13 research outputs found

    Relaci贸 entre pressi贸 i temperatura

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    Una de les principals dificultats que presenta la introducci贸 de la teoria cineticomolecular 茅s el salt del m贸n macrosc貌pic a una realitat submicrosc貌pica, que a l'alumnat li resulta llunyana i poc evident. Per tal de facilitar aquesta transici贸, presentem una activitat contextualitzada a partir d'una situaci贸 prou habitual en el m贸n de l'esport i dividida en tres parts clarament diferenciades. En primer lloc, realitzem una activitat pr脿ctica que ens permet analitzar de forma quantitativa la relaci贸 entre la temperatura d'un gas i la pressi贸 que exerceix sobre el recipient que el cont茅. A continuaci贸, es proposa el treball amb una simulaci贸 interactiva. En aquesta simulaci贸 es poden modificar par脿metres d'un gas com ara la temperatura, el volum del recipient i la quantitat de subst脿ncia, i veure les conseq眉猫ncies d'aquestes variacions en el nivell submicrosc貌pic. Finalment, proposem unes q眉estions que traslladen les conclusions obtingudes a altres 脿mbits d'aplicaci

    Ray tracing for ophthalmic optics. Specific developments for GRIN materials

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    In this work we present the developments for the simulation of image formation through an ophthalmic lens. The procedure is, essentially an exact ray tracing taking into account the particular mobility conditions of the exit pupil. This leads to the computation of astigmatism as a function of the field angle considered. In the computer program, the use of a commercial glass with a gradient in the refractive index (GRIN material) is foreseen. This latter feature proves to be useful for two practical objectives: modifying the power and the astigmatism of the lens. To illustrate these points, an example based on a lens made by deforming a plane parallel plate of GRIN material will be presented

    Interferometric characterization of GRIN lenses for ophtalmic uses

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    The proposal of this work is the study of a method for characterization of the focal of ophthalmic lenses whosesurface refraction index has been modified by diffusion techniques based on thermal ion exchange in glass. Inparticular the aim is the measurement of the variations in focal length of ophtalmic lenses after undergoing adiffusion process. An interferometric technique has been used and computer simulations have also been carrzedou

    An谩lisis de la influencia de las aberraciones del sistema difractor en el reconocimiento de im谩genes por correlaci贸n 贸ptica

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    [spa] Dentro de la denominaci贸n --reconocimiento de formas' se engloban todos aquellos m茅todos mediante los cuales es posible detectar la presencia de una determinada imagen (referencia) dentro de otra (escena). Del conjunto de t茅cnicas 贸pticas que permiten realizar esta operaci贸n, destacan las basadas en la comparaci贸n entre los diferentes elementos que forman la escena y la imagen que se quiere detectar. Este m茅todo comparativo, denominado correlaci贸n 贸ptica, aprovecha las propiedades de las lentes y su capacidad para realizar transformadas de Fourier. Los dispositivos utilizados para realizar la correlaci贸n 贸ptica reciben el nombre gen茅rico de correladores. La investigaci贸n realizada tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de los efectos que las aberraciones de los sistemas 贸pticos presentes en los correladores provocan en el proceso de reconocimiento. Para realizar este an谩lisis se ha desarrollado un m茅todo de c谩lculo de la aberraci贸n de onda de un sistema 贸ptico con simetr铆a de revoluci贸n y un objeto puntual situado sobre el eje 贸ptico. Este m茅todo utiliza el trazado exacto de rayos y las relaciones existentes entre la aberraci贸n de rayo y la aberraci贸n de onda. Se basa tambi茅n en la teor铆a de formaci贸n de imagen de Abbe-Rayleigh, la cu谩l agrupa todos los efectos difractivos en las pupilas del sistema, bien en la de entrada o en la de salida, y utiliza la 贸ptica geom茅trica para describir la propagaci贸n de la luz entre ambas. La fiabilidad del m茅todo se ha contrastado experimentalmente mediante t茅cnicas interfer贸metricas, y se han comparado los resultados para la aberraci贸n de onda con los calculados por programas comerciales de dise帽o y evaluaci贸n de sistemas 贸pticos. Una vez garantizado el correcto funcionamiento de los algoritmos de c谩lculo, se han analizado dos arquitecturas cl谩sicas de correlaci贸n: el correlador de transformadas conjuntas monobanco y el correlador convergente de Vander Lugt. En el primero de ellos se ha realizado un estudio independiente de la influencia de la aberraci贸n de cada uno de los difract贸metros que lo forman en la correlaci贸n final, y a partir de los resultados obtenidos se propone un m茅todo de optimizaci贸n del correlador. Este estudio tambi茅n se ha realizado para el correlador de Vander Lugt, con resultados similares. En el caso de este segundo correlador tambi茅n se ha estudiado la inclusi贸n de la informaci贸n sobre la aberraci贸n de ambas etapas del correlador en el dise帽o de los filtros. Finalmente, bas谩ndose en los resultados obtenidos, se propone una nueva configuraci贸n que mejora de forma sustancial el comportamiento del mismo como equipo de reconocimiento de formas, llegando a anular completamente la influencia de la aberraci贸n.[eng] The aim of this work is to study the influence of the aberrations in optical correlators, and how they affect the correlation peak heights. In order to perform it, a numerical method has been developed. This method calculates the wave aberration of a symmetrical optical system with a point source located at the optical axis. The evaluation of the wave aberration is carried out by means of an exact ray-tracing algorithm which computes the aberration at the different points of the exit pupil according to the relations between wave aberration and ray aberration. Lenses and other stops in the system are assumed to be large enough not to significantly cut the wave front so that light propagation can be accurately described by geometrical optics from the light source to the exit pupil (Abbe-Rayleigh theory of image formation). The method has been experimentally validated by means of interferometric techniques, and the results for the wave aberration have been compared to those calculated by a standard optical design software. Once the right behavior of the algorithm has been guaranteed, two main correlation architectures have been analized: the converging joint transform correlator (JTC) and the converging Vander Lugt correlator (VdLC). In JTC, three different situations have been explored: we consider the aberration only in the first diffraction stage (generation of power spectrum), then only in the second (transformation of power spectrum into correlation) and finally, in both steps simultaneously. Using the results obtained in this study, a simple optimization method is introduced. This method allows the best working conditions for an optical system to be derived. These three situations have been also analyzed in VdLC, and a similar influence from each stage has been found. The correlation process in this architecture uses complex filters, which are usually generated from the image to be detected, free from aberrations. In this part, filters have been designed including information about the aberrations of the optical systems. Finally, a new arrangement which improves the correlation process and cancels the influence of the aberration is proposed

    Numerical algorithm for spectroscopic ellipsometry of thick transparent films

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    We present a numerical method for spectroscopic ellipsometry of thick transparent films. When an analytical expression for the dispersion of the refractive index (which contains several unknown coefficients) is assumed, the procedure is based on fitting the coefficients at a fixed thickness. Then the thickness is varied within a range (according to its approximate value). The final result given by our method is as follows: The sample thickness is considered to be the one that gives the best fitting. The refractive index is defined by the coefficients obtained for this thickness

    Relaci贸 entre pressi贸 i temperatura

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    Una de les principals dificultats que presenta la introducci贸 de la teoria cineticomolecular 茅s el salt del m贸n macrosc貌pic a una realitat submicrosc貌pica, que a l'alumnat li resulta llunyana i poc evident. Per tal de facilitar aquesta transici贸, presentem una activitat contextualitzada a partir d'una situaci贸 prou habitual en el m贸n de l'esport i dividida en tres parts clarament diferenciades. En primer lloc, realitzem una activitat pr脿ctica que ens permet analitzar de forma quantitativa la relaci贸 entre la temperatura d'un gas i la pressi贸 que exerceix sobre el recipient que el cont茅. A continuaci贸, es proposa el treball amb una simulaci贸 interactiva. En aquesta simulaci贸 es poden modificar par脿metres d'un gas com ara la temperatura, el volum del recipient i la quantitat de subst脿ncia, i veure les conseq眉猫ncies d'aquestes variacions en el nivell submicrosc貌pic. Finalment, proposem unes q眉estions que traslladen les conclusions obtingudes a altres 脿mbits d'aplicaci

    Tot es mou! Unitat did脿ctica per a l'estudi del moviment

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    Per consultar el material docent contacteu amb [email protected] did脿ctica elaborada per docents del grup DIATIC sobre el movimen

    Tot es mou! Unitat did脿ctica per a l'estudi del moviment

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    Per consultar el material docent contacteu amb [email protected] did脿ctica elaborada per docents del grup DIATIC sobre el movimen

    Numerical algorithm for spectroscopic ellipsometry of thick transparent films

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    We present a numerical method for spectroscopic ellipsometry of thick transparent films. When an analytical expression for the dispersion of the refractive index (which contains several unknown coefficients) is assumed, the procedure is based on fitting the coefficients at a fixed thickness. Then the thickness is varied within a range (according to its approximate value). The final result given by our method is as follows: The sample thickness is considered to be the one that gives the best fitting. The refractive index is defined by the coefficients obtained for this thickness

    Reduction of the effect of aberrations in a joint transform correlator

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    We report the study of the influence of optical aberrations in a joint-transform correlator: The wave aberration of the optical system is computed from data obtained by ray tracing. Three situations are explored: We consider the aberration only in the first diffraction stage (generation of power spectrum), then only in the second (transformation of the power spectrum into correlation), and finally in both stages simultaneously. The results show that the quality of the correlation is determined mostly by the aberrations of the first diffraction stage and that we can optimize the setup by moving the cameras along the optical axis to a suitable position. The good agreement between the predicted data and the experimental results shows that the method explains well the behavior of optical diffraction systems when aberrations are taken into account