1,955 research outputs found

    Essay for assessing the toxicity of emerging pollutants through the study of the filtration rate of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)

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    [Resumen]: La presencia de contaminantes emergentes en el medio ambiente, tiene consecuencias perjudiciales para nuestros ecosistemas y efectos negativos sobre la salud humana y animal. Esto ha llevado a la búsqueda de nuevos métodos de evaluación de su toxicidad, como el uso de organismos indicadores de sus efectos. En este estudio se utiliza un bivalvo, Corbicula fluminea, para evaluar la potencial toxicidad y posibles efectos, sobre la misma, de la exposición a diferentes concentraciones de dos contaminantes emergentes en agua dulce, florfenicol (2´5, 5, 7´5 μg/L) y bisfenol A (30, 60 y 90 μg/L). Para ello se realizó un ensayo de filtración durante 2h, utilizando la microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Los resultados muestran que el FLC no presenta efectos aparentes sobre la actividad de filtración ni sobre la salud de C. fluminea, al contrario que el BPA, que si presenta un efecto negativo sobre la tasa de filtración de los ejemplares y causa mortalidad, siendo estos efectos más notables a concentraciones mayores. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que la tasa de filtración en C. fluminea podría ser un buen indicador de la toxicidad de contaminantes emergentes.[Resumo]: A presenza de contaminantes emerxentes no medio ambiente, teñen consecuencias prexudiciais para o noso ecosistema e efectos negativos sobre a saúde human e animal. Isto levou à procura de novos métodos de avaliación toxicolóxica, coma o uso de organismos indicadores dos seus efectos. No noso estudo emprégase un bivalvo, Corbicula fluminea, para avaliar a potencial toxicidade e os posibles efectos, sobre a mesma, da exposición de diferentes concentracións de dous contaminantes emerxentes en auga doce, florfenicol (2´5, 5, 7´5 μg/L) e bisfenol A (30, 60 y 90 μg/L). Para isto realizouse un ensaio de filtración durante 2h, utilizando a microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Determinouse como o FLC non presenta efectos aparentes sobre a actividade da filtración nin sobre a saúde de C. fluminea, ao contrario que o BPA, que si presenta un efecto negativo sobre la taxa de filtración dos exemplares e causa mortalidad, sendo estos efectos mais notables a concentracions maiores. Os resultados obtidos suxiren que a taxa de filtración en C. fluminea poderia ser un bo indicador da toxicidade de contaminantes emerxentes.[Abstract]: The presence of emergent pollutants in the environment has damaging consequences for our ecosystems, as well as negative effects on human and animal health. This has led to finding new methods for evaluating its toxicity, such as the use of indicator organisms for its effects. In this study a bivalve, Corbicula fluminea, is used in order to evaluate potential toxicity and its possible effects caused by the exposure to different concentrations of two emergent pollutants, Florfenicol (2´5, 5, 7´5 μg/L) and Bisphenol A (30, 60 y 90 μg/L). To do this, a filtration test was performed over 2 hours, using the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii microalgae. Results show that FFC does not show visible effects on either filtration or health on the C. fluminea, in contrast with BPA, which does show a negative effect on the filtration rate on the specimens and causes mortality. These effects are more significant the bigger the concentrations are. The results obtained suggest that the filtration rateTraballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2018/201

    Entrevista a Ricardo Herrera, vocero del Congreso de los Pueblos : "La paz es justicia social, la paz son cambios estructurales. No es únicamente el silenciamiento de las armas"

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    Fil: Acebedo Pérez, Laura. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    Toxoplasma gondii: Pig seroprevalence, associated risk factors and viability in fresh pork meat

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    This study was conducted on 161 fattening pig farms located in Aragón (Northeast Spain). Serum samples from 1200 pigs were tested for antibodies against T. gondii by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Antibodies to T. gondii (=1:20) were detected in 301 pigs (24.52%). The seroprevalence observed in the present study indicates a widespread exposure to T. gondii, as seropositive pigs were found in 96.67% of the farms studied although low pig titers were determined. Risk factors associated with T. gondii seroprevalence were presence of cats in or around the farms, presence of dogs around the facilities, low number of animals in the farms, poor hygiene and bad maintenance of the farms. Finally, it was observed that where rodent baits were used, Toxoplasma prevalence was lower. Risk management measures including control of cats and rodents on the farms, among others, could help to reduce the observed prevalence levels. By mouse bioassay, T. gondii was detected in 73.7% and isolated from 42.1% of seropositive pigs and a significant relation between the titers of pigs and the presence and viability of T. gondii in the tissues was found. The detection of T. gondii is not possible by currently practiced meat inspection. Nevertheless, the increased probability of detecting viable forms of T. gondii in tissues of pigs with titers =1: 80 could be used as the cutoff for discriminating higher risk animals, and could be used as an effective control tool for the industry of cured meat products. In practical terms, we propose that this value could be used as a critical limit in the HACCP system

    Role of polyphenol oxidase in olive metabolism

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    Virgin olive oil (VOO) is the most important fat in the Mediterranean diet, which has many nutritional benefits and excellent organoleptic properties. These characteristics are mainly linked to the phenolic compounds present in VOO. The content of phenolic compounds in VOO is related to the initial content of phenolic glycosides in the olive fruit, which are later transformed by hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes to form the main phenolic components of VOO [1].The main enzyme involved in the oxidative degradation of phenolic compounds during the oil extraction process is the polyphenol oxidase (PPO). This enzyme may catalyse two different reactions, hydroxylation of monophenols to form orthodiphenols (monophenolase activity), or oxidation of these orthodiphenols to quinones (diphenolase activity). Thus, PPO could display an important role both in the degradation and biosynthesis pathways, which means that these pathways could be connected [1]. In consequence, the functional characterization of olive PPOs is needed to understand the metabolism of phenolic compounds.Two polyphenol oxidase genes (OePPO1 and OePPO2) have been identified from a transcriptome obtained from diverse olive varieties, with different phenolic contents, and submited to various biotic and abiotic stresses [3]. Both genes were synthesized, cloned and expressed in E. coli (BL21). Extraction and purification protocols of the recombinant proteins have been optimized using affinity chromatography [2]. Similarly, specific activity assays and HPLC analysis methods have been designed for the biochemical characterization of the recombinant proteins.The functional identity of both proteins has been verified, since both of them have shown to be active against orthodiphenols (hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein), and their catalytic characterization is being completed using natural phenolic substrates from olive fruit (oleuropein and verbascoside) and VOO (hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and acetate of hydroxytyrosol).Later, expression studies by qRT-PCR will be carried out and, finally, the expression, functional genomics and metabolomics data will be analyzed together to determine the specific role of these enzymes in the metabolism of phenolic compounds in olive trees

    Sistema de planeación, programación y control para Orozco Figueroa Orfi S.A.S. S.A.S en la línea de producción metalmecánica fusión caucho y metal

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    El presente trabajo contiene el sistema de planeación, programación y control que se elaboró para la empresa OROZCO FIGUEROA ORFI S.A.S. en su línea de producción metalmecánica, fusión caucho y metal, y el cual tiene la finalidad de ofrecer una alternativa que permita mejorar los tiempos de producción y entrega del producto, recuperando de esta manera, el segmento de mercado que se ha perdido por los inconvenientes presentados en los últimos años. Para llevar a cabo el diagnostico se realizó un estudio de los procesos de la línea metalmecánica, fusión caucho y metal a través de entrevistas realizadas al personal directivo y operativo de la empresa, cuyo resultado arrojó las fortalezas y debilidades del proceso productivo. Posteriormente se estructuró el modelo de planeación a través del mejoramiento del plan maestro de producción y el plan de requerimiento de materiales, con el objeto de definir las cantidades a producir, establecer los costos de la operación, el stock de materias primas y hacer un uso eficiente de la capacidad de planta. Seguido a esto se propuso un sistema de balanceo de línea, que permitiera asignar una secuencia al proceso, obteniendo un mejor control de las operaciones, fechas de ejecución y programación de materias primas; con el propósito de eliminar aquellas debilidades que se encontraron en el diagnóstico inicial. Finalmente se propuso un sistema de control, cuyo objetivo es hacer el seguimiento documental y de indicadores de gestión del método seleccionado.This work contains the system planning, scheduling and control that was developed for the company OROZCO FIGUEROA ORFI SAS in their line mechanic production melting rubber and metal, and which aims to offer an alternative that improves production times and product delivery, thereby recovering, the market segment that has been lost for the inconvenience presented in recent years. To perform the diagnostic study of the processes of metalworking line, rubber and metal melting through interviews with the managers and operational staff of the company, the result showed the strengths and weaknesses of the production process was conducted. The planning model is subsequently structured by improving the master production plan and material requirements plan, in order to define the quantities to produce, to establish the costs of the operation, the stock of raw materials and make use efficient plant capacity. Following this one line balancing system, that would assign a sequence to process, obtaining a better control of operations, and program execution dates set of raw materials; in order to eliminate those weaknesses were found in the initial diagnosis. Finally a control system, which aims to make the documentary and management indicators selected monitoring method was proposed

    "Why can't a girl play football?" Supports and barriers in the career of a professional female footballer

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    RESUMEN: Esta investigación presenta la historia de vida de una mujer cántabra jugadora de fútbol en primera división, rescatando las vivencias, apoyos y barreras en su práctica deportiva desde la más tierna infancia hasta la actualidad. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo realizado a través de una entrevista biográfico-narrativa. El instrumento empleado es un guion de preguntas diseñado ad hoc dividido en tres bloques referentes a las tres técnicas: auto-presentación, entrevista semiestructurada y técnica de la fotografía. El análisis de la información se organizó en el orden cronológico del relato. Los principales resultados y su discusión reflejan la importancia de los apoyos, dando especial valor a la familia, a las compañeras y compañeros de equipo y a los entrenadores; las barreras más destacables se relacionan con los impedimentos ligados a las desigualdades de género. En consecuencia, consideramos necesario evidenciar una realidad que impulse una verdadera transformación a nivel macro en el ámbito futbolístico.ABSTRACT: This research presents the life history of a Cantabrian woman footballer in the first division, highlighting the experiences, supports and barriers in her sporting practice from her earliest childhood to the present day. This is a qualitative study carried out through a biographical-narrative interview. The instrument used is a script of questions designed ad hoc and divided into three blocks referring to the three techniques: self-presentation, semi-structured interview and photographic technique. A chronological order of the narrative was used for the analysis of the information. The main results and their discussion reflect the importance of supports, giving special value to family, teammates and coaches. The most notable barriers are related to impediments linked to gender differences. Consequently, we consider it is necessary to highlight a reality that triggers a true transformation at a macro level in the football field

    Landslide Susceptibility Analysis on the Vicinity of Bogotá-Villavicencio Road (Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes)

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    Landslide occurrence in Colombia is very frequent due to its geographical location in the Andean mountain range, with a very pronounced orography, a significant geological complexity and an outstanding climatic variability. More specifically, the study area around the Bogotá-Villavicencio road in the central sector of the Eastern Cordillera is one of the regions with the highest concentration of phenomena, which makes its study a priority. An inventory and detailed analysis of 2506 landslides has been carried out, in which five basic typologies have been differentiated: avalanches, debris flows, slides, earth flows and creeping areas. Debris avalanches and debris flows occur mainly in metamorphic materials (phyllites, schists and quartz-sandstones), areas with sparse vegetation, steep slopes and lower sections of hillslopes; meanwhile, slides, earth flows and creep occur in Cretaceous lutites, crop/grass lands, medium and low slopes and lower-middle sections of the hillslopes. Based on this analysis, landslide susceptibility models have been made for the different typologies and with different methods (matrix, discriminant analysis, random forest and neural networks) and input factors. The results are generally quite good, with average AUC-ROC values above 0.7–0.8, and the machine learning methods are the most appropriate, especially random forest, with a selected number of factors (between 6 and 8). The degree of fit (DF) usually shows relative errors lower than 5% and success higher than 90%. Finally, an integrated landslide susceptibility map (LSM) has been made for shallower and deeper types of movements. All the LSM show a clear zonation as a consequence of the geological control of the susceptibility


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    La presente investigación titulada Un acercamiento al estudio léxico-semántico del habla popular de los jóvenes es un estudio descriptivo y con un enfoque sincrónico, que se centra en la determinación de la relación existente entre las características léxico-semánticas del habla de los jóvenes y las situaciones comunicativas en que participan. Los jóvenes se integran en un determinado grupo social conformado por individuos de una misma generación que comparte intereses, preferencias y contextos de desarrollo social, lo que hace que se pueda clasificar como un grupo homogéneo y estable en cuanto al comportamiento lingüístico. Y es precisamente que, al interactuar dentro de la comunidad de habla, su lenguaje se nutre de diferentes mecanismos lingüísticos que enriquecen y caracterizan la producción lingüística del grupo. Dicha autoafirmación de los jóvenes, dentro de un grupo social en específico y con determinadas características lingüísticas, da muestra del vínculo existente con los contextos comunicativos donde se desarrollan

    Landslide Susceptibility Analysis on the Vicinity of Bogotá-Villavicencio Road (Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes)

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    first_pagesettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Landslide Susceptibility Analysis on the Vicinity of Bogotá-Villavicencio Road (Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes) by María Camila Herrera-Coy 1ORCID,Laura Paola Calderón 2,Iván Leonardo Herrera-Pérez 1,3,Paul Esteban Bravo-López 1,4ORCID,Christian Conoscenti 2ORCID,Jorge Delgado 1ORCID,Mario Sánchez-Gómez 5,6ORCID andTomás Fernández 1,6,*ORCID 1 Department of Cartographic, Geodetic and Photogrammetric Engineering, University of Jaén, 23071 Jaén, Spain 2 Department of Earth and Marine Sciences (DiSTeM), University of Palermo, 90123 Palermo, Italy 3 Department of Geographic and Environmental Engineering, University of Applied and Environmental Sciences (U.D.C.A.), Bogotá 111166, Colombia 4 Institute for Studies of Sectional Regime of Ecuador (IERSE), University of Azuay, Cuenca 010107, Ecuador 5 Department of Geology, University of Jaén, 23071 Jaén, Spain 6 Natural Hazards Lab of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Earth Sciences, Energy and Environment (CEACTEMA), University of Jaén, 23071 Jaén, Spain * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Remote Sens. 2023, 15(15), 3870; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15153870 Received: 11 June 2023 / Revised: 24 July 2023 / Accepted: 31 July 2023 / Published: 4 August 2023 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Remote Sensing Techniques for Landslides Studies and Their Hazards Assessment) Download Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Landslide occurrence in Colombia is very frequent due to its geographical location in the Andean mountain range, with a very pronounced orography, a significant geological complexity and an outstanding climatic variability. More specifically, the study area around the Bogotá-Villavicencio road in the central sector of the Eastern Cordillera is one of the regions with the highest concentration of phenomena, which makes its study a priority. An inventory and detailed analysis of 2506 landslides has been carried out, in which five basic typologies have been differentiated: avalanches, debris flows, slides, earth flows and creeping areas. Debris avalanches and debris flows occur mainly in metamorphic materials (phyllites, schists and quartz-sandstones), areas with sparse vegetation, steep slopes and lower sections of hillslopes; meanwhile, slides, earth flows and creep occur in Cretaceous lutites, crop/grass lands, medium and low slopes and lower-middle sections of the hillslopes. Based on this analysis, landslide susceptibility models have been made for the different typologies and with different methods (matrix, discriminant analysis, random forest and neural networks) and input factors. The results are generally quite good, with average AUC-ROC values above 0.7–0.8, and the machine learning methods are the most appropriate, especially random forest, with a selected number of factors (between 6 and 8). The degree of fit (DF) usually shows relative errors lower than 5% and success higher than 90%. Finally, an integrated landslide susceptibility map (LSM) has been made for shallower and deeper types of movements. All the LSM show a clear zonation as a consequence of the geological control of the susceptibility.Incluye referencias bibliográfica