    Although sport management scholars have focused on a fairly wide number of psychologically-related constructs in the workplace, passion has not been part of this research agenda. The present study is the first attempt to fill this gap by exploring employees’ passion in the workplace setting of sport organisations. It does so by applying for the first time the dualistic model of passion developed by Vallerand et al. (2003), which measures two distinct types of passion: harmonious and obsessive. Online survey data were gathered from administrative employees in the United Kingdom’s football industry, responsible for either business-related functions or the clubs’ social agenda (N=236) in order to measure the passion experienced by individuals guided by different institutional logics. The particular instrument has two components: harmonious and obsessive passion towards the job. Besides the passion scales, the survey contained measures related to demographic variables (e.g., age, gender and education), to employment position in the organisation and to previous job experience. Data were statistically analysed in Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and analysis of variance, using SPSS and Amos 18.0. To determine the effect of contextual variables on the passion for the job, t-test and ANOVA were also used. Both groups of employees are passionate about their job. They remain harmoniously passionate throughout their career and show low level of obsessive passion. The type of work activities influences both levels of harmonious and obsessive passion experienced by personnel within sport organisations with employees responsible for the social agenda being slightly more harmoniously and obsessively passionate compared to those responsible for the business agenda. Vallerand et al.’s (2003) dualistic model of passion has been adapted to measure passion at workplace within sport organisations. The particular working environment that forms these organisations attracts and/or facilitates employees to experience a positive work–life balance

    Mitomycin C and Vinorelbine for second-line chemotherapy in NSCLC – a phase II trial

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    Single-agent therapy with Docetaxel or Pemetrexed is the current therapy of choice for second-line treatment in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The role of older agents was underattended over the last years. This study presents the combination of Mitomycin C and Vinorelbine in pretreated patients. Forty-two patients (stage IIIB and IV, pretreated with platinum-based chemotherapy) received 8 mg m−2 Mitomycin C on day 1 and 25 mg m−2 Vinorelbine on days 1 and 8 of a 28-day cycle. End points were objective tumour response, survival, and toxicity. Additionally, quality of life (QoL) was assessed. Five patients (11.9 %) achieved partial responses and 13 patients (31.9%) stable disease. Progression-free survival was 16 weeks. The median overall survival was 8.5 month. Eleven patients (26.2 %) suffered from grade 3 or 4 neutropenia and four patients (9.52%) from grade 3 or 4 anaemia. Evaluation of QoL showed that some items ameliorated during therapy. The therapeutic concept including Mitomycin C and Vinorelbine offers an efficacious and well-tolerated regimen, with relatively low toxicity. Objective response and survival data correlate with other second-line studies using different medication. As costs of Mitomycin C and Vinorelbine are lower compared with current drugs of choice, this regimen is likely to be cost-saving

    Exploring the attitudes of students undertaking sports degrees towards online international learning

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    Abstract Aims: There is an increased focus on the internationalisation of the learning experiences of university students1. One way this can be achieved is through ‘virtual internationalisation’2, which can be promoted through the use of Online International Learning (OIL) programmes. This article on sport pedagogy investigates the attitudes of sport students to such a programme. Methods: This article uses quantitative and qualitative methods. 63 students completed a survey and wrote reflective reports. Data was collected from a survey of 16 targeted questions addressing the attitudes of students towards the programme. Students also wrote reflective reports on their experiences, allowing for qualitative responses to be analysed. Results: 62% of students surveyed found the internationalised module to have been a worthwhile experience in terms of learning new skills and working with a partner from an institution based in another continent. 65% suggested that they learned skills on the internationalised module they would use again in education and in future employment. Students from European Union countries gave high rates of positive feedback. 100% reported that the module was a worthwhile experience, compared to 60% of UK students and 38% of international students from outside the European Union. Conclusion: 62% of students surveyed stated that they learned new skills, and there was a perceived value to the programme in terms of enhancing employment prospects. Virtual mobilities projects offer a possible method for tutors to give students international experiences, which is important as sport is now a globalised industry