12,754 research outputs found

    Multi-tenant Pub/Sub processing for real-time data streams

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    Devices and sensors generate streams of data across a diversity of locations and protocols. That data usually reaches a central platform that is used to store and process the streams. Processing can be done in real time, with transformations and enrichment happening on-the-fly, but it can also happen after data is stored and organized in repositories. In the former case, stream processing technologies are required to operate on the data; in the latter batch analytics and queries are of common use. This paper introduces a runtime to dynamically construct data stream processing topologies based on user-supplied code. These dynamic topologies are built on-the-fly using a data subscription model defined by the applications that consume data. Each user-defined processing unit is called a Service Object. Every Service Object consumes input data streams and may produce output streams that others can consume. The subscription-based programing model enables multiple users to deploy their own data-processing services. The runtime does the dynamic forwarding of data and execution of Service Objects from different users. Data streams can originate in real-world devices or they can be the outputs of Service Objects. The runtime leverages Apache STORM for parallel data processing, that combined with dynamic user-code injection provides multi-tenant stream processing topologies. In this work we describe the runtime, its features and implementation details, as well as we include a performance evaluation of some of its core components.This work is partially supported by the European Research Council (ERC) un- der the EU Horizon 2020 programme (GA 639595), the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity (TIN2015-65316-P) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Majorana vs Pseudo-Dirac Neutrinos at the ILC

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    Neutrino masses could originate in seesaw models testable at colliders, with light mediators and an approximate lepton number symmetry. The minimal model of this type contains two quasi-degenerate Majorana fermions forming a pseudo-Dirac pair. An important question is to what extent future colliders will have sensitivity to the splitting between the Majorana components, since this quantity signals the breaking of lepton number and is connected to the light neutrino masses. We consider the production of these neutral heavy leptons at the ILC, where their displaced decays provide a golden signal: a forward-backward charge asymmetry, which depends crucially on the mass splitting between the two Majorana components. We show that this observable can constrain the mass splitting to values much lower than current bounds from neutrinoless double beta decay and natural loop corrections.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; v2: Minor changes, version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Cisheteromonormatividad y Orden Público

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    El historiador suizo Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897) estudió en profundidad épocas muy diversas, como la Grecia antigua, el Imperio Romano y el Renacimiento. Pero además dedicó gran atención al estatuto científico de la historiografía y a los problemas teóricos y prácticos de la política. A continuación voy a proponer una interpretación de estos dos aspectos, a los que resumo mediante los títulos escepticismo histórico y pesimismo político


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    Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886) no fue sólo uno de los historiadores europeos más importantes del siglo XIX, sino que además fue un pensador político de cierta relevancia. A continuación, voy a proponer una interpretación de la conexión que pueda haber entre los dos aspectos. Procedo en tres pasos. Primero, expongo algunos de los rasgos fundamentales de la teoría de la historia de Ranke. Después, explico qué consecuencias cree Ranke que tiene el trabajo del historiador para la política. Por último, presento las ideas políticas centrales de Ranke

    Disseny d'assaig clínic seqüencial de comparació de temps de supervivència amb aproximació bayesiana i models d'Ahmed i Beta-Binomial

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    Aquest treball de màster conté una proposta de disseny d'assaig clínic bayesià seqüencial basat en el model d'Ahmed pel càlcul de la supervivència i en el model conjugat beta-binomial per la variable de seguretat. A més conté dues propostes per a d'estudi aplicat ICO-BEVA-08, estudi el qual s'està duent a terme actualment a l'Institut Català d'Oncologia-L'Hospitalet. . Aquest projecte consisteix en dissenyar un assaig clínic fase III desde l'aproximació bayesiana. Aquest tindrà com a variable principal la supervivència, i a més incorporarà regles d'aturada en funció de o be futilitat, èxit o equivalència del tractament, o bé toxicitat inacceptable. Per aconseguir el millor disseny d'assaig clínic es realitzaran simulacions sobre diversos escenaris d'igualtat, superioritat o inferioritat

    On ne naît pas queer: From The Second Sex to Male Pregnancy

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    The purpose of this paper is to point out some of the continuities between queer theories and Beauvoir’s work. Mainly, to draw attention to some interpretations of Beauvoir that rethink the process of becoming one’s own gender and, sometimes, of unbecoming the gender that one is supposed to embody