2,008 research outputs found

    Un enfocament interactiu de la història de la física

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    Aquest article presenta un material didàctic per aproximar-se a la història de la física seguint el fil conductor dels personatges i conceptes clau en la construcció d'aquesta ciència. Aquest material s'ha elaborat en forma de pàgina web

    Spanish women artists and their economic activity: precarious work in times of recession. analysis and comparison from a global study

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    This paper describes the activity of Spanish women artists, based on the results of the research carried out by the authors at a national scale. It includes data provided by more than 1100 artists, first in-depth analysis on the sector of visual artists in Spain, about their professional activity, economic and work circumstances, relationship with the art market, and its historical evolution during the last decades. The authors have segmented the group of women artists, 52% of the total, analyzing their circumstances and comparing them to men and to global data, and contextualizing it within the current economic circumstances. Thus, along with general aspects of female creation in Spain and its relationship with the market, we provide data on the precariousness and inequality in which Spanish women artists live and work.Este artículo describe la actividad de las artistas españolas, partiendo de los resultados del estudio realizado por los autores a nivel nacional con datos aportados por más de 1100 artistas, primer análisis en profundidad sobre el sector de los/las artistas plásticos y visuales en España, su actividad profesional y circunstancias económicas y laborales, su relación con los agentes del mercado del arte y la evolución histórica de las últimas décadas. Se ha segmentado al colectivo de mujeres artistas, 52% del total, analizando sus circunstancias y comparándolas con los hombres y con los datos globales, y contextualizándolo dentro de la actual coyuntura económica. Así, junto a aspectos generales de la creación femenina en España y su relación con el mercado, aportamos datos sobre la precariedad y desigualdad en la que viven y trabajan las artistas españolas

    Assessment of Postural Load during Melon Cultivation in Mediterranean Greenhouses

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    Health and safety at work directly influence the development of sustainable agriculture. In the agricultural sector, many farm workers suffer musculoskeletal disorders caused by forced posture. The objective of this research is to assess working postures during melon cultivation in Almería-type greenhouses. The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) has been used with pictures of the tasks. The variables studied by multiple correspondence analysis were as follows: Subtask, Posture code, Back, Arms, Legs, Load, Risk, and Risk combination. The OWAS analysis showed that 47.57% of the postures were assessed as risk category 2, 14.32% as risk category 3, 0.47% as risk category 4, and the rest as risk category 1. Corrective measures should be implemented immediately, as soon as possible, or in the near future, depending on the risks detected

    Metodología empleada en la enseñanza de la utilización del torniquete : revisión sistemática

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    [Resumen] Objetivos: La hemorragia grave (HM) es una de las principales causas de muerte evitable y el torniquete ayuda a detener el sangrado de manera rápida. Comités como el ILCOR avalan la utilización del torniquete y señalan que la metodología para enseñar como se utiliza no está clara. Nuestro objetivo es analizar las técnicas de aprendizaje empleadas en la enseñanza efectiva de la utilización del torniquete. Metodología: Revisión sistemática tras consultar en las bases de datos de Web Of Science, Pubmed, Scopus y CINAHL la literatura científica en inglés, español o portugués publicada en los últimos 10 años. Resultados: La búsqueda resultó en un total de 125 resultados sin duplicar. Tras una primera y segunda fase de lectura por título y resumen, se seleccionaron 14 artículos; tras una tercera y última fase, se realiza una lectura completa y se descartan 5, obteniendo como resultados principales 9 artículos. Finalmente se incluyen en la revisión 9 artículos. Conclusiones: La eficacia del torniquete en la contención de hemorragias está demostrada y avalada. Se debería promover su utilización y educar a población y profesionales en su uso. La formación que mejores resultados ha ofrecido hasta la fecha es la teórico-práctica de más de 30 minutos de duración.[Resumo] Obxectivos: A hemorraxia grave (HM) é unha das principais causas de morte evitable e o torniquete axuda a deter o sangrado rapidamente. Comités coma o ILCOR avalan o emprego do torniquete e sinalan que a metodoloxía para ensinar como se usa non está clara. O noso obxectivo é analizar as técnicas de aprendizaxe empregadas para o ensino efectivo do uso do torniquete. Metodoloxía: Revisión sistemática tras consultar nas bases de datos Web Of Science, Pubmed, Scopus e CINAHL a literatura científica en inglés, español ou portugués publicada nos últimos 10 anos. Resultados: A busca resultou nun total de 125 resultados sen duplicar. Tras unha primeira e segunda lectura por título e resumo, seleccionáronse 14 artigos; despois dunha terceira e última fase, faise unha lectura completa e descártanse 5, obtendo como principais resultados 9 artigos. Finalmente, inclúense 9 artigos na revisión. Conclusións: A eficacia do torniquete na contención de hemorraxias está demostrada e avalada. O seu uso debe ser promovido e débese educar á poboación e aos profesionais no seu uso. A formación que ofreceu os mellores resultados ata a data é a teórica-práctica de máis de 30 minutos.[Abstract] Objectives: Massive hemorrhage (MH) is a leading cause of preventable death, and tourniquets help to stop the bleed quickly. Committees such as ILCOR endorse the use of the tourniquet and point out that the methodology for teaching how to use it is unclear. Our objective is to analyze the learning techniques employed in the effective teaching of the use of the tourniquet. Methodology: Systematic review after consulting the databases of Web Of Science, Pubmed, Scopus and CINAHL the scientific literature in English, Spanish or Portuguese published in the last 10 years. Results: Our search resulted in a total of 125 unduplicated results. After a first and a second phase of reading by title and abstract, 14 articles were selected; after a third and final phase, a complete reading is made and 5 are discarded, obtaining 9 articles as main results. Finally, 9 articles are included in the review. Conclusion: The efficacy of the tourniquet in containing haemorrhages has been demonstrated and endorsed. Its use should be promoted and the population and professionals should be educated in its use. The training that has offered the best results to date is theoretical-practical training of more than 30 minutes duration.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2018/201

    Knowledge, Renewal and Flexibility: Exploratory Research in Family Firms

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    This study aims to explore how family firms pursue strategies that promote strategic flexibility and knowledge-management (KM) practices to respond to strategic-renewal goals. Specifically, based on a knowledge-based view of the firm, the following research question is proposed: Are there heterogeneous groups of family firms in terms of knowledge management, strategic flexibility and strategic renewal goals? To answer this question, an exploratory study using a two-step cluster analysis is developed. It reveals natural groupings from a sample of 288 small and medium-sized Spanish family enterprises (SMEs). The results obtained identified three distinctive clusters of family firms, namely proactive family firms, transitional or adaptive family firms, and rigid family firms. After two-step cluster analysis, we also conducted analysis of variance (ANOVA) to confirm that significant di erences amongst the three clusters exist. After heterogeneity been confirmed, a further profile of the cluster solution was provided by using CEO and board characteristics, as well as the generational stage of the company. The findings offer some counterbalance for those studies that tend to study family businesses as a homogeneous entity, thus permitting researchers to access more information, providing rich explanations for renewal managerial decision-making purposes in family firm contexts

    Análisis de la relación entre la publicitación, la visitación y la ocupación de los sistemas litorales arenosos de Menorca (Islas Baleares)

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    La imagen turística de Menorca se encuentra asociada en gran parte a su litoral. El análisis de la relación entre el grado de publicitación de las playas y el nivel de consumo de éstas (mediante el grado de visitación y de ocupación) nos indica que la elevada publicitación de algunas playas de Menorca se traduce en una sobrefrecuentación y saturación de éstas, perjudicando tanto a la experiencia recreacional del turista como favoreciendo el deterioro físico del sistema natural.The tourist image of Menorca is associated principally to its coastline. The analysis between the advertising of the beaches and the consumption level of these (through the visitation and occupation degree) indicates that a high advertising of some beaches of Minorca causes an overfrequentation and saturation of these, hindering the recreational experience of the tourist as well as favoring the physical deterioration of the natural system

    Xenotrasplante : el desafío de trasplantar con órganos de otras especies /

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    Treball presentat a la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    The Zipf-Polylog distribution: Modeling human interactions through social networks

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    The Zipf distribution attracts considerable attention because it helps describe data from natural as well as man-made systems. Nevertheless, in most of the cases the Zipf is only appropriate to fit data in the upper tail. This is why it is important to dispose of Zipf extensions that allow to fit the data in its entire range. In this paper, we introduce the Zipf-Polylog family of distributions as a two-parameter generalization of the Zipf. The extended family contains the Zipf, the geometric, the logarithmic series and the shifted negative binomial with two successes, as particular distributions. We deduce important properties of the new family and demonstrate its suitability by analyzing the degree sequence of two real networks in all its range.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the decomposition of the De Rham complex on formal schemes

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    We show that if X is a pseudo-proper smooth noetherian formal scheme over a positive characteristic p field k then its De Rham complex τ ≤p (FX/k ∗Ωb• X/k) is decomposable. Along the way we establish the Cartier isomorphism Ωbi X(p)/Y γ→ Hi (FX/Y ∗Ωb•X/Y) associated to a map f : X → Y of positive characteristic p noetherian formal schemes where X(p) denotes the base change of X along the Frobenius morphism of Y and FX/Y denotes the relative Frobenius of X over Y.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. MTM2014-59456Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-89830-PXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/1