5,220 research outputs found

    International and Intergenerational Dimensions of Climate Change: North-South Cooperation in an Overlapping Generations Framework

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    Global environmental problems such as climate change have both an international and an intertemporal dimension. Recently, some papers have used an overlapping generations framework to analyze the climate change problem taking into account jointly the issues of intergenerational equity and intertemporal efficiency but without considering the international aspect of the problem. In this paper, we extend such approach by considering an overlapping generations model of climate-economy interactions where the world is split into two regions: North and South. We resort to numerical simulations of the calibrated model to analyze the effect of cooperation over economic and climate variables under two different scenarios: long-lived and short-lived governments. The main aim of our analysis is to test numrically whether John and Pecchenino´s (1997) theoretical result, which states that international agreements with transfers that lack an intergenerational perspective could actually harm the environment, applies low us to conclude that when we consider short lived governments: (1) the lack of cooperation always leads to higher environmental degradation, (2) the higher the welfare weight attached to the North under cooperation, the lower the environmental degradation in the long run, and (3) some cooperative scenarios may lead in the short run to higher environmental degradation than what it would arise in the non cooperative scenario.international environmental agreements, intergenerational externality, climate change

    An aperiodic tiles machine

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    The results we introduce in this work lead to get an algorithm which produces aperiodic sets of tiles using Voronoi diagrams. This algorithm runs in optimal worst-case time O(nlogn). Since a wide range of new examples can be obtained, it could shed some new light on non-periodic tilings. These examples are locally isomorphic and exhibit the 5-fold symmetry which appears in Penrose tilings and quasicrystals. Moreover, we outline a similar construction using Delaunay triangulations and propose some related open problems

    Representation of non-semibounded quadratic forms and orthogonal additivity

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    In this article we give a representation theorem for non-semibounded Hermitean quadratic forms in terms of a (non-semibounded) self-adjoint operator. The main assumptions are closability of the Hermitean quadratic form, the direct integral structure of the underlying Hilbert space and orthogonal additivity. We apply this result to several examples, including the position operator in quantum mechanics and quadratic forms invariant under a unitary representation of a separable locally compact group. The case of invariance under a compact group is also discussed in detail

    Tratado de Libre Comercio Colombia - Estados Unidos

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    El presente artículo explora el alcance de una negociación comercial y política referida al acuerdo bilateral que debe ratificar el Congreso de los Estados Unidos. Este acuerdo comercial puede llegar a ser uno de los instrumentos jurídicos y diplomáticos más importantes para Colombia, por su alcance comercial, político y laboral. Sobre los pormenores de la negociación, la prensa nacional ha informado a la opinión pública de manera persistente

    The effects of the gang truce on Salvadoran communities and development agents

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    This study analyses how the Salvadoran government neglected its responsibilities to communities during the gang truce process, resorting to short-term, non-transparent, anti-democratic and counterproductive measures that allowed gangs to reorganize and take control of the territories and therefore the daily lives of the civilian population. This article focuses on the role played by the communities and how they sought to develop with the support of social workers, third-sector organizations and other development agents

    Cell culture-derived flu vaccine: Present and future

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    Producción CientíficaThe benefit of influenza vaccines is difficult to estimate due to the complexity of accurately assessing the burden of influenza. To improve the efficacy of influenza vaccines, vaccine manufacturers have developed quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIV) formulations for seasonal vaccination by including both influenza B lineages. Three parallel approaches for producing influenza vaccines are attracting the interest of many vaccine manufacturing companies. The first and oldest is the conventional egg-derived influenza vaccine, which is used by the current licensed influenza vaccines. The second approach is a cell culture-derived influenza vaccine, and the third and most recent is synthetic vaccines. Here, we analyze the difficulties with vaccines production in eggs and compare this to cell culture-derived influenza vaccines and discuss the future of cell culture-derived QIVs.Keywords: Influenza vaccine, cell culture-derived, quadrivalent

    La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales. Memoria del Máster

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    El trabajo ante el que nos encontramos se plantea como una memoria fruto de las experiencias adquiridas tanto de manera teórica como prácticas desarrolladas durante el Máster de Formación del Profesorado. Es, por lo tanto, fruto de la reflexión personal interna así como del bagaje teórico y práctico desarrollado en el curso. Por lo tanto, este trabajo pretende ser un punto de llegada y, a la vez, de partida. De llegada, porque supone la culminación de un año académico cargado de novedades en el que ha tenido lugar el comienzo de la formación de profesor del autor de éste trabajo. De partida ya que numerosos elementos como el hecho de que para enseñar es fundamental tener en cuenta el desarrollo cognitivo del alumno; partir de sus necesidades y conocimientos previos; que para enseñar hacía falta una transposición didáctica; y en, definitiva, que los contenidos no lo son todo y que hay que fomentar las “competencias básicas” y el “aprendizaje significativo” eran totalmente desconocidos al comenzar el Máster y ahora tal y como se puede comprobar son habituales en el lenguaje y la metodología utilizada

    The Latin Inscription Painted on Ceramic in El Castellar (Crevillent, Alicante)

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    Se presenta un fragmento pintado con inscripción latina realizado sobre cerámica de tradición indígena de época altoimperial hallado de manera casual en la ladera sureste de El Castellar (Crevillent, Alicante). La pieza debe atribuirse a los talleres de La Alcudia de Elche y viene a sumarse a los escasos documentos epigráficos sobre cerámica documentados en el territorio de Ilici.We present a Latin inscription painted on a local pottery shard from the Early Roman Empire, which was discovered by chance on the southeastern slope of El Castellar (Crevillent, Alicante). The object should be attributed to the workshops in La Alcudia (Elche) and adds to the few epigraphic documents on pottery documented in the area of Ilici.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del marco del proyecto del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2013-41447-P «El Bronce Final y la Edad del Hierro en el Sureste y el Levante de la Península Ibérica: procesos hacia la urbanización»

    Análisis de frecuencia de hashtags en Twitter

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    [ES] En este trabajo se realiza un análisis del comportamiento de los hashtags en una conversación de Twitter, estudiando cómo se distribuye su frecuencia de acuerdo a su popularidad. Se ha observado que se sigue una distribución potencial, según lo esperado por la Ley de Zipf, que indica que existen pocos hashtags con mucha repercusión y muchos que no han tenido mucho éxito. Debido al comportamiento humano en estas redes, muchos de los hashtags no han alcanzado gran repercusión debido a que contienen alguna falta de ortografía o están mal escritos. Para corregir esto se han utilizado distancias de edición de cadenas que han permitido agrupar los hashtags similares entre sí para disminuir el efecto de los hashtags escritos de manera errónea en los estudios realizados. También se muestra la aplicación que tiene la Ley de Benford aplicada al estudio del comportamiento de los usuarios en las redes sociales, donde las distribuciones del primer y segundo dígito más significativo de las frecuencias de los hashtags siguen la distribución esperada por Benford. Esto permite que se pueda utilizar para validar datos provenientes de Twitter y analizarlos en busca de comportamientos sospechosos.[EN] This paper presents an analysis of hashtag’s behaviour in a conversation in Twitter by studying the frecuency distribution according to their popularity. It has been observed that follows a power law, as espected by Zipf’s Law, which states that there are few hastags with huge impact and many others who have not been very successful. Due to the human’s behaviour in social networks, many hashtags have not achieved a great impact because they contain mispelling errors. String distances has been used to correct the errors to group similar hashtags together to decrease the possible impact of these hashtags for future studies. It is also shown that Benford’s Law could be applied to study the user’s behaviour in social networks, where the first and second significant digit distribution of hashtag’s frequencies follow the expected Benford’s distribution and allow it’s use to validate data from Twitter and analyze it for suspicious behaviours.Pérez Melián, JA. (2016). Análisis de frecuencia de hashtags en Twitter. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/71616.TFG