50 research outputs found

    ViljelymenetelmÀn, lajikkeen ja siemenperunan seittirupisuuden vaikutus perunaseitin (Rhizoctonia solani) mÀÀrÀÀn

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    Siemenen seittirupisuuden (6 tasoa), maaperÀn ominaisuuksien (monokulttuuri tai luomuviljely) ja lajikkeen (Van Gogh tai Saturna) vaikutusta perunaseitin esiintymiseen tutkittiin vuosina 2003-2005 jÀrjestetyssÀ kenttÀkokeessa. Siemenperunan tautisuuden (seittirupisuuden) lisÀÀntyessÀ versolaikun mÀÀrÀ kasvoi, varsi- ja mukulaluku pieneni ja sadon mÀÀrÀÀ ja tÀrkkelyspitoisuus laski. Myöskin laatu heikkeni, kun vihertyneiden, epÀmuotoisten ja onttojen mukuloiden osuus sadossa kasvoi. ViljelymenetelmÀ ei vaikuttanut kovin selvÀsti seittisyyteen, mutta siemenen seittirupisuuden lisÀÀntyessÀ seittiruven mÀÀrÀ sadossa lisÀÀntyi ainoastaan luomussa. Van Goghissa oli seittiongelmia hieman enemmÀn kuin Saturnassa. Erityisesti keskeltÀ ruskolaikkuisten ja onttojen mukuloiden mÀÀrÀ lisÀÀntyi Van Goghilla selvÀsti siemenen seittirupisuuden lisÀÀntyessÀ. Tulokset ovat alustavia ja kattavat kaksi ensimmÀistÀ koevuotta (2003-2004)

    Recommended reading list of early publications on atomic layer deposition-Outcome of the "Virtual Project on the History of ALD"

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    Atomic layer deposition (ALD), a gas-phase thin film deposition technique based on repeated, self-terminating gas-solid reactions, has become the method of choice in semiconductor manufacturing and many other technological areas for depositing thin conformal inorganic material layers for various applications. ALD has been discovered and developed independently, at least twice, under different names: atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) and molecular layering. ALE, dating back to 1974 in Finland, has been commonly known as the origin of ALD, while work done since the 1960s in the Soviet Union under the name "molecular layering" (and sometimes other names) has remained much less known. The virtual project on the history of ALD (VPHA) is a volunteer-based effort with open participation, set up to make the early days of ALD more transparent. In VPHA, started in July 2013, the target is to list, read and comment on all early ALD academic and patent literature up to 1986. VPHA has resulted in two essays and several presentations at international conferences. This paper, based on a poster presentation at the 16th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition in Dublin, Ireland, 2016, presents a recommended reading list of early ALD publications, created collectively by the VPHA participants through voting. The list contains 22 publications from Finland, Japan, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and United States. Up to now, a balanced overview regarding the early history of ALD has been missing; the current list is an attempt to remedy this deficiency. (C) 2016 Author(s).Peer reviewe

    Formation of canker lesions on stems and black scurf on tubers in experimentally inoculated potato plants by isolates of AG2-1, AG3 and AG5 of Rhizoctonia solani: a pilot study and literature review

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    Development of black scurf on potato tubers (cv. Nicola) was compared in plants inoculated with isolates of Rhizoctonia solani of three anastomosis groups (AG2-1, AG3 and AG5) which occur in potato crops in Finland. All isolates induced stem canker lesions but only isolates of AG3 formed efficiently black scurf on progeny tubers. Among the AG2-1 and AG5 isolates tested, only one AG2-1 isolate formed a few sclerotia on 13.5 % of the progeny tubers in one experiment. The data indicate that isolates of AG3 differ from those of AG2-1 and AG5 in having a higher ability to form sclerotia on tubers. Therefore, while AG2-1 and AG5 isolates have a broader host range, AG3 is more efficient in producing black scurf, which provides this anastomosis group with more efficient means of dissemination on seed potatoes. These differences probably explain the predominance of AG3 (98.9 % of isolates) in potato crops in Finland and other northern potato production areas.;PerunaseittiĂ€, versolaikkua ja seittirupea aiheuttavaRhizoctonia solani-sieni (seittisieni) on haitallisimpia perunan taudinaiheuttajia. Sen merkitys mukuloiden epĂ€muotoisuuden ja lukuisten erilaisten pintavikojen aiheuttajana, kasvin mukuloiden kokojakauman hajonnan lisÀÀjĂ€nĂ€ sekĂ€ kauppakuntoisen sadon vĂ€hentĂ€jĂ€nĂ€ jÀÀnyt vĂ€hĂ€lle huomiolle. NĂ€itĂ€ kysymyksiĂ€ sekĂ€ perunaseitin torjuntaa on tutkittu tarkemmin Suomessa vasta Ă€skettĂ€in. Tulosten perusteella laadittiin seitintorjuntaohjeet koko perunasektorin yhteisenĂ€ ponnistuksena. Myös seittisienen geneettistĂ€ monimuotoisuutta tutkittiin ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa Suomessa. Tulokset paljastivat, ettĂ€ 98.9 % seittisienen isolaateista kuului geneettisesti mÀÀriteltyyn anastomoosiryhmÀÀn AG3, joka on perunaan erikoistunut. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen pÀÀtarkoituksena oli verrata perunasta eristettyjen AG3-ryhmĂ€n isolaattien ja peru- Control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. p. 207-215. Spencer, D. & Fox, R.A. 1979. The development of Rhizoctonia solani KĂŒhn on the underground parts of the potato plant. Potato Research 22: 29-39. Truter, M. & Wehner, F.C. 2004. Anastomosis grouping of Rhizoctonia solani associated with black scurf and stem canker of potato in South Africa. Plant Disease 88: 83. Tsror (Lahkim), L. & Peretz-Alon, I. 2005. The influence of the inoculum source of Rhizoctonia solani on development of black scurf on potato. Journal of Phytopathology 153: 240-244. Valkonen, J.P.T., Heiroth, W. van, & Savela, M.-L. 1993. Fungi and Gram-negative bacteria as soilborne minor pathogens of the legume goats rue (Galega orientalis Lam.). Annals of Applied Biology 123: 257-269. van Emden, J.H. 1965. Rhizoctonia solani results of recent experiments. European Potato Journal 8: 188-189. van Emden, J.H., LabruyĂšre, R.E. & Tichelaar, G.M. 1966. On the control of Rhizoctonia solani in seed potato cultivation in the Netherlands. Verslagen van Landbouwkundige Onderzoekingen no. 685. Centrum voor landbouwpublikaties en landbouwdocumentatie Wageningen. PUDOC, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 41 p. Weinhold, A.R., Bowman, T. & Hall, D.H. 1982. Rhizoctonia disease of potato: Effect on yield and control by seed tuber treatment. Plant Disease 66: 815-818. Wilson, P.S., Ahvenniemi, P.M., Lehtonen, M.J., German- Kinnari, M. & Valkonen, J.P.T. 2008a. Dynamics of soilborne Rhizoctonia solani in the presence of Trichoderma harzianum: effects on stem canker, black scurf and progeny tubers of potato. Plant Pathology 57: 152-161. Wilson, P.S., Ahvenniemi, P.M., Lehtonen, M.J., Kukkonen, M., Rita, H. & Valkonen, J.P.T. 2008b. Biological and chemical control and their combined use to control different stages of Rhizoctonia disease complex on potato through the growing season. Annals of Applied Biology 153: 307-320. Woodhall, J.W., Lees, A.K., Edwards, S.G. & Jenkinson, P. 2007. Characterization of Rhizoctonia solani from potatoes in Great Britain. Plant Pathology 56: 286-295. Yulianti, T., Sivasithamparam, K. & Turner, D.W. 2006. Response of different forms of propagules of Rhizoctonia solani AG2-1 (ZG5) exposed to the volatiles produced in soil amended with green manures. Annals of Applied Biology 148: 105-111. SELOSTUS Erot kolmen Suomessa perunalla esiintyvĂ€n Rhizoctonia solani-sienen anastomoosiryhmĂ€n kyvyssĂ€ muodostaa seittirupea Mari Lehtonen, Paula Wilson, Paavo Ahvenniemi ja Jari Valkonen Helsingin yliopisto nalla harvinaisina esiintyvien AG2-1 ja AG5 -ryhmien isolaattien kykyĂ€ muodostaa seittirupea mukuloiden pinnalla. Tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ AG3-ryhmĂ€n isolaatit ovat ylivertaisen tehokkaita seittiruven muodostajia. Seittirupi eli seittisienen rihmastopahkat mukulan pinnalla sĂ€ilyttĂ€vĂ€t sienen kasvukaudesta toiseen ja tarjoavat tehokkaan tavan seittisienen leviĂ€miselle siemenperunoiden mukana. AG2-1 ja AG5 -ryhmien isolaateilla on laajempi isĂ€ntĂ€kasvilajisto kuin AG3-ryhmĂ€n isolaateilla, mutta AG3:n tehokas seittiruven muodostus perunalla lienee yksi tĂ€rkeimmistĂ€ syistĂ€ AG3:n yleisyydelle perunalla niin Suomessa kuin muillakin perunantuotantoalueilla. Seittiruvettoman siemenperunan kĂ€yttö, tai vĂ€hĂ€isesti seittirupisen siemenperunan peittaus, ovatkin tĂ€rkeitĂ€ seitintorjunnassa. LisĂ€ksi perunan viljely korkeintaan kolmen vuoden vĂ€lein samalla lohkolla estÀÀ maalevintĂ€isen seitin (rihmastopahkojen) aiheuttamat satotappiot

    Greening the Smartness of Cities and Communities

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    The topic of smart cities has come to the fore at a time when technological innovation in the cities, owing to the ever increasing use of ICT infrastructures and services, especially the Internet, is spreading widely. The digital city seems to have taken the upper hand over the real one, and cities are joining the smart revolution aiming to become smart cities. The risk is that the most concrete meanings of the smart revolution will be lost, giving too much weight to technologies. This chapter addresses this issue by highlighting the true meanings of the smart city approach on urban planning and the necessary and useful synergy with the green aspects most linked to the physical environment of the city

    Semantic interoperability and open IoT APIs for smart cities applications

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    As the percentage of the total population living in urban regions is increasing, new challenges for the cities of the future arise. Smart Cities emerged as a solution to these challenges building on the strength of intelligent information, communication technologies and Internet of Things. In this work, we discuss the importance of semantic technologies as well as open IoT APIs for the future Smart Cities applications. Through an illustrative application, we demonstrate that both of the aforementioned technologies ease the computational burden of implementation, foster programming sustainability and create the necessary conditions so as to rapidly harness the available information and extract knowledge out of it. At the same time, the applicationĂąs implementation lies in accordance with the latest IoT architectural recommendations such as Visual Programming interfaces for Service Composition, conformance with Big Data technologies and the latest IoT programming paradi gms

    A Big Data Platform for Smart and Sustainable Cities: Environmental Monitoring Case Studies in Europe

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    One of the most challenging aspects of the actual smart city trend is to keep under control the environmental parameters with the aim of general sustainability. The impact of daily activities of humans in the city is presently very evident. The geographical and social characteristics of the cities may react and facilitate the sustainability as well as may really influence how the city may be more or less resilient to certain pollution production. After investigating the theoretical concept of Smart Sustainable City (SSC), this paper reported the work performed in supporting the aforementioned trend and analysis in three European cities (Florence, Helsinki and Cagliari) that despite having different characteristics for population and density, have some similarities, such as geomorphic aspects. In addition, two of them present a relevant port (Helsinki and Cagliari), two of them have similar urban complexity, such as traffic (Florence and Helsinki). The work presented has exploited Snap4City big data for smart city infrastructure and has been developed in the context of Snap4City, Trafair, and GHOST projects. The results have shown that critical aspects have been identified over time for pollution issues, in particular with PM10 and NOX