5,308 research outputs found

    Aparato dixestivo

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    Titulación: Grao en Farmacia -- Materia: Anatomía, Histoloxía e CitoloxíaO aparato dixestivo é o encargado de transformar os alimentos que inxerimos en sustancias máis sinxelas e facilmente asimilables polo organismo. O estudo deste aparato é moi importante para o futuro farmacéutico xa que constitúe a base anatómica da administración oral de medicamentos. Esta vía de administración é, sen dúbida, a máis empregada a día de hoxe debido ás múltiples vantaxes que presenta: vía sinxela, segura e cómoda. Porén, presenta tamén algúns inconvenientes que é preciso coñecer para poder deseñar adecuadamente novas formas de dosificación adecuadas á vía oral. Entre estes inconvenientes cabe subliñar o efecto do primeiro paso hepático que pode facer perder grande parte do medicamento administrado antes de que este alcance a circulación central. A explicación a este fenómeno, que radica na drenaxe venosa do intestino, estudarémola no seminario que complementa as dúas clases expositivas que constitúen esta unidade temática. Durante as clases expositivas expoñerase a morfoloxía e estrutura macroscópica do aparato dixestivo. Para isto describiranse as principais estruturas, cunha dobre aproximación, integrando morfoloxía e función e asentando as bases para materias de cursos superiores tales como Fisioloxía Humana, Fisiopatoloxía, Farmacoloxía e Biofarmacia e Farmacocinética. Ao rematar a unidade didáctica o estudantado será capaz de: Coñecer e comprender a morfoloxía, estrutura e os aspectos funcionais do aparato dixestivo como base para materias de cursos superiores do tipo de Fisioloxía Humana, Fisiopatoloxía e Farmacoloxía. Numerar e describir os compoñentes do aparato dixestivo. Coñecer e aplicar as implicacións que a circulación portal terá na administración de fármacos. Coñecer e manexar a terminoloxía anatómica con precisión como base da comunicación interprofesional en ciencias da saúde. Manexar bibliografía e ferramentas adecuadas para buscar información necesaria para preparar a materia.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Synthesis of Planar Microwave Circuits based on Metamaterial Concepts through Aggressive Space Mapping

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    RF and microwave applications represent one of the fastest-growing segments of the high performance electronics market, where ongoing innovation is critical. Manufacturers compete intensively to meet market needs with reduced cost, size, weight and many other performance criteria demands. Under this scenario, transmission lines based on metamaterial concepts can be considered a very interesting alternative to the conventional transmission lines. They are more compact (compatible with planar manufacturing processes) and present higher degrees of design flexibility. Furthermore, metamaterial transmission lines can also provide many other unique properties not achievable with ordinary transmission lines, such as dispersion or impedance engineering. Nevertheless, the impact in the industry is still not relevant, mostly due to the complexity of the related synthesis and design procedures. These procedures are mainly based on the engineer’s experience, with the help of costly full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulators and parameter extraction methods. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to simplify and speed up the synthesis and design procedures of artificial transmission lines. In particular, the lines obtained by periodically loading a conventional transmission line with electrically small resonators, such as split ring resonators (SSRs) or its complementary particle (CSRR). The design procedure is automated by using Space Mapping techniques. In contrast to other alternative methods, real synthesis is found from the circuit schematic (that provides a given target response) and without need of human intervention. Some efforts to make the method practical and useful have been carried out. Given a certain target response, it is determined whether it can be physically implemented with a chosen technology, and hence proceeding next to find the synthesis, or not. For this purpose, a two-step Aggressive Space Mapping approach is successfully proposed. In contrast to other methods, the real synthesis is found from certain target circuit values (corresponding to the equivalent circuit model that characterizes the structure to be synthesized). Different efforts have been carried out in order to implement a useful and practical method. Some of them were focused to determine if, given certain circuit parameters (which determine the target response) and certain given technology specifications (permittivity and height of the substrate, technology limits), that response is physically realizable (convergence region). This technique was successfully formulated and it is known as “Two-Step Aggressive Space Mapping Approach”. In this work, the latest improvements made till date, from the synthesis of basic unit cells until different applications and kinds of metamaterial-based circuits, are presented. The results are promising and prove the validity of the method, as well as its potential application to other basic cells and more complex designs. The general knowledge gained from these cases of study can be considered a good base for a coming implementation in commercial software tools, which can help to improve its competitiveness in markets, and also contribute to a more general use of this technology.Rodríguez Pérez, AM. (2014). Synthesis of Planar Microwave Circuits based on Metamaterial Concepts through Aggressive Space Mapping [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48465TESI

    Polymeric foams as the matrix of voltammetric sensors for the detection of catechol, hydroquinone, and their mixtures

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    Producción CientíficaPorous electrodes based on polymethylmethacrylate and graphite foams (PMMA_G_F) have been developed and characterized. Such devices have been successfully used as voltammetric sensors to analyze catechol, hydroquinone, and their mixtures. The presence of pores induces important changes in the oxidation/reduction mechanism of catechol and hydroquinone with respect to the sensing properties observed in nonfoamed PMMA_graphite electrodes (PMMA_G). The electropolymerization processes of catechol or hydroquinone at the electrode surface observed using PMMA_G do not occur at the surface of the foamed PMM_G_F. In addition, the limits of detection observed in foamed electrodes are one order of magnitude lower than the observed in the nonfoamed electrodes. Moreover, foamed electrodes can be used to detect simultaneously both isomers and a remarkable increase in the electrocatalytic properties shown by the foamed samples, produces a decrease in the oxidation potential peak of catechol in presence of hydroquinone, from +0.7 V to +0.3 V. Peak currents increased linearly with concentration of catechol in presence of hydroquinone over the range of 0.37·10−3 M to 1.69·10−3 M with a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.27 mM. These effects demonstrate the advantages obtained by increasing the active surface by means of porous structures.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-67482-R)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA-011U16

    Social capital and knowledge in interorganizational networks: Their joint effect on innovation

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    This research analyzes the effects of interorganizational links on innovation using a comprehensive framework that integrates three research streams: social capital, knowledge based view and innovation. Using data from 143 R&D and/or marketing departments of innovative manufacturing and service companies, our results show that while knowledge complexity, per se, exerts a clear influence on the degree of innovations radicalness, the effect of knowledge tacitness appears only when it is combined with social capital. Similarly, the mere existence of strong cooperation agreements (relational social capital) does not guarantee more radical innovations. It is only when this social capital is combined with tacit knowledge that it really produces more innovative products. We also find that such radical products have an important impact on firm performance.: Innovation; radicalness; social capital; knowledge complexity; knowledge tacitness; firm performance

    Do best and worst innovative companies differ in terms of intellectual capital, knowledge and radicalness?

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    This paper differentiates “best innovative companies” from “worst innovative companies” and it takes into account three separate bodies of literature— intellectual capital, knowledge-based view, and innovation literatures. Based on a sample of 181 firms which belong to manufacturing and services industries, our findings show that best innovative performers companies (considering both financial and non-financial dimensions of innovation success) present systematically higher scores for all dimensions of intellectual capital: human, organizational and social capital) than worst innovation performers. Knowledge exchange and combination seems to be characteristic of most successful innovators, but no differences in systemic, tacit, complex and not observable knowledge have been found for these companies. Finally, regarding radicalness, firms with more innovation success provide new products or services that incorporates a new technology and new customer benefits (uniqueness), while firms with less innovation success laughs new products or services which are unfamiliar or difficult to understand by customers.Mobile-shopping

    El control gubernamental de RTVE y el pluralismo en los informativos

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    The goal of this study is to analyze and compare television newscasts broadcast during the most recent terms of office for Spain’s two primary political parties: the PSOE (the Socialist Party) and the PP (the conservative People’s Party); in order to better understand the characteristics of RTVE’s (The Spanish Radio and Television Corporation, a stateowned entity) communications strategy and to determine if changes in the governing party as well as at the senior management level in the newsroom have influenced the editorial policy of public television. The level of formal pluralism recorded does not always imply a neutral approach to reporting, nor does it mean that rigorous standards are always enforced. The facts show that in many cases there is no relationship between the quantitative and qualitative elements of any given story. The results of this study confirm that political consensus with regards to public television improves accuracy, transparency and pluralism of information, in addition to decreasing manipulation and censorship.El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y comparar los telediarios de etapas diferentes para conocer las características de la política informativa de RTVE durante el último mandato del PSOE y del PP, y ver si los cambios de Gobierno y en la dirección de informativos han influido en la línea editorial de la televisión pública. El grado de pluralismo formal registrado no se corresponde siempre con un enfoque neutral y con un tratamiento riguroso de las noticias. Los datos reflejan que en muchos casos no existe una correspondencia entre la dimensión cuantitativa y cualitativa del relato. Los resultados de la investigación confirman que el consenso político sobre la televisión pública favorece el rigor, la transparencia y el pluralismo informativo, y disminuye la manipulación y la censura

    Do best and worst innovative companies differ in terms of intellectual capital, knowledge and radicalness?

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    This paper differentiates “best innovative companies” from “worst innovative companies” and it takes into account three separate bodies of literature— intellectual capital, knowledge-based view, and innovation literatures. Based on a sample of 181 firms which belong to manufacturing and services industries, our findings show that best innovative performers companies (considering both financial and non-financial dimensions of innovation success) present systematically higher scores for all dimensions of intellectual capital: human, organizational and social capital) than worst innovation performers. Knowledge exchange and combination seems to be characteristic of most successful innovators, but no differences in systemic, tacit, complex and not observable knowledge have been found for these companies. Finally, regarding radicalness, firms with more innovation success provide new products or services that incorporates a new technology and new customer benefits (uniqueness), while firms with less innovation success laughs new products or services which are unfamiliar or difficult to understand by customers.Mobile-shopping