1,885 research outputs found

    Allanando el Camino Hacia el Éxito: La Experiencia de Incluir la Norma CCII-N2016-2 en la Asignatura Gestión de Proyectos

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    La Gestión de Proyectos ha evolucionado con la adopción de estándares reconocidos internacionalmente, como la ISO21500:2022 o el PMBOK, entre otros. Sin embargo, la documentación del trabajo de las asignaturas no ha recibido la misma atención. La norma UNE 157801:2007 y la norma CCII-N2016-2 han proporcionado estructuras para la documentación de proyectos de Ingeniería Informática. En este artículo, se explora la integración de estos estándares en la asignatura de Gestión de Proyectos. Se ha adaptado la asignatura utilizando documentación basada en ISO21500 para el diseño del proyecto y la norma CCII-N2016-2 para la elaboración de la memoria. Se realizó una encuesta a los estudiantes para evaluar el impacto de esta adaptación. Los resultados revelaron una percepción positiva de los estudiantes hacia la adaptación implementada. La integración de estándares y la estructura de documentación mejora el aprendizaje al proporcionar a los estudiantes una formación alineada con las prácticas profesionales y una ventaja competitiva en el mercado laboral

    Microalgal peloids for cosmetic and wellness uses

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    Peloids have been used for therapeutic purposes since time immemorial, mainly in the treatment of locomotor system pathologies and dermatology. Their effects are attributed to their components, i.e., to the properties and action of mineral waters, clays, and their biological fraction, which may be made up of microalgae, cyanobacteria, and other organisms present in water and clays. There are many studies on the therapeutic use of peloids made with microalgae/cyanobacteria, but very little research has been done on dermocosmetic applications. Such research demonstrates their potential as soothing, regenerating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial agents. In this work, a method for the manufacture of a dermocosmetic peloid is presented based on the experience of the authors and existing publications, with indications for its characterization and study of its efficacy

    Jujuy Province (NW Argentina): STR Markers Unveil Microgeographic Differentiation Over a Steep Mountainous Landscape

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    This study explores potential signals of microdifferentiation on the gene pool of three high-altitude populations from Jujuy province (NW Argentina) using highly polymorphic markers. These human communities are characterized by extreme living conditions and very low population densities owing to considerable height above sea level and steep orography. A set of autosomal STRs located at chromosome 6 (6p21.3) was typed in samples from Quebrada Baja (~2,500 m), Quebrada Alta (~ 3,300 m), and Puna (\u3e 3,500 m). Genetic diversity was estimated through the observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosities, and the haplotype diversity. Analyses of the molecular variance (AMOVA) and population differentiation tests based on allele and haplotype frequencies were performed to assess genetic heterogeneity among subgroups. No deviation from HWE expectations was detected for each separate subpopulation; yet, significant departures were detected in the analysis considering the whole area (D6S2792 and D6S105 loci). Overall, genetic diversity showed a decreasing trend as the altitude increases. Thus, allele and haplotype frequencies showed the most significant differences between Puna and Quebrada Baja, which are the populations sited at the edges of the altitude range. The trend to the reduction of the heterozygosity with altitude proves to be compatible with historical patterns of colonization, interregional migration trends, population density, and genetic admixture. The main consequence of the complex mountainous landscape of Jujuy would be an imbalance in the interplay gene flow-genetic drift favoring the latter. The combined effect of restricted gene flow with intense genetic drift would have promoted local genetic differentiation between Jujuy highlands\u27 subpopulations, leading to spatial patterning of the allele frequencies not entirely attributable to geographic distance. Our findings corroborate the effectiveness of STRs to identify microevolutionary changes

    Estudio de accesibilidad a las zonas verdes urbanas mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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    La creciente preocupación por parte de la sociedad respecto del medio ambiente que nos rodea, ha hecho que las administraciones de ámbito local recojan las inquietudes de los ciudadanos e intenten dar soluciones mediante la creación de lo que se viene a denominar espacios verdes urbanos: son nuestros parques y jardines públicos. Sin embargo, día a día surgen nuevas demandas por parte de los distintos grupos sociales, pasando de la mera creación o representación estética del campo en la ciudad a dotar a estos entornos de elementos en los que la practicidad toma un valor relevante. El objetivo del presente trabajo es servir como instrumento de información a las distintas administraciones en su labor de planificación de zonas verdes urbanas utilizando para ello Sistemas de Información Geográfic

    Reproductive history before and after HIV diagnosis: A cross-sectional study in HIV-positive women in Spain

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    The aim of this study is to examine the reproductive history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive women, before and after HIV diagnosis, to describe the characteristics of women with pregnancies after HIV diagnosis, and to assess the prevalence of mother-to-child transmission. A cross-sectional study was performed among women within reproductive ages (18–49) selected from the cohort in the Spanish AIDS Research Network (CoRIS). A descriptive analysis of the pregnancy outcomes was made according to women’s serostatus at the moment of pregnancy and association of women’s characteristics with having pregnancy after HIV diagnosis was evaluated using logistic regression models. Overall, 161 women were interviewed; of them, 86% had been pregnant at least once and 39% after HIV diagnosis. There were 347 pregnancies, 29% of them occurred after HIV diagnosis and in these, 20% were miscarriages and 29% were voluntary termination of pregnancy. There were 3 cases of mother-to-child transmission among the 56 children born from HIV-positive mothers; in these cases, women were diagnosed during delivery. Having a pregnancy after HIV diagnosis was more likely when the younger women were at the time of diagnosis: odds ratio (OR)=1.29 (95% confidence interval 0.40–4.17) for 25 to 29 years old, OR=0.59 (0.15–2.29) for 30 to 34 years old, OR=0.14 (0.03–0.74) for ≥35 years old, compared with thosediagnosis, who were diagnosed for ≥5 years (OR=5.27 [1.71–16.18]), who received antiretroviral treatment at some point (OR=9.38 [1.09–80.45]), and who received information on reproductive health (OR=4.32 [1.52–12.26]). An important number of pregnancies occurred after HIV diagnosis, reflecting a desire for motherhood in these women.Reproductive and sexual health should be tackled in medical follow-ups

    Lung transplantation from uncontrolled and controlled donation after circulatory death: similar outcomes to brain death donors

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    Controlled donation after circulatory death donors (cDCD) are becoming a frequent source of lungs grafts worldwide. Conversely, lung transplantations (LTx) from uncontrolled donors (uDCD) are sporadically reported. We aimed to review our institutional experience using both uDCD and cDCD and compare to LTx from brain death donors (DBD). This is a retrospective analysis of all LTx performed between January 2013 and December 2019 in our institution. Donor and recipient characteristics were collected and univariate, multivariate and survival analyses were carried out comparing the three cohorts of donors. A total of 239 (84.7%) LTx were performed from DBD, 29 (10.3%) from cDCD and 14 (5%) from uDCD. There were no statistically significant differences in primary graft dysfunction grade 3 at 72 h, 30- and 90-day mortality, need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation after procedure, ICU and hospital length of stay, airway complications, CLAD incidence or survival at 1 and 3 years after transplant (DBD: 87.1% and 78.1%; cDCD: 89.7% and 89.7%; uDCD: 85.7% and 85.7% respectively; P = 0.42). Short- and mid-term outcomes are comparable between the three types of donors. These findings may encourage and reinforce all types of donation after circulatory death programmes as a valid and growing source of suitable organs for transplantatio

    Plan de mejoramiento de clima organizacional en la IPS Fundación Nacer para Vivir

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    pag 14, pag 31Se analizó el ambiente de la organización de la IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR, a través de un instrumento de medición (encuesta estructurada) el cual se aplicó a los empleados del área administrativa y asistencial como lo son la correlación social, políticas y administrativas, ejecución de tareas, escenarios de trabajo, ayudas laborales, Progreso y mejora personal, de estas que se realiza un análisis descriptivo, En ciertos aspectos se visualizan áreas de tensión esto hace que los empleados no den el máximo de capacidad en busca del mejor desempeño; La IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR reconoce la importancia del recurso humano por lo que hay participación activa en la elaboración de estrategias y cumplimiento de objetivos. Por medio de la evaluación de estas variables se formulan acciones de mejora en la que la principal es que se implemente y ejecute por parte de la alta dirección de la IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR Solución con un cartera de alicientes, actividades de capacitación y planificación de agendas para la integración grupal, que se enmarquen dentro del estilo de dirección adoptado por la empresa, así como que dentro del plan de acción corporativo se constituyan estrategias para mejorar el ambiente de la organización de la IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR. Se estudia revisión teórica de los inicios de clima organizacional, creando y desarrollando un plan de acción para fortalecer el ambiente laboral de la IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR y desarrollar comportamientos saludables que estimule un buen ambiente laboral para todas las áreasThe organizational climate of the IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR was analyzed, through a measurement instrument (structured survey) which was applied to officials of the administrative and healthcare area such as Social Relations, administrative policies, performance of tasks, Working conditions, Labor benefits, Personal development, of which a descriptive analysis is carried out. In certain aspects, areas of tension are visualized. This means that officials do not give the maximum capacity in search of the best performance; The IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR recognizes the importance of human resources, so there is active participation in the development of strategies and achievement of objectives. Through the analysis of the variables, recommendations for improvement are formulated in which the main one is that it be implemented and executed by the senior management of the IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR Solution with a portfolio of incentives, training programs and integration programs group, that are framed within the management style adopted by the company, as well as that within the institutional action plan strategies are established to improve the organizational climate of the IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR. Theoretical review of the beginnings of the organizational climate is studied, creating and developing an action plan to strengthen the work environment of the IPS FUNDACION NACER PARA VIVIR and develop healthy behaviors that stimulate a good work environment for all area

    The tourism experience in the city of Valencia

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    [EN] The purpose of this project has been to provide Fundación Turismo Valencia with recommendation keys of tourist resources of the city of Valencia according the emotional profile of each tourist. The final aim is to meet the demand by an optimal fit between tourist needs and available resources in the tourist offer of the city. This objective has been achieved after analyzing the tourism demand in the city of Valencia by applying People Driven Innovation methodologies. Based on the study results, we have been able to identify four emotional profiles of tourists and the tourist resources that enhance their travel experience.[ES] La finalidad de este proyecto ha consistido en dotar a la Fundación Turismo Valencia de las claves de recomendación de recursos turísticos de la ciudad de Valencia en función del perfil emocional de cada turista. El objetivo final es satisfacer la demanda mediante una adecuación óptima entre las necesidades de los turistas y los recursos disponibles en la oferta turística de la ciudad. Este objetivo se ha conseguido mediante un análisis de la demanda turística en la ciudad de Valencia, aplicando metodologías de Innovación Orientada por las Personas. A partir de los resultados del estudio ha sido posible identificar cuatro perfiles emocionales de turistas y los recursos turísticos que mejoran su experiencia turística.Marzo Rosello, R.; Peris Perez, P.; Ferris Oñate, JM.; Sanchez Lacuesta, J.; Martínez Gómez, L.; Olaso Melis, J.; Garcés Pérez, L.... (2013). La experiencia turística en la ciudad de Valencia. Revista de biomecánica. 59:63-66. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38677S63665

    Everolimus safety and efficacy for renal angiomyolipomas associated with tuberous sclerosis complex: A Spanish expanded access trial

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    Background: Renal angiomyolipomas (AML) are usual manifestations of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) that may cause aneurism-related haemorrhages and renal impairment. Everolimus has emerged as an alternative to surgery/embolization. We provide further insight into everolimus safety and efficacy for TSC-related AML. Methods: This was a Spanish expanded access trial including patients aged ≥18 years with TSC-related AML. They received 10 mg everolimus once daily until AML progression, unacceptable toxicity, death/withdrawal, commercialisation for TSC-related AML, or 1 year after first patient enrolment. The primary outcome was dose-limiting safety according to grade 3/4 adverse events, serious adverse events, or adverse events leading to treatment modification. Secondary outcomes included overall safety and efficacy. Results: Nineteen patients were enrolled and received everolimus for a median of 6.6 (5.3-10.9) months. Eleven (57.9 %) remained on 10 mg/day throughout the study and eight (42.1 %) required treatment modifications due to adverse events; none permanently discontinued treatment. Adverse events were overall grade 1/2 and most frequently included aphthous stomatitis/mucosal inflammation, hypercholesterolaemia/hypertriglyceridaemia, urinary tract infection, hypertension, dermatitis acneiform, and insomnia. Four (21.1 %) patients experienced grade 3 adverse events, none was grade 4, and only one (5.3 %) was serious (pneumonia). AML volume was reduced ≥30 % in 11 (57.9 %) patients and ≥50 % in 9 (47.4 %); none progressed. Right and left kidney sizes decreased in 16 and 14 patients, respectively. Conclusions: These findings support the benefit of everolimus for renal AML due to a manageable safety profile accompanied by reduced AML and kidney volumes. Trial registration: EudraCT number 2012-005397-63; date of registration 22 Nov 2012.This work was funded by Novartis Farmacéutica S.A., which was involved in study design, data analysis and interpretation, and writing of the manuscrip