205 research outputs found

    Perros potencialmente peligrosos : ¿Leyes o educación?

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Ocena kratkotrajnega raztapljanja in izločanja karbonata z uporabo vrstičnega elektronskega mikroskopa: metodološki postopki in preliminarni rezultati iz Postojnske jame

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    Carbonate dissolution and precipitation are important geological processes whose rates often require quantification. In natural settings, these processes may be taking place at a slow rate, and thus, it may not be easily visible which of these processes is occurring. Alternatively, if the effects of precipitation/dissolution are visible, it may not be clear if they are still underway or an artefact of past conditions. Moreover, these two opposing processes may flip states depending on the environmental conditions, such as, on a seasonal basis. Here, we present the technical details and preliminary results of a method using carbonate tablets and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to evaluate which process (carbonate dissolution or precipitation) is occurring, using as an example, a cave environment. Our method involves making tablets by encasing blocks of carbonate rock into resin and polishing these to form a completely flat and smooth “zero surface”. These tablets are observed under SEM in exactly the same points both before and after exposure to the field environment, using a system of marking lines at specific locations on the resin. Our results show significant differences in the before and after images of the tablet surface after just six weeks in the cave. Furthermore, the use of the insoluble resin zero surface permits a comparison of the starting height with the new dissolved/precipitated surface that can be used to quantitatively estimate the rate of dissolution/precipitation happening at a field location in a relatively short time-frame (weeks/months). This method could be used in numerous natural and industrial settings to identify these processes that can be caused purely geochemically, but also through microbialmediation and physical weathering.Raztapljanje in izločanje karbonatnih mineralov spadata med geološke procese, katerih hitrost pogosto želimo kvantitativno ovrednotiti. V naravnih okoljih so ti procesi počasni, zato običajno ni enostavno oceniti, kateri proces trenutno poteka na določeni točki, niti tega, ali so vidni učinki raztapljanja ali izločanja posledica aktivnih pogojev in procesov ali dogajanj v preteklosti. Poleg tega se nasprotujoča si procesa lahko hitro izmenjujeta zaradi sprememb v jamskem okolju, na primer sezonsko. V članku prikazujemo metodologijo in preliminarne rezultate preiskave apnenčevih ploščic (tablet), izpostavljenih pogojem raztapljanja in/ali izločanja v jamskem okolju, pod vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Metodologija obsega izdelavo testnih ploščic iz apnenca, ki smo jih zalili v epoksidno smolo, izravnali in spolirali do ravne in gladke referenčne površine. Preden smo jih izpostavili naravnim pogojem, smo ploščice označili z referenčnimi lokacijskimi točkami na meji med smolnim obodom in kamnino ter referenčna področja fotografirali pod SEM v grobovakuumskih pogojih. Nadaljne analize z SEM so pokazale znatne razlike na površini ploščic že po šestih tednih izpostavljenosti jamskim pogojem: s primerjavo z nivojem netopne epoksidne smole smo lahko neposredno ugotovili, ali je na apnenčevi ploščici prišlo do raztapljanja ali do izločanja. Referenčna mejna področja na ploščicah smo nato pod SEM analizirali v tedenskih in mesečnih intervalih z uporabo stereoskopske topografske rekonstrukcije, s katero smo kvantitativno ocenili hitrost raztapljanja oziroma izločanja karbonata. Metoda je potencialno uporabna za proučevanje geokemijskih, mikrobno induciranih in mehanskih prosesov na mikroskopski ravni v naravnih in laboratorijskih (industrijskih) pogojih

    La primera agricultura Pitiusa y Balear: las evidencias de la Cova des Riuets

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    Se presentan las evidencias relacionadas con las prácticas agrícolas de los primeros pobladores de Formentera halladas en las excavaciones de la cova des Riuets (La Mola, Formentera). La cueva conservaba un contexto de inicios del segundo milenio BC muy rico en restos cerámicos y orgánicos de todo tipo (fauna, ictiofauna, malacofauna, carbones, etc), entre los que destacan los carpológicos, dada la escasez de estos en los contextos prehistóricos baleares. Por otra parte también se encontraron fragmentos de las partes activas y pasivas de los molinos, que permiten acercarnos a su tipología y realizar analíticas que nos indiquen su funcionalidad

    Características de la utilización de anticonceptivos hormonales orales a través del servicio de dispensación en la farmacia comunitaria

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    NTRODUCCIÓN El 80% de las mujeres españolas en edad fértil utiliza métodos anticonceptivos. Los anticonceptivos orales hormonales son los que obtienen mayor grado de satisfacción entre las usuarias, siendo el segundo método utilizado.OBJETIVO Conocer qué tipo de paciente los demanda, si existen factores de riesgo que desaconsejen su utilización y el cumplimiento de la legislación vigente en cuanto a dispensación.MÉTODO Estudio observacional descriptivo en siete farmacias de la Comunidad de Madrid. Durante seis meses (enero-junio de 2009) se administró en el mostrador un cuestionario ad hoc a las usuarias de métodos anticonceptivos hormonales orales.RESULTADOS/DISCUSIÓN Existe un alto número de usuarias (39,3%) que creen que estos medicamentos pueden ser adquiridos sin receta médica en las farmacias comunitarias, por lo que habrá que realizar más educación sanitaria al respecto. El 97,1% de las recetas prescritas por los médicos no cumplen la legislación actual en lo que se refiere a la duración de tratamiento, ya que según el Real Decreto 1910/1984 la duración de un tratamiento prescrito por un médico no puede ser en ningún momento mayor de tres meses. Aunque existe un tercio de las pacientes que se hace revisiones ginecológicas periódicas, y otro tercio que se hace revisiones de vez en cuando, hay otro tercio que manifiesta que nunca se hace revisiones. En contra de las indicaciones autorizadas para los medicamentos del grupo G03HB, un alto número de pacientes (10,5%) los utiliza solamente con fines anticonceptivos sin tener ningún tipo de enfermedad andrógeno- dependiente

    Clarifying the concept of chronic kidney disease for non-nephrologists

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) expands the prior concept of chronic renal insufficiency by including patients with relatively preserved renal function, as assessed by the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), as even these early CKD stages are associated with an increased risk for all-cause death and cardiovascular death, CKD progression and acute kidney injury. A decreased eGFR (3 months. However, when eGFR is 60 mL/min/1.73m2, an additional criterion is required to diagnose CKD. In a recent clinical trial published in The New England Journal of Medicine, all 6190 participants were reported to have CKD: 47% had Stages 1 and 2 CKD and 53% had Stage 3 CKD. This illustrates a widespread misunderstanding of the concept of CKD. Moreover, CKD categories in this study were assigned based on the estimated creatinine clearance. Since both estimated creatinine clearance and creatinine clearance overestimate eGFR, this illustrates another frequent misunderstanding: equating GFR with creatinine clearance. In this commentary, we clarify the concept of CKD and of CKD categories for non-nephrologists. Assigning a diagnosis of CKD to a patient with normal renal function and absence of other evidence of CKD may have negative consequences for the individual (e.g. insurance and others) as well as for the medical community at large by creating confusion about the concept.This research was supported by FIS PI16/02057, ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN RD016/0009 FEDER funds, Sociedad Española de Nefrología, Fundación Renal Iñigo Ávarez de Toledo (FRIAT), ISCIII Rio Hortega (MVPG) and Comunidad de Madrid Biomedicina B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM

    Dispensacion de anticonceptivos hormonales orales

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    El 80% de las mujeres españolas en edad fértil utilizan métodos anticonceptivos. Los anticonceptivos orales hormonales son los que obtienen mayor grado de satisfacción entre las usuarias siendo el segundo método utilizado. Método Estudio observacional descriptivo en 7 farmacias de la Comunidad de Madrid. Durante seis meses (enero-junio de 2009) se realizó una entrevista en el mostrador a las usuarias de métodos anticonceptivos hormonales orales para conocer qué tipo de paciente los demanda, si existen factores de riesgo que desaconsejen su utilización y el cumplimiento de la legislación vigente en cuanto a dispensación. Los datos se registraron y se evaluaron posteriormente. Resultados Existe un alto número de usuarias (39,3%) que creen que estos medicamentos pueden ser adquiridos sin receta médica en las farmacias comunitarias, por lo que habrá que realizar más educación sanitaria al respecto

    Evaluación de métodos de limpieza de graffiti en mármol

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es la comparación de la limpieza de mármol con manchas de graffiti de distintos colores y tipos, por dos métodos de limpieza: agua a presión y aplicación de productos químicos

    Nanostructured porous silicon micropatterns as a tool for substrate-conditioned cell research

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    The localized irradiation of Si allows a precise patterning at the microscale of nanostructured materials such as porous silicon (PS). PS patterns with precisely defined geometries can be fabricated using ion stopping masks. The nanoscale textured micropatterns were used to explore their influence as microenvironments for human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). In fact, the change of photoluminescence emission from PS upon aging in physiological solution suggests the intense formation of silanol surface groups, which may play a relevant role in ulterior cell adhesion. The experimental results show that hMSCs are sensitive to the surface micropatterns. In this regard, preliminary β-catenin labeling studies reveal the formation of cell to cell interaction structures, while microtubule orientation is strongly influenced by the selective adhesion conditions. Relevantly, Ki-67 assays support a proliferative state of hMSCs on such nanostructured micropatterns comparable to that of standard cell culture platforms, which reinforce the candidature of porous silicon micropatterns to become a conditioning structure for in vitro culture of hMSCsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from MICINN under research project MAT2008-06858-C02-01/NAN and Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) under Project Microseres. Technical support from L García Pelayo is greatly appreciate

    Living Lab on improving groundwater governance in the Requena-Utiel aquifer

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 7th IAHR Europe Congress, celebrado en Atenas (Grecia) del 07 al 09 de septiembre de 2022.The European research projects InTheMED and eGROUNDWATER share the aim of promoting innovative and sustainable management of the Mediterranean aquifers. One of the ways to achieve this objective is the creation of dynamic spaces in which all interested actors can cooperate, experiment and evaluate innovative ideas, different scenarios and new technologies on real cases of interest. In this regard, a living lab on improving groundwater governance, coordinated by the eGROUNDWATER team with the participation of the InTheMED team, was organized including all stakeholders who play a significant role in the management of the Requena-Utiel aquifer, which is a shared pilot site of the two projects. The aim of the living lab was to identify, together with stakeholders, problems and mitigation measures, and to evaluate possible strategies to satisfy the individual needs according to a sustainable use of the groundwater resources.Research financed by the InTheMED project, which is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (GA n. 1923). It has also received funding from the eGROUNDWATER project (GA n. 1921), part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme