110 research outputs found

    Novedades de interés en la futura directiva europea de protección radiológica

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    The Advisory Panel of the European Commission on Radiological Protection, referred to in Article 31 of EURATOM Treaty, adopted in late February of 2010 the most important aspects of the future directive. This new Directive also adpats into a single legislative text the five previous directives, it also includes protection against gas radon on which there was previously only a recommendation. The issues of greatest concern are the new recommendations related to emergency planning, the new framework of the protection system now based on all types of situations, planned, existing and emergency. In addition, specific aspects of processing industries naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) are fully integrated in the protection system has included a major overhaul of protection in medical applications including extending what is stated in the current directive on the subject , addresses the specific aspects for imaging non-medical reasons, which sets out new requirements with respect to radon in homes and workplaces and, finally, are issued new requirements for residential construction materials.El Grupo de Expertos Asesor de la Comisión Europea en Protección Radiológica, contemplado en el artículo 31 del Tratado EURATOM, aprobó a finales de febrero de 2010 los aspectos más importantes de la futura directiva. Esta nueva directiva, además de que refunde en un único texto legislativo las cinco directivas anteriores, incorpora también la protección con respecto al gas radón sobre el cual solo existía anteriormente una recomendación. Los aspectos de mayor interés son las nuevas recomendaciones relacionadas con la planificación de las emergencias, el nuevo marco del sistema de protección basado ahora en todos los tipos de situaciones, planificadas, existentes y de emergencias. Además, los aspectos específicos de industrias que procesan materiales radiactivos naturales (NORM) están integrados totalmente en el sistema de protección; se ha incluido una revisión importante de la protección en las aplicaciones médicas incluso ampliando lo que se establecía en la actual directiva sobre el tema; se tratan los aspectos específicos para la obtención de imágenes por motivos no médicos; se establecen nuevos requerimientos con respecto al radón en viviendas y lugares de trabajo y, por último, se dictan nuevos requerimientos para materiales de construcción de viviendas

    La estimulación de las habilidades sociales básicas en niños de la edad temprana con Parálisis Cerebral a través del programa Educa a tu hijo/Stimulation of basic social skills in children at early ages with cerebral palsy though the program Educate your Children

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    El artículo surge de la maestría de Educación Especial realizada ante la necesidad de preparar a las personas involucradas en el proceso de estimulación temprana de las habilidades sociales básicas en los niños con Parálisis Cerebral. En tal sentido se sistematiza una concepción del funcionamiento del grupo multidisciplinario para la atención integral a los niños con PC mediante el programa Educa a tu hijo de las áreas de salud. La estrategia se sustenta en las concepciones actuales asumidas en Cuba para la estimulación temprana de los niños con discapacidad. En la investigación fueron utilizados como métodos fundamentales la observación y la revisión bibliográfica. Los resultados que se presentan fueron valorados como pertinentes a través de la consulta a especialistas

    Reconstrucción paleoclimática y paleoambiental de la Península Ibérica durante el Cuaternario, aplicación de modelos geoprospectivos para la evaluación de escenarios futuros

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    Esta comunicación trata de resumir el trabajo realizado por el ITGE, BRGM, CCMA, IPE, ETSIMM y ENRESA en el proyecto titulado "Paleoclimatological Revision of Climate Evolution and Environment in Western Mediterranean Region. Evaluation of future evolution scenarios in the Iberian Peninsula", en el marco del Programa de la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas sobre Gestión y Almacenamiento de Residuos Radioactivos (contrato CEC FI2WCT91- 0075)

    Molecular markers of oocyte differentiation in European eel during hormonally induced oogenesis

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    [EN] Reproduction in captivity is a key study issue in Anguilla anguilla as a possible solution for its dwindling population. Understanding the mechanisms controlling the production of ribosomal building blocks during artificially induced oocyte maturation could be particularly interesting. Transcription levels of ribosomal biogenesis associated genes could be used as markers to monitor oogenesis. Eels from the Albufera Lagoon were injected with carp pituitary extract for 15 weeks and ovaries in previtellogenic (PV) stage (non-injected), in early-, mid-, late-vitellogenesis (EV, MV, LV), as well as in migratory nucleus stage (MN) were analysed. 5S rRNA and related genes were highly transcribed in ovaries with PV oocytes. As oocytes developed, transcriptional levels of genes related to 5S rRNA production (gtf3a), accumulation (gtf3a, 42sp43) and nucleocytoplasmic transport (tp15, tp111) and the 5S/18S rRNA index decreased (PV > EV > MV > LV > MN). On the contrary, 18S rRNA was at its highest at MN stage while ubtf1 in charge of activating RNA-polymerase I and synthesising 18S rRNA behaved as 5S related genes. Individuals that did not respond (NR) to the treatment showed 5S/18S index values similar to PV females, while studied genes showed EV/LV-like transcription levels. Therefore, NR females fail to express the largest rRNAs, which could thus be taken as markers of successful vitellogenesis progression. In conclusion, we have proved that the transcriptional dynamics of ribosomal genes provides useful tools to characterize induced ovarian development in European eels. In the future, such markers should be studied as putative indicators of response to hormonal treatments and of the quality of obtained eel oocytes.This work was supported by EU 7th Framework Programme (PRO EEL, grant agreement no. 245257 & AQUAGAMETE COST Action FA1205), Spanish MINECO (AGL2012-33477 and AGL2015-63936-R), Basque Government (S-PE12UN086 & IT810-13) & UPV/EHU (UFI 11/37). Some fish were supplied by the Hunting and Continental Fishing Service of Generalitat Valenciana. I.R.B holds a PhD fellowship of the Basque Government.Rojo-Bartolomé, I.; Martínez-Miguel, L.; Lafont, A.; Vilchez Olivencia, MC.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF.; Pérez Igualada, LM.; Cancio, I. (2017). Molecular markers of oocyte differentiation in European eel during hormonally induced oogenesis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 211:17-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2017.05.018S172521


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    Se exponen los conceptos y definiciones sobre la energía, el consumo creciente y desmedido de esta a partir de los combustibles fósiles; la importancia de la sustitución de las fuentes tradicionales de energía por fuentes renovables. El comportamiento en el mundo y en Cuba del uso de la energía. Se presenta una valoración sobre la utilización de los calentadores solares como fuente de generación de calor para la obtención de agua caliente. Se abordan las principales características técnicas, así como el principio de funcionamiento de los calentadores de tubos de vidrio al vacio

    Human growth hormone (GH1) gene polymorphism map in a normal-statured adult population

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    OBJECTIVE: GH1 gene presents a complex map of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the entire promoter, coding and noncoding regions. The aim of the study was to establish the complete map of GH1 gene SNPs in our control normal population and to analyse its association with adult height. DESIGN, SUBJECTS AND MEASUREMENTS: A systematic GH1 gene analysis was designed in a control population of 307 adults of both sexes with height normally distributed within normal range for the same population: −2 standard deviation scores (SDS) to +2 SDS. An analysis was performed on individual and combined genotype associations with adult height. RESULTS: Twenty-five SNPs presented a frequency over 1%: 11 in the promoter (P1 to P11), three in the 5′UTR region (P12 to P14), one in exon 1 (P15), three in intron 1 (P16 to P18), two in intron 2 (P19 and P20), two in exon 4 (P21 and P22) and three in intron 4 (P23 to P25). Twenty-nine additional changes with frequencies under 1% were found in 29 subjects. P8, P19, P20 and P25 had not been previously described. P6, P12, P17 and P25 accounted for 6·2% of the variation in adult height (P = 0·0007) in this population with genotypes A/G at P6, G/G at P6 and A/G at P12 decreasing height SDS (−0·063 ± 0·031, −0·693 ± 0·350 and −0·489 ± 0·265, Mean ± SE) and genotypes A/T at P17 and T/G at P25 increasing height SDS (+1·094 ± 0·456 and +1·184 ± 0·432). CONCLUSIONS: This study established the GH1 gene sequence variation map in a normal adult height control population confirming the high density of SNPs in a relatively small gene. Our study shows that the more frequent SNPs did not significantly contribute to height determination, while only one promoter and two intronic SNPs contributed significantly to it. Studies in larger populations will have to confirm the associations and in vitro functional studies will elucidate the mechanisms involved. Systematic GH1 gene analysis in patients with growth delay and suspected GH deficiency/insufficiency will clarify whether different SNP frequencies and/or the presence of different sequence changes may be associated with phenotypes in them

    New mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and host plants for Sancti Spíritus Province, Cuba.

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    The aim of this paper is to provide information regarding a new registry of mealybugs and host plants in the Sancti Spíritus province of Cuba between 2005-2015. In this time period, 10 genera and 21 species of mealybugs were found (16 new records) in the ecosystems of the area studied by the Fomento Territorial Plant Protection Station. These new registries were found on 130 host plants species (40 previously unrecorded for Cuba), from 57 botanical families. This represents a notable increase in the number of genera and species of mealybugs present, as well as in the number of host plants, many of which were previously unreported in Cuba

    Endovascular treatment improves cognition after stroke. A secondary analysis of REVASCAT trial

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    Objective: To investigate the effect of endovascular treatment on cognitive function as a prespecified secondary analysis of the REVASCAT (Endovascular Revascularization With Solitaire Device Versus Best Medical Therapy in Anterior Circulation Stroke Within 8 Hours) trial. Methods: REVASCAT randomized 206 patients with anterior circulation proximal arterial occlusion stroke to Solitaire thrombectomy or best medical treatment alone. Patients with established dementia were excluded from enrollment. Cognitive function was assessed in person with Trail Making Test (TMT) Parts A and B at 3 months and 1 year after randomization by an investigator masked to treatment allocation. Test completion within 5 minutes, time of completion (seconds), and number of errors were recorded. Results: From November 2012 to December 2014, 206 patients were enrolled in REVASCAT. TMT was assessed in 82 of 84 patients undergoing thrombectomy and 86 of 87 control patients alive at 3 months and in 71 of 79 patients undergoing thrombectomy and 72 of 78 control patients alive at 1 year. Rates of timely TMT-A completion were similar in both treatment arms, although patients undergoing thrombectomy required less time for TMT-A completion and had higher rates of error-free TMT-A performance. Thrombectomy was also associated with a higher probability of timely TMT-B completion (adjusted odds ratio 3.17, 95% confidence interval 1.51-6.66 at 3 months; and adjusted ratio 3.66, 95% confidence interval 1.60-8.35 at 1 year) and shorter time for TMT-B completion. Differences in TMT completion times between treatment arms were significant in patients with good functional outcome but not in those who were functionally dependent (modified Rankin Scale score >2). Poorer cognitive outcomes were significantly associated with larger infarct volume, higher modified Rankin Scale scores, and worse quality of life. Conclusions: Thrombectomy improves TMT performance after stroke, especially among patients who reach good functional recovery. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class I evidence that for patients with stroke from acute anterior circulation proximal arterial occlusion, thrombectomy improves performance on the TMT at 3 months