587 research outputs found

    Condicionales: inferencia y relevancia

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    In this paper we discuss three semantic formulations of conditional: material, strict and relevant. Our aim is to show that the relevant conditional shapes our intuitions better than the other two. Since the semantic interpretation of the relevant conditional is an unsettled issue nowadays, we propose a pragmatic interpretation of it. In the first part of the paper we present the criteria to which a theory of conditionals must answer, i.e. the theory must not overgenerate. In the second one, we show that the material and the strict conditionals overgenerate because both lead to paradoxes. In the last part we show that the relevant conditional with a pragmatic interpretation solves the problem of the other conditionals.En este trabajo discutimos tres formulaciones semánticas del condicional: la material, la estricta y la relevante. Defendemos que, desde un punto de vista formal, el condicional relevante responde mejor a nuestras intuiciones que los otros dos. Ahora bien, dado que la interpretación semántica del mismo es terreno disputado, proponemos hacerlo pragmáticamente. Dividimos el texto en tres secciones. En la primera proponemos el criterio de adecuación para evaluar distintas teorías de los condicionales: la teoría no debe dar lugar a los casos más conocidos de sobregeneración inferencial. En la segunda mostramos que el condicional material y el condicional estricto sobregeneran, pues ambos admiten paradojas bien conocidas. En la última mostramos que si se interpreta pragmáticamente, el condicional relevante bloquea la aparición de las paradojas que los dos anteriores no pueden evitar, y, en esa medida responde mejor que ellos al criterio establecido y, por tanto, a nuestras intuiciones

    From Davidson to the Theory of Emotions, Back and Forth

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    El texto expone tres distintas concepciones de las emociones que hay en la filosofía de Donald Davidson, en discusión con tres conceptualizaciones filosóficas importantes sobre las mismas -- Considera el orgullo en relación con la concepción cognitivista de la emoción, la sorpresa en relación con la concepción naturalista y la sonrisa en relación con la concepción sui generis -- Se defiende que allegar el pensamiento de Davidson y las concepciones de la emoción es fructífero de ida y vuelta: enriquece los estudios sobre la naturaleza de la emoción con los conceptos davidsonianos de causalidad singular, actitud individuativa y actitud no individuativa; y enriquece la teoría de la interpretación radical incorporándole el concepto de expresión emocional.This paper explores three different conceptions of emotions we find in the work of Donald Davidson, discussing them with the three main philosophical views on emotions: the cognitivistic, the naturalistic and the sui generis -- The text considers pride in relation to the cognitivistic view, surprise in relation to the naturalistic view, and smile in relation to the sui generis view -- The main thesis of the paper is that both Davidson and the theory of emotions enrich their respective accounts when we oscillate between the two -- The theory of emotions is strengthened when we refine it with the davidsonian concepts of singular causation, and individuative and non-individuative attitudes -- The davidsonian theory of radical interpretation may be stronger if enhanced by the concept of emotional expression

    Implementing Local Search with Membrane Computing

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    Local search is currently one of the most used methods for finding solution in real-life problems. In this paper we present an implementation of local search with Membrane Computing techniques applied to the N-queens problem as a case study. A CLIPS program inspired in the Membrane Computing design has been implemented and several experiments have been performed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN-2009-13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Depth-First Search with P Systems

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    The usual way to find a solution for an NP complete problem in Membrane Computing is by brute force algorithms. These solutions work from a theoretical point of view but they are implementable only for small instances of the problem. In this paper we provide a family of P systems which brings techniques from Artificial Intelligence into Membrane Computing and apply them to solve the N-queens problem.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04487-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN-2009-13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Simulating FRSN P Systems with Real Numbers in P-Lingua on sequential and CUDA platforms

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    Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P systems (FRSN P systems, for short) is a variant of Spiking Neural P systems incorporating fuzzy logic elements that make it suitable to model fuzzy diagnosis knowledge and reasoning required for fault diagnosis applications. In this sense, several FRSN P system variants have been proposed, dealing with real numbers, trapezoidal numbers, weights, etc. The model incorporating real numbers was the first introduced [13], presenting promising applications in the field of fault diagnosis of electrical systems. For this variant, a matrix-based algorithm was provided which, when executed on parallel computing platforms, fully exploits the model maximally parallel capacities. In this paper we introduce a P-Lingua framework extension to parse and simulate FRSN P systems with real numbers. Two simulators, implementing a variant of the original matrix-based simulation algorithm, are provided: a sequential one (written in Java), intended to run on traditional CPUs, and a parallel one, intended to run on CUDAenabled devices.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-3743

    Computing Backwards with P Systems

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    Searching all the configurations C′ such that produce a given configuration C, or, in other words, computing backwards in Membrane Computing is an extremely hard task. The current approximations are based in heavy hand-made calculus by considering the specific features of the given configuration. In this paper we present a general method for characterizing all the configurations C′ such that produce a given configuration C in transition P systems without cooperation and without dissolution.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Searching Previous Configurations in Membrane Computing

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    Searching all the configurations C′ which produce a given configuration C is an extremely hard task. The current approximations are based on heavy hand-made calculus by considering the specific features of the given configuration. In this paper we present a general method for characterizing all the configurations C′ which produce a given configuration C in the framework of transition P systems without cooperation and without dissolution.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006- 13425Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Membrane Computing Meets Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study

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    The usual way to find a solution for a NP complete problem with Membrane Computing techniques is by brute force algorithms where all the feasible solutions are generated and they are checked simultaneously by using massive parallelism. These solutions work from a theoretical point of view but they are implementable only for small instances of the problem. In this paper we provide a family of P systems which brings techniques from Artificial Intelligence into Membrane Computing and apply them to solve the N-queens problem.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04487-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN-2009-13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Fractals and P Systems

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    In this paper we show that the massive parallelism, the synchronous appli- cation of the rules, and the discrete nature of their computation, among other features, lead us to consider P systems as natural tools for dealing with fractals. Several examples of fractals encoded by P systems are presented and we wonder about using P systems as a new tool for representing and simulating the fractal nature of tumors.Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia TIN2005-09345-C04-0