1,797 research outputs found

    Cirugía en la exostosis periungueal. A propósito de un caso clínico

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    Las exostosis suelen aparecer en cualquier hueso de origen cartilaginoso. Por lo general las exostosis digitales se manifiestan en forma de lesiones subungueales, pero no exclusivamente así. El término de sobra conocido como exostosis subungueal puede modificarse en virtud de la naturaleza de la lesión. En algunos casos, la tumoración no es subungueal; no se encuentra bajo la uña ni crea alteración de la misma. Las lesiones pueden aparecer en la región periungueal sin gran alteración de la uña en sí. Es precisamente a este grupo, en el que se basa este artículo. Aunque en un principio el tema podría parecer demasiado abordado, creo que al visualizar el alcance que puede llegar a tener esta lesión (en particular este caso clínico) puede llamar la atención

    Marcha en intraversión pediátrica y sus tratamientos conservadores: revisión bibliográfica

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    La marcha en intraversión es uno de los problemas rotacionales de la extremidad inferior mas comunes en la edad infantil, resolviéndose espontáneamente en la mayoría de los casos pero persistiendo y produciendo discapacidad funcional en niños mayores en el 0,1 % de los casos. El objetivo del trabajo es valorar la eficacia del tratamiento conservador en la corrección de la marcha en intraversión, así como analizar y describir los diferentes tratamientos con­servadores actuales para la modificación del patron torsional de la extremidad inferior. Se realizó una búsqueda electrónica en PubMed como principal base de datos biomédica y en revistas científicas en formato papel hasta marzo de 2017. Fueron seleccionados e incluidos en el trabajo 5 estudios de casos que valoraban la eficacia del tratamiento con­servador en la marcha en intraversión. Los análisis de los estudios seleccionados mostraron una disminución a corto plazo de las caídas como principal sfítoma de la marcha en intraversión y un aumento del ángulo de progresión del pie. Los tratamientos conservadores para la marcha en intraversión infantil son eficaces a corto plazo, pero su efecto a largo plazo es una incognita debido al desconocimiento de su me­canismo de acción exacto y a la falta de evidencia científic

    Regular consumption of LIPIGO® promotes the reduction of body weight and improves the rebound effect of obese people undergo a comprehensive weight loss program

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    Obesity is a global public health problem. Objective: To evaluate the effect of the regular consumption of the product Lipigo® on body weight and rebound effect on overweight/obese subjects undergoing a comprehensive weight loss program. Methods: A randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted with male and female subjects presenting a BMI 25–39.9 kg/m . All subjects underwent a comprehensive weight loss program (WLP) for 12 weeks, which included an individualized hypocaloric diet, physical activity recommendations, nutritional education seminars, and three times a day consumption of the product Lipigo® or Placebo. After-WLP, subjects continued the treatment for 9 months to assess rebound effect. Body weight (BW), BMI, and body composition were measured at the beginning and the end of the WLP, and in the follow-up. Results: A total of 120 subjects (85% women) 49.0 ± 9.5 years old and with a BW of 81.57 ± 13.26 kg (BMI 31.19 ± 3.44 kg/m ) were randomized and 73 subjects finished the study. At the end of the WLP, there was a tendency toward reduced BW (p = 0.093), BMI (p = 0.063), and WC (p = 0.059) in the treated group. However, subjects with obesity type 1 (OB1) from the treated group significantly reduced body weight (−5.27 ± 2.75 vs. −3.08 ± 1.73 kg; p = 0.017) and BMI (−1.99 ± 1.08 vs. −1.09 ± 0.55 kg/m ; p = 0.01) compared with placebo. They also presented a minor rebound effect after 9 months with product consumption (−4.19 ± 3.61 vs. −1.44 ± 2.51 kg; p = 0.026), minor BMI (−1.61 ± 1.43 vs. −0.52 ± 0.96 kg/m ; p = 0.025) and tended to have less fat-mass (−3.44 ± 2.46 vs. −1.44 ± 3.29 kg; p = 0.080) compared with placebo. Conclusions: The regular consumption of the product Lipigo® promotes the reduction of body weight and reduces the rebound effect of obese people after 52 weeks (12 months), mainly in obesity type 1, who undergo a comprehensive weight loss program. 2 2 2 2This study was supported by the DAMM S.A. group through the project RTC-2016-5317-1 from the RETOS COLABORACIÓN 2016 program of Economy and Competitiveness Ministry of Spain (MINECO

    Nickel and Palladium Complexes with New Phosphinito-Imine Ligands and Their Application as Ethylene Oligomerization Catalysts

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    Phosphinito-imines, a new class of P,N donors, are readily generated by reaction of bulky arylamide anions [R2CONAr]− (R2 = Me or t-Bu; Ar = 2,6-i-Pr2C6H4) with chlorophosphines ClP(R1)2. In solution, free phosphinito-imines exist in equilibrium with the corresponding amidophosphine tautomers, containing a nitrogen-bound P(R1)2 group. However, reacting the tautomer mixtures with metal precursor complexes, such as NiBr2(dme) or PdCl2(cod), selectively affords stable phosphinito-imine complexes MX2(P-N) (M = Ni, Pd) in excellent yields. These complexes are diamagnetic and exhibit square-planar structures in the solid state, but in solution, the Ni derivatives exchange with a small amount of the corresponding high-spin tetrahedral isomers. On treatment with MMAO or DEAC, NiX2(P-N) complexes become active ethylene oligomerization catalysts, affording mainly butenes along with smaller amounts of hexenes and octenes. The activity and the selectivity of these catalysts depend on the structure of the phosphinito-imine ligand and the cocatalyst used. When activated with DEAC, complexes containing the P(i-Pr)2 moiety are extremely active, achieving TOFs over 106 mol C2H4/mol Ni·h and high selectivity for butenes.Junta de Andalucía P09- FQM507

    Compensación de la marcha en puntillas

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    La marcha en puntillas es una alteración bilateral comun de la marcha caracterizada por la ausencia de apoyo de talon considerándose normal hasta los 3 años de edad. Pasado este periodo y sin presentar una causa neurológica u ortopédica, se considera una marcha en puntillas idiopática o toe walking idiopatico (ITW). Este trabajo pretende definir la marcha en puntillas, dónde se abordara mas ampliamente la forma idiopática, así como la etiolo­gía, clasificaciones, características de la marcha y posibles compensaciones de la misma

    Dolores de crecimiento

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    El término "dolores de crecimiento" se utiliza frecuentemente para referirse a cuadros dolorosos que aparecen en la infancia sin una etiología clara. El objetivo de este artículo es conocer a qué se refiere esta terminología, la etiología, los criterios diagnósticos y el tratamiento frente a esta patología. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica y se han estudiado las referencias halladas. Se exponen tanto las diferentes teorías en cuanto a la etiología así como los diferentes factores que pueden tener una relación con la aparición de los dolores de crecimiento. Se pretende también conocer el papel que juega el pie y el podólogo ante esta situación

    Hallux Limitus Influence on Plantar Pressure Variations during the Gait Cycle: A Case-Control Study

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    ´[Abstract] Background: Hallux limitus is a common foot disorder whose incidence has increased in the school-age population. Hallux limitus is characterized by musculoskeletal alteration that involves the metatarsophalangeal joint causing structural disorders in different anatomical areas of the locomotor system, affecting gait patterns. The aim of this study was to analyze dynamic plantar pressures in a school-aged population both with functional hallux and without. Methods: A full sample of 100 subjects (50 male and 50 female) 7 to 12 years old was included. The subjects were identified in two groups: the case group (50 subjects characterized as having hallux limitus, 22 male and 28 female) and control group (50 subjects characterized as not having hallux limitus, 28 male and 22 female). Measurements were obtained while subjects walked barefoot in a relaxed manner along a baropodometric platform. The hallux limitus test was realized in a seated position to sort subjects out into an established study group. The variables checked in the research were the surface area supported by each lower limb, the maximum peak pressure of each lower limb, the maximum mean pressure of each lower limb, the body weight on the hallux of each foot, the body weight on the first metatarsal head of each foot, the body weight at the second metatarsal head of each foot, the body weight at the third and fourth metatarsal head of each foot, the body weight at the head of the fifth metatarsal of each foot, the body weight at the midfoot of each foot, and the body weight at the heel of each foot. Results: Non-significant results were obtained in the variable of pressure peaks between both study groups; the highest pressures were found in the hallux with a p-value of 0.127 and in the first metatarsal head with a p-value 0.354 in subjects with hallux limitus. A non-significant result with a p-value of 0.156 was obtained at the second metatarsal head in healthy subjects. However, significant results were observed for third and fourth metatarsal head pressure in healthy subjects with a p-value of 0.031 and regarding rearfoot pressure in subjects with functional hallux limitus with a p-value of 0.023. Conclusions: School-age subjects with hallux limitus during gait exhibit more average peak plantar pressure in the heel and less peak average plantar pressure in the third and fourth metatarsal head as compared to healthy children aged between 7 and 12 years old

    Analysis of static plantar pressures in school-age children with and without functional Hallux Limitus: a case-control study

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    Background: The presence of hallux limitus in adulthood is frequently encountered in clini cal practice, generating other biomechanical, structural, and functional compensations in dynamics secondary to blockage of the main pivot in the sagittal plane, the first metatarsophalangeal joint. In addition, the presence of functional hallux limitus (FHL) in school-age children is also increasing. Currently, there is a lack of scientific literature about this condition in the pediatric population, and early diagnosis is necessary to reduce future biomechanical disorders and avoid the development of foot arthritis. The purpose of this research was to identify static plantar pressures in school-age children with and without hallux limitus. Methods: A total sample of 106 children aged between six and twelve years old was divided into two groups: the case group (53 subjects with functional hallux limitus) and the control group (53 subjects without functional hallux limitus). Data were acquired with the participants in a standing barefoot position on the pressure platform, and the hallux limitus functional test was performed in a sitting position to classify the individuals into the determined study group. The variables analyzed in the research were: plantar pressure, bilateral forefoot and rearfoot surface area, bilateral forefoot and rearfoot ground reaction forces, bilateral forefoot and rearfoot distribution of body weight, total left and right surface area, maximum pressure of the left foot and right foot, medium pressure of the left foot and right foot, ground reaction forces of the left foot and right foot, and the weight of each foot. Results: Age was the only descriptive quantitative variable that showed a significant difference between the two study groups, with a p-value of 0.031. No statistically significant differences were found between groups in the bilateral forefoot and rearfoot surface area, ground reaction forces, distribution of body weight, or maximum and medium plantar pressure in the left and right foot. Conclusions: Changes in the location of the maximum pressure were observed, particularly in older participants with FHL, but these results were not significant. The findings of this study did not show significant differences between the static plantar pressures of school-age individuals with and without functional hallux limitus

    Engineering of silicon surfaces at the micro- and nanoscales for cell adhesion and migration control

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    The engineering of surface patterns is a powerful tool for analyzing cellular communication factors involved in the processes of adhesion, migration, and expansion, which can have a notable impact on therapeutic applications including tissue engineering. In this regard, the main objective of this research was to fabricate patterned and textured surfaces at micron- and nanoscale levels, respectively, with very different chemical and topographic characteristics to control cell–substrate interactions. For this task, one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) patterns combining silicon and nanostructured porous silicon were engineered by ion beam irradiation and subsequent electrochemical etch. The experimental results show that under the influence of chemical and morphological stimuli, human mesenchymal stem cells polarize and move directionally toward or away from the particular stimulus. Furthermore, a computational model was developed aiming at understanding cell behavior by reproducing the surface distribution and migration of human mesenchymal stem cells observed experimentally

    Efectos de la reforestación en la sensibilización al polen de árboles en habitantes de Nuevo León, México

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    Las áreas verdes urbanas son importantes en la planeación de las ciudades para promover la interacción de los ciudadanos con el ambiente y la salud. La falta de planeación y diseño de estas áreas y la mala selección de árboles han contribuido a aumentar la incidencia de alergia al polen entre la población. Con frecuencia los programas de reforestación ambiental no toman en cuenta el potencial alergénico de algunas especies. El gobierno de Nuevo León en los últimos cuatro años ha plantado cerca de 18 mil árboles de la especie Quercus, además de un número indeterminado de árboles de la especie Fraxinus, cuyo polen es alergénico. Objetivos: identificar el cambio en la sensibilización al polen de árboles de acuerdo con los programas de reforestación ambiental. ABSTRACT Climate change has implications for health, ecology and society. Urban green areas are a key element in the planning of cities, promoting citizen interaction with the environment, as well as health. Lack of planning and design of these areas as well as the selection of ornamental trees can be a trigger of pollen allergy in the surrounding population. Reforestation is among the programs implemented by the government that have an impact on allergy. Environmental reforestation programs do not take into account the allergenic potential of some species. In the last 4 years, the government of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, has planted nearly 18,000 Quercus species trees, in addition to an unknown number of Fraxinus species trees that are listed as tree species with high pollen production. Objective: To identify changes in tree pollen sensitization, based on environmental reforestation programs