795 research outputs found

    Percepciones de profesores, alumnos y egresados sobre los sistemas de evaluación en estudios universitarios de formación del profesorado de Educación Física

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    This study was aimed at investigating the perceptions that teacher trainers, trainees and alumni had regarding assessment systems implemented at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the University of Léon (Spain). A specific questionnaire named Questionnaire for the study of assessment systems used in physical education teachers' initial training was applied to a sample of 24 teacher trainers, 43 trainees and 35 alumni. Data obtained were analyzed through descriptive statistics, and a Mann-Whitney U test for detecting differences among groups. Results show similar perceptions between trainees and alumni, and important differences between them and the teacher trainers. The main differences were found in: a) coherence between programs and assessment systems, b) use of assessment in a formative way, c) presence of cognitive capacities in assessment systems, and d) potential causes of inadequate assessment systems. Smaller differences were found in assessment tools, and remarkable similarities in grading systems. We conclude that teacher trainers' perceptions are closer to formative assessment processes than trainees' and alumni's, who generally perceive more traditional based assessment systems. Some reflections and orientations for future research are also provided.El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer las percepciones de profesores, estudiantes y egresados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte de la Universidad de León (España) sobre la evaluación. Se contó con una muestra de 24 profesores, 43 alumnos y 35 egresados, que cumplimentaron un cuestionario específico denominado Cuestionario para el estudio del sistema de evaluación en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física. La información se analizó mediante estadística descriptiva, y se utilizó el test U de Mann-Whitney para detectar las diferencias entre grupos. Los resultados muestran percepciones similares entre alumnos y egresados, e importantes diferencias entre éstos y los profesores. Las mayores diferencias se centraron en: a) coherencia programas - sistemas de evaluación, b) utilización de la evaluación con fines formativos, c) presencia de capacidades cognitivas en la evaluación, y d) posibles causas de desarrollo de evaluaciones inadecuadas. Se encontraron menores diferencias en los instrumentos de evaluación, y notables semejanzas en los procesos de calificación. Concluimos que las percepciones del profesorado son más próximas a procesos de evaluación formativa, mientras que alumnos y egresados tienden a percibir evaluaciones más tradicionales. También se orientan algunas líneas de reflexión y futura investigación

    Martial arts and combat sports theses and dissertations indexed in BASE database: a bibliometric approach

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    [EN] The doctoral thesis is one of the most valued productions in a researcher’s career. They are also an important source of information despite they are usually considered as grey literature due to their limited distribution. The aim of this work was to perform a bibliometric analysis of martial arts and combat sports (MA&CS) doctoral or postdoctoral dissertations indexed in the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) database. Acomprehensive MA&CS terms list and search strings were entered manually in the database search engine. Duplicate references were removed and obtained documents were filtered for meeting inclusion criteria. Selected references were then exported to Endnote X6 for classification and to Excel 2016 for bibliometric analyses. A total of 457 theses focused on MA&CS, published from 1951 to 2019, were retrieved. The last analyzed decade collected 64.55% of total documents and judo was the most studied MA&CS, with 90 documents. We conclude that MA&CS theses and dissertations are an important source of information for scholars and academics, especially since the amount of them has considerably increased during the last decade at the international level

    Physical Conditioning for Combat Sports: book review

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    Abstract:The present work analyses the book titled ?Physical Conditioning for Combat Sports?, edited by Dr Emerson Franchini and Dr Tomas Herrera-Valenzuela in 2017. The book is divided in six chapters and eight authors are participating. The first chapter, ?Development of the Aerobic Capacity in Fighters?, analyses the current literature in specific training and competition situations. The second chapter, ?Development of the Anaerobic Capacity in Fighters?, describes the responses and needs of fighters in relation to anaerobic power and capacity. The third chapter, ?Maximal Strength Training in Fighters?, studies the different training methods for the specific development of this capacity. The fourth chapter, ?Development of the Muscular Power in Fighters?, details the needs of muscular power according to the different combat sports and during training and competition situations. The fifth chapter titled ?Development of the Strength Endurance in Fighters? describes the general and specific tests for fighters, including suggestions for training core muscles as well as higher and lower extremities. The sixth chapter, ?Flexibility in Combat Sports?, examines the contribution and response of this capacity in fighters from different disciplines. Finally, the extensive research experience of the authors in topics related to martial arts and combat sports together with the exhaustive and comprehensive bibliographic review carried out, give a high scientific and academic value to the book. Therefore, it is suggested to all trainers and practitioners from the different combat sports disciplines, to consult this excellent publication

    Martial arts and combat sports theses and dissertations indexed in BASE database: a bibliometric approach

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    The doctoral thesis is one of the most valued productions in a researcher's career. They are also an important source of information despite they are usually considered as grey literature due to their limited distribution. The aim of this work was to perform a bibliometric analysis of martial arts and combat sports (MA&CS) doctoral or postdoctoral dissertations indexed in the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) database. A comprehensive MA&CS terms list and search strings were entered manually in the database search engine. Duplicate references were removed and obtained documents were filtered for meeting inclusion criteria. Selected references were then exported to Endnote X6 for classification and to Excel 2016 for bibliometric analyses. A total of 457 theses focused on MA&CS, published from 1951 to 2019, were retrieved. The last analyzed decade collected 64.55% of total documents and judo was the most studied MA&CS, with 90 documents. We conclude that MA&CS theses and dissertations are an important source of information for scholars and academics, especially since the amount of them has considerably increased during the last decade at the international level

    Produção científica do surfe indexada na Web of Science e SCOPUS (1967-2017)

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    ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the surfing scientific output indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus until 2017 focused on productivity, subjects and collaboration patterns. A total of 318 documents published from 1967 to 2017 were discovered. Medical Sciences was the most represented field and the percentage of collaboration achieved 69.18%. Only Australian institutions were represented within the top ten authors. Although surfing has become an emerging research field, it appears to be a rare case within Sport Sciences due to the leading role of Australian institutions.RESUMEN. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de surfing indexada en la Web of Science y Scopus hasta 2017 centrado en la productividad, materias y patrones de colaboración. Se descubrieron un total de 318 documentos publicados entre 1967 y 2017. Las Ciencias Médicas fueron el área más representada y el porcentaje de colaboración fue de 69.18%. Dentro de los diez autores más importantes solo se encontraron representadas instituciones australianas. Aunque el surfing se ha convertido en un área de investigación emergente, parece ser un caso excepcional dentro de las Ciencias del Deporte debido al papel dominante de las instituciones australiana

    Kárate para cinturón negro. Curso intensivo

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    [ES] Con cierto retraso respecto a la traducción inglesa del texto original, que data de 1978, aparece a finales de 2007 este título publicado por la editorial Tutor, que continua apoyando al mundo de las artes marciales con publicaciones de gran calidad como es la presente. Kárate para cinturón negro es un libro que bajo su título parece dedicarse a aquellos alumnos que ya han alcanzado un cierto dominio de sus destrezas, y que puede ser malinterpretado por el futuro lector, y por eso en la contraportada y al final del prólogo, escrito por Nakayama, se precisa que esta obra está dedicada para todo aquel que se esté iniciando en el dominio del kárate y desee alcanzar el nivel de cinturón negr

    Design of a formative assessment experience through a portfolio in the Degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of Cantabria

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    RESUMEN: El portafolio es uno de los instrumentos más utilizados como sistema de evaluación orientado al aprendizaje, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el diseño de una experiencia de evaluación formativa utilizando dicho portafolio en la asignatura de Didáctica de la Educación Física en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Cantabria durante el curso 2016/2017. La experiencia estuvo dividido en tres fases, la primera de ellas dedicada a la definición de los aspectos formales y de contenido del portafolio, la segunda a la preparación de cada una de las actividades que componen el portafolio junto con la subida de estas actividades al Moodle y la tercera centrada en la evaluación de dicha experiencia. El desarrollo de esta experiencia conlleva un análisis y reflexión de los contenidos y procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la signatura.ABSTRACT: Portfolio is one of the most utilized tools for the formative assessment oriented to the learning process. Thus, the aim of this work was to describe the design of a formative assessment experience, using portfolio in the course titled Physical Education Didactics in Early Childhood Education at the University of Cantabria during the 2016/2017 academic year. The experience was divided in three phases; firstone focused on the definition of the portfolio's formal and content aspects; second one related to the preparation of each of the activities included in the portfolio and their uploading in Moodle and third one focused on the assessment of this experience. The development of this experience involves an analysis and reflection about the contents and the teachinglearning process of the course.Este estudio se ha llevado a cabo dentro del proyecto de I+D+i: “La competencias docentes en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física”. Convocatoria de noviembre de 2013 del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016. Referencia: EDU 2013-42024-R. Duración: 3 años (2014-2016)

    Kárate para cinturón negro. Curso intensivo

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    Hirokazu Kanazawa. Madrid: Tutor, 2007. 232 páginas, 28x21,5 cm. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-7902-684-4

    Terminological recommendations for improving the visibility of scientific literature on martial arts and combat sports

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    Background and Study Aim: Martial Arts and Combat Sports (MA&CS) terminology is diverse and heterogeneous, limiting the research visibility and information retrieval. This study points out the different terms related to MA&CS names included in the scientific literature. From this basis, a set of recommendations are offered for improving publication visibility.Material/Methods: Web of Science (WOS) databases SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI for the period 2000-2009 were used for generating the data. A list of 278 searching terms was compiled, each of them enter individually in WOS databases. Results were collected in a reference management software and filtered manually. Statistical analysis was focused on precision, noise factor, recall and snobbery ratio indexes.Results: 53.2% searching terms showed no result, 14.0% obtained some result but not related to MA&CS, and 32.7% showed results related to MA&CS. Specific terminology is quite standardized, although there are some MA&CS showing different names. Generally, a preferred and most common term is used by authors. Precision values vary between 1 and 0.02 (noise factor values vary inversely) while recall values vary between 1 and 0.04 (snobbery ratio values vary inversely).Conclusions: MA&CS terminology used in scientific literature is quite varied and can cause diverse problems and slow down researcher’s bibliographic data collection. Romanization, popularization of some terms, names given to MA&CS by different organizations and terms syllable separation are the main problems for the lack of standardized terms in this area of knowledge. A group of seven recommendations are provided for enhancing the visibility of MA&CS researches

    Terminological recommendations for improving the visibility of scientific literature on martial arts and combat sports

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    P. 159-166Objetivo del estudio: este estudio señala los diferentes términos relacionados con los nombres de MA&CS incluidos en la literatura científica. A partir de esta base, se ofrece un conjunto de recomendaciones para mejorar la visibilidad de la publicación. Material y métodos: se utilizaron las bases de datos Web of Science (WOS) SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A & HCI para el período 2000-2009 para generar los datos. Se compiló una lista de 278 términos de búsqueda, cada uno de ellos se ingresa individualmente en las bases de datos de WOS. Los resultados se recopilaron en un software de gestión de referencia y se filtraron manualmente. El análisis estadístico se centró en los índices de precisión, factor de ruido, recuperación y tasa de esnobismo. Resultados: el 53.2% de los términos de búsqueda no mostró resultados, el 14.0% obtuvo algún resultado pero no se relacionó con MA&CS, y el 32.7% mostró resultados relacionados con MA&CS. La terminología específica está bastante estandarizada, aunque hay algunos MA&CS que muestran diferentes nombres. En general, los autores utilizan un término preferido y más común. Los valores de precisión varían entre 1 y 0.02 (los valores de factor de ruido varían inversamente), mientras que los valores de recuperación varían entre 1 y 0.04 (los valores de snobbery ratio varían inversamente). Conclusiones: la terminología de MA&CS utilizada en la literatura científica es bastante variada y puede causar diversos problemas y ralentizar la recopilación de datos bibliográficos de los investigadores. La romanización, la popularización de algunos términos, los nombres dados a MA&CS por diferentes organizaciones y la separación de sílabas de términos son los principales problemas por la falta de términos estandarizados en esta área de conocimiento. Se proporciona un grupo de siete recomendaciones para mejorar la visibilidad de las investigaciones de MA&CSS