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    Espesores de la Facies Keuper en la Rama Castellana de la Cordillera Ibérica , Prebético y Subbético frontal

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    Durante el período comprendido entre junio de 1988 y de 1989, una UTE de ADARO-INTECSA se dedicó a la realización del Proyecto denominado Ibérica-Levante, dentro del Proyecto ERA de la Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos (ENRESA), destinado a la búsqueda de emplazamientos rocosos aptos para un eventual almacenamiento, fundamentalmente en las intercalaciones de halita de la facies Keuper. Este artículo recoge parte de las conclusiones obtenidas

    Optical micro-elastography with magnetic excitation for high frequency rheological characterization of soft media

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    The propagation of shear waves in elastography at high frequency (>3 kHz) in viscoelastic media has not been extensively studied due to the high attenuation and technical limitations of current techniques. An optical micro-elastography (OME) technique using magnetic excitation for generating and tracking high frequency shear waves with enough spatial and temporal resolution was proposed. Ultrasonics shear waves (above 20 kHz) were generated and observed in polyacrylamide samples. A cutoff frequency, from where the waves no longer propagate, was observed to vary depending on the mechanical properties of the samples. The ability of the Kelvin–Voigt (KV) model to explain the high cutoff frequency was investigated. Two alternative measurement techniques, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and Shear Wave Elastography (SWE), were used to complete the whole frequency range of the velocity dispersion curve while avoid capturing guided waves in the low frequency range (<3 kHz). The combination of the three measurement techniques provided rheology information from quasi-static to ultrasonic frequency range. A key observation was that the full frequency range of the dispersion curve was necessary if one wanted to infer accurate physical parameters from the rheological model. By comparing the low frequency range with the high frequency range, the relative errors for the viscosity parameter could reach 60 % and they could be higher with higher dispersive behavior. The high cutoff frequency may be predicted in materials that follow a KV model over their entire measurable frequency range. The mechanical characterization of cell culture media could benefit from the proposed OME technique.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Spain grant numbers DPI2017-83859-R, and EQC2018- 004508-PMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain grant numbers PID2020-115372RB-I00, PYC20 RE 072 UGRMinisterio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Spain grant numbers DTS15/00093PI16/00339; Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIFondos Feder, Spain; Junta de AndalucíaSpain grant numbers PI-0107-2017PIN-0030-2017IE2017-5537; P21-00182Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de AndalucíaMCIN/AEI 10.13039/501100011 033 grant number PRE2018-086085 (Co-funded by European Social Fund ‘‘Investing in your future’’)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) SOMM17/6109/UGRB-TEP-026IE2017-5537P18-RT- 165

    Efeitos do solo e clima numa vinha de uva de mesa com cultura de cobertura. Gestão da rega utilizando redes de sensores

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    [ENG] TThe use of mulches in vineyards and orchards is a traditional agricultural practice used with the aim of saving moisture, reducing weed growth and improving organic matter content in the soil. In table grape vineyards trained to overhead system in Puglia region (Southeastern Italy), plastic sheets covering the canopy are often used to either advance ripening or delay harvest. In this environment, the living mulches could contribute to the modification of the microclimate around the canopy below the plastic sheets. This condition has an influence on the climatic demand and on both the vegetative and productive activities, mainly in stages with a high evapotranspiration. However, the presence of living mulches could increase the demand of available water and nutrient resources and this could cause a lower yield. The aim of this study was to acquire a suitable knowledge to manage irrigation and verify the influences of living mulches on the vine by using wireless sensor networks to measure the vapor pressure deficit, soil water potential and content.[POR] A utilização de coberturas do solo em vinhas e pomares é uma prática agrícola tradicional, utilizada com o objetivo de preservar a humidade do solo, reduzir o crescimento de infestantes e melhorar o teor de matéria orgânica no solo. Em vinhas de uva de mesa, conduzidas em sistema de pérgula na região de Puglia (sudeste da Itália), são frequentemente usadas coberturas de plástico para promover o avanço da maturação ou o atraso da colheita. Neste ambiente a utilização de enrelvamentos pode contribuir para a modificação do microclima do copado. Esta condição pode influenciar a demanda atmosférica, bem como a atividade vegetativa e reprodutiva da videira, principalmente em períodos de elevada evapotranspiração. No entanto, a presença do enrelvamento pode originar um aumento da demanda dos recursos disponíveis, nomeadamente água e nutrientes, o que poderá provocar uma quebra de produção. O objetivo deste estudo foi adquirir conhecimento para a gestão da rega e, simultaneamente, verificar a influência dos enrelvamentos na atividade da videira, usando para o efeito redes de sensores “sem fio” para medir o déficit de pressão de vapor, o potencial e o conteúdo de água no solo.The development of this work was supported by: The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the project RIDEFRUT (ref. AGL2013-49047-C2-1-R), the “Fundacion Seneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnologia” of the Region of Murcia under the “Excelence Group Program”, and the Technical University of Cartagena under the PMPDI Program

    El sector hortofrutícola en la unión europea: Distribución y consumo

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    El mercado mundial de frutas y hortalizas se encuentra inmerso en un proceso global de creciente competencia entre los países productores. Si bien ello tiene serios efectos sobre todos los aspectos agronómicos tanto de producto como de gestión, los consumidores disponen cada vez de una oferta mayor, más estable y variada. En estas circunstancias, el conocimiento del comportamiento del consumidor (demanda) y la gestión de la distribución de los productos hortofrutícolas (oferta), se configuran como variables de enorme interés para la competitividad del sector

    Generalizability Theory Applied to Olympic Male Taekwondo Combats

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    Generalizability theory (GT) postulates that there are infinite sources of error variation in any measurement. Generalizability analysis is used to reduce and control this measurement error. To date, there has been no study employing GT in analysing taekwondo, despite the increase of observational studies in combat sports. Through applying GT to six random combat bouts within the Olympic Games in London 2012, the aims of this study are: (a) to determine whether the bouts selected are representative enough for their behaviour to be generalizable; (b) to determine the intra and interobserver agreement and reliability; and (c) to assess the accuracy of the exhaustive and mutual exclusion of each category included in each criterion of the categorical system. Method: Six taekwondo bouts were randomly selected in order to analyse the athletes' technical/tactical behaviour. Three observers were responsible for viewing and analysing the videos using a consensual concordance strategy. Results and discussion: High values for intra and interobserver agreement were found in Kendall's tau and Cohen's kappa indexes, in addition to the GT. The results showed that the categorical system was composed of exhaustive and mutually exclusive (E/ME) categories and that the sample was representative enough to generalize the behaviour shown

    Functionalization of Screen-Printed Electrodes with Grape Stalk Waste Extract-Assisted Synthesized Silver and Gold Nanoparticles: Perspectives of electrocatalytically Enhanced Determination of Uranyl Ion and Other Heavy Metals Ions

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    Recently, nanotechnology and nanoparticles (NPs) such as AgNPs and AuNPs have become important in analytical chemistry due to their great potential to improve the performance of electrochemical sensors. In this work, Ag and Au nanoparticles have been synthesized using a green route in which a grape stalk waste extract is used as a reducing agent to obtain metallic nanoparticles. These NPs were used to customize the surface of commercial screen-printed electrodes (SPCNFEs). The spin-coating method was used to modify commercial SPCNFEs under a nitrogen atmosphere. The resulting electrodes were used in a determination study of Cd(II), Pb(II), and U(VI) with differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV). The customized green AgNPs and AuNPs electrodes presented higher sensitivity and electroanalytical performance than the nonmodified SPCNFE. The results showed that the best analytical parameters were obtained with the green, silver nanoparticle SPCNFEs, with a LOD of 0.12 µg L−1 for Pb(II), which is a lower value compared to the most restrictive regulation guidelines. Additionally, the U(VI) ion was successfully determined using the developed G-AgNPs-SPCNFE in spiked tap water, showing comparable results with the ICP-MS techniqu

    Predicting healthcare expenditure based on Adjusted Morbidity Groups to implement a needs-based capitation financing system

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    Background Due to population aging, healthcare expenditure is projected to increase substantially in developed countries like Spain. However, prior research indicates that health status, not merely age, is a key driver of healthcare costs. This study analyzed data from over 1.25 million residents of Spain's Murcia region to develop a capitation-based healthcare financing model incorporating health status via Adjusted Morbidity Groups (AMGs). The goal was to simulate an equitable area-based healthcare budget allocation reflecting population needs. Methods Using 2017 data on residents' age, sex, AMG designation, and individual healthcare costs, generalized linear models were built to predict healthcare expenditure based on health status indicators. Multiple link functions and distribution families were tested, with model selection guided by information criteria, residual analysis, and goodness-of-fit statistics. The selected model was used to estimate adjusted populations and simulate capitated budgets for the 9 healthcare districts in Murcia. Results The gamma distribution with logarithmic link function provided the best model fit. Comparisons of predicted and actual average costs revealed underfunded and overfunded areas within Murcia. If implemented, the capitation model would decrease funding for most districts (up to 15.5%) while increasing it for two high-need areas, emphasizing allocation based on health status and standardized utilization rather than historical spending alone. Conclusions AMG-based capitated budgeting could improve equity in healthcare financing across regions in Spain. By explicitly incorporating multimorbidity burden into allocation formulas, resources can be reallocated towards areas with poorer overall population health. Further policy analysis and adjustment is needed before full-scale implementation of such need-based global budgets.Jorge Eduardo Martínez Pérez would like to thank the State Research Agency for the funding received through project PID2019−104907 GB−I00

    Genes for asparagine metabolism in Lotus japonicus : differential expression and interconnection with photorespiration

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    Background: Asparagine is a very important nitrogen transport and storage compound in plants due to its high nitrogen/carbon ratio and stability. Asparagine intracellu lar concentration depends on a balance between asparagine biosynthesis and degradation. The main enzymes involved in asparagine metabolism are as paragine synthetase (ASN), asparaginase (NSE) and serine-glyoxylate aminotransfera se (SGAT). The study of the genes encoding for these enzymes in the model legume Lotus japonicus is of particular interest since it has been proposed that asparagine is the principal molecule used to transport reduced nitrogen within the plant in most temperate legumes. Results: A differential expression of genes encoding for seve ral enzymes involved in asparagine metabolism was detected in L. japonicus . ASN is encoded by three genes, LjASN1 was the most highly expressed in mature leaves while LjASN2 expression was negligible and LjASN3 showed a low expression in this organ, suggesting that LjASN1 is the main gene responsible for asparagine synthesis in mature leaves. In young leaves, LjASN3 was the only ASN gene expressed although at low levels, while all the three genes encoding for NSE were highly expressed, especially LjNSE1 .Innodules, LjASN2 and LjNSE2 were the most highly expressed genes, suggesting an important role for these genes in this organ. Several lines of evidence support the connection between asparagine metabolic genes and photorespiration in L. japonicus : a) a mutant plant deficient in LjNSE1 showed a dramatic decrease in the expression of the two genes encoding for SGAT; b) expression of the genes involved in asparagine metabolism is altered in a photorespiratory mutant lacking plastidic glutamine synthetase; c) a clustering analysis indicated a similar pattern of expression among several genes involved in photorespiratory and asparagine metabolism, indicating a clear link between LjASN1 and LjSGAT genes and photorespiration. Conclusions: The results obtained in this paper indicate the exis tence of a differential expression of asparagine metabolic genes in L. japonicus and point out the crucial relevance of particular genes in different organs. Moreover, the data presented establish clear links betw een asparagine and photorespiratory metabolic genes in this plant.Junta de Andalucía (P10-CVI- 6368)FEDER-Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (AGL 2014 – 54413-R

    Elaboración de una propuesta de plan de mantenimiento preventivo para las centrales de aire acondicionado del Hospital San Juan de Dios de la ciudad de Estelí

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    Un aparato de aire acondicionado es un artículo de necesidad que disfrutan muchas personas en la sociedad actual, porque es muy utilizado en empresas, lugares de trabajo, hogares, entre otros. Un mal funcionamiento de las instalaciones de aires acondicionados además de privar a las personas de este sistema de refrigeración ambiental puede provocar problemas de salud, como tos, mareos, náuseas, problemas respiratorios, etc.; por lo tanto es necesaria la aplicación de un debido mantenimiento para su continuo funcionamiento. Se pretende que este estudio sirva como marco de referencia para profundizar investigaciones sobre mantenimiento de quipos centrales de aire acondicionado. El mantenimiento aplicable en un aire acondicionado para su continuo funcionamiento como sistema de refrigeración ambiental obedece al estudio de aspectos de gran ayuda ya que con su aplicación se espera minimizar los costos, mejorar la calidad de servicio, búsqueda de confiabilidad que responda a las operaciones y así prolongar la vida útil de los compresores y demás componentes de los equipos centrales. Para este estudio respecto a la metodología se observó como metodología la técnica de observación participativa y de diseño documental, por lo que también se utilizó como técnica de análisis de síntesis