72 research outputs found

    Tallinn Music Week 2015 - linnalavade programm

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    Drive Counts as a Method of Counting Roe Deer and its Competence by the Example of 2017 Counts

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    Bakalaureusetöö Metsanduse Ă”ppekavalMetskitse (Capreolus capreolus) arvukuse tĂ€pne mÀÀramine on Eestis aastaid olnud problemaatiline. Hetkel enim kasutusel olevad meetodid, pabula- ja talviste jĂ€ljeradade loendused, annavad tulemusi ainult populatsiooni suuruse dĂŒnaamika kohta. KĂ€esoleva lĂ”putöö eesmĂ€rk on uurida ajuloenduse pĂ€devust metskitse arvukuse mÀÀramisel ĂŒleriiklikul tasandil. Töös kasutati 2017. aastal korraldatud ĂŒle-eestiliste ajuloenduste andmeid. Ajuloenduste andmete vĂ”rdluseks teostas autor ka pabula- ja jĂ€ljeloenduseid. Ajuloendustelt saadud andmeid analĂŒĂŒsiti statistiliselt Microsoft Exceli keskkonnas. LĂ”putöö tulemusena selgus, et ajuloendus on vĂ”rreldes teiste kasutusel olevate seiremeetoditega töömahukam, rohkem eeltööd nĂ”udvam, samuti on kerge teha loendusel vigu. Samas on ajakulu ligikaudselt sama ning tulemused tĂ€psemad, kui teiste seiremeetodite puhul. Edasiste uuringute tegemine on vajalik, nĂ€iteks mÀÀramaks loendatavate alade kindlat suurust.The exact determination of the abundance of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Estonia has been problematic for years. Currently the most widely used methods, fecal pellet and winter line transect census, yield results only for population size dynamics. The purpose of this thesis is to study the competence of drive counts on determining the number of roe deer at national level. For the analysis, the data from nationwide drive counts was used. To compare the drive counts data, the author also carried out fecal pellet and winter line transect census. The data from drive counts was statistically analyzed in the Microsoft Excel environment. The thesis revealed that drive counts is more labor intensive, more demanding in terms of preliminary work than other methods, and it is also easy to make mistakes in the census. Nevertheless, the amount of time spent is approximately the same and the results are more accurate than other monitoring methods. Further research is needed, for example, to determine the exact size of the counting areas

    The effect of farming systems on potato yield and qualty and on economical efficiency

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    KĂ€esoleva magistritöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli uurida, kuidas erinevad viljelusviisid mĂ”jutavad kartulisordi ’Reet’ saaki ja kvaliteeti, mugulate nitraadi- ja tĂ€rklisesisaldust, pĂ”rutustele vastupanuvĂ”imet, kartulimugulate tumenemist ning kartulikasvatuse majanduslikke nĂ€itajaid. Katses vĂ”rreldi neljas korduses olevat 6 erinevat kartulitootmise katsevarianti: 1. ĂŒleminek mahedale 2. ĂŒleminek mahedale + sĂ”nnik 3. N0P0K0, 4. N50P25K95 5. N100P25K95 6. N150P25K95 Magistritöö on koostatud vĂ”rdluskatse ning kirjanduse allikate baasil. Katse korraldati Eesti MaaĂŒlikooli taimekasvatuse ja rohumaaviljeluse osakonna katsepĂ”ldudel Eerikal 2009 ja 2010 aastal. Uurimustöö tulemusena leiti, et erinevate vĂ€etisnormide mĂ”ju mugulasaagile oli mĂ€rgatav. Samas mĂ”jus lĂ€mmastikukoguse jĂ€rjest suurenev suurus negatiivselt kartulimugulate kulinaarsetele omadustele. NĂ€iteks tĂ€rklisesisaldus oli tavatootmise variantide mugulatel vĂ€iksem kui ĂŒlemineku jĂ€rgus olevatel mahevariantidel. Nitraatide sisaldus oli tavavariantide puhul kĂ”rgem kui ĂŒleminek mahevariantidel. Mugulate tumenemiskatsetest selgus, et vĂ€etamine vĂ”ib suurel mÀÀral muuta mugulate kvaliteeti ning vĂ€ljanĂ€gemist. Taimekaitsevahendite ja vĂ€etiste kasutamine taimekasvatuses aitavad kaasa suurema kaubandusliku saagi saamiseks. Majanduslikust tasuvusuuringust selgus, et tavavariantide puhul tĂ”stab tulukust jĂ€rjest kasvav saagikus ja ĂŒleminek mahevariantidel kĂ”rgem toodangu realiseerimise hind. PĂ”hjalikumate tulemuste saamiseks on vajalikud edasised uuringud.The main objective of this Master’s thesis was to evaluate the impact of conventional and organic production on the yield and quality of the potato variety ’Reet’ and to determine the nutrient concentrations of potato as well as the content of starch and nitrates (NO3 - ). The potato tuber darkening and resistance to damages were also examined. Another objective of the thesis was to assess the expenditure and revenue, and profitability with and without financial support. In the field experiment six different farming systems in four replications were studied. The used variety was ‘Reet’. The six farming systems were conversion to organic, conversion to organic + manure fertilizer, N0P0K0, N50P25K95, N100P25K95 and N150P25K95. Master thesis is based on the experiment and literarture. The field experiment was carried out in 2009 and 2010 at Eerika fields belonging to the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. As a result, it was found that diferent rates of fertilizers increased noticeably tuber yields. On the other hand, increasing nitrogen content in tubers influenced negatively the culinary characteristics. Tuber nitrate contents (NO3 - ) were higher under conventional production in which mineral fertilizers were used compared to conversion to organic systems. The tuber darkening results shows that fertilization can greatly change the appearance and quality of the tubers. The use of pesticides during plant growth helps to increase marketable yield. On the one hand, high selling price increases the profitability of organic production. On the other hand, continuously increasing yield (t/ha) raises profitability in conventional production. Future investigations are necessary to give more precise results

    Red List of Estonian Fungi – 2019 update

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    In 2019 the conservation status of 214 fungal species in Estonia was assessed according to IUCN criteria and an IUCN category was assigned to each taxon. Altogether 94 species were categorized as threatened (CR, EN, VU), 42 least concern (LC), 60 near threatened (NT), three regionally extinct (RE) and six as data deficient (DD). Changes compared to the previous red list and threats to the species are discussed.   Eesti seente Punane nimestik – 2019. aasta uuendus 2019. aastal hinnati 214 seeneliigi ohustatust Eestis kasutades IUCN kategooriaid ja kriteeriume. Hinnatud liikidest kuulus 94 ohustatuse kategooriatesse CR, EN ja VU, 42 hinnati kui soodsas seisundis (LC), 60 ohulähedased (NT), 3 piirkonnas välja surnud (RE) ja 6 puuduliku andmestikuga (DD). Artikkel käsitleb muudatusi võrreldes eelmise punase nimestikuga ja olulisemate seeneliikide ohutegureid

    Bacterial Communities in Boreal Forest Mushrooms Are Shaped Both by Soil Parameters and Host Identity

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    Despite recent advances in understanding the microbiome of eukaryotes, little is known about microbial communities in fungi. Here we investigate the structure of bacterial communities in mushrooms, including common edible ones, with respect to biotic and abiotic factors in the boreal forest. Using a combination of culture-based and Illumina high-throughput sequencing, we characterized the bacterial communities in fruitbodies of fungi from eight genera spanning four orders of the class Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota). Our results revealed that soil pH followed by fungal identity are the main determinants of the structure of bacterial communities in mushrooms. While almost half of fruitbody bacteria were also detected from soil, the abundance of several bacterial taxa differed considerably between the two environments. The effect of host identity was significant at the fungal genus and order level and could to some extent be ascribed to the distinct bacterial community of the chanterelle, representing Cantharellales—the earliest diverged group of mushroom-forming basidiomycetes. These data suggest that besides the substantial contribution of soil as a major taxa source of bacterial communities in mushrooms, the structure of these communities is also affected by the identity of the host. Thus, bacteria inhabiting fungal fruitbodies may be non-randomly selected from environment based on their symbiotic functions and/or habitat requirements

    Species diversity in the Antrodia crassa group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota)

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    Abstract Antrodia is a polyphyletic genus, comprising brown-rot polypores with annual or short-lived perennial resupinate, dimitic basidiocarps. Here we focus on species that are closely related to Antrodia crassa, and investigate their phylogeny and species delimitation using geographic, ecological, morphological and molecular data (ITS and LSU rDNA, tef1). Phylogenetic analyses distinguished four clades within the monophyletic group of eleven conifer-inhabiting species (five described herein): (1)A. crassa s. str. (boreal Eurasia), Antrodia cincta sp. nova (North America) and Antrodia cretacea sp. nova (holarctic), all three being characterized by inamyloid skeletal hyphae that dissolve quickly in KOH solution; (2) Antrodia ignobilis sp. nova, Antrodia sitchensis and Antrodia sordida from North America, and Antrodia piceata sp. nova (previously considered conspecific with A. sitchensis) from Eurasia, possessing amyloid skeletal hyphae; (3) Antrodia ladiana sp. nova from the southern part of the USA, Antrodia pinea from East Asia, and Antrodia ferox – so far known from subtropical North America, but here reported also from Eurasia. These three species have inamyloid hyphae and narrow basidiospores; (4) the North American Antrodia pini-cubensis, sharing similar morphological characters with A. pinea, forming a separate clade. The habitat data indicate that several species are threatened by intensive forestry.Peer reviewe

    PlutoF—a Web Based Workbench for Ecological and Taxonomic Research, with an Online Implementation for Fungal ITS Sequences

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    DNA sequences accumulating in the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (INSD) form a rich source of information for taxonomic and ecological meta-analyses. However, these databases include many erroneous entries, and the data itself is poorly annotated with metadata, making it difficult to target and extract entries of interest with any degree of precision. Here we describe the web-based workbench PlutoF, which is designed to bridge the gap between the needs of contemporary research in biology and the existing software resources and databases. Built on a relational database, PlutoF allows remote-access rapid submission, retrieval, and analysis of study, specimen, and sequence data in INSD as well as for private datasets though web-based thin clients. In contrast to INSD, PlutoF supports internationally standardized terminology to allow very specific annotation and linking of interacting specimens and species. The sequence analysis module is optimized for identification and analysis of environmental ITS sequences of fungi, but it can be modified to operate on any genetic marker and group of organisms. The workbench is available at http://plutof.ut.ee
