170 research outputs found

    A High Aggression Strategy for Smaller Males

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    Abstract Male-male conflict is common among animals, but questions remain as to when, how and by whom aggression should be initiated. Factors that affect agonistic strategies include residency, the value of the contested resource and the fighting ability of the two contestants. We quantified initiation of aggression in a fish, the desert goby, Chlamydogobius eremius, by exposing nest-holding males to a male intruder. The perceived value of the resource (the nest) was manipulated by exposing half of the residents to sexually receptive females for two days before the trial. Resident male aggression, however, was unaffected by perceived mating opportunities. It was also unaffected by the absolute and relative size of the intruder. Instead resident aggression was negatively related to resident male size. In particular, smaller residents attacked sooner and with greater intensity compared to larger residents. These results suggest that resident desert goby males used set, rather than conditional, strategies for initiating aggression. If intruders are more likely to flee than retaliate, small males may benefit from attacking intruders before these have had an opportunity to assess the resident and/or the resource

    Optogenetic control of human neurons in organotypic brain cultures

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    Optogenetics is one of the most powerful tools in neuroscience, allowing for selective control of specific neuronal populations in the brain of experimental animals, including mammals. We report, for the first time, the application of optogenetic tools to human brain tissue providing a proof-of-concept for the use of optogenetics in neuromodulation of human cortical and hippocampal neurons as a possible tool to explore network mechanisms and develop future therapeutic strategies

    Determination of the Bending Rigidity of Graphene via Electrostatic Actuation of Buckled Membranes

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    The small mass and atomic-scale thickness of graphene membranes make them highly suitable for nanoelectromechanical devices such as e.g. mass sensors, high frequency resonators or memory elements. Although only atomically thick, many of the mechanical properties of graphene membranes can be described by classical continuum mechanics. An important parameter for predicting the performance and linearity of graphene nanoelectromechanical devices as well as for describing ripple formation and other properties such as electron scattering mechanisms, is the bending rigidity, {\kappa}. In spite of the importance of this parameter it has so far only been estimated indirectly for monolayer graphene from the phonon spectrum of graphite, estimated from AFM measurements or predicted from ab initio calculations or bond-order potential models. Here, we employ a new approach to the experimental determination of {\kappa} by exploiting the snap-through instability in pre-buckled graphene membranes. We demonstrate the reproducible fabrication of convex buckled graphene membranes by controlling the thermal stress during the fabrication procedure and show the abrupt switching from convex to concave geometry that occurs when electrostatic pressure is applied via an underlying gate electrode. The bending rigidity of bilayer graphene membranes under ambient conditions was determined to be 35.515+2035.5^{+20}_{-15} eV. Monolayers have significantly lower {\kappa} than bilayers

    Sequencing of 15 622 Gene-bearing BACs Clarifies the Gene-dense Regions of the Barley Genome

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    Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) possesses a large and highly repetitive genome of 5.1 Gb that has hindered the development of a complete sequence. In 2012, the International Barley Sequencing Consortium released a resource integrating whole-genome shotgun sequences with a physical and genetic framework. However, because only 6278 bacterial artificial chromosome (BACs) in the physical map were sequenced, fine structure was limited. To gain access to the gene-containing portion of the barley genome at high resolution, we identified and sequenced 15 622 BACs representing the minimal tiling path of 72 052 physical-mapped gene-bearing BACs. This generated ~1.7 Gb of genomic sequence containing an estimated 2/3 of all Morex barley genes. Exploration of these sequenced BACs revealed that although distal ends of chromosomes contain most of the gene-enriched BACs and are characterized by high recombination rates, there are also gene-dense regions with suppressed recombination. We made use of published map-anchored sequence data from Aegilops tauschii to develop a synteny viewer between barley and the ancestor of the wheat D-genome. Except for some notable inversions, there is a high level of collinearity between the two species. The software HarvEST:Barley provides facile access to BAC sequences and their annotations, along with the barley–Ae. tauschii synteny viewer. These BAC sequences constitute a resource to improve the efficiency of marker development, map-based cloning, and comparative genomics in barley and related crops. Additional knowledge about regions of the barley genome that are gene-dense but low recombination is particularly relevant

    Learning of model discrepancy for structural dynamics applications using Bayesian history matching

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    Calibration of computer models for structural dynamics is often an important task in creating valid predictions that match observational data. However, calibration alone will lead to biased estimates of system parameters when a mechanism for model discrepancy is not included. The definition of model discrepancy is the mismatch between observational data and the model when the 'true' parameters are known. This will occur due to the absence and/or simplification of certain physics in the computer model. Bayesian History Matching (BHM) is a 'likelihood-free' method for obtaining calibrated outputs whilst accounting for model discrepancies, typically via an additional variance term. The approach assesses the input space, using an emulator of the complex computer model, and identifies parameter sets that could have plausibly generated the target outputs. In this paper a more informative methodology is outlined where the functional form of the model discrepancy is inferred, improving predictive performance. The algorithm is applied to a case study for a representative five storey building structure with the objective of calibrating outputs of a finite element (FE) model. The results are discussed with appropriate validation metrics that consider the complete distribution

    Both male and female identity influence variation in male signalling effort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Male sexual displays play an important role in sexual selection by affecting reproductive success. However, for such displays to be useful for female mate choice, courtship should vary more among than within individual males. In this regard, a potentially important source of within male variation is adjustment of male courtship effort in response to female traits. Accordingly, we set out to dissect sources of variation in male courtship effort in a fish, the desert goby (<it>Chlamydogobius eremius</it>). We did so by designing an experiment that allowed simultaneous estimation of within and between male variation in courtship, while also assessing the importance of the males and females as sources of courtship variation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although males adjusted their courtship depending on the identity of the female (a potentially important source of within-male variation), among-male differences were considerably greater. In addition, male courtship effort towards a pair of females was highly repeatable over a short time frame.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite the plasticity in male courtship effort, courtship displays had the potential to reliably convey information about the male to mate-searching females. Our experiment therefore underscores the importance of addressing the different sources contributing to variation in the expression of sexually-selected traits.</p

    The potential for treatment shortening with higher rifampicin doses : relating drug exposure to treatment response in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    This work was supported by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials partnership (grants IP.2007.32011.011, IP.2007.32011.012, and IP.2007.32011.013) and the German Ministry for Education and Research (grant 01KA0901). The original study conducted within the PanACEA consortium.Background: Tuberculosis remains a huge public health problem and the prolonged treatment duration obstructs effective tuberculosis control. Higher rifampicin doses have been associated with better bactericidal activity, but optimal dosing is uncertain. This analysis aimed to characterize the relationship between rifampicin plasma exposure and treatment response over 6 months in a recent study investigating the potential for treatment shortening with high-dose rifampicin. Methods: Data were analyzed from 336 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (97 with pharmacokinetic data) treated with rifampicin doses of 10, 20, or 35 mg/kg. The response measure was time to stable sputum culture conversion (TSCC). We derived individual exposure metrics with a previously developed population pharmacokinetic model of rifampicin. TSCC was modeled using a parametric time-to-event approach, and a sequential exposure-response analysis was performed. Results: Higher rifampicin exposures increased the probability of early culture conversion. No maximal limit of the effect was detected within the observed range. The expected proportion of patients with stable culture conversion on liquid medium at week 8 was predicted to increase from 39% (95% confidence interval, 37%-41%) to 55% (49%-61%), with the rifampicin area under the curve increasing from 20 to 175 mg/L·h (representative for 10 and 35 mg/kg, respectively). Other predictors of TSCC were baseline bacterial load, proportion of culture results unavailable, and substitution of ethambutol for either moxifloxacin or SQ109. Conclusions: Increasing rifampicin exposure shortened TSCC, and the effect did not plateau, indicating that doses >35 mg/kg could be yet more effective. Optimizing rifampicin dosage while preventing toxicity is a clinical priority.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe