141 research outputs found

    La aportación española a la literatura circulante en la comunidad médica internacional durante el período 1927-1932: Bibliometría

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    A bibliometric study of the Spanish contribution to circulating publications in the international medica) community from 1927 to 1932, through the bibliographic repertory Quarterly Cumulative lndex Medicus, is presented. Ali the works published in Spain by Spanish and foreign authors, as well as those published outside Spain by Spanish authors that were indexed in the twelve first volumes oí the repertory studied, are collected. The bibliometric study contains a descriptive statistics and a bibliometric analysis; it shows the authors' productivity (Lotka law), the authors collaboration in the Spanish publications, and the scattering of the scientific publications (Bradford law).Se presenta un estudio bibliométrico de la aportación española a las publicaciones circulantes en la comunidad médica internacional desde 1927 a 1932, a través del repertorio bibliográfico Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus. Se recogen todos los trabajos publicados en España por autores españoles y extranjeros, así como los publicados fuera de España por autores españoles que fueron indizados en los doce primeros volúmenes del repertorio estudiado. Se realiza un análisis estadístico descriptivo y bibliométrico del material recogido en nuestro inventario -5.118 artículos de revista y 80 libros y folletos- . En él se ofrece la distribución de los trabajos por las siguientes variables: géneros documentales; años de publicación; idiomas; materias; trabajos/autor (ley de Lotka); índices de productividad de los autores; colaboración entre los autores; dispersión de las publicaciones (ley de Bradford); ciudades españolas y extranjeras de publicación; y países de publicación de las revistas

    Mapas de distribución de algas marinas de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. XV. Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar (Laminariales, Fucophyceae)

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    PÉREZ-RUZAFA, I., MENÉNDEZ, J.L. & SALINAS, J.M. 2002. Mapas de distribución de algas marinas de la Península Ibérica y las Islas Baleares. XV. Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar (Laminariales, Fucophyceae). Bot. Complutensis 26: 147-151. Se presenta el mapa de distribución en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares, de Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar perteneciente al Orden Laminariales.PÉREZ-RUZAFA, I., MENÉNDEZ, J.L. & SALINAS, J.M. 2002. Distribution map of marine algae from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. XV. Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar. (Laminariales, Fucophyceae). Bot. Complutensis 26: 147-151. The map of distribution along the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar, belonging to the Order Laminariales, is given

    Difusión de las revistas biomédicas españolas en una muestra de hemerotecas nacionales

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    The existence of 240 Spanish biomedical journals in a sample of 10 national medical libraries has been investigated. The total number of collections is 566, so each journal is present, on average, in two libraries. Only 83 collections are complete. Journals have been distributed by year of appearance. Although journals founded in the 40´s are distributed through four libraries on average, those appeared between 1950 and 1980 through three and the most recent joumals through two libraries, the maximum number of collections (155) and complete collections (69) are reached by journals founded in the 80´s . These data seem to suggest a better coverage of most recent Spanish literature by national medical libraries.Se ha investigado la presencia de 240 títulos de publicaciones periódicas españolas de investigación biomédica en los fondos bibliográficos de 10 instituciones españolas de carácter asistencial, educativo o de investigación en medicina . En total, se han contabilizado 666 colecciones de las revista, analizadas. Por término medio, cada revista se difunde a través de dos instituciones. Sólo 83 colecciones (14,66 %) son completas. Las revistas se han distribuido según el periodo en que iniciaron su publicación. Aunque las revistas que aparecieron entre 1940 y 1950 se difunden por término medio a través de cuatro centros, frente a los tres de las revistas aparecidas entre 1950 y 1980 y a los dos centros en que se difunden las revistas de más reciente aparición, el número máximo de colecciones (166) y el grupo mayor de colecciones completas (69) corresponden a las revistas aparecidas en la presente década. Así mismo, solo estas revistas muestran una media de colecciones completas superior a la unidad. Ello parece sugerir una mejora en las condiciones de difusión de las revistas biomédicas españolas a través de los centros estudiados

    El olvido de la tecnología como refuerzo de las visiones deformadas de la ciencia

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    En este trabajo pretendemos mostrar cómo el olvido del papel de la tecnología en el desarrollo científico, puede reforzar una imagen ingenua y distorsionada de la ciencia a la que la propia educación científica contribuye por acción u omisión. .

    Dual-labeled nanoparticles based on small extracellular vesicles for tumor detection.

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    Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are emerging natural nanoplatforms in cancer diagnosis and therapy, through the incorporation of signal components or drugs in their structure. However, for their translation into the clinical field, there is still a lack of tools that enable a deeper understanding of their in vivo pharmacokinetics or their interactions with the cells of the tumor microenvironment. In this study, we have designed a dual-sEV probe based on radioactive and fluorescent labeling of goat milk sEVs. The imaging nanoprobe was tested in vitro and in vivo in a model of glioblastoma. In vitro assessment of the uptake of the dual probe in different cell populations (RAW 264.7, U87, and HeLa) by optical and nuclear techniques (gamma counter, confocal imaging, and flow cytometry) revealed the highest uptake in inflammatory cells (RAW 264.7), followed by glioblastoma U87 cells. In vivo evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of nanoparticles confirmed a blood circulation time of ~ 8 h and primarily hepatobiliary elimination. The diagnostic capability of the dual nanoprobe was confirmed in vivo in a glioblastoma xenograft model, which showed intense in vivo uptake of the SEV-based probe in tumor tissue. Histological assessment by confocal imaging enabled quantification of tumor populations and confirmed uptake in tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages, followed by cancer-associated fibroblasts and endothelial cells. We have developed a chemical approach for dual radioactive and fluorescent labeling of sEVs. This methodology enables in vivo and in vitro study of these vesicles after exogenous administration. The dual nanoprobe would be a promising technology for cancer diagnosis and a powerful tool for studying the biological behavior of these nanosystems for use in drug delivery.This study was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, project “PI20/01632” and “PT20/00044”, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), “A way of making Europe”, by Comunidad de Madrid, project “Y2018/NMT-4949 (NanoLiver-CM)” and “S2017/ BMD-3867 (RENIM-CM)”, co-funded by the European Structural and Invest‑ ment Fund, and by Agencia Estatal de Investigación “PID2019‐110369RB‐I00/ AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033” grant. This work was also sup‑ ported by “Diagnosis and treatment follow‐up of severe Staphylococcal infec‑ tions with anti‐Staphylococcal antibodies and immune‐PET ‐ Grant Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científca 2018 and Ramon Areces Grant “Imagen molecular de la infección por Clostridiodes difcile”. Grant EQC2019006674-P funded by MCIN/AEI /https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. A. Santos-Coquillat is grateful for fnancial support from Consejería de Educación e Investigación Comunidad de Madrid, co-fnanced by European Social Fund (ESF) grant PEJD-2018-POST/BMD-9592 and the Sara Borrell Fellowship from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Insti‑ tuto de Salud Carlos III grant CD19/00136. M.I. González is funded by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón, Intramural Programme for the Promotion of R&D&I 2021, Sub-programme "Predoctoral training contract".S

    Experiencia docente conastada de un grupo adaptado a las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior: objetivos, metodologia, valoración de resultados y proyección futura

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    Objetivo: presentar la experiencia docente llevada a cabo por algunos profesores de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona desde el curso 2004/05 hasta el 2008/09 en el proceso de adaptación al EEES y al sistema de créditos ECTS. Hacer una valoración global de la experiencia. Metodología de trabajo: observación participativa. Análisis de resultados académicos. Grupo de discusión. Datos de análisis: estudiantes del grupo M6 en los cursos 2004-5, 2005-6, 2006-7, 2007-8 y 2008-9. Seguimiento aleatorio de algunos de estos estudiantes en cursos posteriores. Resultados: incremento de la coordinación y el trabajo en equipo del profesorado; mejora de los resultados académicos en relación a la media de los grupos no adaptados; planificación conjunta de las cargas de trabajo; utilización de mecanismos de apoyo pedagógico novedosos; detección de deficiencias de diverso orden en la consecución de los objetivos inicialmente propuestos para la adaptación al EEES y la aplicación del sistema de créditos ECTS. Conclusiones: la coordinación del profesorado, la reducción del número de alumnos por grupo y la existencia de apoyos técnicos e institucionales a la tarea docente se han mostrado como los instrumentos más eficaces durante los años que ha durado esta experiencia. Perspectiva de futuro: continuación de la iniciativa de trabajo transversal ampliándola a otras asignaturas de cursos posteriores

    Nephrops Sentinel Fishery in Functional Unit 25 (North Galicia) 2017-2019

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    The ICES Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) as-sesses the status of 23 stocks distributed from ICES Divisions 3.a–4.a though to Subarea 9, mostly distributed in Subareas 7, 8 and 9. The group was tasked with conducting assessments of stock status for 14 stocks using analytical, forecast methods or trends indicators to provide catch fore-casts and a first draft of the ICES advice for 2021. For two of the Nephrops stocks updates were provided on catch data with the advice release delayed until October after the completion of the surveys used for the assessment. For the remaining 9 stocks not scheduled for advice this year, after the stock information update, no specific revision of the advice was proposed. The advice for these stocks, released in 2019, is valid for the years 2020 and 2021 or for 2020 to 2022. Analytical assessments using age-structured models were conducted for the northern stock of white anglerfish, the northern and southern stocks of megrim, four-spot megrim in Iberian Waters and sole in the Bay of Biscay. The two hake stocks and one southern stock of anglerfish were assessed using models that allow the use of length-structured data (no age data). A surplus-production model, without age or length structure, was used to assess the second southern stock of anglerfish and an analytical age-length structure model was used for the European seabass in the Bay of Biscay. The state of stocks for which no analytical assessment could be performed was inferred from examination of catch, commercial LPUE or CPUE data and from survey information, where available. The length-structured assessment for the southern stock of hake was rejected during the working group which resulted in the downgrading of the stock from Category 1 to 3 as an interim solution. This decision was also supported by the absence of clear guidelines on how to adjust fore-casts for advice when using the decision tree recommended by WKFORBIAS (ICES, 2020) for stocks with strong retrospective patterns. This year advice for the stock followed the 2 over 3-year rule based on survey and LPUE trends. A SPiCT model for the stock was explored for ref-erence points but some inconsistencies were found among biomass indices and the retrospective patterns were also problematic. Intersessional work (online workshop) to migrate assessment analyses to a Stock Synthesis model is planned before the end of the year. Despite an ICES data call with a deadline of six weeks before the meeting, the recurrent late data submission to ICES for most stocks has occurred, worsened by the COVID-19 disruption. This delayed the process of having the data quality checked and the assessment completed before the start of the working group. This is an important matter of concerns for the working group members. In response to the spread of COVID-19 virus, all ICES assessment and advice physical meetings were suspended and held remotely. The 2020 advice sheets for 13 stocks were abbreviated and will be released with advice released in 2019 as annex. A full advice sheet, however, was done for the southern hake due to the change in category of the stock. The structure of the report is set out with section 1 presenting a summary for each stock, discuss-ing general issues and conclusions. Section 2 provides descriptions of the relevant fishing fleets and surveys used in the assessment of the stocks. Sections 3–18 contain the single stock assess-ments

    FooDrugs: a comprehensive food–drug interactions database with text documents and transcriptional data

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    Food–drug interactions (FDIs) occur when a food item alters the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of a drug. FDIs can be clinically relevant, as they can hamper or enhance the therapeutic effects of a drug and impact both their efficacy and their safety. However, knowledge of FDIs in clinical practice is limited. This is partially due to the lack of resources focused on FDIs. Here, we describe FooDrugs, a database that centralizes FDI knowledge retrieved from two different approaches: a natural processing language pipeline that extracts potential FDIs from scientific documents and clinical trials and a molecular similarity approach based on the comparison of gene expression alterations caused by foods and drugs. FooDrugs database stores a total of 3 430 062 potential FDIs, with 1 108 429 retrieved from scientific documents and 2 321 633 inferred from molecular data. This resource aims to provide researchers and clinicians with a centralized repository for potential FDI information that is free and easy to use