4,308 research outputs found

    La voluntad de ilusión como condición de la existencia

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    Se propone una exposición reflexiva de la intuición fundamental del irracionalismo nietzscheano, la voluntad de ilusión como condición del existir, desde una descripción de su importancia epistemológica, metafísica y estética en la perspectiva del pensamiThis essay proposes a thoughtful exhibition of the fundamental intuition of the nietzschean irracionalism sets out: will to illusion like condition to exist, from a description of its epistemologic, metaphysical and aesthetic importance in the perspectiv

    Mihai Eminescu y Emil Cioran, o la nostalgia como sabiduría

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    Se propone un recorrido por la noción de nostalgia presente en el pensamiento poético de emil cioran y mihai eminescu a través de la exploración de la dimensión ontológica de la fatalidad y la otredad que ésta alberga.This paper tries to show a retrospective of the notion of longing present in the poetic thought of emil cioran and mihai eminescu through the exploration of the ontological dimension of fateful and otherness that it contains

    Long-Term Analysis of Aerosol Concentrations Using a Low-Cost Sensor: Monitoring African Dust Outbreaks in a Suburban Environment in the Canary Islands

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    This study presents the results of the long-term monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations using a low-cost particle sensor installed in a suburban environment in the Canary Islands. A laser-scattering Nova Fitness SDS011 sensor was operated continuously for approximately three and a half years, which is longer than most other studies using this type of sensor. The impact of African dust outbreaks on the aerosol concentrations was assessed, showing a significant increase in both PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations during the outbreaks. Additionally, a good correlation was found with a nearby reference instrument of the air quality network of the Canary Islands’ government. The correlation between the PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, the effect of relative humidity, and the stability of the sensor were also investigated. This study highlights the potential of this kind of sensor for long-term air quality monitoring with a view to developing extensive and dense low-cost air quality networks that are complementary to official air quality networks

    Impact of intellectual impairment on basketball performance through coaches and referees' opinion : a qualitative approach

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    Basketball for players with intellectual impairment (II) is not included as a Paralympic modality due to the lack of evidence based eligibility systems to ensure that only athletes with significant limitations performing basketball participate in II-competitions. Eligibility systems in II-basketball are under development but is necessary to investigate the impact of the impairment in basketball. The aim of this study was to know the point of view of II- coaches and referees about the limitations of their players and the components that should be considered as eligibility criteria. Qualitative method was used in our research. For that 5 open questions were elaborated based on the components of the game identified in the literature. 47 coaches and 6 referees were interviewed through an online survey. The findings of this study indicated that tactical aspects was the component in which II-players present more limitations and should discriminate between eligible and no eligible players followed by technical skills, emotional aspects and cognitive aspects. Physical and motor skills were not considered as limitation but specific positions and roles during the game could be influenced by these components. These results as well as other similar studies that show the opinion of coaches and referees should be taken into consideration to orientate future research to develop evidence-base eligibility systems in this sport.El baloncesto para personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI) no está incluido como modalidad paralímpica debido a la falta de sistemas de elegibilidad basados en la evidencia que aseguren que, sólo deportistas con limitaciones significativas para practicar baloncesto participan en competiciones específicas. Los sistemas de elegibilidad en jugadores DI están en desarrollo pero es necesario investigar sobre el impacto de la discapacidad en el baloncesto. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer, desde el punto de vista de los entrenadores y árbitros, las limitaciones que sus jugadores DI presentan y aquellos componentes que deberían de ser considerados como criterios de elegibilidad. La metodología utilizada en nuestro estudio es cualitativa. Para ello, cinco preguntas abiertas fueron elaboradas basadas en los componentes del juego identificados en la literatura. 47 entrenadores y 6 árbitros fueron entrevistados a través de una encuesta on-line. Los resultados muestran que los aspectos tácticos fueron aquellos en los que los jugadores presentaban mayores limitaciones y permitían discriminar que un jugador fuese elegible o no; seguido de las habilidades técnicas, aspectos emocionales y aspectos cognitivos. Las habilidades físicas y motoras no se consideraron como una limitación pero podrían estar influenciados por las posiciones y roles específicos durante el juego. Estos resultados, así como otros estudios similares que muestren la opinión de los entrenadores y árbitros, deberían de ser tenidos en cuenta para orientar futuras investigaciones con el fin de desarrollar sistemas de elegibilidad basados en la evidencia de este deporte

    Clima motivacional, competencia percibida, compromiso y ansiedad en Educación Física. Diferencias en función de la obligatoriedad de la enseñanza

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    This study describes relationships between perceived motivational climate, perceived competence, commitment and anxiety in a sample of physical education students; and analyses differences found according to the compulsory nature of education. 1587 students, aged 12-18 years (M =15.26; SD = 1.61) completed the Spanish versions of PMCSQ-2 (Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionaire-2) and AMPET (Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test). Results showed differences depending on the compulsory nature of education in anxiety, in which compulsory education students got higher scores than non-compulsory ones. Correlation and regression analyses showed greater consistency in baccalaureate students than ones in compulsory secondary education. In both groups it was found that an ego involving climate was the best predictor of perceived competence and anxiety; while a task involving climate was the best predictor of commitment. Results suggest the compulsory nature of education could be a variable to take into consideration in the study of students' motivational profile

    La opinión de los entrenadores y árbitros sobre la influencia de la discapacidad intelectual en las

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    Uno de los principales problemas a los que se enfrenta actualmente el baloncesto para personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI) es la falta de sistemas de elegibilidad basados en la evidencia que aseguren que sólo deportistas con limitaciones significativas para practicar baloncesto participan en competiciones específicas. Por otra parte, se hace necesario resolver dicha situación para reincluir esta modalidad como deporte paralímpico. Un primer paso para desarrollar estos sistemas es investigar cómo influye la DI en la práctica del baloncesto. Debido a ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la opinión de entrenadores y árbitros con experiencia en DI sobre cómo la DI influye en las actividades fundamentales del baloncesto. 40 entrenadores y 6 árbitros completaron el cuestionario diseñado “ad hoc” para evaluar su opinión sobre la influencia de la DI en las actividades fundamentales en baloncesto. Los participantes expresaron que los jugadores con DI presentan limitaciones para llevar a cabo el 92.68% de las actividades expresadas en el cuestionario. Los valores de táctica individual ofensiva fueron significativamente mayores que los de habilidades técnicas y táctica individual defensiva. Estos resultados indicaron que los jugadores con DI presentan limitaciones practicando baloncesto y son relevantes para orientar investigaciones futuras para el desarrollo de sistemas de elegibilidad basados en la evidencia en este deporte

    Supporting the design and development of Project Based Learning courses.

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    The use of Project Based Learning has spread widely over the last decades, not only throughout countries but also among disciplines. One of the most significant characteristics of this methodology is the use of ill-structured problems as central activity during the course, which represents an important difficulty for both teachers and students. This work presents a model, supported by a tool, focused on helping teachers and students in Project Based Learning, overcoming these difficulties. Firstly, teachers are guided in designing the project following the main principles of this methodology. Once the project has been specified at the desired level of depth, the same tool helps students to finish the project specification and organize the implementation. Collaborative work among different users is allowed in both phases. This tool has been satisfactorily tested designing two real projects used in Computer Engineering and Software Engineering degrees

    Comparison between Hemiarthroplasty in the First Proximal Phalanx and Keller's Arthroplasty. A Finite Element Study

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    Hallux valgus and hallux rigidus are the most common pathologies in the first ray of the foot. Arthroplasty can restore the mobility of the joint but is a destructive procedure. This paper presents three finite element analysis of the foot studying two different kinds of arthroplasty

    Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Violencia de Pareja, versión corta (DVQ-8): una herramienta de evaluación para entornos educativos

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    Este artículo proporciona información psicométrica de un instrumento de screening de victimización en parejas jóvenes: Dating Violence Questionnaire de 8 ítems. Un primer estudio desarrolló un análisis factorial exploratorio con matrices de correlación policóricas y rotación oblimin con 990 jóvenes universitarios mexicanos con edad promedio de 19.5, de las que dos tercios fueron mujeres, obteniendo una estructura unifactorial con alta confiabilidad para varones y mujeres. El segundo estudio, con una muestra de 355 participantes, proporcionó información sobre la validez del instrumento, encontrando una relación positiva entre el Dating Violence Questionnaire de 8 ítems y victimización percibida, se obtuvieron una significación alta y el tamaño del efecto grande y una relación negativa entre el instrumento y estado de salud, con un efecto moderado. En conclusión, el DVQ-8 incluye indicadores confiables y válidos para la detección temprana de victimización en contextos educativos.This article provides psychometric information from a screening tool for victimization in young couples: the 8-Item Dating Violence Questionnaire. The first study undertook an exploratory factor analysis with polymorphic correlation matrices and oblimin rotation of 990 Mexican university students with an average age of 19.5, two thirds of whom were women, obtaining a unifactorial structure with high reliability for males and females. The second study, with a sample of 355 participants, provided information on the validity of the instrument, finding a positive relationship between the 8-Item Dating Violence Questionnaire and perceived victimization. High significance and a large effect size and negative relationship were obtained between the instrument and state of health, with a moderate effect. In conclusion, the DVQ-8 includes reliable, valid indicators for the early detection of victimization in educational settings