26 research outputs found

    Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Keterampilan Ibu Bayi Tentang Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu (Mp-Asi) di Posyandu Singosari Banyuanyar Surakarta

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    Complementary foods for breast milk (MP-ASI) is food or drink that contains nutrients other than breast milk, this is because breast milk is only able to meet two-thirds of the baby's needs at 6-9 months of age, and at 9-12 months it fulfills half of the baby's needs. Age under two years is a very important period as well as a critical period in the process of growth and development of babies both physically and intellectually, therefore every baby and child aged 6-24 months must obtain nutritional intake according to their needs. The survey results show that one of the causes of growth and development disorders for babies and children aged 6-24 months in Indonesia is the low quality of complementary foods and not according to the parenting style given so that some nutrients cannot meet the needs, especially energy and micronutrients, especially iron. (Fe) and Zinc (Zn). The purpose of this community service is that after receiving counseling, it is hoped that the baby's mother at Singosari Banyuanyar Surakarta Posyandu can be understanding about complementary foods so that the baby's nutrition is fulfilled and can make complementary foods themselves. This community service activity got results, namely counseling followed by 15 mommies which were held on July 17, 2020, at Singosari RW 05 Posyandu. This community service activity received a good response. Posyandu babies' mothers know more about complementary foods. This can be seen from the results of the question and answer, where before counseling about complementary foods, posyandu babies do not understand complementary foods, but after counseling about complementary breastfeeding, posyandu babies become more aware of complementary foods with value. the average knowledge of complementary foods increased by 80%

    Perencanaan dan Desain Healthy Living di Ruang Publik Apartemen Sudirman Suites, Bandung

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    Perencanaan dan Desain Healthy Living di Ruang Publik, Apartemen Sudirman Suites, Bandung Anita, J. Pahlefi, M. M., Putri, D. P., Sobari, M. H., Aryanti, D. N. Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : [email protected] ABSTRAK Apartemen merupakan salah satu hunian vertikal yang sedang berkembang pesat di kota-kota besar. Pertumbuhan dan pertambahan penduduk serta semakin sedikit dan mahalnya harga tanah meyebabkan kebutuhan akan hunian ikut meningkat. Apartemen merupakan salah satu solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut. Perencanan apartemen harus memperhatikan kebutuhan pengguna, terutama tersedianya ruang-ruang publik untuk mendukung aktivitas dan kesehatan penghuni. Dengan bentuk seperti huruf “U” dan mengusung konsep healthy living, apartemen Sudirman Suites di Bandung tidak hanya memberikan hunian pada bangunannya, sebagai penunjang konsep healthy living ruang publik ruang publik berupa inner court untuk tempat sosialisasi penghuni. Ruang publik pada apartemen ini merupakan salah satu penunjang konsep healthy living pada bangunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi, letak, layout, dan pola arsitektur ruang publik pada bangunan Apartemen Sudriman dan penerapan konsep healthy living pada ruang publik tersebut. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan pengelola dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Kajian ini diharapkan bisa menjadi bahan referensi bagi perancang untuk merancang ruang publik atau mengaplikasikan konsep healthy living pada hunian vertikal. Kata Kunci : apartemen, healthy living, ruang publik ABSTRACT Apartment is one of the vertical housing that is growing rapidly in large cities . Population growth as well as the less and high prices led to the need for residential land has increased. The apartment is one solution to these problems . Planning the apartment must be attentive to the needs of users, particularly the availability of public spaces to support the activity and health of occupants. Shaped like the letter " U " and promote the concept of healthy living , the apartment Sudirman Hotel in Bandung not only provide shelter in the building , but also supporting the concept of healthy living. It provide inner court design as a place for the occupants to socialize with one another. The public rooms in this apartment are support facilities for concept of healthy living. This study aims to determine the classification, location, layout and architectural patterns of public space in the Sudriman Apartment building and application of the concept of healthy living in public spaces . Methods of research conducted through interviews with employees and direct observations in the field. This study is expected to be a reference for designers to design public space or to apply the concept of healthy living in the vertical housin

    Algoritma A* Dalam Peletakan Pola Pakaian Pada Kain

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    Strip Packing Problem (SPP) merupakan permasalahan dalam peletakan suatu pola dari objek yang beraturan ataupun tidak beraturan pada sebuah wadah berukuran tertentu. Salah satu kasus dalam SPP biasanya dialami oleh perusahaan konveksi dalam memproduksi pakaian secara masal. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah bagaimana meletakan pola-pola pakaian di atas kain agar memperoleh optimalisasi dalam penggunaan bahan dan mengurangi sisa kain yang berlebih. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk dalam permasalahan SPP ini menggunakan Algoritma A*. Setiap pola pada satu jenis model pakaian yang ditentukan pengguna dihitung luas polanya dan diurutkan dari yang terkecil sampai yang terbesar. Kemudian pola dipetakan di atas kain dengan ukuran tertentu hingga mencapai kuantitas pakaian yang diinginkan terpenuhi. Pada penelitian ini hanya fokus pemetaan untuk mencapai efisiensi keterpakaian bahan. Model baju yang diujikan adalah pakaian wanita: kaos & kemeja lengan panjang & pendek, celana panjang dan rok panjang. Pola dibuat dalam bentuk Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) berupa titik koordinat x dan y. Dari hasil pengujian pola diperoleh efisiensi keterpakaian bahan mencapai 68%, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor pemetaan dari besaran luas yang terkecil ke terbesar secara iteratif sehingga memungkinkan adanya ruang kosong(sisa) antar pola yang tidak terpakai.Strip Packing Problem (SPP) is a problem that appears in the laying of a pattern of regular or irregular objects in a container of a certain size. One of the cases in SPP is usually experienced by garment companies in mass-producing clothing. The problem that arises is how to lay the patterns of clothing on the fabric in order to obtain optimization in use of materials and to reduce excess fabric remnants. One of the methods used for this SPP problem is using A* Algorithm. Each pattern of the clothing model is calculated and measured from the smallest to the largest. Then the pattern is mapped on a cloth of a certain size. The process repeated until it reaches the specified quantity. In this research only focus of mapping to achieve the efficiency of material usage. Clothes model tested is women's clothing: long & short sleeveless shirts, long pants and long skirts. Patterns are made in the form of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). From the test result, the efficiency of material usage reaches 68%, it is influenced by the mapping factor from the smallest quantity to the largest iteratively so as to allow the existence of empty space between unused patterns

    The Effect of Polymer Concentration on Flux Stability of Polysulfone Membrane

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    362-368The influence of various polymer concentrations on flux stability of polysulfone membranes was investigated. The polysulfone membrane was prepared by blending polysulfone in DMAc with 25%wt concentration of PEG400 and 4% wt concentration of acetone. It was found that the pure water flux was sharply decreased from 1230 to7 Lm-2h-1, when the polysulfone concentration was increased from 14% to 24%wt. Furthermore, the increase of polysulfone concentration also affects the fouling behavior of the membranes, in which almost of 90% of FRR was achieved by the addition of 18 %wt of polysulfone concentration. It was suggested that fouling formed on the membrane surface was dominated by reversible fouling, thus it could be easily cleaned by flushing method. In addition, the applied transmembrane pressure (TMP) also plays an important role in fouling behavior of polysulfone membrane. It was observed that irreversible fouling of organic matter was deteriorated by the increase of TMP, which contributed to the reduction of water flux. More stable membrane flux performance was achieved although it was operated at high TMP, when 20% wt concentration of polysulfone was added into membrane solution

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Struktur Modal pada Perusahaan Pertambangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2018

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    This study examines and analyzes the factors that influence capital structure. Independent variables in this study are company size, liquidity, profitability and asset structure. The population in this study are mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2018 period. The sample selection technique uses purposive sampling and 12 company samples are obtained within a period of 4 years so that 48 company samples are obtained. The data analysis method used in this study is panel data regression. Hypothesis testing is done using the t test and the F test. The panel data regression test results show that simultaneously company size, liquidity, profitability and asset structure have an influence on capital structure. While partially the variables that significantly influence the capital structure are company size. While the liquidity, profitability and asset structure variables do not significantly affect the capital structure

    Analysis of Protein Separation Mechanism in Charged Ultrafiltration Membrane

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    The separation mechanism of proteins on a charged ultrafiltration membrane was analyzed using the extended Nernst"“Planck (N-P) model. The model was solved numerically based on experimental data during ultrafiltration of bovine serum albumin/BSA and hemoglobin at various pH (between 5 and 8) to obtain the flux parameter (Jv). The flux parameter was used to determine the effective charge of the membrane (f) and the actual membrane porosity (Ak). These two parameters were then used to predict the transport mechanism of proteins through the charged membrane. Higher flux was obtained during the ultrafiltration of BSA compared to hemoglobin. The most effective separation of mixed proteins occurred at pH 5 (aalbumin= 5). In addition, the mobility of a single protein was lower than when it was mixed with other proteins that had different charges. The effective charges of the membranes were varied between 0.99996 to 1.0000, which means that the fixed charge on the membrane structure was higher than the concentration of proteins, thus the effective charge of the membrane was not influenced by the presence of protein charge at various pH. On the contrary, the value of Ak was influenced by the type and charge of the proteins. A decrease of negative charge along with an increase of solution pH increased the porosity of the membrane, thus reducing the rejection of proteins