22 research outputs found

    Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties

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    14 p.Earthworms are an important soil taxon as ecosystem engineers, providing a variety of crucial ecosystem functions and services. Little is known about their diversity and distribution at large spatial scales, despite the availability of considerable amounts of local-scale data. Earthworm diversity data, obtained from the primary literature or provided directly by authors, were collated with information on site locations, including coordinates, habitat cover, and soil properties. Datasets were required, at a minimum, to include abundance or biomass of earthworms at a site. Where possible, site-level species lists were included, as well as the abundance and biomass of individual species and ecological groups. This global dataset contains 10,840 sites, with 184 species, from 60 countries and all continents except Antarctica. The data were obtained from 182 published articles, published between 1973 and 2017, and 17 unpublished datasets. Amalgamating data into a single global database will assist researchers in investigating and answering a wide variety of pressing questions, for example, jointly assessing aboveground and belowground biodiversity distributions and drivers of biodiversity change

    Design and implementation of the AMIGA embedded system for data acquisition

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    Consenso Mexicano para el Tratamiento de la Hepatitis C

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    El objetivo del Consenso Mexicano para el Tratamiento de la Hepatitis C fue el de desarrollar un documento como guía en la práctica clínica con aplicabilidad en México. Se tomó en cuenta la opinión de expertos en el tema con especialidad en: gastroenterología, infectología y hepatología. Se realizó una revisión de la bibliografía en MEDLINE, EMBASE y CENTRAL mediante palabras claves referentes al tratamiento de la hepatitis C. Posteriormente se evaluó la calidad de la evidencia mediante el sistema GRADE y se redactaron enunciados, los cuales fueron sometidos a voto mediante un sistema modificado Delphi, y posteriormente se realizó revisión y corrección de los enunciados por un panel de 34 votantes. Finalmente se clasificó el nivel de acuerdo para cada oración. Esta guía busca dar recomendaciones con énfasis en los nuevos antivirales de acción directa y de esta manera facilitar su uso en la práctica clínica. Cada caso debe ser individualizado según sus comorbilidades y el manejo de estos pacientes siempre debe ser multidisciplinario. Abstract The aim of the Mexican Consensus on the Treatment of Hepatitis C was to develop clinical practice guidelines applicable to Mexico. The expert opinion of specialists in the following areas was taken into account: gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and hepatology. A search of the medical literature was carried out on the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CENTRAL databases through keywords related to hepatitis C treatment. The quality of evidence was subsequently evaluated using the GRADE system and the consensus statements were formulated. The statements were then voted upon, using the modified Delphi system, and reviewed and corrected by a panel of 34 voting participants. Finally, the level of agreement was classified for each statement. The present guidelines provide recommendations with an emphasis on the new direct-acting antivirals, to facilitate their use in clinical practice. Each case must be individualized according to the comorbidities involved and patient management must always be multidisciplinary

    Actas de las V Jornadas ScienCity 2022. Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes

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    ScienCity es una actividad que viene siendo continuada desde 2018 con el objetivo de dar a conocer los conocimientos y tecnologías emergentes siendo investigados en las universidades, informar de experiencias, servicios e iniciativas puestas ya en marcha por instituciones y empresas, llegar hasta decisores políticos que podrían crear sinergias, incentivar la creación de ideas y posibilidades de desarrollo conjuntas, implicar y provocar la participación ciudadana, así como gestar una red internacional multidisciplinar de investigadores que garantice la continuación de futuras ediciones. En 2022 se recibieron un total de 48 trabajos repartidos en 25 ponencias y 24 pósteres pertenecientes a 98 autores de 14 instituciones distintas de España, Portugal, Polonia y Países Bajos.Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología-Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior de la Junta de Andalucía; Estrategia de Política de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Huelva; Cátedra de Innovación Social de Aguas de Huelva; Cátedra de la Provincia; Grupo de investigación TEP-192 de Control y Robótica; Centro de Investigación en Tecnología, Energía y Sostenibilidad (CITES

    Unravelling the effect of macro and microscopic design of dental implants on osseointegration: a randomised clinical study in minipigs

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    Several dental implants are commercially available and new prototype design are constantly being fabricated. Nevertheless, it is still unclear what parameters of the design affect most the osseointegration of dental implants. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of the microscopic and macroscopic design of dental implants in the osseointegration by comparing three macroscopic designs (Straumann tissue level (STD), essential cone (ECD) and prototype design (PD)) and six surface treatments. A total of 96 implants were placed in 12 minipigs. The implant stability quotient (ISQ), was assessed at the time of implantation, as well as at 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Histomorphometric and statistical analyses were conducted at the different sacrifice times, being 2, 4 and 8 weeks, to analyse the bone to implant contact (BIC), the bone area density (BAT) and the density of bone outside the thread region (ROI). The macroscopic design results showed higher ISQ values for the ECD, whereas the histomorphometric analysis showed higher ossoeintegration values for the STD. Regarding the microscopic design, both Sandblasted plus acid etching (hydrochloric/sulphuric acid) in a nitrogen atmosphere (SLActive) and Shot-blasted or bombarded with alumina particles and posterior alkaline immersion and thermal treatment (ContacTi) showed superior results in terms of osseointegration and reduced the osseointegration times from 8 weeks to 4 weeks compared to the other analysed surfaces. In conclusion, each of the macroscopic and microscopic designs need to be taken into account when designing novel dental implants to enhance the osseointegration process

    Heat stress mitigation strategies for beef cattle under intensive finishing in the Mexican dry tropics

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    Objective: Review the heat stress mitigation strategies in intensive cattle feedlots in the tropical region of México. Approach: Beef cattle production is one of the principal activities of the agricultural sector; therefore, to maintain the inventory in intensive finishing pens, a considerable number of cattle are moved to geographic areas where climatic conditions are not always favorable for most of the year. High environmental temperature combined with relative humidity create heat stress conditions and consequently affecting the productive indicators by compromising the physiological stability of the cattle. Implications: The improvement of housing conditions to mitigate the effects of heat stress in beef cattle in intensive finishing involves considering living space, available shade area, feeding and watering space that assure the cattle welfare during their stay in livestock production units. Conclusions: Heat stress mitigation strategies in beef cattle during intensive finishing in practical conditions should contribute to animal welfare and the improvement of the productive indicators at the Mexican dry tropic

    Análisis clínico-epidemiológico de la portación intestinal de enterococos resistentes a vancomicina en una unidad de terapia intensiva Clinical and epidemiologic analysis of intestinal tract colonization with vancomycin-resistant enterococci in an intensive care unit

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    En un período de cinco meses y 25 días se investigó la portación intestinal de enterococos resistentes a vancomicina (EVR). Se estudiaron 124 pacientes (73%) de 171 admitidos en la unidad de terapia intensiva (UTI), 35 de los cuales (28%) resultaron ser portadores. Los aislamientos de EVR (n=35) fueron identificados como Enterococcus faecium (n=18), Enterococcus gallinarum (n=16) y Enterococcus raffinosus (n=1). Todos los aislamientos estudiados fueron resistentes a vancomicina (VAN) (CIM90= 512 µg/ml) y teicoplanina (CIM90= 32 µg/ml) y portaban el gen vanA. Los estudios de tipificación molecular mostraron un alto grado de homología entre los aislamientos de E. faecium (un clon dominante) y E. gallinarum (dos tipos clonales), sugiriendo su diseminación a modo de brote. No se encontraron diferencias significativas con la edad y el sexo de los pacientes no portadores (p>0,05), pero si con el tiempo de hospitalización y el uso de esquemas antibióticos de amplio espectro (p<0,05), estando estos dos factores asociados al estado de portación. Se deduce de este estudio, la importancia de maximizar las medidas de prevención y control de las infecciones nosocomiales, analizar los esquemas empíricos empleados, tratar de disminuir el tiempo de hospitalización y continuar con los estudios de vigilancia para evaluar la eficacia de las acciones implementadas.<br>Intestinal tract colonization with vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) was studied during five months and 25 days. Out of 171 patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit, 124 (73%) were included in this study. Thirty five of them (28%) were recognized as colonized with VRE. VRE isolates (n = 35) were identified as Enterococcus faecium (n=18), Enterococcus gallinarum (n=16), and Enterococcus raffinosus (n=1). All of them were resistant to vancomycin (MIC90= 512 µg/ml) and to teicoplanin (MIC90= 32 µg/ml), having the vanA gene. By means of molecular methods a high homology was found among E. faecium and E. gallinarum isolates, respectively, suggesting their spread as a kind of outbreak. No significant differences in age or sex were found among colonized and non-colonized patients (p>0.05). On the other hand, the hospitalization time and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics were associated with colonization. From this study we highlight the importance of enhancing all measures of control and prevention of hospital infections, carefully analyzing the empiric antimicrobial schemes, trying to reduce the hospital stage, and following the surveillance to evaluate the efficacy of such procedures

    Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores

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    Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer’s disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical trials. We first perform a large genetic association study by merging all available case-control datasets and by-proxy study results (discovery n = 409,435 and validation size n = 58,190). Here, we add six variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease risk (near APP, CHRNE, PRKD3/NDUFAF7, PLCG2 and two exonic variants in the SHARPIN gene). Assessment of the polygenic risk score and stratifying by APOE reveal a 4 to 5.5 years difference in median age at onset of Alzheimer’s disease patients in APOE ɛ4 carriers. Because of this study, the underlying mechanisms of APP can be studied to refine the amyloid cascade and the polygenic risk score provides a tool to select individuals at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease