1,053 research outputs found

    Steps to ensure a successful implementation of occupational health and safety: Interventions at an organizational level

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    There is increasing meta-analytic evidence that addresses the positive impact of evidence-based occupational health and safety interventions on employee health and well-being. However, such evidence is less clear when interventions are approached at an organizational level and are aimed at changing organizational policies and processes. Given that occupational health and safety interventions are usually tailored to specific organizational contexts, generalizing and transferring such interventions to other organizations is a complex endeavor. In response, several authors have argued that an evaluation of the implementation process is crucial for assessing the intervention’s effectiveness and for understanding how and why the intervention has been (un)successful. Thus, this paper focuses on the implementation process and attempts to move this field forward by identifying the main factors that contribute toward ensuring a greater success of occupational health and safety interventions conducted at the organizational level. In doing so, we propose some steps that can guide a successful implementation. These implementation steps are illustrated using examples of evidence-based best practices reported in the literature that have described and systematically evaluated the implementation process behind their interventions during the last decade

    Entrenamiento en habilidades sociales y responsabilidad social corporativa: estudio de un caso

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    Este artículo evalúa la eficacia de un entrenamiento en habilidades sociales para la adquisición y mejora de destrezas de comunicación requeridas en la implantación y desarrollo de estrategias de responsabilidad social corporativa en una PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa). Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental con medidas pre-post de un entrenamiento en el que participaron 56 directivos y mandos intermedios de la mencionada empresa, mientras que el grupo de comparación estuvo conformado por 28 trabajadores de igual empleo en otra empresa del mismo sector productivo y composición demográfica similar. Los resultados demostraron que después del entrenamiento los participantes obtuvieron puntuaciones medias más altas que antes del mismo en una escala de adopción de la perspectiva del “otro” y en una de interés empático. Asimismo obtuvieron promedios más elevados después del entrenamiento que los obtenidos por el grupo de comparación en ambas variables así como en una medida de heteroevaluación mediante un diferencial semántico sobre empatía. Se discuten los resultados y sus implicaciones prácticas para la implantación y desarrollo de estrategias de responsabilidad social.This paper addresses the effectiveness of social skills training for the acquisition and improvement of communication skills required in the implementation and development of corporate social responsibility strategies in a SME (Small and Medium Enterprise). A quasi-experimental pre-post design was used, in which 56 senior and middle managers of such enterprise were trained (experimental group), while the comparison group was composed by 28 workers in the same job position at another company in the same productive sector and similar demographic composition. Results showed that scores of trained participants in both adoption of the other-party perspective and empathetic interest scales were higher after than before training. Their scores after training were also higher than those obtained by the comparison group in both variables as well as on an empathy heteroevaluation measure based on semantic differential. Findings and its practical implications for implementing and developing social responsibility strategies are discussed

    Segmentally homologous neurons acquire two different terminal neuropeptidergic fates in the Drosophila nervous system

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. In this study, we identify the means by which segmentally homologous neurons acquire different neuropeptide fates in Drosophila. Ventral abdominal (Va)-neurons in the A1 segment of the ventral nerve cord express DH31 and AstA neuropeptides (neuropeptidergic fate I) by virtue of Ubx activity, whereas the A2-A4 Va-neurons express the Capa neuropeptide (neuropeptidergic fate II) under the influence of abdA. These different fates are attained through segment-specific programs of neural subtype specification undergone by segmentally homologous neurons. This is an attractive alternative by which Hox genes can shape Drosophila segmental neural architecture (more sophisticated than the previously identified binary “to live” or “not to live” mechanism). These data refine our knowledge of the mechanisms involved in diversifying neuronal identity within the central nervous systemThis study was supported by grant number: BFU2013-43858-

    El consentimiento informado en Fisioterapia. Estado actual y opinión de los profesionales de Fisioterapia en Castilla y León

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    Producción CientíficaEl consentimiento informado en fisioterapia es un derecho del paciente con el que mejorar su satisfacción y la del fisioterapeuta. Su ausencia puede dar lugar a indefensión y en última instancia a problemas judiciales. Con este documento el paciente puede elegir libremente sobre su salud ya que se considera el último paso ético y legal para comenzar su tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio, es realizar un análisis descriptivo de las opiniones, de los fisioterapeutas responsables de Atención Primaria de cada provincia de la comunidad de Castilla y León, acerca de aspectos relacionados con el consentimiento informado.Material y métodos: Se ha recabado información mediante un cuestionario realizado a los fisioterapeutas responsables de Atención Primaria de las provincias de Castilla y León.Resultados y Conclusiones: Todos los fisioterapeutas contestaron la encuesta. El 27,3% de estos profesionales consideró no tener suficiente información sobre el consentimiento informado; sólo un 18,2 % lo cumplimentaban con sus pacientes. El 81,1% respondió que ningún otro profesional sanitario de su Centro de trabajo lo realizaba. Puesto que no existe un modelo unificado, el 90,9% cree necesario desarrollar uno como herramienta de calidad y de protección del profesional y del usuario. La mayor parte de los profesionales conoce lo que es el consentimiento informado en fisioterapia pero no lo utiliza. Sin embargo, si cree necesario la elaboración de un modelo de este documento

    A targeted genetic screen identifies crucial players in the specification of the Drosophila abdominal Capaergic neurons

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    The central nervous system contains a wide variety of neuronal subclasses generated by neural progenitors. The achievement of a unique neural fate is the consequence of a sequence of early and increasingly restricted regulatory events, which culminates in the expression of a specific genetic combinatorial code that confers individual characteristics to the differentiated cell. How the earlier regulatory events influence post-mitotic cell fate decisions is beginning to be understood in the Drosophila NB 5-6 lineage. However, it remains unknown to what extent these events operate in other lineages. To better understand this issue, we have used a very highly specific marker that identifies a small subset of abdominal cells expressing the Drosophila neuropeptide Capa: the ABCA neurons. Our data support the birth of the ABCA neurons from NB 5-3 in a cas temporal window in the abdominal segments A2–A4. Moreover, we show that the ABCA neuron has an ABCA-sibling cell which dies by apoptosis. Surprisingly, both cells are also generated in the abdominal segments A5–A7, although they undergo apoptosis before expressing Capa. In addition, we have performed a targeted genetic screen to identify players involved in ABCA specification. We have found that the ABCA fate requires zfh2, grain, Grunge and hedgehog genes. Finally, we show that the NB 5-3 generates other subtype of Capa-expressing cells (SECAs) in the third suboesophageal segment, which are born during a pdm/cas temporal window, and have different genetic requirements for their specification.This work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (BFU-2008-04683-C02-02 to L.T.)

    Lineage-unrelated neurons generated in different temporal windows and expressing different combinatorial codes can converge in the activation of the same terminal differentiation gene

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    It is becoming increasingly clear that the activation of specific terminal differentiation genes during neural development is critically dependent upon the establishment of unique combinatorial transcription factor codes within distinct neural cell subtypes. However, it is still unclear to which extent these codes are shared by lineage-unrelated neurons expressing the same terminal differentiation genes. Additionally, it is not known if the activation of a specific terminal differentiation gene is restricted to cells born at a particular developmental time point. Here, we utilize the terminal differentiation gene FMRFa which is expressed by the Ap4 and SE2 neurons in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord, to explore these issues in depth. We find that the Ap4 and SE2 neurons are generated by different neural progenitors and use different combinatorial codes to activate FMRFa expression. Additionally, we find that the Ap4 and SE2 neurons are generated in different temporal gene expression windows. Extending the investigation to include a second Drosophila terminal differentiation gene, Leucokinin, we find similar results, suggesting that neurons generated by different progenitors might commonly use different transcription factor codes to activate the same terminal differentiation gene. Furthermore, these results imply that the activation of a particular terminal differentiation gene in temporally unrestricted.This work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (BFU-2008- 04683-C02-02 to L.T.)

    Modelling of future extreme storm surges at the NW Mediterranean coast (Spain)

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    Storm surges are one of the main drivers for extreme flooding at the coastal areas. Such events can be characterized with the maximum level in an extreme storm surge event (surge peak), as well as the duration of the event. Surge projections come from a barotropic model for the 1950–2100 period, under a severe climate change scenario (RCP 8.5) at the northeastern Spanish coast. The relationship of extreme storm surges to three large-scale climate patterns was assessed: North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), East Atlantic Pattern (EAWR), and Scandinavian Pattern (SC). The statistical model was built using two different strategies. In Strategy #1, the joint probability density was characterized by a moving-average series of stationary Archimedean copula, whereas in Strategy #2, the joint probability density was characterized by a non-stationary probit copula. The parameters of the marginal distribution and the copula were defined with generalized additive models. The analysis showed that the mean values of surge peak and event duration were constant and were independent of the proposed climate patterns. However, the values of NAO and SC influenced the threshold and the storminess of extreme events. According to Strategy #1, the variance of the surge peak and event duration increased with a fast shift of negative SC and a positive NAO, respectively. Alternatively, Strategy #2 showed that the variance of the surge peak increased with a positive EAWR. Both strategies coincided in that the joint dependence of the maximum surge level and the duration of extreme surges ranged from low to medium degree. Its mean value was stationary, and its variability was linked to the geographical location. Finally, Strategy #2 helped determine that this dependence increased with negative NAO.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hair cortisol concentrations in a Spanish sample of healthy adults

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    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC), as a novel promising method to retrospectively measure hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation, is being increasingly studied. We tested the relationships between HCC and a range of possible confounding variables in a Spanish sample of healthy adults and pregnant women. In this sample of healthy Spaniards, results suggested an association between HCC and physical exercise and educational level. In pregnant women, the prevalence of HCC was higher than in non-pregnant woman, and was related to educational level. This study emphasises the need to determine the relationship between HCC and confounders such as sociodemographic and lifestyle variables in the general population and specific groups formed by individuals such as pregnant women.This research is part of a doctoral thesis. It has been economically supported by the "PSI2015-63494-P" I+D Project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDE

    Maize agroecosystems sustainability in the coastal plain of Istmo, Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Los agroecosistemas tradicionales poseen diferentes características productivas, económicas, culturales y sociales; que provocan variabilidad del estado de sustentabilidad de cada uno de ellos. El objetivo fue evaluar niveles de sustentabilidad de los principales agroecosistemas de maíz en la planicie costera del Istmo de Tehuantepec; para diseñar futuras acciones de mejora. El estudio se realizó en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México en 2017. Se utilizó la metodología del MESMIS. Las técnicas de investigación fueron el cuestionario, recorridos de campo y diálogo con productores. Se diferenciaron tres agroecosistemas acorde al manejo y características propias. Se evaluaron 18 indicadores distribuidos en los atributos: productividad, confiabilidad, estabilidad, resiliencia, adaptabilidad, equidad y autogestión; que a su vez son trasversales a las dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. Al integrar los resultados por atributos, sobresale el AE1 con un avance alto a la sustentabilidad (70%), por mayor producción anual, eficiencia económica y más agricultores organizados. El AE2 alcanza un nivel bajo (47%) debido al reducido ingreso mensual, actividades económicas limitadas, reducida superficie cultivable y nula capacitación y organización. El AE3 logra un nivel bajo (56%), alcanzado por una baja diversidad de actividades económicas y mayor número de agricultores que reciben asesoría técnica. Al evaluar las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, el AE1 y AE3 sobresalen con valores medios de avance hacia la sustentabilidad (74 y 63%) y el AE2 muestra debilidad (53%). Para mejorar estos niveles, se requieren diseñar y promover programas de desarrolloTraditional agroecosystems have different productive, economic, cultural and social characteristics; that cause variability of the sustainability status of each one of them. The objective was to evaluate sustainability levels of the main maize agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; to design future improvement actions. The study was carried out in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico in 2017. The MESMIS methodology was used. The research techniques were the questionnaire, field trips and dialogue with producers. Three agroecosystems were differentiated according to their own management and characteristics. 18 indicators distributed in the attributes were evaluated: productivity, reliability, stability, resilience, adaptability, equity and self-management; which in turn are transverse to the environmental, social and economic dimensions. By integrating the results by attributes, AE1 stands out with a high advance to sustainability (70%), due to higher annual production, economic efficiency and more organized farmers. AE2 reaches a low level (47%) due to reduced monthly income, limited economic activities, reduced arable land and no training and organization. AE3 achieves a low level (56%), achieved by a low diversity of economic activities and a greater number of farmers who receive technical assistance. When evaluating the dimensions of sustainability, AE1 and AE3 stand out with medium values of progress towards sustainability (74 and 63%) and AE2 shows debility (53%). To improve these levels, it is necessary to design and promote agricultural development programs through participatory processes that contemplate technological innovation with an agroecological approach.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Maize agroecosystems sustainability in the coastal plain of Istmo, Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Los agroecosistemas tradicionales poseen diferentes características productivas, económicas, culturales y sociales; que provocan variabilidad del estado de sustentabilidad de cada uno de ellos. El objetivo fue evaluar niveles de sustentabilidad de los principales agroecosistemas de maíz en la planicie costera del Istmo de Tehuantepec; para diseñar futuras acciones de mejora. El estudio se realizó en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México en 2017. Se utilizó la metodología del MESMIS. Las técnicas de investigación fueron el cuestionario, recorridos de campo y diálogo con productores. Se diferenciaron tres agroecosistemas acorde al manejo y características propias. Se evaluaron 18 indicadores distribuidos en los atributos: productividad, confiabilidad, estabilidad, resiliencia, adaptabilidad, equidad y autogestión; que a su vez son trasversales a las dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. Al integrar los resultados por atributos, sobresale el AE1 con un avance alto a la sustentabilidad (70%), por mayor producción anual, eficiencia económica y más agricultores organizados. El AE2 alcanza un nivel bajo (47%) debido al reducido ingreso mensual, actividades económicas limitadas, reducida superficie cultivable y nula capacitación y organización. El AE3 logra un nivel bajo (56%), alcanzado por una baja diversidad de actividades económicas y mayor número de agricultores que reciben asesoría técnica. Al evaluar las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, el AE1 y AE3 sobresalen con valores medios de avance hacia la sustentabilidad (74 y 63%) y el AE2 muestra debilidad (53%). Para mejorar estos niveles, se requieren diseñar y promover programas de desarrolloTraditional agroecosystems have different productive, economic, cultural and social characteristics; that cause variability of the sustainability status of each one of them. The objective was to evaluate sustainability levels of the main maize agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; to design future improvement actions. The study was carried out in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico in 2017. The MESMIS methodology was used. The research techniques were the questionnaire, field trips and dialogue with producers. Three agroecosystems were differentiated according to their own management and characteristics. 18 indicators distributed in the attributes were evaluated: productivity, reliability, stability, resilience, adaptability, equity and self-management; which in turn are transverse to the environmental, social and economic dimensions. By integrating the results by attributes, AE1 stands out with a high advance to sustainability (70%), due to higher annual production, economic efficiency and more organized farmers. AE2 reaches a low level (47%) due to reduced monthly income, limited economic activities, reduced arable land and no training and organization. AE3 achieves a low level (56%), achieved by a low diversity of economic activities and a greater number of farmers who receive technical assistance. When evaluating the dimensions of sustainability, AE1 and AE3 stand out with medium values of progress towards sustainability (74 and 63%) and AE2 shows debility (53%). To improve these levels, it is necessary to design and promote agricultural development programs through participatory processes that contemplate technological innovation with an agroecological approach.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale