108 research outputs found

    Evaluación del uso de sustratos preparados con lodos residuales en la germinación de semillas de zanahoria Daucus carota L.

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    En Colombia la definición del término biosólido está dada por el Reglamento Técnico del Sector Agua Potable y Saneamiento Básico, RAS 2000, para lo cual no está reglamentada su gestión. En este se establecen las generalidades para el manejo y diseño de instalaciones de los lodos, aun cuando ya está definido que el saneamiento básico es un derecho constitucional. De acuerdo a esto, en el documento CONPES 3177 de 2002, se establecen las acciones prioritarias y los lineamientos para la formulación y operación del plan nacional de manejo de aguas residuales y lo relacionado en el uso de los residuos provenientes de plantas de tratamiento, lo que garantiza un sistema de gestión ambiental. Asunto que está contemplado dentro de la gestión de residuos sólidos, reglamentada en el Decreto 1713 de 2002 del Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico, y el cual tiene como propósito la recuperación y aprovechamiento de los materiales contenidos en los residuos sólidos. Dentro de esas formas de aprovechamiento, se considera la lombricultura, entre otras. Se establece que para localizar este tipo de aprovechamiento se deben tener en cuenta: el uso del suelo, establecido en el plan de ordenamiento territorial POT. adoptado por el Decreto Distrital 619 de 2000, de la Alcaldía de Bogotá D.C. y para lo cual bajo su política de gobierno tiene como destino final los rellenos sanitarios. Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta en el manejo de aguas residuales y lodos es el contenido de patógenos, para lo cual nos regimos bajo los estándares de la Environmental Protection Agency EPA. CFR título 40 parte 503, ya que este aspecto requiere un manejo de responsabilidad y calidad si se le quiere dar un uso posterior a estos lodos, de tal forma que no genere riesgo a la salud humana

    The distorting mirror. Heracles in 21st century cinema

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    Este artículo analiza la manera en la que el cine del siglo xxi acoge a una de las figuras más importantes de la mitología clásica, el héroe griego Heracles. De qué forma el arte cinematográfico ha captado y adaptado los hechos que las fuentes clásicas cuentan del mito del hijo de Zeus. Y más allá de su historia, de qué modo ha asumido, variado o descontextualizado la personalidad, los valores y la actitud de un ser muy de su tiempo. De esta manera, comparando la historia escrita con la historia rodada, examinamos qué episodios de la vida del héroe se han llevado a la gran pantalla, cuáles no y tratamos de explicar el porqué de ello. Esta comparativa, además, nos valdrá para determinar las interrelaciones que se producen entre la producción de los films y la obra literaria en la que estos se basan.This article examines how 21st-century cinema has embraced one of the most important figures in classical mythology, the Greek hero Herakles. How cinematic art has captured and adapted the events that classical sources tell of the myth of the son of Zeus. And be- yond his story, how it has assumed, varied or decontextualized the personality, values and attitude of a being that was undeniably of his time. In this way, by comparing the written story with the filmed story, we examine which episodes of the hero’s life have been brought to the big screen and which of them have not, and try to explain why. This comparison will also help us to determine the interrelations between the production of the films and the literary work on which they are based

    Measuring Cyber Dating Violence: Reliability and Validity of the Escala de CiberViolencia en Parejas Adolescentes (Cib-VPA) in Spanish Young Adults

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    The aim of this study was to obtain validity evidence of the Escala de Ciber-Violencia en Parejas Adolescentes (Cib-VPA) in the Spanish young adults. A total of 298 undergraduate students (222 women, 75 men and 2 people who identified themselves as 'other') completed the Cib-VPA and other related measures of offline and online dating violence. Internal consistency and construct, convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated. In line with the original validation study, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) provided evidence for an 18-item model comprising 2 subscales, with 2 factors per subscale. All had acceptable internal consistency values. Total and subscale scores correlated positively with online and offline dating violence measures, with these correlations being stronger in subscales evaluating violence in the same direction (perpetrated or victimisation). As expected, no differences were observed according to gender. This study shows validity evidences of Cib-VPA scores, which can be quickly and inexpensively administered to large samples of young adults.The Research Project was sponsored by the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, with grant number PPGA20/09 and GIU20/003

    Long-Term Trends in the Incidence of Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Peritonitis Disclose an Increasing Relevance of Streptococcal Infections: A Longitudinal Study

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    [Abstract} Background. The selective impact of strategies for prevention of PD-related peritonitis (PDrP) may have modified, in the long term, the causal spectrum, clinical presentation and outcomes of these infections. Objectives. To compare trends in the incidence of PDrP by different microorganisms during a 30-year period, with a particular focus on streptococcal infections. To analyze the clinical presentation and outcomes of these infections. Secondarily, to investigate how the isolation of different species of streptococci can influence the clinical course of PDrP by this genus of bacteria. Method. Following a retrospective, observational design we investigated 1061 PDrP (1990–2019). We used joinpoint regression analysis to explore trends in the incidence of PDrP by different microorganisms, and compared the risk profile (Cox), clinical presentation and outcomes (logistic regression) of these infections. Main results. Our data showed a progressive decline in the incidence of PDrP by staphylococci and Gram negative bacteria, while the absolute rates of streptococcal (average annual percent change +1.6%, 95% CI -0.1/+3.2) and polymicrobial (+1.8%, +0.1/+3.5) infections tended to increase, during the same period. Remarkably, streptococci were isolated in 58.6% of polymicrobial infections, and patients who suffered a streptococcal PDrP had a 35.8% chance of presenting at least one other infection by the same genus. The risk profile for streptococcal infections was comparable to that observed for PDrP overall. Streptococcal PDrP were associated with a severe initial inflammatory response, but their clinical course was generally nonaggressive thereafter. We did not observe a differential effect of different groups of streptococci on the clinical presentation or outcome of PDrP. Conclusions. Time trends in the incidence of PDrP by different microorganisms have granted streptococci an increasing relevance as causative agents of these infections, during the last three decades. This behaviour suggests that current measures of prevention of PDrP may not be sufficiently effective, in the case of this genus of microorganisms

    RGD-Dendrimer-Poly(L-lactic) Acid Nanopatterned Substrates for the Early Chondrogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Derived from Osteoarthritic and Healthy Donors

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    Aiming to address a stable chondrogenesis derived from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) to be applied in cartilage repair strategies at the onset of osteoarthritis (OA), we analyzed the effect of arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD) density on cell condensation that occurs during the initial phase of chondrogenesis. For this, we seeded MSC-derived from OA and healthy (H) donors in RGD-dendrimer-poly(L-lactic) acid (PLLA) nanopatterned substrates (RGD concentrations of 4 × 10−9, 10−8, 2.5 × 10−8, and 10−2 w/w), during three days and compared to a cell pellet conventional three-dimensional culture system. Molecular gene expression (collagens type-I and II-COL1A1 and COL2A1, tenascin-TNC, sex determining region Y-box9-SOX9, and gap junction protein alpha 1-GJA1) was determined as well as the cell aggregates and pellet size, collagen type-II and connexin 43 proteins synthesis. This study showed that RGD-tailored first generation dendrimer (RGD-Cys-D1) PLLA nanopatterned substrates supported the formation of pre-chondrogenic condensates from OA- and H-derived human bone marrow-MSCs with enhanced chondrogenesis regarding the cell pellet conventional system (presence of collagen type-II and connexin 43, both at the gene and protein level). A RGD-density dependent trend was observed for aggregates size, in concordance with previous studies. Moreover, the nanopatterns' had a higher effect on OA-derived MSC morphology, leading to the formation of bigger and more compact aggregates with improved expression of early chondrogenic markers

    Humanized medium (h7H) allows long-term primary follicular thyroid cultures from human normal thyroid, benign neoplasm, and cancer

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    Mechanisms of thyroid physiology and cancer are principally studied in follicular cell lines. However, human thyroid cancer lines were found to be heavily contaminated by other sources, and only one supposedly normal-thyroid cell line, immortalized with SV40 antigen, is available. In primary culture, human follicular cultures lose their phenotype after passage. We hypothesized that the loss of the thyroid phenotype could be related to culture conditions in which human cells are grown in medium optimized for rodent culture, including hormones with marked differences in its affinity for the relevant rodent/human receptor.|The objective of the study was to define conditions that allow the proliferation of primary human follicular thyrocytes for many passages without losing phenotype.|Concentrations of hormones, transferrin, iodine, oligoelements, antioxidants, metabolites, and ethanol were adjusted within normal homeostatic human serum ranges. Single cultures were identified by short tandem repeats. Human-rodent interspecies contamination was assessed.|We defined an humanized 7 homeostatic additives medium enabling growth of human thyroid cultures for more than 20 passages maintaining thyrocyte phenotype. Thyrocytes proliferated and were grouped as follicle-like structures; expressed Na+/I- symporter, pendrin, cytokeratins, thyroglobulin, and thyroperoxidase showed iodine-uptake and secreted thyroglobulin and free T3. Using these conditions, we generated a bank of thyroid tumors in culture from normal thyroids, Grave's hyperplasias, benign neoplasms (goiter, adenomas), and carcinomas.|Using appropriate culture conditions is essential for phenotype maintenance in human thyrocytes. The bank of thyroid tumors in culture generated under humanized humanized 7 homeostatic additives culture conditions will provide a much-needed tool to compare similarly growing cells from normal vs pathological origins and thus to elucidate the molecular basis of thyroid disease.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIXunta de GaliciaFondo Social Europeo of the European Communit

    Acuity, nurse staffing and workforce, missed care and patient outcomes. A cluster-unit-level descriptive comparison

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    Aim: To compare patient acuity, nurse staffing and workforce, missed nursing care and patient outcomes among hospital unit-clusters. Background: Relationships among acuity, nurse staffing and workforce, missed nursing care and patient outcomes, are not completely understood. Method: Descriptive design with data from four unit-clusters: medical, surgical, combined and stepdown units. Descriptive statistics were used to compare acuity, nurse staffing coverage, education and expertise, missed nursing care, and selected nurse-sensitive outcomes. Results: Patient acuity in general (medical, surgical and combined) floors is similar to step-down units, with an average of 5.6 required RN hours per patient day. In general wards, available RN hours per patient day reach only 50% of required RN hours to meet patient needs. Workforce measures are comparable among unit-clusters, and average missed nursing care is 21%. Patient outcomes vary among unit-clusters. Conclusion:Patient acuity is similar among unit-clusters, whilst nurse staffing coverage is halved in general wards. While RN education, expertise and missed care are comparable among unitclusters, mortality, skin injuries and risk of family compassion fatigue rates are higher in general wards. Implications for nursing management: Nurse managers play a pivotal role in hustling policy-makers to address structural understaffing in general wards, to maximize patient safety outcomes

    Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 infection induces an exacerbated inflammation driven by innate immunity components. Dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role in the defense against viral infections, for instance plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs), have the capacity to produce vast amounts of interferon-alpha (IFN-α). In COVID-19 there is a deficit in DC numbers and IFN-α production, which has been associated with disease severity. In this work, we described that in addition to the DC deficiency, several DC activation and homing markers were altered in acute COVID-19 patients, which were associated with multiple inflammatory markers. Remarkably, previously hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients remained with decreased numbers of CD1c+ myeloid DCs and pDCs seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, the expression of DC markers such as CD86 and CD4 were only restored in previously nonhospitalized patients, while no restoration of integrin β7 and indoleamine 2,3-dyoxigenase (IDO) levels were observed. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the immunological sequelae of COVID-19