174 research outputs found

    The land and society of the Alcaldia Mayor of Leon as viewed through its notarial records, 1582-1711

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    En el caso de una sociedad eminentemente rural como la leonesa, las transacciones relativas a las formas de propiedad, tenencia y explotación de la tierra quedaron registradas en los libros de sus antiguos escribanos, por lo que los protocolos notariales constituyen una fuente imprescindible para el estudio de la evolución de la propiedad agraria en León entre los siglos XVI y XVII.In the case of an eminently rural society such as that of Leon, the transactions regarding the forms of property, tenancy and exploitation of land were registered in the books or ancient notaries, and as such the notarial protocols constitute an essential source for the study of the evolution of agrarian property in Leon between the XVI and XVII centuries

    Motivational Factors in the Use of Videoconferences to Carry out Tutorials in Spanish Universities in the Post-Pandemic Period

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    Many of the tools used for virtual teaching during the pandemic had not been used previously, but they could continue to be used when traditional teaching returns. For this reason, this study focused on locating the key motivational factors for the possible continuation of the use of one of these tools, videoconferencing, to carry out tutorials in Spanish universities as a complement to face-to-face tutorials. For this, a literary review was conducted to obtain a list of motivational factors that may influence teachers to continuing using it, and a causal study was performed with university professors (through fuzzy cognitive maps) to identify the causal relationships among these factors and classify them by their relevance in making a decision. The most influential factors are intention, attitude and perceived compatibility with how tutorials are given, and the negative factors include quality management and trus

    The structure of a protein primer-polymerase complex in the initiation of genome replication

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    Picornavirus RNA replication is initiated by the covalent attachment of a UMP molecule to the hydroxyl group of a tyrosine in the terminal protein VPg. This reaction is carried out by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3D). Here, we report the X-ray structure of two complexes between foot-and-mouth disease virus 3D, VPg1, the substrate UTP and divalent cations, in the absence and in the presence of an oligoadenylate of 10 residues. In both complexes, VPg fits the RNA binding cleft of the polymerase and projects the key residue Tyr3 into the active site of 3D. This is achieved by multiple interactions with residues of motif F and helix α8 of the fingers domain and helix α13 of the thumb domain of the polymerase. The complex obtained in the presence of the oligoadenylate showed the product of the VPg uridylylation (VPg-UMP). Two metal ions and the catalytic aspartic acids of the polymerase active site, together with the basic residues of motif F, have been identified as participating in the priming reaction. © 2006 European Molecular Biology Organization | All Rights Reserved.Work in Barcelona was supported by Grants BIO2002-00517 and BFU2005-02376/BMC. Work in Madrid by Grants BMC 2001.1823.C02-01, BFU2005-00863/BMC and Fundación R Areces. CF and AA were supported by I3P fellowships from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. RA was supported by an FPI fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid. The financial support was provided by the ESRFPeer Reviewe

    Calcineurin Undergoes a Conformational Switch Evoked via Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerization

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    A limited repertoire of PPP family of serine/threonine phosphatases with a highly conserved catalytic domain acts on thousands of protein targets to orchestrate myriad central biological roles. A major structural reorganization of human calcineurin, a ubiquitous Ser/Thr PPP regulated by calcium and calmodulin and targeted by immunosuppressant drugs cyclosporin A and FK506, is unveiled here. The new conformation involves trans- to cis- isomerization of proline in the SAPNY sequence, highly conserved across PPPs, and remodels the main regulatory site where NFATc transcription factors bind. Transitions between cis- and trans- conformations may involve peptidyl prolyl isomerases such as cyclophilin A and FKBP12, which are known to physically interact with and modulate calcineurin even in the absence of immunosuppressant drugs. Alternative conformations in PPPs provide a new perspective on interactions with substrates and other protein partners and may foster development of more specific inhibitors as drug candidates

    Usos y beneficios de la historia oral

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    La historia oral es una metodología propia de las Ciencias Sociales, aunque puede extenderse mucho más allá de ellas. Supone una metodología de investigación rica en el aprendizaje y conocimiento de diversos sucesos, acciones, procesos y circunstancias pasadas, y que son relatadas y recogidas a través de la voz, en primera persona, de un sujeto o grupo de ellos.Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCrea. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada

    Structures of T7 bacteriophage portal and tail suggest a viral DNA retention and ejection mechanism

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    Double-stranded DNA bacteriophages package their genome at high pressure inside a procapsid through the portal, an oligomeric ring protein located at a unique capsid vertex. Once the DNA has been packaged, the tail components assemble on the portal to render the mature infective virion. The tail tightly seals the ejection conduit until infection, when its interaction with the host membrane triggers the opening of the channel and the viral genome is delivered to the host cell. Using high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, here we describe various structures of the T7 bacteriophage portal and fiber-less tail complex, which suggest a possible mechanism for DNA retention and ejection: a portal closed conformation temporarily retains the genome before the tail is assembled, whereas an open portal is found in the tail. Moreover, a fold including a seven-bladed β-propeller domain is described for the nozzle tail protein.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, grants BFU 2014-54181 (to J.L.C.), BFU 2014-53550-P and BFU2017-83720-P (to M.C.), and contracts SEV-2013-0347 (to A.C.) and RYC-2011-09071 (to C.M.). We acknowledge institutional funding through the Spanish Government Centres and Units of Excellence Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu awards to IRB Barcelona (SEV-2015-0500) and IBMB Structural Biology Unit (MDM-2014-0435), respectively, and from the CERCA Programme of the Catalan Government to the IRB Barcelona. This work has also been supported by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 program through iNEXT project (grant number 653706)

    Estereotipos patriarcales y cuidados familiares

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    Introducción: En España la familia es el principal recurso para los cuidados. Al estar ligado al sexo, recae principalmente en las mujeres. Los estereotipos de géneros refieren que las mujeres están dotadas de manera natural para el cuidado mientras que los hombres no pueden cuidar. Metodología: Metodología cualitativa. Se realizan 5 entrevistas en profundidad y un grupo de discusión con profesionales de enfermería. El análisis de datos con QSR NudistVivo10. Resultados/discusión: A pesar de que el cuidador principal era un hombre, los cuidados como la higiene o alimentación recaían en alguna mujer. Los profesionales sanitarios muestran parcialidad al centrar más atención al cuidador hombre que a la mujer. Los cuidadores más jóvenes difieren de los estereotipos clásicos. Existe una mayor agilidad en los trámites de ayudas institucionales cuando los realiza un hombre. Conclusiones: Los cuidados de las mujeres se invisibilizan cuando el cuidador principal registrado es un varónIntroduction: In Spain the family is the primary resource for informal care. Being linked to sex, it lies primarily with women. Gender stereotypes report that women are naturally endowed care while men can not care. Methodology: Qualitative Methodology. It was made 5 interviews and a group discussion with nursing professionals. Data analysis with QSR NudistVivo10. Results / Discussion: Although the primary caregiver was a man, care such as hygiene or feeding relapse with a woman. The health professionals show partiality to focus more attention to caregiver man to woman. The younger caregivers differ from the classic stereotypes. There is greater flexibility in the procedures of institutional aid when performed by a man. Conclusions: The care of women invisible when the primary caregiver registered is a men

    Structural basis of a histidine-DNA nicking/joining mechanism for gene transfer and promiscuous spread of antibiotic resistance

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    Relaxases are metal-dependent nucleases that break and join DNA for the initiation and completion of conjugative bacterial gene transfer. Conjugation is the main process through which antibiotic resistance spreads among bacteria, with multidrug-resistant staphylococci and streptococci infections posing major threats to human health. The MOBV family of relaxases accounts for approximately 85% of all relaxases found in Staphylococcus aureus isolates. Here, we present six structures of the MOBV relaxase MobM from the promiscuous plasmid pMV158 in complex with several origin of transfer DNA fragments. A combined structural, biochemical, and computational approach reveals that MobM follows a previously uncharacterized histidine/metal-dependent DNA processing mechanism, which involves the formation of a covalent phosphoramidate histidine-DNA adduct for cell-to-cell transfer. We discuss how the chemical features of the high-energy phosphorus-nitrogen bond shape the dominant position of MOBV histidine relaxases among small promiscuous plasmids and their preference toward Gram-positive bacteria

    Gold Nanosystems Covered with Doxorubicin/DNA Complexes: A Therapeutic Target for Prostate and Liver Cancer

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    Different gold nanosystems covered with DNA and doxorubicin (Doxo) were designed and synthesized for cancer therapy, starting from Au@16-Ph-16 cationic nanoparticles and DNA–Doxo complexes prepared under saturation conditions. For the preparation of stable, biocompatible, and small-sized compacted Au@16-Ph-16/DNA–Doxo nanotransporters, the conditions for the DNA–Doxo compaction process induced by gold nanoparticles were first explored using fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism and atomic force microscopy techniques. The reverse process, which is fundamental for Doxo liberation at the site of action, was found to occur at higher CAu@16-Ph-16 concentrations using these techniques. Zeta potential, dynamic light scattering and UV–visible spectroscopy reveal that the prepared compacted nanosystems are stable, highly charged and of adequate size for the effective delivery of Doxo to the cell. This fact is verified by in vitro biocompatibility and internalization studies using two prostate cancer-derived cell lines (LNCaP and DU145) and one hepatocellular carcinoma-derived cell line (SNU-387), as well as a non-tumor prostate (PNT2) cell line and a non-hepatocarcinoma hepatoblastoma cell line (Hep-G2) model used as a control in liver cells. However, the most outstanding results of this work are derived from the use of the CI+NI combined treatments which present strong action in cancer-derived cell lines, while a protective effect is observed in non-tumor cell lines. Hence, novel therapeutic targets based on gold nanoparticles denote high selectivity compared to conventional treatment based on free Doxo at the same concentration. The results obtained show the viability of both the proposed methodology for internalization of compacted nanocomplexes inside the cell and the effectiveness of the possible treatment and minimization of side effects in prostate and liver cancer