119 research outputs found

    In vitro effects of copper nanoparticles on plant pathogens, beneficial microbes and crop plants

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    Copper-based chemicals are effectively used as antimicrobials in agriculture. However, with respect to its nanoparticulate form there has been limited number of studies. In this investigation, in vitro tests on effect of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) against plant pathogenic fungi, oomycete, bacteria, beneficial microbes Trichoderma harzianum and Rhizobium spp., and wheat seeds were conducted. Integration of CuNPs with non-nano copper like copper oxychloride (CoC) at 50 mg/L concentration each recorded 76% growth inhibition of the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi in vitro compared to the control. CuNPs also showed synergistic inhibitory effect with CoC on mycelial growth and sporulation of A. alternata. Pseudomonas syringae was inhibited at 200 mg/L of CuNPs. CuNPs were not significantly biocidal against Rhizobium spp. and Trichoderma harzianum compared to CoC. Evaluation of the effect of CuNP on wheat revealed that rate of germination of wheat seeds was higher in presence of CuNPs and CoC compared to control. Germination vigor index, root length, shoot dry weight and seed metabolic efficiency of wheat were negatively affected. At low concentration, CuNPs promoted the growth of the plant pathogenic fungi Botrytis fabae, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris, F.oxysporum f.sp. melonis, Alternaria alternate and P. syringae, and sporulation of T. harzianum. Synergistic effect of CuNPs and CoC in inhibiting P. cinnamomi offers a possibility of developing new fungicide formulation for better control of the oomycetes. Non-biocidal effect of CuNPs against beneficial microbes indicates its potential use in the agri-ecosystem

    Differences in crenate broomrape parasitism dynamics on three legume crops using a thermal time model

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    Root parasitic weeds are a major limiting production factor in a number of crops, and control is difficult. Genetic resistance and chemical control lead the fight, but without unequivocal success. Models that help to describe and even predict the evolution of parasitism underground are a valuable tool for herbicide applications, and even could help in breeding programs. Legumes are heavily affected by Orobanche crenata (crenate broomrape) in the Mediterranean basin. This work presents a descriptive model based on thermal time and correlating growing degree days (GDD) with the different developmental stages of the parasite. The model was developed in three different legume crops (faba bean, grass pea and lentil) attacked by crenate broomrape. The developmental stages of the parasite strongly correlated with the GDD and differences were found depending on the host crop. [This Document is Protected by copyright and was first published by Frontiers. All rights reserved. it is reproduced with permission.

    Customer Identification for Electricity Retailers Based on Monthly Demand Profiles by Activity Sectors and Locations

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    The increasing competition in the electric sector is challenging retail companies as they must assign its commercial efforts to attract the most profitable customers. Those are whose energy demand best fit certain target profiles, which usually depend on generation or cost policies. But, even when the demand profile is available, it is in an anonymous way, preventing its association to a particular client. In this paper, we explore a large dataset containing several millions of monthly demand profiles in Spain and use the available information about the associated economic sector and location for an indirect identification of the customers. The distance of the demand profile from the target is used to define a key performance indicator (KPI) which is used as the main driver of the proposed marketing strategy. The combined use of activity and location has been revealed as a powerful tool for indirect identification of customers, as 100,000 customers are uniquely identified, while about 300,000 clients are identifiable in small sets containing 10 or less consumers. To assess the proposed marketing strategy, it has been compared to the random attraction of new clients, showing a reduction of distance from the target of 40% for 10,000 new customers

    Absorption and translocation to the aerial part of magnetic carbon-coated nanoparticles through the root of different crop plants

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    The development of nanodevices for agriculture and plant research will allow several new applications, ranging from treatments with agrochemicals to delivery of nucleic acids for genetic transformation. But a long way for research is still in front of us until such nanodevices could be widely used. Their behaviour inside the plants is not yet well known and the putative toxic effects for both, the plants directly exposed and/or the animals and humans, if the nanodevices reach the food chain, remain uncertain. In this work we show that magnetic carbon-coated nanoparticles forming a biocompatible magnetic fluid (bioferrofluid) can easily penetrate through the root in four different crop plants (pea, sunflower, tomato and wheat). They reach the vascular cylinder, move using the transpiration stream in the xylem vessels and spread through the aerial part of the plants in less than 24 hours. Accumulation of nanoparticles was detected in wheat leaf trichomes, suggesting a way for excretion/detoxification. This kind of studies is of great interest in order to unveil the movement and accumulation of nanoparticles in plant tissues for assessing further applications in the field or laboratory

    Plant Breeding and Management Strategies to Minimize the Impact of Water Scarcity and Biotic Stress in Cereal Crops under Mediterranean Conditions

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    Wheat and rice are two main staple food crops that may suffer from yield losses due to drought episodes that are increasingly impacted by climate change, in addition to new epidemic outbreaks. Sustainable intensification of production will rely on several strategies, such as efficient use of water and variety improvement. This review updates the latest findings regarding complementary approaches in agronomy, genetics, and phenomics to cope with climate change challenges. The agronomic approach focuses on a case study examining alternative rice water management practices, with their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity for ecosystem services. The genetic approach reviews in depth the latest technologies to achieve fungal disease resistance, as well as the use of landraces to increase the genetic diversity of new varieties. The phenomics approach explores recent advances in high-throughput remote sensing technologies useful in detecting both biotic and abiotic stress effects on breeding programs. The complementary nature of all these technologies indicates that only interdisciplinary work will ensure significant steps towards a more sustainable agriculture under future climate change scenarios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bricked and evanescently-coupled topologies: expanding the portfolio of subwavelength metamaterial silicon photonic devices

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    We present two novel topologies of subwavelength grating (SWG) waveguides: the bricked-SWG and the evanescently-coupled-SWG. The bricked topology enables accurate control of waveguide anisotropy while maintaining the index and dispersion engineering advantage intrinsic to SWG waveguides. The evanescently-coupled-SWG allows unprecedented control of the strength of the modal perturbation in waveguide Bragg gratings and nanophotonic antennas. Both topologies leverage a Manhattan-like pattern, with pixel sizes compatible with deep-uv lithography. Our recent results will be discussed, focusing on polarization-independent multimode interference couplers for the O and C bands and a millimeter-long narrow-beam steerable optical antenna array with angular divergence of only 1.8º×0.2º.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    ¿Viable o no viable? El problema del manejo de la enfermedad coronaria muy avanzada

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    Patients with very advanced coronary disease are a hard challenge for the clinician. This clinical report is a good example, with a patient with very extensive and severe arteriosclerosis in several vascular territories that debuted as acute leg arterial ischemia but in which the coronary disease became the worst problem. Despite myocardial viability demonstration, the extent and complexity of coronary lesions made it impossible treat them. In this kind of cases, although we know what the ideal treatment should be, the trip ends without reaching the goal of the revascularization.Los pacientes con enfermedad coronaria muy avanzada son todo un reto para el clínico. Este caso clínico es un buen ejemplo de ello, con un paciente con arterioesclerosis muy extensa y grave en varios territorios vasculares que debuta con isquemia arterial aguda, pero en el que la evolución predomina la disfunción ventricular por enfermedad coronaria. A pesar de demostrar viabilidad miocárdica en las pruebas de imagen, la extensión y complejidad de las lesiones hizo que no fuera posible tratarlas. En casos como éste, a pesar de que se conoce cuál es el tratamiento ideal, el viaje termina sin alcanzar la orilla de la revascularización

    Recent progress in subwavelength grating metamaterial engineered silicon photonic devices.

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    In this talk we present our recent advances in SWG metamaterial engineering. We will show a 1D-optical phased array composed of 112 evanescent-coupled surface emitting antennas with a length of 1.5 mm and fed by a compact distributed Bragg deflector. The measurements demonstrate a wavelength-steerable collimated beam with a far-field angular divergence of 1.8o × 0.2o. Experimental results of a bricked SWG 2×2 MMI coupler are also shown, achieving polarization agnostic performance in the 1500nm to 1560nm wavelength range. Both devices were fabricated on a standard 220-nm SOI platform using a single full-etch step process, with a minimum feature size of 80 nm, and thus compatible with immersion deep-UV lithography.This work was supported by the High Throughput and Secure Networks Challenge Program at the National Research Council of Canada (HTSN-209, 175363-HTSN 210); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-106747RB-I00); Ministerio de Universidades (FPU19/02408, FPU20/03487); Junta de Andalucía (P18-RT-1453); FEDER Andalucía (UMA20-FEDERJA-158); Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Nanoparticle penetration and transport in living pumpkin plants: in situ subcellular identification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent years, the application of nanotechnology in several fields of bioscience and biomedicine has been studied. The use of nanoparticles for the targeted delivery of substances has been given special attention and is of particular interest in the treatment of plant diseases. In this work both the penetration and the movement of iron-carbon nanoparticles in plant cells have been analyzed in living plants of <it>Cucurbita pepo</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The nanoparticles were applied <it>in planta </it>using two different application methods, injection and spraying, and magnets were used to retain the particles in movement in specific areas of the plant. The main experimental approach, using correlative light and electron microscopy provided evidence of intracellular localization of nanoparticles and their displacement from the application point. Long range movement of the particles through the plant body was also detected, particles having been found near the magnets used to immobilize and concentrate them. Furthermore, cell response to the nanoparticle presence was detected.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Nanoparticles were capable of penetrating living plant tissues and migrating to different regions of the plant, although movements over short distances seemed to be favoured. These findings show that the use of carbon coated magnetic particles for directed delivery of substances into plant cells is a feasible application.</p