41 research outputs found

    Recovery of Cerium Dioxide from Spent Glass-Polishing Slurry and Its Utilization as a Reactive Sorbent for Fast Degradation of Toxic Organophosphates

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    The recovery of cerium (and possibly other rare earth elements) from the spent glass-polishing slurries is rather difficult because of a high resistance of polishing-grade cerium oxide toward common digestion agents. It was shown that cerium may be extracted from the spent polishing slurries by leaching with strong mineral acids in the presence of reducing agents; the solution may be used directly for the preparation of a ceria-based reactive sorbent. A mixture of concentrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide was effective in the digestion of partially dewatered glass-polishing slurry. After the removal of undissolved particles, cerous carbonate was precipitated by gaseous NH3 and CO2. Cerium oxide was prepared by a thermal decomposition of the carbonate precursor in an open crucible and tested as reactive sorbent for the degradation of highly toxic organophosphate compounds. The samples annealed at the optimal temperature of approximately 400°C exhibited a good degradation efficiency toward the organophosphate pesticide fenchlorphos and the nerve agents soman and VX. The extraction/precipitation procedure recovers approximately 70% of cerium oxide from the spent polishing slurry. The presence of minor amounts of lanthanum does not disturb the degradation efficiency

    Identification of multiple transcription factor genes potentially involved in the development of electrosensory versus mechanosensory lateral line organs

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    In electroreceptive jawed vertebrates, embryonic lateral line placodes give rise to electrosensory ampullary organs as well as mechanosensory neuromasts. Previous reports of shared gene expression suggest that conserved mechanisms underlie electroreceptor and mechanosensory hair cell development and that electroreceptors evolved as a transcriptionally related “sister cell type” to hair cells. We previously identified only one transcription factor gene, Neurod4, as ampullary organ-restricted in the developing lateral line system of a chondrostean ray-finned fish, the Mississippi paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). The other 16 transcription factor genes we previously validated in paddlefish were expressed in both ampullary organs and neuromasts. Here, we used our published lateral line organ-enriched gene-set (arising from differential bulk RNA-seq in late-larval paddlefish), together with a candidate gene approach, to identify 25 transcription factor genes expressed in the developing lateral line system of a more experimentally tractable chondrostean, the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus, a small sturgeon), and/or that of paddlefish. Thirteen are expressed in both ampullary organs and neuromasts, consistent with conservation of molecular mechanisms. Seven are electrosensory-restricted on the head (Irx5, Irx3, Insm1, Sp5, Satb2, Mafa and Rorc), and five are the first-reported mechanosensory-restricted transcription factor genes (Foxg1, Sox8, Isl1, Hmx2 and Rorb). However, as previously reported, Sox8 is expressed in ampullary organs as well as neuromasts in a catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula), suggesting the existence of lineage-specific differences between cartilaginous and ray-finned fishes. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that ampullary organs and neuromasts develop via largely conserved transcriptional mechanisms, and identify multiple transcription factors potentially involved in the formation of electrosensory versus mechanosensory lateral line organs

    Evaluation of the Qualitative Benefits of the Development Project Co-financed by the EU

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    Diplomová práce v první části se zaměřuje na teoretický popis regionální politiky Evropské unie, způsob, jaký se vyvýjela a na popis cílů, které měla v jednotlivých programovacích obdobích. V této časti práce je také popsáno, z kterých fondů Evropské unie čerpají prostředky jednotlivé cíle. Dále zde vymezuji všechny operační programy, na základě kterých lze čerpat finanční prostředky pro poskytování dotací z těchto fondů. U konkrétního projektu spolufinancovaného ze zdrojů Evropské unie uvádím ekonomický rozbor projektu a za pomoci dotazníkového šetření také provádím zhodnocení kvalitativního přínosu projektu pro rozvoj regionu.The first part of my work focuses on the theoretical description of EU regional policy, its evolution and the description and the objectives of the different programming periods. In this part of the work is also described which EU funds are being used for co-financing of different goals. Furthermore I define all operational programs which can be used to draw funds to provide grants. These information are necessarry to choose the right operational program to use. For the particular project co-financed from the European Union, I present an economic analysis of the project and a questionnaire survey which I use to do a qualitative assessment of the project and its help for the development of the region.

    Assessment of fatty acid desaturase (Fads2) structure-function properties in fish in the context of environmental adaptations and as a target for genetic engineering

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    Fatty acid desaturase 2 (Fads2) is the key enzyme of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) biosynthesis. Endogenous production of these biomolecules in vertebrates, if present, is insufficient to meet demand. Hence, LC-PUFA are considered as conditionally essential. At present, however, LC-PUFA are globally limited nutrients due to anthropogenic factors. Research attention has therefore been paid to finding ways to maximize endogenous LC-PUFA production, especially in production species, whereby deeper knowledge on molecular mechanisms of enzymatic steps involved is being generated. This review first briefly informs about the milestones in the history of LC-PUFA essentiality exploration before it focuses on the main aim—to highlight the fascinating Fads2 potential to play roles fundamental to adaptation to novel environmental conditions. Investigations are summarized to elucidate on the evolutionary history of fish Fads2, providing an explanation for the remarkable plasticity of this enzyme in fish. Furthermore, structural implications of Fads2 substrate specificity are discussed and some relevant studies performed on organisms other than fish are mentioned in cases when such studies have to date not been conducted on fish models. The importance of Fads2 in the context of growing aquaculture demand and dwindling LC-PUFA supply is depicted and a few remedies in the form of genetic engineering to improve endogenous production of these biomolecules are outlined.publishedVersio