44 research outputs found

    Bioestratigrafía del Ladiniense Inferior en la región de Calasparra (Murcia, España)

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    A bioestratigraphic study has been carried out with the aid of ammonoids from the Lower Ladinian of the SE Calasparra section (Eastern of the Betic Cordillera). The section is formed by 89 m of do- lostones and fossiliferous limestones from the Muschelkalk facies. From the study of 11 successive levels with ammonoids, three biozones have been distinguished: Brotzeni Zone (Upper Anisian), Curionii Zone (Lower Ladinian) and Epigonus Zone (Upper Ladinian). Moreover, the Curionii Zone could be subdivided in two Subzones: Curionii Subzone and Awadi Subzone. The ammo- noid assemblages are typical from the Sepharadic Province, which include numerous species in common with Sinai and Negev (Israel). These assemblages can be correlated with other areas of Spain (Catalonia and Minorca) and the Tethys Province, due to the presence of two species of wide geographic distribution, Eoprotrachyceras curionii and "Eoprotrachyceras" cf. gredleri, which are recorded in the lower part of the Curionii and Epigonus Zones respectively

    The oldest post-Paleozoic (Ladinian, Triassic) brachiopods from the Betic Range, SE Spain

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    Triassic brachiopods from the Betic Range were unknown hitherto. Herein we describe the first brachiopod occurrences in the early Ladinian of this domain referable to a new genus and species Misunithyris goyi derived from three localities of the south-Iberian Triassic outcrops. The analysis of internal and external characters of this brachiopod allowed to characterize systematically and biogeographically this fauna in a chronostratigraphic interval when the paucity of brachiopod records is attributable to the entire peri-Iberian epicontinental platform system established in the westernmost Tethyan margin. The new record is endemic to the Betic Range and represents a new faunal constituent of the multicostate zeillerids stock. This fauna inhabited the epicontinental seas of the Sephardic bioprovince since a closer affinity with the low-latitude Tethyan assemblages is revealed. The possible linkage of the Triassic stock with the Early–Middle Jurassic multicostate zeillerid representatives suggests feasible phylogenetic relationships between both groups.This research was supported by projects CGL2015-66604-R (MINECO, Government of Spain), the Research Groups VIGROB-167 (University of Alicante), and RNM 325 (Junta de Andalucía)

    First contributions of Donato García as Mineralogy Professor at the Royal Cabinet of Natural History of Madrid (Spain) in the Nineteenth Century

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    Donato Garcíawas the mineralogy professor at the Royal Cabinet of Natural History and Central University of Madrid from 1816 to 1853. In addition to teaching mineralogy, he gathered geological and mineralogical material for didactic purposes, and for exhibitions in the hall of the Cabinet. He was a key figure in developing the subject matter of mineralogy in Spain during the first half of the nineteenth century. Donato Garcia likewise promoted the careers of very important future teachers at the Military Academy of Engineers, Natural Sciences Museums, and Universities, integrating oral lectures, mineral testing, visual recognition, and the use of crystallographic models. This paper investigates how the crystallographic system proposed by Haüy (in the mid-thirties) was assimilated through unpublished documents of Donato García’s mineralogical lessons from 1824 to 1825, obtained from Spain’s Archivo General de Palacio (Madrid). Hence, this manuscript can be considered the first scientific work reliably attributable to Donato and based on the notes of his pupil José Musso y Valiente, which stands as an early attempt to create a handbook of mineralogy in Spanish. The novel approach to teaching mineralogy is furthermore compared with lessons published by disciple Antonio María Cisneros y Lanuza in 184

    La falla de Tíscar: su significado en la terminación sudoeste del arco Prebético

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    10 páginas, 11 figuras, 1 tabla.[EN] The Tíscar fault, located towards the SW end of the Prebetic arc, is an important feature within the Betic External Zone which contributed to the separation of two different geologic domains. This fault affected the Mesozoic and Tertiary cover detached from the Palaeozoic basement and was developed as consequence of the blockage of the thrust sheets of the western border of the arc, because they could not advance farther over the basement situated progressively in a shallower position. Hence, this fault encouraged the continuation of the NW displacements in the western block, formed by Subbetic olistostromic masses and part of the Prebetic situated in the end of the arc. Although the Tíscar fault has been defined by one main line, there are in fact other parallel faults that form a broad fault zone. Its displacement began during the late Miocene and continued till Pliocene, within a near N-S compressive setting with a perpendicular extension.[ES] La falla de Tíscar, localizada en la terminación SO del arco Prebético, es un rasgo importante dentro de la Zona Externa Bética, donde ha contribuido a la separación de dos dominios geológicos diferentes. Esta falla afectó a la cobertera mesozoica y terciaria despegada del basamento paleozoico y se formó como consecuencia de que los cabalgamientos del borde occidental del arco quedaron bloqueados al no poder avanzar más sobre el basamento cada vez menos profundo. Entonces la falla permitió la continuación de los movimientos hacia el NO de su bloque occidental formado por materiales del Subbético, dispuesto en masas olistostrómicas, e incluso parte del propio Prebético del extremo del arco. Aunque la falla de Tíscar se ha definido por su traza principal, existen otras paralelas que en conjunto forman una amplia zona. Sus movimientos iniciados en el Mioceno superior continuaron hasta el Plioceno, en un contexto de compresión N-S y extensión perpendicular.Este estudio se ha financiado a través de los proyectos BTE2001-5230-E, CGL200401636/BTE, CGL2004-03333/ BTE, CGL2005-01520/BTE y BTE2001-5230-E y los grupos de la Junta de Andalucía RNM 163 y 217.Peer reviewe

    Evidencia molecular y serológica de la asociación del PVH-13 con la hiperplasia epitelial focal en la comunidad indígena embera-chami de Jardín, Antioquia-Colombia

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    spa: La hiperplasia epitelial focal (HEF) o enfermedad de Heck es una entidad benigna de la mucosa oral que se presenta principalmente en jóvenes de grupos étnicos muy específicos. Aunque el epónimo de “Enfermedad de Heck” proviene del primer caso reportado en 1961 por el Dr. Heck en Nuevo Méjico, ya previamente en Colombia el Dr. Estrada en 1956 había reportado esta entidad en los indios Caramanta (1). Es así como en Colombia ha habido reportes de esta enfermedad en diferentes comunidades indígenas (2,3). La hiperplasia epitelial focal se caracteriza clínicamente por pápulas, nódulos o placas localizadas principalmente en la mucosa labial, los carrillos y la lengua. Desde 1989 se había sugerido su causa viral debido a la frecuente detección del PVH-13 y PVH-32 en las lesiones (4). En un estudio descriptivo previo realizado en el 2001 se encontró una prevalencia de la enfermedad del 13% en escolares de la comunidad indígena Embera-Chamí en Jardín, Antioquia (5). En ese mismo estudio logramos detectar la infección por PVH en un 80% de escolares con HEF. A pesar de que se ha sugerido una etiología viral de la HEF, hasta el momento no existía evidencia epidemiológica que demostrara la asociación del PVH con la hiperplasia epitelial focal. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de este trabajo fue el de confirmar molecular y serológicamente esta asociación. Diseño del estudio: Estudio de casos y controles. Materiales y métodos: La población estudiada de casos correspondió a los escolares que presentaban los criterios clínicos e histopatológicos de HEF. A estos casos se les tomó biopsia de una de las lesiones clínicamente evidentes. A los individuos del grupo control se les recolectó la muestra mediante enjuague bucal. La extracción de ADN se realizó con el kit de purificación de Wizard®. La genotipificación de PVH se realizó mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa utilizando sondas específicas para PVH-13 de acuerdo a la metodología descrita por Williamson AL, et al (6). Tanto a los casos como los controles se les tomó muestra de sangre para el análisis serológico. Los anticuerpos específicos contra el PVH-13 fueron detectados mediante la técnica de ELISA, usando VLP´s de PVH-13 como antígeno. Resultados: En total se identificaron 18 casos y se seleccionaron aleatoreamente un total de 33 controles. Todos los casos y 20% de los controles fueron positivos para PVH-13. (Test de Fischer, p=0.001). Con lo anterior podemos concluir que si existe una asociación entre la infección por PVH-13 y la HEF. Con respecto a la serología, se encontró una mayor prevalencia de anticuerpos contra PVH-13 en los casos, comparados con los controles ( 10/17 casos vs 9/27 controles), pero esta diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa. Sin embargo, cuando se compararon las densidades ópticas, se encontró una diferencia que si fue estadísticamente significativa (Test de Fischer, p=0.002). No se halló relación de otras variables evaluadas tales como el sexo, el antecedente de lactancia materna y el compartir el cepillo de dientes o los cubiertos, con la HEF. Hacia el futuro pensamos explorar si existen factores genéticos o inmunológicos en esta comunidad, que predispongan a la presentación de esta enfermedad

    Potential of Sentinel-2A Data to Model Surface and Canopy Fuel Characteristics in Relation to Crown Fire Hazard

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    [EN] Background: Crown fires are often intense and fast spreading and hence can have serious impacts on soil, vegetation, and wildlife habitats. Fire managers try to prevent the initiation and spread of crown fires in forested landscapes through fuel management. The minimum fuel conditions necessary to initiate and propagate crown fires are known to be strongly influenced by four stand structural variables: surface fuel load (SFL), fuel strata gap (FSG), canopy base height (CBH), and canopy bulk density (CBD). However, there is often a lack of quantitative data about these variables, especially at the landscape scale. Methods: In this study, data from 123 sample plots established in pure, even-aged, Pinus radiata and Pinus pinaster stands in northwest Spain were analyzed. In each plot, an intensive field inventory was used to characterize surface and canopy fuels load and structure, and to estimate SFL, FSG, CBH, and CBD. Equations relating these variables to Sentinel-2A (S-2A) bands and vegetation indices were obtained using two non-parametric techniques: Random Forest (RF) and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS). Results: According to the goodness-of-fit statistics, RF models provided the most accurate estimates, explaining more than 12%, 37%, 47%, and 31% of the observed variability in SFL, FSG, CBH, and CBD, respectively. To evaluate the performance of the four equations considered, the observed and estimated values of the four fuel variables were used separately to predict the potential type of wildfire (surface fire, passive crown fire, or active crown fire) for each plot, considering three different burning conditions (low, moderate, and extreme). The results of the confusion matrix indicated that 79.8% of the surface fires and 93.1% of the active crown fires were correctly classified; meanwhile, the highest rate of misclassification was observed for passive crown fire, with 75.6% of the samples correctly classified. Conclusions: The results highlight that the combination of medium resolution imagery and machine learning techniques may add valuable information about surface and canopy fuel variables at large scales, whereby crown fire potential and the potential type of wildfire can be classified.SIWe are grateful to the Galician Government and European Social Fund (Official Journal of Galicia DOG n° 52, 17 March 2014, p. 11343, exp: POS-A/2013/049) for financing the postdoctoral research stays of Eduardo González-Ferreiro at different institutions

    Discovering a Project for the Development of Geotourism in Rural Areas: The Paleontological and Archaeological Interpretation Centre of Tamajón (CIPAT, Guadalajara, Spain)

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    The important paleontological and archaeological discoveries made in Tamajón in recent years have enriched the exceptional natural and cultural heritage of this town in the north of the Guadalajara province (central Spain). The extraordinary educational and outreach value of these findings led the PaleoIbérica Research Group to develop a project for the design and creation of the Paleontological and Archaeological Interpretation Centre of Tamajón (CIPAT, acronym in Spanish). In this new space, students and the general public have access to knowledge of the past of the region through three exhibition and didactic areas and the support of a rigorous and engaging infographic. The Paleontological Area allows visitors to explore, through fossils, replicas, models (real and virtual) and dioramas, the diversity of coastal and marine life that inhabited the region during the Late Cretaceous Age. Moreover, the area highlights crocodylomorphs, dinosaurs and fishes (identified through their fossilized tracks), and the remains of plants and invertebrates. The Archaeological Area shows the origin and uses of the building material known as Tamajón Stone by means of rough or carved samples, tools traditionally used in its extraction and carving, and historical photographs. Furthermore, in the Didactic Area, innovative specific educational activities are carried out, facilitating the knowledge and appreciation of the rich natural and cultural heritage of Tamajón. After its recent inauguration (August 2021), the CIPAT is a valuable tool to encourage the practice of positive attitudes toward geoconservation and to promote the sustainable and socioeconomic development of the region through geotourism.Research Projects and Contracts UI/BD/150971/2021 of the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal), and UCM.CT31/21 of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain); and BOP-168 of the Provincial Council of Guadalajara, and 94/2018, 21/2019, 147/2021 of the University of Alcalá-Town Council of Tamajón (Spain). Aid for Rural Development 2021 of the Eurocaja Rural Foundation (Spain)

    Early Pliocene continental vertebrate Fauna at Puerto de la Cadena (SE Spain) and its bearing on the marine-continental correlation of the Late Neogene of Eastern Betics

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    In this paper, we synthesize sedimentological, magnetostratigraphic and paleontological data from the continental vertebrate site of Puerto de la Cadena (Murcia, SE Spain), in order to clarify its age. The study site is located on the northern edge of the Carrascoy mountain range, in the upper part of the Cigarrón Unit. The end-Messinian discontinuity has been detected at the base of this unit, which indicates it has an early Pliocene age. Abundant remains of small and large vertebrates, including rodents, lagomorphs, primates, carnivorans, perissodactyls, artiodactyls, proboscideans, testudines, squamats, and crocodiles, have been found in this area. Some of these elements are of African origin, such as Debruijnimys sp., Macaca sp., and Sivatherium cf. hendeyi, and their presence is related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis. In addition, remains found at this site verify the persistence of Crocodylia in the European record beyond the late Miocene. The association includes typical elements of the early Ruscinian terrestrial record (MN14), like Apocricetus cf. barrierei, Sivatherium, Gazella aff. baturra, and Hipparion fissurae. The Puerto de la Cadena site is located in a reversed geomagnetic chron that has been correlated with C3n.3r (from 4.997 to 4.896 Ma). According to this correlation, the MN13/MN14 boundary has a minimum age of 4.9 Ma.This manuscript is the result of the excavations carried out annually under the research project 11891/PHCS/09, funded by the Fundación Séneca - Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia. We would also like to thank the inestimable collaboration of the Demarcación de Carreteras del Estado in Murcia (Ministerio de Fomento), and the Dirección General de Bienes Culturales of the Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. This research has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CGL2016-80000-P; CGL2015-68333-P; CGL2016-76431-P; FPDI-2013-18986), the Generalitat de Catalunya (CERCA Program, 2014 SGR 901 and 2014 SGR 416 GRC), and University of the Basque Country/EHU (GIU15/34). P.P. is supported by an FPU Predoctoral Fellowship (FPU12/02668) with the financial sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Spain