223 research outputs found

    Asymmetric preparation of antifungal 1-(4 -chlorophenyl)-1-cyclopropyl methanol and 1-(4 -chlorophenyl)-2-phenylethanol. Study of the detoxification mechanism by Botrytis cinerea

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    Chiral alcohols are important as bioactive compounds or as precursors to such molecules. On the basis of the different antifungal properties of the enantiopure alcohol derivatives of 4-chlorophenyl cyclopropyl ketone and benzyl 4-chlorophenyl ketone, their enantioselective synthesis by chemical and biocatalytic methods was studied. The detoxification pathways by the phytopathogen fungus Botrytis cinerea are reported

    Translating George Bernard Shaw, a linguistic and cultural challenge

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    George Bernard Shaw, playwright and theatre critic, was an outstandingbut also highly controversial figure. In his role as critic, writing for The Saturday Review, he exposed and condemned the weaknesses of Victorian drama, full of melodramatic, biased ideas, typical of the English bourgeois mentality of his time. He was concerned, not only with drama but mostly with the attitude of a hypocritical society. Rosalie Rahal Haddad’s book Shaw, O Crítico/Shaw, the Critic (2009), presents what Shaw understood as good theater and comments on some of his critical texts that show how his ideas prevail and are still applicable today. In this work we intend to show, first, the difficulties met while translating from both Portuguese and late 19th century English and the decisions made by the translators. Secondly, we aim at referring to the process of negotiation of meanings (Eco 2008) and the linguistic and cultural revision resulting from the initial phase of translation, which is understood as a multidimensional process that includes the acts of reading and re-reading, as well as interpreting, based on context of production and reception, creating a text in another language, and finally revising, before coming out with the translated version

    Los pueblos en movimiento : migración forzada, pueblos indígenas, colombianización, y las siete tesis de Rodolfo Stavenhagen.

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    This article aims to analyze the phenomenon of forced migration from Latin America to the United States and Europe, which has been largely caused by the social situation of violence existing in some critical points of Spanish speaking American Countries. It will address the humanitarian consequences (in terms of human rights) that the phenomenon of forced migration implies, as well as the international political framework that, influenced by problems such as terrorism and drug trafficking, seeks to regulate this phenomenon. This socio-political analysis will be approached from the theoretical perspective of the German sociologist Rodolfo Stavenhagen, who in his “Seven Misleading Theses on Latin America” gives us the theoretical and conceptual tools to address the problem of forced migration in the field of the current societies of the continent.El presente artículo tiene como objeto el análisis del fenómeno de la migración forzada en América Latina hacia Estados Unidos y Europa, el cual se ha desarrollado e impulsado en gran medida por la situación social de violencia presente en algunos puntos críticos de la geografía del continente americano de habla hispana. Se abordaran las consecuencias de carácter humanitaria (derechos humanos) que el fenómeno de la migración forzada implica, de igual forma se analizaran el entramado político internacional que influenciada por fenómenos como el terrorismo y el tráfico de drogas busca regular este fenómeno. Este análisis de carácter socio-político se abordara desde la perspectiva teórica del sociólogo Alemán Rodolfo Stavenhagen, el cual desde sus “Siete Tesis equivocadas sobre América Latina” nos brinda las herramientas teóricas y conceptuales para abordar la problemática de la migración forzada en el ámbito de las sociedades actuales del continente

    Tratamiento de psoriasis con inhibidores del factor de necrosis tumoral-α: estudio de los mecanismos de acción

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    154 p.La psoriasis es una enfermedad frecuente que afecta principalmente a la piel. Se caracteriza por ser una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica mediada inmunológicamente, que cursa con hiperproliferación y diferenciación anormal de queratinocitos. Aunque en los últimos años se ha avanzado mucho en el conocimiento de los mecanismos etiopatogénicos de la enfermedad, todavía no están claramente establecidos. Gran parte de estos conocimientos han surgido del empleo de fármacos biológicos, que han demostrado gran eficacia clínica y buen perfil de seguridad. Sin embargo, aún se conoce poco de los mecanismos a través de los cuales ejercen su acción. Los fármacos anti-TNF fueron eficaces clínicamente (PASI-75) en el 75% (15/20) de los pacientes con psoriasis en placas refractaria a tratamientos convencionale

    Variabilidad litológica y geoquímica de los niveles silíceos del yacimiento arqueológico de Casa Montero y su comparación con otros de la cuenca de Madrid

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    This work compiles mineralogical, petrological and geochemical data from silica deposits of the “Casa Montero” Neolithic mine. The objetive of the work is to determine intrinsic variability in the silica deposits to distinguish them from other deposits potentially used as source rock for lithic tools. The archeological site of “Casa Montero” is located in a región with silica deposits (nodules, nodular beds, and lenticular beds), formed by silicification of dolomites and mudstones in surficial environment (Miocene of the Madrid Basin). The majority of the initially formed silica phases (opaline phases) were unstable and transformed to quartz by a process of aging. Petrological and geochemical data were obtained by XR diffraction, Micro-Raman, optic microscopy, emission and mass spectrometry (CP-ES and ICP-MS respectively). The results indicate that the rock types present in the site are chert, opal and opaline chert. They also allowed determining the textural characteristics and fabric of the silica deposits from the “Casa Montero” site. The statistical analysis of the geochemical data indicates that the Casa Montero silica rocks. Constitute a characteristic group. Their differentiation is due to the pres- ence of dolomite and mudstone host rock inclusions. The recorded clay minerals and rare earth element contents are the main distinguishing factors of the silica deposits from the “Casa Montero” site. Este trabajo recopila los datos existentes sobre la mineralogía, petrología y geoquímica de los niveles de rocas de la sílice explotados en la mina neolítica de Casa Montero, con objeto de poder determinar su variabilidad intrínseca y sus posibilidades para ser diferenciados de otras fuentes de suministro de utensilios líticos. El yacimiento arqueológico de Casa Montero está localizado en niveles silíceos (capas nodulares, nódulos y cuerpos lenticulares), que se formaron por silicificación de dolomías y lutitas (Unidad Intermedia, Mioceno de la Cuenca de Madrid), en ambiente superficial. La mayoría de las fases iniciales (fases opalinas) fueron inestables y posteriormente se transformaron a cuarzo, por un proceso que se denomina envejecimiento. Los datos petrológicos y geoquímicos fueron obtenidos mediante difracción de RX, Micro-Raman, microscopia óptica, espectrometría de emisión y  espectrometría de masas (ICP-ES e ICP-MS). Los resultados han permitido definir a las rocas de la sílice como sílex, ópalos y sílex opalinos, y determinar características texturales y de fábrica comunes y frecuentes en la zona de Casa Montero. El estudio geoquímico ha permitido cono- cer que las rocas silíceas, funcionan como grupo en el estudio estadístico de análisis discriminante. El grupo definido está inducido fundamentalmente por las inclusiones de las rocas caja (dolomías o lutitas), siendo el tipo de arcilla con sus tierras raras, lo que provoca su principal caracterización

    Differential features and genesis of silica levels mined in the Casa Montero archaeological site. (Vicálvaro, Madrid)

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    The research during the construction of the M-50 highway has allowed the study of the silica levels that constitute the most important Neolithic flint mine in the Iberian Peninsula. A group of more than 3.800 extraction pits were realized to obtain cherts and opals that appear among Mg smectites beds (Aragonian deposits). The description of the nodular and stratiform silica levels and the study of their types and distribution have been done at geological sections obtained during the archaeological excavations. Three petrological types of siliceous rocks (chert, opal and opaline chert) are established and defined according to their mineralogy and microfacies. Cherts are constituted only by quartz and locally minor amounts of moganite. Opals contain opal CT, Mg smectites and minor quartz. Opaline chert is defined when the proportion of quartz is higher than 50%. All the types of siliceous rocks reproduce bioturbation structures as well as other structures found in the host rocks (grains, intraclasts, brecciation). The silica levels at the base of the columns are constituted only by chert and were formed by the silicification of nodular and lenticular dolomite levels included in the Mg-smectites beds. The rest of the siliceous levels are composed of opals and opaline cherts and were formed by silicification of Mg-smectites. The outer part of the opaline chert has a higher content in opal and clay relicts whereas the inner part is mainly microcrystalline quartz. This change is consequence of the recrystallization of the opal (aging) producing a more compact silica rock. The main silicification occurred under the groundwater table because the structure of the host rocks is conserved in the silica rocks. A general question is whether the silica that precipites is introduced by groundwater or it is released from the dissolution of clays during their replacemen

    La minería de sílex en Casa Montero. El espacio de la producción.

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    Este trabajo presenta resultados preliminares de la excavación de la mina del Neolítico Antiguo de Casa Montero (Madrid). Se tratan aspectos descriptivos de las estructuras mineras, el encuadre geológico y los primeros resultados sobre la clasificación petrológica de las muestras de sílex