8,058 research outputs found
Validity evidence of the organizational justice scale in Spain
Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEvidencias de validez de la Escala de Justicia Organizacional en España. Antecedentes: el interés por la medición de la percepción de justicia organizacional ha aumentado en los últimos años debido a su demostrada relación con resultados organizacionales significativos, como el bienestar y el agotamiento emocional. En España, se puede destacar la Escala de Justicia Organizacional (OJS) como un instrumento que ha mostrado buenas propiedades psicométricas en estudios previos en el sector hotelero. Este estudio complementa la evidencia de las características de la OJS utilizando una amplia muestra multisectorial. Método: los participantes fueron 849 empleados de diferentes sectores ocupacionales. La estructura de la OJS se estudió mediante análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio dividiendo la muestra en dos submuestras aleatorias. Además, se analizó la fiabilidad y validez de cada dimensión. Resultados: los resultados indicaron que la escala está constituida por tres factores (distributiva, procedimental y en la interacción), con una fiabilidad y validez adecuadas. Por otra parte, como era de esperar, se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre la percepción de justicia organizacional y el bienestar, y negativas con el agotamiento emocional. Conclusiones: la OJS es una herramienta adecuada para su uso por parte de académicos y profesionales en el estudio de la percepción de justicia organizacional en España, garantizando una validez y fiabilidad adecuadas.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]
Cuerpo, corporeidad y maternidad en 'The Millstone', de Margaret Drabble
The definition of the human body has been studied in multiple fields, as well as the concept of corporality. Both are closely related, as the human body is not only what we see, the biological body, but also the elements that surround this physical reality – that is, corporality. Maternity is one of these elements, and this is clearly reflected in The Millstone. Through the analysis of the protagonist’s (Rosamund) physical, social and cultural body, we are able to explore her evolution, her relationship with her own body and with herself, with her friends and the women that surround her during her pregnancy, and her adjustment to her new situation and to her daughter.La definición del cuerpo humano ha sido objeto de estudio de múltiples campos disciplinarios, al igual que el concepto de corporalidad. Ambos están intrínsecamente relacionados, ya que el cuerpo no es solo lo que vemos, nuestro cuerpo biológico, sino también los elementos que rodean a esta realidad física, es decir, la corporalidad. La maternidad es uno de estos elementos y esto queda claramente reflejado en The Millstone. A través de un análisis del cuerpo físico, social y cultural de su protagonista, Rosamund, exploramos su evolución, su relación con su propio cuerpo y con ella misma, sus amigos, las mujeres que la rodean durante el embarazo y su adecuación a su nueva situación y a su hija
Virtual Conductor for String Quartet Practice
This paper presents a system that emulates an ensemble conductor for string quartets. This application has been developed as a support tool for individual and group practice, so that users of any age range can use it to further hone their skills, both for regular musicians and students
alike. The virtual conductor designed can offer similar indications to those given by a real ensemble conductor to potential users regarding beat times, dynamics, etc. The application developed allows the user to rehearse his/her
performance without the need of having an actual conductor present, and also gives access to additional tools to further support the learning/practice process, such as a tuner
or a melody evaluator. The system developed also allows for both solo practice and group practice. A set of tests were conducted to check the usefulness of the application as a practice support tool. A group of musicians from the
Chamber Orchestra of Malaga including an ensemble conductor tested the system, and reported to have found it a very useful tool within an educational environment and that it helps to address the lack of this kind of educational tools in a self-learning environment.This work has been funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government under Project No. TIN2010-21089-C03- 02 and Project No. IPT-2011-0885-430000 and by the Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio under Project No. TSI-090100-2011-25
Stabilization of Polymeric Nanofibers Layers for Use as Real-Time and In-Flow Photonic Sensors
In order to increase the sensitivity of a sensor, the relationship between its volume and the surface available to be functionalized is of great importance. Accordingly, porous materials are becoming very relevant, because they have a notable surface-to-volume ratio. Moreover, they offer the possibility to infiltrate the target substances on them. Among other porous structures, polymeric nanofibers (NFs) layers fabricated by electrospinning have emerged as a very promising alternative to low-cost and easy-to-produce high-performance photonic sensors. However, experimental results show a spectrum drift when performing sensing measurements in real-time. That drift is responsible for a significant error when trying to determine the refractive index variation for a target solution, and, because of that, for the detection of the presence of certain analytes. In order to avoid that problem, different chemical and thermal treatments were studied. The best results were obtained for thermal steps at 190 °C during times between 3 and 5 h. As a result, spectrum drifts lower than 5 pm/min and sensitivities of 518 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) in the visible range of the spectrum were achieved in different electrospun NFs sensors.This work was supported by the Spanish government through the project TEC2015-63838-C3-1-ROPTONANOSENS and from the Basque government through the project KK-2019/00101 -µ4INDUSTR
Perfil electroencefalográfico de niños con TDAH
En este trabajo se analiza el perfil electroencefalográfico de niños con diagnóstico de TDAH. Han participado 56 menores con edades entre 7 y 14 años (M= 9.08, SD=1.88), 49 niños (87.5%) y 7 niñas (12.57%). Han sido evaluados en Cz o FCz, (según el Sistema Internacional 10- 20) y en cuatro condiciones: ojos abiertos, ojos cerrados, leyendo y dibujando. Se han diferenciado dos grupos según el criterio de ratio theta/ beta y edad, (valor superior a 2.5 entre 7 y 11 años y superior a 2.1 para niños 12 y 14 años). Los resultados indican que el criterio adoptado es eficaz para confirmar el diagnóstico correspondiente al 64.29% de los participantes. Se ha identificado un perfil electroencefalográfico en los niños evaluados, que muestra aumento con respecto al grupo no TDAH, de las ondas theta, (M=16.99, SD=3.16), (M=14.12, SD=3.13), F (1,54)=10,67, p=.002, decremento de los ritmos beta, (M=5.66, SD=0.81), (M = 6.71, SD=1.22), F (1,54)=14.71, p=.000; beta alta (M=5.13, SD=0.87), (M=5.87, SD=0.75), F (1,54)=10.48, p=.0002) y gamma, (M=0.85, SD=0.17), (M=1.04, SD=0.23), F (1,54)= 12.52, p=.001). Esta diferenciación apoya la evaluación electroencefalográfica como instrumento útil para el diagnóstico del TDAH en individuos con edades similares a las estudiadas.Electroencephalografic profile of children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. In this work, the EEG profile of children diagnosed with ADHD is analyzed. They included children aged between 7 and 14 years (M = 9.08, SD = 1.88), 49 children (87.5%) and 7 girls (12.57%). They have been evaluated in Cz or FCz, (according to the International System 10-20) and in four conditions: eyes open, eyes closed, reading and draw¬ing. They have differentiated two groups according to the criterion of ratio theta/beta and age (over 2.5 value between 7 and 11 years and above 2.1 for children 12 to 14 years). The results indicate that the approach adopted is effective to confirm the diagnosis corresponding to 64.29% of the participants. EEG has identified a profile in children evaluated, showing increased theta waves, with respect to the non-ADHD group (M=16.99, SD=3.16), (M=14.12, SD=3.13) (F (1,54)=10.67, p= .002), decreased beta rhythms (M=5.66, SD=0.81), (M=6.71, SD=1.22), (F (1,54)=14.71, p= .000); high beta (M=5.13, SD=0.87), (M=5.87, SD=0.75), (F (1,54)=10.48, p= 0.0002) and gamma (M=0.85, SD=0.17), (M=1.04, SD=0.23), (F (1,54) =12.52, p= .001). This differentiation supports the electroencephalographic evaluation as useful for the diagnosis of ADHD in individuals with ages similar to those studied instrument)
Operational effectiveness of passing zones depending on their length and traffic volume
Most studies on two-lane highway operations have focused on the percentage of following vehicles or the adjustment of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) procedure to local data. The HCM proposes the length of no-passing zones as a model parameter; however, the distribution and characteristics of passing zones are not addressed. In fact, only a few studies on the expected number of passes in a passing zone have been carried out. This research presents an analysis of the effectiveness of passing zones in terms of their length and traffic volume. Data were collected from four passing zones on a rural highway in Spain. The two-way traffic volumes ranged from 100 to 900 vehicles per hour (vph), and the passing zone lengths ranged from 265 to 1,270 m. More than 1,600 passing maneuvers were recorded. The operational effectiveness of the passing zones was obtained from the passing frequency and the passing rate. The results indicated that the longer the passing zone, the higher the passing frequency; however, the results stabilized with lengths above 1,100 m. Balanced flows with two-way traffic volumes between 600 and 700 vph optimized the number of passes. Nevertheless, the increase in the passing frequency with the traffic volume was lower than with the increase in following vehicles. The results were validated with data from another 12 passing zones. Finally, HCM adjustments based on the percentage of no-passing zones did not reliably represent the effectiveness of passing zones. Therefore, the effectiveness of every passing zone should be considered, and adjustment factors should be modified to maximize the passing opportunities for traffic volumes between 600 and 700 vph.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, which subsidized the research project, and the Spanish Ministry of Public Works for its collaboration during the field study.Moreno Chou, AT.; Llorca Garcia, C.; García García, A.; Pérez Zuriaga, AM. (2013). Operational effectiveness of passing zones depending on their length and traffic volume. Transportation Research Record. (2395):57-65. doi:10.3141/2395-07S57652395Romana, M. G. (1999). Passing Activity on Two-Lane Highways in Spain. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1678(1), 90-95. doi:10.3141/1678-12Al-Kaisy, A., & Freedman, Z. (2010). Estimating Performance on Two-Lane Highways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2173(1), 72-79. doi:10.3141/2173-09Al-Kaisy, A., & Karjala, S. (2010). Car-Following Interaction and the Definition of Free-Moving Vehicles on Two-Lane Rural Highways. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136(10), 925-931. doi:10.1061/(asce)te.1943-5436.0000148Al-Kaisy, A., & Durbin, C. (2011). Platooning on Two-lane Two-way Highways: An Empirical Investigation. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 16, 329-339. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.454Gattis, J. L., Alguire, M. S., Townsend, K., & Rao, S. (1997). Rural Two-Lane Passing Headways and Platooning. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1579(1), 27-34. doi:10.3141/1579-04Dixon, M. P., Sarepali, S. S. K., & Young, K. A. (2002). Field Evaluation of Highway Capacity Manual 2000 Analysis Procedures for Two-Lane Highways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1802(1), 125-132. doi:10.3141/1802-15Polus, A., & Cohen, M. (2009). Theoretical and Empirical Relationships for the Quality of Flow and for a New Level of Service on Two-Lane Highways. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135(6), 380-385. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-947x(2009)135:6(380)Rozenshtein, S., Polus, A., & Cohen, M. (2012). Models for Estimating Drivers following on Two-Lane Rural Highways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2286(1), 68-75. doi:10.3141/2286-08Al-Kaisy, A., & Durbin, C. (2008). Evaluating new methodologies for estimating performance on two-lane highways. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(8), 777-785. doi:10.1139/l08-020Llorca, C., & García, A. (2011). Evaluation of Passing Process on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Spain with New Methodology Based on Video Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2262(1), 42-51. doi:10.3141/2262-0
Daytime and Nighttime Passing Maneuvers on a Two-Lane Rural Road in Spain
[EN] Passing is one of the most complex driving maneuvers performed on two-lane rural roads and has important effects on road safety and traffic operation. Passing is affected by driving behavior, road geometry, traffic volume, and traffic composition as well as external factors. Research was developed to compare the passing process under daytime and nighttime conditions. An experimental method was designed to collect video data of passing maneuvers on a two-lane rural road segment located near Valencia, Spain. Two methods were used: (a) external observations of four passing zones with six video cameras and (b) an instrumented vehicle equipped with video cameras and laser rangefinders, driven slightly below the operating speed along a segment of the same road so it would be passed by other vehicles. A total of 291 maneuvers were observed, up to 20% of which were at night. Macroscopic analysis results indicated that approximately 17% of passes were at night, even though passing frequency and passing demand decreased at night. Also, the behaviors of individual drivers who passed other vehicles were different at night and during the day. Maneuvers limited by the presence of an opposing vehicle were performed more quickly at night, even if the accepted gaps were longer. In this case, a more difficult perception of distances to opposing vehicles and of vehicle speeds explained the differences. In contrast, maneuvers limited by sight distance (without a visible opposing vehicle) were slower at night. This observation matched a traditional hypothesis: passing at night is safer because the headlights of an opposing vehicle allow a driver to anticipate the vehicle's position before it becomes visible.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for subsidizing the research project as well as the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and the Spanish General Traffic Directorate for collaboration during the field study.Llorca Garcia, C.; Moreno Chou, AT.; García García, A.; Pérez Zuriaga, AM. (2013). Daytime and Nighttime Passing Maneuvers on a Two-Lane Rural Road in Spain. Transportation Research Record. (2358):3-11. doi:10.3141/2358-01S311235
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